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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 14 KB, 189x266, Lesbian_Experience.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16991935 No.16991935 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any anonymously published modern works (2008 - 2020) similar to My Lesbian Experience With Loneliness?

I'm aware of Confessions of an Oxygen Thief and The Last Binge Ever.

>> No.16991968

and i thought catcher in the rye was insufferable teen shit

>> No.16992124

This is the third time I see this awful book posted here and it makes me really happy. I still can't believe that some anons actually read this shit.

>> No.16992165

Why the negativity? This woman’s story reflects a lot of you people and your problems. It’s sweet and well made

>> No.16992172

>you people
>your problems

Didn't you relate to it also?

>> No.16992173

Sometimes I feel like I might be too harsh on you, but then you post shit like this. Thank you for reminding me that all tripfags - and you especially - are irredeemably stupid.

>> No.16992178
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It's just a short manga thing. I read it for the memes. Absolutely horrendous. Retarded thirty year old waster blames her parents for everything despite them doing nothing wrong (which she admitted several times). Wanted to fuck her own mother, complained about having "basically no friends" (which means she has some). It was a steaming mess of "pityyyyy meeeeeee". The absolute worst part about it is all the retards it attracted on goodreads talking about how it made them reassess "self care" and "self love". People need to love themselves a little bit less, not more.
Of course you would like it.

>> No.16992211

>Retarded thirty year old waster blames her parents for everything despite them doing nothing wrong (which she admitted several times). Wanted to fuck her own mother, complained about having "basically no friends"


>> No.16992222

>anonymously published

How anonymous is it?
Anyone ever try to dox the author?

>> No.16992224

She's right though

>> No.16992231


>> No.16992235

>taking trip off to samefag

>> No.16992236

It's a female?
That actually explains all its retarded takes, at least.

>> No.16992248

>award winner
>500+ reviews
I am interested but this look so mainstream

>> No.16992249

Not sure, but the author has written three books under a pseudonym.

>> No.16992253

I just suffered mood swings and depression, but yeah, I could relate some. Her family seems particularly cold.


You understood nothing she wrote and are only trying to smear it/her.
The absolute trash you people recommend around here...

>> No.16992259

It is I suppose mainstream in manga circles, but it was written by a loser and gained an audience via word of mouth etc.

>> No.16992264

By giving her some awards. Japan respects people’s privacy

>> No.16992282

Eat shit. I read it and it was bad.
>The absolute trash you people recommend around here...
If only all of us could be middle aged blown out attention whores. Take the trip off you absolute fool. Forest Anon is one of the few c/lit/s who have earned trip rights.

>> No.16992356

Anybody have any other recommendations?

>> No.16992435
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>This woman’s story reflects a lot of you people and your problems.
I didn't think this level of projection was possible.

>> No.16992453

>having this little self awareness
The anxiety issues of my youth are long gone and nothing compared to this woman’s problems. Anonymous has more in common with her than I

>> No.16992487

>everyone on /lit/ is the same person

>> No.16992497

I phrased it the only way you allow it to be phrased.
You all use the same name, now get used to being lumped in with the generality.

>> No.16992506

OP here. I related to the story. Her anxiety, lack of self-confidence, paranoia, feelings of being pathetic and useless are familiar to me.

>> No.16992508

This is intended to be an anonymous forum you fucking dolt.

>> No.16992540

No, it really isn’t. You’re thinking of /b/. You want this to be just like /b/ when you post this way, and so it is.

Now if you can’t think of a book similar to OP, just go back to one the numerous misogynist threads for you.
All I can think of is Girl Interrupted, but a male protagonist/author is probably what you need

>> No.16992542
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>> No.16992546


>> No.16992551
File: 41 KB, 600x600, 1605402806721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No, it really isn’t. You’re thinking of /b/

>> No.16992558

all of 4chan is de facto anon, you have to go out of your way to have a name or trip, and really the main purpose of that is if you're an OP in a thread where people need to know it's really you for whatever reason(like you're updating them on some situation going on around you).

I don't hate tripfags the way some people do, I don't really care, but it is simply lying to say that 4chan isn't an anon website first and foremost.

>> No.16992576
File: 92 KB, 882x1000, EGCHdIdVUAEExxm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every one in this thread replying to a fake bug

>> No.16992593

Outside of extremely fringe cases using a trip is sheer attention-seeking. The only reason people know butterfly is because she makes abhorrent, attention-seeking posts and then revels in trying to take the high road:
>"You guys are so immature"
She knows this is true, yet the attention is too sweet. She'd rather be (justifiably) hated than anonymous like the rest of us. It's really quite pathetic if you give it some thought.

>> No.16992622

Ok, I will reas this now since the people hating on it sound like loser normies

>> No.16992692
File: 48 KB, 500x625, 108244BD-F4D6-4E5F-977F-8D7737B12CAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I take responsibility for my posts. They’re only “abhorrent” to idiots like you. We’re stuck with idiocy like yours though. We can’t filter you. And that’s why you stay anonymous.
>if you give it some thought
Which you’re not good at, apparently.

>> No.16992719

Yes, well it was quite good. But I can only recommend the other two she has published. My apologies.

>> No.16992724

Have people here successfully challenged and changed some of your views, Butterfly?

>> No.16992742

How did you get a turtle in your trip?

>> No.16992761

I copied it from here

>> No.16992764

>you're not a namefag disruptor abberation like me, so you're all the same person
That mode of thinking is honest-to-God schizotypal. Are you seeing a therapist, Butterfly? You should be seeing a therapist.

>> No.16992778

Neat. I found a cigarette bird with a cup of coffee :)

>> No.16992841

Very cool 𓅽, I like it.

>> No.16992902

BUTTERFLY when are you going to stop being a marxist whore and become a based alt-right incel

>> No.16992932
File: 90 KB, 820x500, fren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You post with us all the time butterfly. You're like us frogs whether you like it or not. Staring into the abyss makes you abyss-colored, or something like that.

>> No.16992937

Is it another Orange is not the Only Fruit, but a bit different?

>> No.16992941

Butterfly was born a man and always will be

>> No.16992946

>Staring into the abyss makes you abyss-colored

>> No.16992952
File: 466 KB, 694x504, EF37E1C3-74BC-4D29-98EE-D5E638DFEA43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get good book recs, sure, Stirner, Nietzsche. People used to like them in the old days before the christian larpers. But I found anarchism on my own.

Berry pink is the color of space, says Lovecraft.

That’s not schizophrenia. That’s just defiance of groupthink. Be a conformist. I don’t bring it up till you start to peck at me.

>> No.16992960

I have a peepee and a lot of test and not even I was born a man. I was a wickle baby. Fucking Frankenstein monster fags thinking everyone was made in a lab.

>> No.16992971

A lot different. OiNtOF is sweeter. MLEwL is more Japanese otaku like.

HA never.

>> No.16992975

Anarchists are not Marxists

>> No.16992977

>But I found anarchism on my own.
You sure? D&E made some of the Bakunin vs Marx memes pretty early on iirc. First year of /lit/ was a lot of anarchy talk really.

>> No.16992992

Imagine subscribing to the one ideology that has never achieved anything of concrete value and then calling other people larpers.

>> No.16993009

I can't believe you're unashamedly flashing your naked capitalist ideology like that on a sfw blue board.

>> No.16993661

>People need to love themselves a little bit less, not more.
Amen, brother

>> No.16993692

First time I've ever seen a trip code I respect

>> No.16993708

>I read it for the memes.
I hate this fucking society so much

>> No.16993710

imagine thinking neesha has anything to do with anarchism

>> No.16993742

sometimes I forget how bitter and sad you all are, and then I read a thread like this. I have no opinion on this book, I've never read it, but the level of self hatred and misery in some of these comments is disturbing. time to stop posting here until my memory of this thread erodes and I get bored again in a few months.

>> No.16993753

>time to stop posting here until my memory of this thread erodes and I get bored again in a few months
see you tomorrow

>> No.16993758

i wouldn't read

>what it's like to be a lonely male who feels bad and jacks off

so why should i read the meatflaps version of this. women really think having a cunt or their preferred partner makes them more interesting.

>> No.16993763

>understood nothing she wrote
i see you've been taking notes from evolafags

>> No.16993764

good riddance, queer

>> No.16993782

When did the romanticism of this kind of person become popular?
>muh beautiful because I'm broken
I dont get it

>> No.16993871
File: 21 KB, 540x197, 30311161._SX540_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i won't lie, this is below elliot roger tier, straight out of r9k shit

>> No.16994435

Yeah a friend shared it with me and once it turned to the mother-fucking fetish shit I just dropped it. It was going nowhere, it just devolved into fetish confessions and nothing else.

>> No.16994489

The reverse Electra complex wasn't even the worst bit for me- I often read (and enjoy reading) weird shit. The worst part was the whining and immaturity. It was like an 8 year old wrote the bloody thing.
>Starts manga drawing club with friends
>Stops going because she doesn't want to write with her friends
>Whaaa I have """basically no friends""" (which means she does fucking have friends, just maybe not as many as she thinks she should

>> No.16994521

Who is this cute little lesbian and how tight is her pussy?
Classic coomers.

>> No.16994802

I hate it when women pretend to understand loneliness.

>> No.16994826

japanese really do understand it

>> No.16995251

>It was like an 8 year old wrote the bloody thing.
That's pretty much as far as japanese females are able to develop mentally, tbqh.
Which is quite interesting, since females of other races can technically reach the mental maturity of a 14 year old male). Wonder if it's a cultural thing, or ingrained genetically.

>> No.16995255
File: 112 KB, 1533x961, 1590820076253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aren't all Japanese women supposed to be well above 100iq?

>> No.16995264

I don't even remember her being here the first year.

>> No.16995281

Is that why they scream like little girls and try to look "cutesy" all the time?

There's gotta be some writing about the Japanese attraction to neoteny and "cuteness". Why are they like that?

>> No.16995300

>Is that why they scream like little girls
I dated a Chinese girl for a while back in uni and she did this too when I was delivering the BWC. Hugely unappealing. She 100% picked it up from porn.

>> No.16995325

>People need to love themselves a little bit less, not more.
Fucking this. I’d also say that the less mental energy you devote to your perception of your own identity, the better.

>> No.16995332

Is LondonFrog still around? I haven't browsed in a while. I hope he hasn't died of heart disease.

>> No.16995344

Yes, LondonFrog is still around. He's posted like 5 times in the past two weeks and that's just the ones I've seen.

>> No.16995355

I hope things turn out for him. Needs more walx.

>> No.16995363

Is it even the same guy? Feels different.

>> No.16995820

Have you ever wondered why 99.88% of users on this site are anonymous? And that includes all boards, not just /b/?
Have you ever thought that that might be the way the site is intended to be used? But no, you can not be wrong, all the other thousands of users must be wrong.

>> No.16995903

Low tier bait

The australians are at it again

>> No.16997272
File: 776 KB, 1147x1114, 062A7390-18D6-48C6-AE53-0D2F17B94F4D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine trying to own someone on an author they've read. You don’t know anarchism or Nietzsche
Its therapeutic to learn you’re not alone. It’s a helpful read.
It’s not romanized. It The Underground Man or No Longer Human romanticizing this kind of person?
Absolute opposite! You miserable self hating NPCs
0/10 the twit who rather kill people to try and feel something? C’mon.
Says the anonymous with fetishes for children, feet and shit

Your pain is not unique
He won’t suck you off

>But no, you can not be wrong, all the other thousands of users must be wrong.

>> No.16997377
File: 285 KB, 960x390, ewrpju8eofy11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right; they're worse than Marxists.

>> No.16997415

>It [sic] The Underground Man or No Longer Human romanticizing this kind of person?
Unironically yes.

>> No.16997460

>buttershrew seethes over anons dissing her dyke Houellebecq equivalent

>> No.16997474

I realize this is a bit rude and aggressive, but I honestly believe butters deserved to get raped by that BBC

>> No.16997480

(When the rape originally happened, I mean; I of course wouldn't wish a future crime on anyone)

>> No.16997481

I was considering self-publishing a memoir of my sexual experiences, which are limited to prostitute, Asian massage parlors, sex clubs, and porno shoots, but figured it would be too tame to be marketable.

>> No.16997493
File: 10 KB, 224x225, 1604635953596.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Butterfly you're really outdoing yourself today. It's time to fuck off.

>> No.16997526

No, they’re socialists.

Amazing how it’s okay when males do it.

I’m mostly pissed that my board has gone to such shit.

You talking about a South Park episode or something?

I guess the meaning of bait has changed

>> No.16997547
File: 65 KB, 1024x576, 1601293115371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I guess the meaning of bait has changed
No, tripfagging and mass replying for attention, single-handedly making the entire board a worse place for years on end still qualifies as bait.

>> No.16997551

It isn't your board and it never was.

>> No.16997557

dont listen to the haters do your thing queen

>> No.16997567
File: 249 KB, 384x406, 1606345590921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>simping a mediocre author just because it's a woman


>> No.16997572

Our problems? Where do you think we are. 4chan is a chad imageboard.

>> No.16997600

Give it to me straight bros, is this based or cringe? No memery. Might pick it up.

>> No.16997609

You're not going to get an honest answer here.

>> No.16997611

It's good and it's short.

>> No.16997616

No. Because it’s a book a lot of you need to read and relate to. The haters are either seriously deranged or trolling
>women can’t understand loneliness!

>> No.16997622

>My Lesbian Experience With Loneliness
This sounds like the most boring thing ever.

>> No.16997630

lets address the real elephant in the room, is there hot lesbo sex and naked women?

>> No.16997633

Well it’s not the Uncanny X-MEN

>> No.16997638


>> No.16997643

good enough for me

>> No.16997644

The latter. Not so much the former

>> No.16997651

My God, you're such an unfunny woman. Unbelievable

>> No.16997670

Yeah, but it's also not Shakespeare, Byron, McCarthy, or a thousand other quality and exciting things I could be reading instead of your literal gay teen manga.

>> No.16997685

Nah that would make it better. The author is 30.

>> No.16997686

imight read it actually if its about life as an awkward 20 something college aged weirdo trying to find their place in the world and around dating when everyone else knows more than you and its all so weird and fucked up ahhh i hate it /rant

>> No.16997700

She's was a 28 year old mostly neet virgin who put her mind to improving herself and her situation and ultimately made her dream of becoming a mangakai happen.
What have you been doing anon?

>> No.16997710

More or less not whining and not blaming my parents for my problems. Also, don't pretend you'd care about this story if it were a man crying and complaining about not having a purpose or not having friends.

>> No.16997720

I care about many (male) anons who post about such things.

>> No.16997727

if no one would care about a man writing a story like that, then at least there is a story by a woman about similar topics out there that i can read. i want to relate to someone who is also lonely and an outcast. i dont care about gender really but i get if you dont want to read from a womans perspective. i dont consider myself a traditionally masculine guy anyway dont really care about that shit. it just sounds like a nice story.

>> No.16997740

>it just sounds like a nice story.
Then why don't you read it? It'll take you like 20 minutes. Why don't you rummage through it and get back to me on whether or not my criticisms listed here >>16992178 are fair?

>> No.16997750
File: 253 KB, 1200x1632, 1200px-Sigmund_Freud,_by_Max_Halberstadt_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wanted to fuck her own mother
It's only natural, anon

>> No.16997875

>Yeah, but it's also not Shakespeare, Byron, McCarthy, or a thousand other quality and exciting comic boo—

But that’s the points of Underground Man and No Longer Human, no?

>> No.16997946

the Twitter experience

>> No.16997965

you're upset about something in your own life of you aren't just lol'ing through this thread, like all threads. go to therapy, you need it more than these sick twisted psycho haters

>> No.16998142

You are insufferable, tripfag.

>> No.16998242

Shut the fuck up, Tripfag. I'm not reading that pseudointellectual dykeshit.

>> No.16998286

Bronze Age Mindset

>> No.16999140


>> No.16999310

They're in denial and pretend themselves to be big and strong and juggernauts of emotional resilience.

>> No.16999340

Read 'Welcome To The NHK'

>> No.16999347

Because people dont care when men have problems only when women do.

>> No.16999363

If you hate her so much why don't you filter her?

>> No.16999419

this. i bet most of them have not read it.

>> No.17000805

I thought she appeared in the second year but seemed like she'd lurked at least at the end of the first year. Like the post BrownBear period. We're talking about like a decade ago now though so I'm not going to claim my recollection is 100% here.

Either way I found the Sweet Marx and Hella Bakunin meme delightful, pretty sure I reposted that at least for the first couple of years.

>> No.17001080

>both lesbians have vaginas
Meh. At least one needs a dick.

>> No.17001120

Frued is such a hack. How the hell does he know what people want to do? He's a guy who has never spend a single moment out of his own head. He was bullshiting the whole time, right?

>> No.17001273

you know, i'm glad this book gets posted and causes so much seethe here. hopefully it'll teach anons that "character development" is the equivalent of "what i did on my weekend" and make us all better writers.

>> No.17001292

Read what you want but this book does not pretend to be intellectual.

>> No.17001333

Kill yourself tranny

>> No.17001417
File: 308 KB, 706x706, 1603093415037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd absolutely read "what it's like to be a lonely male who feels bad and jacks off", are there any books like that?

>> No.17001520

But it's impossible for a lesbian to have a penis.

>> No.17001529

He actually spent a lot of time outside of his own head, and his theories are based on observations made during his clinical work. The Oedipal thing gets talked about the most because it's scandalous, but that's only one of his ideas. He wrote a ton of stuff and was constantly revising his theories.

>> No.17001534

mtf lesbian

>> No.17001566

>lesbian manga
>not battle manga

>> No.17001567

The works of Michel Houellebecq. "The Elementary Particles" is probably his most famous and best received books, and it goes into loneliness in the modern world.

>> No.17001620

So a man.

>> No.17001715

a straight man

>> No.17001723

>cream like little girls and try to look "cutesy" all the time?
all of them huh. dude dont be ignorant.

>> No.17001778

Transwomen are women. Transbians are lesbians.

>> No.17001819

>Transwomen are women.
They are not, they will never be, and neither are you.

>> No.17001848

It's not worth the effort anon, she isn't ever gonna get it

>> No.17001910

No really why does this manga create such a shitstorm on /lit/? There are quite literally thousands of other manga just like this one you could discuss (no I don't know all of them, I just know that hikikomori/NEET is practically a genre of manga), yet THIS one keeps getting mentioned and creating controversy. Which is strange since it's very mediocre and does nothing controversial nor boundary pushing

>> No.17001920


>> No.17002012

>Transwomen are women.

no, they're not, and telling them they are is incredibly irresponsible.

>> No.17002030

I'm sick of worthless cunts and their inane problems

>> No.17002097

It's abit silly, but i'm a guy that like yuri here and there so i'm biased to liking it.

I think there's definitely something about existential relief in the manga, that she decided to cast aside the falsity of searching for a relationship through the contemporary Japanese world/culture, and instead by visiting the escort, sought this answer through herself

>> No.17002124

It's because some fag keeps bringing it up.

>> No.17002267

Welcome to the NHK

>> No.17002547


It is not possible for women to understand the existence of a man.

>> No.17002622

since you wanted a refutation:

>Retarded thirty year old waster blames her parents for everything despite them doing nothing wrong (which she admitted several times)

It's perfectly normal to feel this way when your parents don't understand you, you are you and they are them, even if they spent a whole lifetime raising you, I don't think the author hates her parents but is rather frustrated at this contradiction

>Wanted to fuck her own mother, complained about having "basically no friends" (which means she has some).

I see people on here talk about wanting a mommy gf all the time, in regards to 'basically no friends' it's a common situation where you don't have any close confidants etc. I mean, sure you can talk to people you once knew in school etc. etc. but they arn't exactly 'friends'

>It was a steaming mess of "pityyyyy meeeeeee".

I don't see why this is inherently bad, lamentations of this kind are par the course

>The absolute worst part about it is all the retards it attracted on goodreads talking about how it made them reassess "self care" and "self love".

They are wrong only in how they describe it, which precisely would be existentialism.

>People need to love themselves a little bit less, not more.

People need to realize that loving themselves means looking within yourself for answers in regards to your life, like purpose or meaning, not hoping for it to come by from our world, which the author admits were her mistakes (Hoping that her fulfilling societal and parental expectations would automatically alleviate her of her situation)

>> No.17002670

I have no horse in this race but wanting a "mommy gf" is not the same as wanting to fuck your actual mom who gave birth to you. Mommy gf shit is the idealized mature full figured woman (that specifically is not related to you ffs) that is nice to you. People that want to fuck their moms usually have bad or at least sub par relationships with them like the OP and the wires in their brain that desire motherly affection is crossed with their sexual needs.

>> No.17002744

even if that were the case, the author's trauma seems more due to her crisis between school and employment, I don't recall her mentioning her mother being cruel, cold or demanding, just unable to really understand her daughters feelings

the author still makes distinctions about how she wants to do it with a woman not biologically related to her, even if her more direct instincts simply react to her actual mother, so it is clear she does not actually want to fuck her mom (like yknow, the super-ego, ego and id all giving the go ahead to do it)

>> No.17002795

book is pedoshit. you can tell. why its anonymous

>> No.17002923

>It's perfectly normal to feel this way when your parents don't understand you,
No, it's not normal for an adult to live with mommy and daddy and hate them for not understanding their delusions.

>> No.17002986

>No, it's not normal for an adult to live with mommy and daddy

Given the author lives in Japan it's not uprising, in general most capital cities in developed nations have very high housing costs, this is also worsened by how in Japan temp-work seems to be increasingly the norm.

>hate them for not understanding their delusions

I would'nt call the feelings/sense of self the author has delusions if she feels better off and more confident after embracing them, in fact it seems like she is living a more lucid life to what she wants to be, delusion would be what she was doing, hoping that she can find what she wants to be through her parents, work or something other than herself and her introspection into her in her totality.