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16991605 No.16991605 [Reply] [Original]

What happens next?

>> No.16991613

Eve is already corrupted so she's cast out and Adam loses another rib.

>> No.16991631

Free will doesn't exist.

>> No.16991647

This. Pure deterministic causality coarses forward infinitely and there is literally no end to our joy and glory because entropy doesn’t exist.

>> No.16991664

Adam retains his place in paradise. Eve is cast out with no hope of salvation as Jesus never incarnates. God makes Adam a new wife.

>> No.16991718

>Adam is still in heaven
>modern humans are the children of Eve and the Snake

>> No.16991786

Adam moves on to wife number 3 and E*e is exposed as the thot she is.

>> No.16991806

humanity doesnt fall prey to the false lures of agriculture and instead continues to live a meaningful and satisfying-to-the-individual existence as hunter gatherers

>> No.16992652

and then what happens?

>> No.16992671

>entropy doesn’t exist.
This is interesting. I've never heard this before. Could you explain? Why does entropy not exist?

>> No.16992680


>> No.16992698

Adam remains an oblivious dumbass in Heaven, while Eve struggles, but ultimately shapes the world with children she had with Snake or whoever's hanging out there. It's questionable how different would the world really be, since there would be sons born and women will realize they can just exploit their muscle power by stroking their ego, putting men again in position of power.

>> No.16992842
File: 23 KB, 620x388, Donald_Trump_huge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lotta dicks in a lotta butts.

>> No.16992893

man that fucking SUCKS!

>> No.16992908

But does this mean that AI's will definitely be able to predict the future once they are able to calculate the paths of every atom in the universe?

>> No.16992969


>> No.16993067

He stops getting pussy and someone else eats it instead

>> No.16993190

I love it when chantards LARP as christians almost as much as when they pretend to be buddhists.

>> No.16993206

Suffering. Eve freed humanity from ignorance; she deserves to be honored.

>> No.16993312
File: 45 KB, 448x598, 9B49D293-B397-417F-A483-77911768B168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Entropy is gone because quantum mechanics no longer exists.

Quantum mechanics no longer exists because things can no longer be random.

Things can no longer be random because the universe is deterministic.

The universe is deterministic because free will no longer exists.

Free will no longer exists because they didn’t eat the fruit.

>> No.16993326

>quantum mechanics no longer exists.
You need to study physics

>> No.16993348

Meh. I’m confident that the source of dark energy in the universe comes from strings themselves.

>> No.16993462
File: 1.02 MB, 1242x1528, sexcore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so god saved us from entropy, based

>> No.16993468

There's literally a Saki story about Eve refusing. Everyone itt looks like a Twitter poster though so a Saki length story is probably too long for you all.

>> No.16993472 [DELETED] 

God takes all of Adam's ribs trying to make women that don't fuck the snake, Adam figures you he can self-fellate for all eternity.

>> No.16993494

God takes all of Adam's ribs trying to make women that don't fuck the snake, Adam figures out he can self-fellate for all eternity.
God gives up.

>> No.16993506

She tells god Adam tried to rape her

>> No.16993540

If anything it was Eve who took Adam's innocence.

>> No.16993686

Is this the new MGS plot?

>> No.16993695

>exposed as the thot she is.
Dios mío... Basado.

>> No.16993715

Yes, but keep it hush hush, Konami doesn't want it yet known.

>> No.16993737

If quantum mechanics "didn't exist" anymore your computer would have stopped working this very moment.

>> No.16993996

Adam and Eve ate the apple,
we got free will,
entropy exists.
OP was asking what if they hadn’t.