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16989598 No.16989598 [Reply] [Original]

>Semicolons are “idiocy,” Cormac McCarthy scoffed in a Vanity Fair interview.

>> No.16989603


>> No.16989618

Cormac doesn’t like Proust either—he’s an idiot savant

>> No.16989630

Reading McCarthy is for Chudiots, so they should fit together nicely.

>> No.16989642

A completely arbitrary opinion not based on anything legitimate. Both Faulkner and Melville used semi-colons, from my memory Melville did so especially liberally. And those were the two McCarthy was probably imitating the most.

>> No.16989650

McCarthy's favorite is Joyce. His shitty attitude towards punctuation comes from Jimmy joy. Also helps that Corncob is Irish.

>> No.16989651

whatever man. I mean Vonnegut called them hermaphordites as an insult which in this day and age could be considered transphobic.


>> No.16989657

Cormac is a philistine.
A genius. Hell yes.
A literay critic. Fuck no.
Btw there are atleast 12 semicolons in his very first novel 'The Orchard Keeper'

>> No.16989660

I hear he's writing "Pandemonium Of The Sun, Or A Microscopic Journey Into The Anus of Thomas Pynchon."

>> No.16989661

>A completely arbitrary opinion not based on anything legitimate.
Lol what? It's an aesthetic preference

>> No.16989666

I think he meant punctuation in general

>> No.16989683

>And trough tremulous sheets of sinew-like tissue we traverse through the fleshy and red map of a his ogival orifice into the upper furnace of the viscera and phlegm and puss-spewing baubles along the sectioned and opalescent path from which we embark upon our journey.

>> No.16989718

didn't laugh

>> No.16989722

At least I taught ya some new words.

>> No.16989730

yo this nigga got lizard eyes n shit

>> No.16989737

Fuck off, Thomas.

>> No.16989752

His books have some cool passages and his characters tend to have interesting philosophies but this man does not possess a high intellect. I knew this when he said he likes to hang out with scientists (he apparently tends to ask "the right" questions which makes the people at Santa Fe think he's a genius).
He's like Bob Dylan. If he talked more, he'd expose himself as a mid-wit. Also, he's afraid of technology which is another sign of stupidity.

>> No.16989755

I made a typo in the second word. How do I got back to edit?
Can someone explain Sneed to me?

>> No.16989757
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>> No.16989772

>He is afraid of technology
He isn't. He explicitly said that he liked computers.

>> No.16989787
File: 90 KB, 1000x1000, apple-ii-computer-1977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. Here is what he writes on.

>> No.16989795

>not being afraid of technology
Wew lad, enjoy getting pegged by an AI-generated Lilith goddess for all eternity, then.

>> No.16989799

I mean for the purposes of writing that seems ideal

>> No.16989818

Computers are not good for writing. You can always correct your mistakes on that.

>> No.16989820

I meant phobia. We aren't corresponding with quill and ink at the moment.

>> No.16989870


>> No.16989876

Proustfags seething. Go suck the nearest cock

>> No.16990311


>> No.16990375

I have yet to see a single worthwhile writer disparage semicolons.

>> No.16990378

It's the autistic comma. Totally unnecessary.

>> No.16990475

It's used to connect independent but closely related clauses. It also usually indicates a shorter pause than a period. If you forgo the semicolon, you end up with terse, choppy writing like:
>It's the autistic comma. Totally unnecessary (this is a sentence fragment, by the way).
or clunky, awkward writing like:
>It's the autistic comma, and it's totally unnecessary.
Whereas if you do use semicolons, you end up with:
>It's the autistic comma; totally unnecessary.
A shorter pause between both clauses, which helps the flow of the passage, no sentence fragments, and a nice indicator that yes, those two clauses do relate to each other.

>> No.16990491

Thanks wikipedia, pretty sure we all knew what a semicolon was but it's great to have you weigh in.

>> No.16990699

Or, you know, you could just use a fucking comma.

>> No.16990739

the virgin semicolon vs the Chad Em-Dash
yes, emilie dickinson is your mommy. YES

>> No.16990777
File: 7 KB, 474x266, chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's the autistic comma: totally unnecessary.

>> No.16990783

Failing to notice the subtle difference indicates the semicolon conveys a nuance you cannot see. Treat it like color blindness.

>> No.16990789

Cut it out with this fake posturing. That example is a clear cut definition of a semicolon and a comma being interchangeable.

>> No.16990807
File: 118 KB, 1286x997, colon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Treat it like color blindness: failing to notice the subtle difference indicates the semicolon conveys a nuance you cannot see.
>Cut it out with this fake posturing: that example is a clear cut definition of a semicolon and a comma being interchangeable.

>> No.16990848

Last time I checked, two independent clauses (that are related) were never connected through commas.

>> No.16990866

The totally unnecessary is completely predicated on the definition of autistic in that anon's post. It's dependent on the information in the previous clause. It's just bad writing. Stop acting like such a faggot just because you googled what a semicolon is.

>> No.16990870

Also stop samefagging, you barely literate retard.

>> No.16991023
File: 214 KB, 1200x1200, Kindly Uncle Ted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also, he's afraid of technology which is another sign of stupidity.

>> No.16991130

This argument keeps coming up. I think most people would agree:

1. Cormac doesn't like semicolons.

2. He practices what he preaches — he almost never uses them.

3. His writing is pretty darned awesome.

4. On the other hand, there are lots of fine writers who *do* use semicolons.

So who's right?

Here's how I think of it. When cinema started, all films were black-and-white. Then colour came along. Now, you might think, one or other has to be better, so after a while everyone would be using whatever's better. But that isn't true. Some films are perfect in colour:
>Star Wars
>2001: A Space Odyssey
>Gone With The Wind (they even gave it a special Oscar for "dramatic expressionist use of colour")
But others are perfect in black and white:
>Casablanca (they've colourised it and everyone correctly says yuck this is disgusting)
>Citizen Kane
>The Third Man

It's exactly the same in literature. Cormac McCarthy has deliberately restricted himself to a particular sonic/rhythmic palette, just as some films restrict themselves to shades of grey. The stories he wants to tell and the tone he wants to use are exactly suited to that. But if P.G.Wodehouse tried cutting off all his semicolons his books would instantly fall over dead.

CM was correct that a lot of pretentious, amateurish writing could be improved by removing semicolons. But if he said that all semicolons should be expunged from all writing, everywhere, he was wrong. (I doubt he said that, though.)

>> No.16991139

Reddit tier response. Please include terms like "seethe", "cope" "faggot", "pleb" and "nigger" next time. Thank you.

>> No.16991196

Could just as easily use a dash.
Personally, I use whatever punctuation looks cooler.

>> No.16991200

Lol not even the same fag. Admit you might be wrong. Maybe, just maybe, nuances aren’t your thing.

>> No.16991218

>this reddit spacing
>pretty darned awesome
Lurk moar. Quality post though.

>> No.16991220

You have no real idea what you're talking about with these "nuances" you speak of.
Syntactical choice, especially in the realm of literature, can operate on a purely aesthetic level, like in CM's polysyndetic style. You seem to be autistically preoccupied with the mechanics and influence of an individual's particular inflection.
I'm sure your well-versed in all this.

>> No.16993209

Unrelated but what is John Grady's height?

>> No.16993218
File: 14 KB, 474x354, colon2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lol not even the same fag: admit you might be wrong. Maybe, just maybe, nuances aren’t your thing.

>> No.16993230
File: 94 KB, 1434x668, colon3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You have no real idea what you're talking about with these "nuances" you speak of: syntactical choice, especially in the realm of literature, can operate on a purely aesthetic level, like in CM's polysyndetic style. You seem to be autistically preoccupied with the mechanics and influence of an individual's particular inflection.
>I'm sure your well-versed in all this.

>> No.16993239

>getting pegged by an AI-generated Lilith goddess for all eternity,

>> No.16993243

No that’s GRRM, McCarthy used the same typewriter for 100 years.

>> No.16993262

He’s not wrong.
A comma will replace any semicolon.

>> No.16993371

I still dont understand how you're actually supposed to use them, so I dont bother with them.

>> No.16993384

6'10", square jaw, elite chad

>> No.16993387
File: 11 KB, 172x159, 1570043527373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back

>> No.16993457


>> No.16994574

>dies simping for an epileptic prostitute
don't sound like no all-american cowboy to me

>> No.16994592

Fuck this guy; I use more semicolons in my writing than commas.

>> No.16995211

>he apparently tends to ask "the right" questions which makes the people at Santa Fe think he's a genius
No, he's the unofficial editor for many rather famous scientists, so they know him much more personally than that.
>Also, he's afraid of technology
No he isn't, he openly says he likes computers.

>> No.16995230

That isn't redditspacing newfag

>> No.16995283

what about em dashes

>It's the autistic comma - totally unnecessary.

Looks better, simple as

>> No.16995301


>> No.16995712

This kid failed all of his highschool English assignments. Cope harder fag.

>> No.16995724

Imagine being so narrow-minded that slight nuances illicit raging faggotry.

>> No.16995727

I wonder if that might be an intentional commentary on the death of the American frontier? Nah probably not

>> No.16995776

What the hell are you talking about? I'm right, numbnuts.

>> No.16996196

Imagine being filtered by a semicolon

>> No.16997675

More like filtering the semi-colon