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File: 48 KB, 514x334, poem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16988102 No.16988102 [Reply] [Original]

I sent this poem to an older woman. Do you think she'll fuck me? Also, general critique thread.

>> No.16988194

is that last line implying your muse is already yours?


>> No.16988212

Poetry is shit and cringe.

>> No.16988217

>I still drink of the dew of mirh
>Her feet have pressed into grass blades
based footfag

>> No.16988228


>> No.16988238

This but without the based, I get mental images of everything I read and this almost had me throwing up.

>> No.16988240

Women don’t like it when you lower yourself, don’t grovel, you should live boldly and passionately

>> No.16988245

you're in bro

>> No.16988376

It's not bad desu

>> No.16988384

Clean, oiled feet are hot though

>> No.16988398


>> No.16988646


>> No.16988693

you should had something about her personality or soul i would say, girls seem to like that

>> No.16988735

that's wrong: "though unworthy i should dream when her eye gleams it gleams for me"

women don't want you to say you're unworthy, they don't want you to drink their happy footsweat either, OP.

>> No.16988758

Add the following:
>Tho' mine has been a life full tough,
>This maiden's soul's for me enough.

>> No.16989434

ngl if I got this poem from someone I had a crush on my crush would die. it's not bad writing but hitting repeatedly on the fact that you're unworthy, then saying that you think she likes you already, and only mentioning her physical allure makes it weird

you just seem kinda desperate and horny instead of grounded in yourself and attracted to her entire person

>> No.16989499

c r i n g e

>> No.16989658

>you just seem kinda desperate and horny
That's what I am.

>> No.16990356

Your ol' timey language projects an insincere message. You're trying to make your poem sound like a poem instead of speaking from the heart.

>> No.16990679

This is genuinely great advice. OP listen to it.

>> No.16990687

william shakespeare

>> No.16990781

She'll think you're a nancy boy but keen to give her the dicking she is after.
>"drink the dew of mirth"
Hopefully she takes this as you being oblique about revealing that you are keen to eat her pussy, then you are absolutely set. If she asks for another make sure to have more drinking/eating+flower imagery.

>> No.16990806

why did you put an apostrophe after tho. you do realise you are barely human right? right?

>> No.16990813

how does anyone fall for this, ill never know

>> No.16990835
File: 21 KB, 600x315, 6dBt2Oj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16990847

lol what the fuk

>> No.16990854

How older we talking?

>> No.16990855

This is how it worked in the middle ages

>> No.16990857


>> No.16990868

I wept

>> No.16991500

The War Works Hard
How magnificent the war is!
How eager
and efficient!
Early in the morning
it wakes up the sirens
and dispatches ambulances
to various places
swings corpses through the air
rolls stretchers to the wounded
summons rain
from the eyes of mothers
digs into the earth
dislodging many things
from under the ruins...
Some are lifeless and glistening
others are pale and still throbbing...
It produces the most questions
in the minds of children
entertains the gods
by shooting fireworks and missiles
into the sky
sows mines in the fields
and reaps punctures and blisters
urges families to emigrate
stands beside the clergymen
as they curse the devil
(poor devil, he remains
with one hand in the searing fire)...
The war continues working, day and night.
It inspires tyrants
to deliver long speeches
awards medals to generals
and themes to poets
it contributes to the industry
of artificial limbs
provides food for flies
adds pages to the history books
achieves equality
between killer and killed
teaches lovers to write letters
accustoms young women to waiting
fills the newspapers
with articles and pictures
builds new houses
for the orphans
invigorates the coffin makers
gives grave diggers
a pat on the back
and paints a smile on the leader's face.
It works with unparalleled diligence!
Yet no one gives it
a word of praise.

>> No.16991507

so poetry is only about using old and obscure words?