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/lit/ - Literature

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16988745 No.16988745 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on this book ? I have only passively heard about it occasionally and not many of those people really enjoyed it, they said it was a really hollow and empty ending that almost made the time investment not worth it ?

Does its political context (which no one I've spoken to has ever really mentioned as a main proponent of the book?) really warrant liberals being this mad about it or is this slut just an extremely deranged outlier ?

>> No.16988770

Dear lord...DFW’s masterpiece...reduced to goop in the intestines of a revolutionary young women. Oh dear I’m getting a little excited hehe

>> No.16988779

Why did you steal my thread, man?

>> No.16988805

>Guys keep asking me about this silly book for boys so i shoved it in my ass and recorded it for all the world to see hehe
Do women really

>> No.16988833

Because your thread isn't about the actual book mate. I'm interested in the content of the actual book not just the reaction over the turkey basting slut

>> No.16988839

The ending is not hollow, it's beautiful as it is but also not really the point, there's no resolution as it asks you to connect a lot of dots between the events set up in the book and the first chapter (which takes place a year later than the rest of it). This is congruent with the themes about consumption, escapism, the search for catharsis etc.

The political elements are tied in with those themes but not concerned with identity politics one way or the other, if anything it's critical of vacuous American self-indulgence on a personal and geopolitical level. These performance stunts of women ingesting the book in one way or another are just supposedly clever reactionary statements because a man wrote a large complex novel, which must mean it's toxic and derogatory in some way.

>> No.16988868

>These performance stunts of women ingesting the book in one way or another are just supposedly clever reactionary statements because a man wrote a large complex novel, which must mean it's toxic and derogatory in some way.
Fuck me that's a black pill if ever there was one Anon.

>> No.16988888

Digits and DFW rises from the dead so he can an hero a second time

>> No.16988890

holy based...

>> No.16988893

will he finish The Pale King first?

>> No.16988895

Get me in this screen shot cunt

>> No.16988911
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>The Anon With The Curious Quints

>> No.16988933
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díos mio...

>> No.16988937

I wanna autograph from him

>> No.16988938

Woo niggers

>> No.16988979
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Based but insincere
Could any anons here be able to tell me how much Pale King suffers from its incompleteness?

>> No.16988980

women truly are hopeless.

>> No.16988991
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>> No.16989005

it suffers less than infinite jest probably would have if you'd just cut it at a random point in the middle. definitely worth checking out, the best parts are fairly self contained as i remember them

>> No.16989069

I agree, it got me curious about any plans for the overarching structure but it conveyed itself fine

>> No.16989260
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I read the entire novel and really wish I hadn't. The only remotely interesting main character was Don Gately. His arc was actually good until the end where it just kind of petered out.

Since i'm the only person on /lit/ thats actually read it cover to cover, I can tell you 100% true blue no foolin gods truth that you would be better off reading pretty much anything than this novel. Read moby dick instead, you'll thank me for it.

>> No.16989267
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People don't talk about it's political context b/c it's not a political book. It's only now, when everything has to be politicized, and a book can get so tied to the "type of person who reads it" (vacuous line of thinking), that these performances can be carried out and be regarded as more than just the babble of the insane.

>> No.16989300

>Read moby dick instead
Moby Dick is an overwritten meme. /lit/ likes it because 1) /lit/ doesn't read but craves prestige, and 2) /lit/ thinks purple prose is good writing.

>> No.16989305

I like it because all the blacks die first

>> No.16989314

This is exactly the kind of thing I've heard from the other cunts I've spoken to about it. Such conflicting opinions I'm truly struggling to discern if its worth the time investment.

some cunts rating it in top 10 /lit/ books and others saying its a total waste of time.
I seriously need help frens

>> No.16989319

He'd want it that way

>> No.16989397

The real DFW never died. He was the fun we had along the way.
... fuck thats based though ngl.

>> No.16989417

Why don't you a) try thinking for your fucking self you pathetic pleb and b) because I know you wont (cant) just start reading it and if you like it and keep reading it then continue to do so.
Seriously next thread will be 'how do I wipe my fucking arse'
Uh. I mean we already have 'how do i read threads'. New topic anons: should we just take the warning labels off and stop helping these plebs?

>> No.16989460

>Starts seething because people ask for others opinions about /lit/ on a /lit/ board.

>> No.16989468

He's right, go kill yourself zoomer.

>> No.16989581

I dont know really why i asked that last bit. Of course pleb threads should be ignored. I feel ashamed of commenting at all.

>> No.16990295

read it cover to cover and I ended up really enjoying it but the ending kind of pissed me off. It's one of my favorite books I would recommend reading for sure but you're going to need some serious time to tackle it. Once you start you don't want to start and stop or else you miss picking up on things as the book isn't written in chronological order and a scene on page 100 could seem completely irrelevant until a scene on page 800 for example

it's really hard to read honestly - not the type of book you can read a couple pages or chapters and put it down. It's almost as if dfw did it on purpose as a fuck you to the reader. The book is organized into different dates and are not ordered (some other anon mentioned the first few chapters take place after the ending) and they jump back and forth, sometimes by years. The years themselves are named ridiculous things like year of kentucky fried chicken or some bullshit instead of 1993 so you have to basically memorize the order of the 7 or so years the book spans to get a sense of when what you are currently reading takes place.

And the endnotes. The fucking endnotes. Some of them go on for pages and pages about nothing at all. At one point there's a list of like 50 movies with some credits and a description of each one.

There are reading guides available online that tell you the "correct" way to read it so you can read the events in order, but honestly I recommend just doing cover to cover (and read the endnotes immediately, don't even finish the sentence you're on just flip to the back).

As for the ending, the other replies sum it up nicely. Leaves a lot on the table and a lot of dots for you to connect. It's the kind of book that makes you want to google it after you finish because you aren't sure what the fuck just happened.

>> No.16990304


also would add that as far as politics go I've never heard of any controversy over this book??

The only hate I've heard about this book is people shitting on how long and hard of a read it is and shitting on the pompousness of some ppl who read it and then treat it as some sort of life achievement

>> No.16990759

>There are reading guides available online that tell you the "correct" way to read it so you can read the events in order
That's honestly retarded, just read it cover to cover. It took me 3 months to finish it, so by the end I had completely forgotten the plot-resolving stuff that happened in Chapter 1, as it is vaguely mentioned in 1 or 2 paragraphs. As for the Hal's speech impediment subplot, I wouldn't have figured it out without googling.

>> No.16991089

>there are only TWO reasons why you might like this book and neither is valid
Great post, fag