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/lit/ - Literature

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16988343 No.16988343 [Reply] [Original]

What is the most /lit/ mental illness?

>> No.16988351


>> No.16988356


>> No.16988676

based, asking to see a psychologist for an spd diagnosis this weekend

>> No.16988690

Mental illnesses aren't /lit/. Having a functioning undiseased mind is the most literary thing in the universe.

>> No.16988707

kys fucking neurotypical normalfag piece of shit. set yourself on fire immediately, faggot. i fucked your mother

>> No.16988716

Schizo by far

>> No.16988804

All good writers have been fucked in the head

>> No.16988807

>Are afraid to play on the swings.
Wow I'm an SPDchad now.

>> No.16988809

cringe and territorialized

>> No.16988812


>> No.16988819

ironic post

>> No.16988824

me on the right, except for the ascetic bs
i chase gash and guzzle cola because it feels good

>> No.16988825

Everyone has depression and anxiety nowadays. It's more /lit/ and uncommon to be mentally healthy.

>> No.16988827

Yes and conservatism is the new punk rock.

>> No.16988830

Actual depression and anxiety are absolutely horrible for any kind of art.

>> No.16988832


Probably ADHD because you can use it as an excuse whenever someone asks why you havent read a book.

>> No.16988865

People are only hating you because they haven't thought this through. Most 'neurotypicals' or normalfags cannot be said to have a functioning undiseased mind, only a mindset which fits comfortably into their society. Remember; (((mental illness))) = inconvenient traits and mannerisms.

>> No.16989418

Fake depressed normies don’t count. It’s become a fashion statement

>> No.16989455
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Chronic crushing depression here for most of my life. I've had numerous suicidal ideations. It sucks and I hate it, and when it gets bad, I become catatonic and it's useless for my art and writing practice. But in those darkest depths, I can find the material I need to make my work. It's a sword that cuts both ways. I'm not sure it's possible to be a true artist without some experience of depression, or other mental illness, I suppose.

>> No.16989457

I'm schizoaffective and /lit/ just ignores me so obviously not schizoaffective

>> No.16989463

Imagine making a chad vs virgin meme about an imaginary illness you pretend to have

>> No.16989472


>> No.16989495

Are you experiencing discomfort in the pelvis?

>> No.16989504 [DELETED] 

errant flautlence excreted into word eyes that which sustains thee

>> No.16989513

My symptoms line up with SPD but it would be stupid to identify with it when it's literally nothing more than a collection of symptoms put under a label with no benefit to gain from seeing it this way.

>> No.16989832

stop identifying with your nonexistent mental illnesses, you pathetic lifestylist loser

>> No.16989835

not really. in my case, sluggishness and crippling anxiety. just that a lot of people are mentally ill these days.

>> No.16989848

soundlike a pussy desu lol

>> No.16989888

Coleridge was probably bipolar so I'll say that.

>> No.16989892

go update your instagram or have sex or something, normoid

>> No.16989931

When i’m in the depths of it, it’s impossible.

>> No.16989992

Ecstatic epilepsy

>> No.16990002

Factor 1 Psychopathy and or Autism are the hallmarks of philosophical genius.

>> No.16990068

wodehouse was happy all his life and had lots of friends

>> No.16990072

Dissosiative disorders. I've been feeling depersonalization and some sort if fragmentation where I couldn't even see the point in even wanting things these last few days and it's fucking hell.

>> No.16990075

99% of Autistic people are more like Chris Chan or Hugh Blair of Borgue than like Henry Cavendish.

>> No.16990078

Parfit tho.

>> No.16990108

Not sure/lit/ but every couple months I have intense periods of remorse over failures and reach a peak which is followed by intense exploration of options and random onset feelings of being on higj coke. You could say BPD but it really just feels like my worldview gets shattered and put back together thru my call to find some other way around the problem of ending up lacking freedom in my future.

>> No.16990186

Very few men can understand the full range of human emotion like a bipolar person. The incredible highs of mania and the depressive lows one of the most successfully suicidal diagnosises. Turn there is the bipolar "mixed state" where pieces of both are combined in states of terror, megalomanic rage, suicide.

>> No.16990201

HDS: Herp Derperson's Syndrome all the cool grifters have it.

>> No.16990214

That's terrible anon, I've been there but I can't imagine having to deal with something like that chronically.
Don't give up

>> No.16990261
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Whatever Byron had.

>> No.16990648

they hated him for he spoke the truth

>> No.16990667
File: 240 KB, 1080x732, DDF813EC-8421-40C4-98B5-AF4F41E01F9A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But not me, I’m the 1%

>> No.16990678

avoidant personality disorder because then you will have time to read books

>> No.16990691

As a German I find it quite funny that SPD is an acronym for a mental illness.

>> No.16990703

Schizos who aren't completely catatonic nutcases are pretty good. Bipolar people will be fascinating and accomplished, but they're more represented in other areas than /lit/. It's not a mental illness, but epilepsy is pretty /lit/.

>> No.16990719
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i don't use social media or leave my house. i can tell you're essentially indistinguishable from muh normoids, consoomer trash.

>> No.16990737

>tfw I'm both virgin and chad at the same time

>> No.16990740

i daydream a lot but don't have the concentration skills to daydream fully and focus on real life, any tips lads

>> No.16990747
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>posts chinese cartoons

>> No.16990778

Bipolar and thought disorder. The latter is ass most of the time.

>> No.16990792

Mild schizophrenia, how do you know if its minor? It can be tamed with the occasional cigarette.

>> No.16990796

>be bipolar
>be depressed
>be manic
>write when manic about depression
>write when depressed about mania

>> No.16990849
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Schizoid all the way babbbyyyy

>> No.16990871

Jester syndrome

>> No.16990902

>completely incapable of controlling language
>blurts out slurs in response to any coherent utterance
Yeah, I think it fits /lit/ well

>> No.16991371

>Yeah bro being unable to do something and actually being perceived as pathetic and unwanted is so /lit/ and mysterious bro.
When will you insecure automata understand that actual mental illness is torment and blocks you from normal functioning. It’s a non stop daily battle against irrationality where the odds are stacked against you. Most people cannot even deal with someone crying or shouting, you think they genuinely care if you’re mood is severely dampened? They don’t know what to do so they ignore it.
Then you have posers who heard of mentally ill individuals whose work somehow broke through to mainstream. (The authors rarely ever benefitting from it) And slap that stupid label on themselves to form some sort of personality, as if it’s an accessory. Truly disgusting and sheepish behaviour.

>> No.16991381
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Wie bitte?

>> No.16991394

Autism and it's not even a question. They are literally forced by their own repetitive coping mechanisms to continually chip away at an interest with an unrelenting drive, and they enjoy every second of it. High functioning autistic people are higher type of human.

>> No.16991397

reddit tier quote my man

>> No.16991399

No, tourettes is a certified /pol/ illness.