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16990784 No.16990784[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the human soul exactly?

>> No.16990786

Read the Republic.

>> No.16990793

The animating principle of life and a form.

>> No.16990797

bullshit concept that neuroscience has debunked

>> No.16990801

According to Islam Allah created humans ultimately to be tested whether they worship the true faith or not. On the day of judgement. Souls will either go to heaven or hell. In heaven they will enjoy therein with voluptuous virgins, rivers of wine, milk and honey. And every single pleasure activity you can comprehend. Meanwhile, unbelievers will burn in hell for eternity with the worst of torture will be bestowed upon them. This is your life of average 70+ years if you're lucky to live that long.

>> No.16990808

Like, your essence, man.

>> No.16990819

The cell of your personal existence in God. A matrix of the self, an equation that becomes. The collection of all experiences for this unique I/eye designation. A starting point and growth in the infinite.

>> No.16990823

What papers are you working from there?

>> No.16990826

Imagine how weak the soul is if it can be overridden by removing parts of the brain or by hormones coursing through the body

>> No.16990828


>> No.16990837

weak souls are easy to kill

>> No.16990844

I have the most soul and most "Arete." If you wanted to get into the gates of Elysium you would take notes from me.

>> No.16990845

The Ego Tunnel by Thomas Metzinger
Consciousness And The Social Brain by Michael Graziano

This video is a good summary of Thomas' work

>> No.16990846

Cringe. Absolutely soulless and probably collects funko pops.

>> No.16990860
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>> No.16990864

Take your funko pop and shove it where the son doan shine

>> No.16990878

t.brainlet unaware of lobotomy and biochemistry

>> No.16990881

you're a literal soulless NPC lmao

>> No.16990915

The conditions of the host affect the parasite

>> No.16991017

>lol believe or you're tortured for eternity

Is this god or a mob boss?

>> No.16991068

According to the 3 bodies principle as suggested by Ficino, we have 3 bodies
Our material body
Our spiritual body
And our 'soul' which is the bridge between them.

The spiritual body is largely inaccessible to most people as it is essentially a direct descendant from God (technically so are the other two but, different discussion) and you have to work to place yourself in a position to consciously incorporate it. But the soul is a bridge whereby you get impresions and ideas and inspirations from your spiritual body, through to your material.

This is of course a reflection of the Holy Trinity concept, as well. As above, so below etc.

>> No.16991099

It's a very old wooden ship

>> No.16991107

>What is the human soul exactly?
The human soul is the fact that you exist. You exist, and will always have existed. Even when you die, even when everyone forgets you, even when the earth dies and the universe implodes, you exist, and will have existed and will always have existed and no one can ever kill that or take that away.

>> No.16991110

What will we do when there's no one left to haunt?

>> No.16991134

Haunting is not a prerequisite.

>> No.16991151

>Born in north korean concentration camp
>never hear of religion, let alone islam
>die at like 22
>allah sends you to hell because you didn't pray 5 times a day facing to mekka
Sounds more like what an evil and vain god would do

>> No.16991155

If it were disassembled and an exact replica created in its place would it be the same soul

>> No.16991660

>Imagine how weak the player is if it can be overridden by unplugging parts of the hardware or by hackers ddosing game servers.

Or having the body be corruptible is a feature

>> No.16991662

NPC detected

>> No.16991679

>to be tested
Christcuck bullshit.

Allah incarnates all souls.

>> No.16991706

>If it were disassembled and an exact replica created in its place would it be the same soul
The body loses all its atoms after a certain number of years. It also loses most or all of its cells. Is your body still your body after that? What makes your body, your body? Your soul, obviously. It's a higher dimension. the experience of the body is just an imprint upon it. Therefore the body is a servant of the soul.

>> No.16991793

>rig the game against men
>it's your fault you became a sinner
Sounds like God is a giant whiny faggot

>> No.16992324

A fiction

>> No.16992741

qualia. its the things that inspired the concept of the "soul" or the "spirit" in the first place. and if you have it, you can directly observe it

>> No.16993902

What properties does the soul have anyways. If it had it's own capacity for sensation or memory you'd think when you pass out drunk or something you'd have an out of body experience but that doesn't happen

>> No.16993954

And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul

Verbum dei

The soul is the totality of what man is. Notice man is composed of physical elements--the dust of the ground and air. His Soul is an emergent property of his total development, as confirmed by science.

In all theological questions keep in mind that God is always already addressing the whole thing, from beginning to end, since he is outside time. Each person's whole soul is thus already beheld by the Lord.

>> No.16994129

why would a being outside of time create beings that experience time? or experience at all? what would something like god find valuable in those qualities? why would god, prefer any quality to any other? why would he create this incredibly specific reality comprised of extremely specific qualities? the only answer seems to be that he created realities with every other quality too and the way to explain how this reality is is that its just a random one out of infinite other possible ones. but if the totality of his creation cant be constrained with any specificity, we cant say anything about god. then why call him god?

>> No.16994137

If you can't measure it with science, it is non-existent.

>> No.16994155

an individual can measure his own.

>> No.16994228

I can't empirically measure this statement, so how do I know it's true?

>> No.16994654

> I can’t find empirical evidence of the supernatural with my natural methods so it’s not real
Have you really thought about this?

>> No.16994867

That's the thing though, the soul is non-human. The soul is sentience, but non-humans are also sentient.

this had to be inferred and supposed, it cannot be shown and proved, any more then smashing a radio music player shows that the radio wave containing the music originate from the radio instead of being already outside it.

the soul is that which observes qualia, if it wasn't, then how could we describe what qualia are and how they are different from another if they were not illumined by a presence who is separate from them?

>> No.16994878
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>The soul is like the ball, containing the piss, as opposed to the cock, which pisses

>> No.16994933

means by which the spirit is entrapped in flesh

>> No.16994978

well if the predictability of empirical evidence far outweighs the "supernatural" claims then why should prefer assumption without any evidence over assumptions with evidence?

>> No.16995290

>the soul is that which observes qualia
i might agree with this. but are the qualia seperate from the qualia haver? if they existed on their own in a vacuum they would still be experienced because they are litteraly experiences. but
>if it wasn't, then how could we describe what qualia are and how they are different from another if they were not illumined by a presence who is separate from them?
but they are, by the brain. i dunno...

>> No.16995351

super advanced neural network that utilizes quantum mechanics for very fast information processing and storage in a very small area. We're basically organic super AIs. So do we have souls? Perhaps. Our brains could be linked to another universe where our "soul" derives from. connected through tiny worm holes in our brain. I think sleeping is when we are most connected to our souls, which is when our brains are most active.

>> No.16995617
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What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence

>> No.16995647

A big cope for christcucks

>> No.16995658

reread his statement dork. and go back to redit

>> No.16995694

The scientific method stands on the presupposition of the super natural. Please empirically prove the existence of logic, numbers and ethics ti me smooth brain. Empiracally prove to me that the human use of science isn't just larp from a series of chemicals.

>> No.16995699

God made it all because He loves you.

>Measure it with science
What does this even mean?

>super advanced neural network
Yes yes and before this it was a a lot of very small vacuum tubes and before that it was a highly detailed machine of wires and strings.

>> No.16995731

The truth of logic is self-evident and empirically proven every day of your life in everything you do. The "truth" of numbers is derived from axioms. They prove that they say something important about the universe by being a fundamental part of all parts of contemporary human life. Christcuckery is only valid in the delusional brains of christcucks.

>> No.16995734
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It's the size of your thumb and it lives in your heart.

>> No.16995736

>lol it just works
Nice religious thimking brainlet

>> No.16995801

Subjective experience is evidence, my son