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16984734 No.16984734[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

i was talking to a friend(atheist) about the existence of God and he said
>if God exists why does some children get cancer and die?
can you refute this?

>> No.16984745

Why wouldnt they get cancer if God existed? It is not a good argument against Gods exsistence. If you were talking about a kind and merciful God, then maybe, but how would humans be able to understand the reasonings of being far above us? A short in pain < eternal salvation

>> No.16984746

I cannot refute this because it's a question and not an affirmation

>> No.16984752

nigger IQ tier question

>> No.16984755

question implies that if God exists, he wouldnt let children die from leukemia.

>> No.16984769

if they are christian they go to heaven anyway lol?

>> No.16984774

They were bad children that deserved cancer

>> No.16984775


>> No.16984794

it refutes the 3 omnis pretty hard, but then you just reject one of the omnis and ur good
kekked. I've never gotten a smart reply either though; "WORKS IN MYSTERIOUS WAYS" is an even more retarded answer

>> No.16984799

i think of god like some people used to think about greek gods. you dont have to read much of the bible before you realize god was fucking around a bunch. god wont prevent you from getting cancer or killing yourself, but he will occasionally have you find a dollar on the ground when you really want a soda.

>> No.16984818

>Cancer is bad
>Death is bad

>> No.16984833

yea, easily, god is evil

>> No.16984851

if there is no god than you don't have to think of ways of defending it

>> No.16984880

works in mysterious ways is a poetic answer to tell children but when you dig deep it becomes quite rational.

>> No.16984904

>can (You) refute this?
no need. the bible already does it.
>15Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.(the world here is creation after the fall and under the dominion of satan. it is creation no longer oriented toward god, but temporary and dominated by inordinate passions[lk 16:13 “No servant can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon."{jesus calls mammon/riches a master not because wealth is evil by nature, but because of the control it has over people}])For all that is in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—is not of the Father but is of the world.† 17And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever.

>> No.16984909

No, it really doesn't.
"We can't ever hope to understand God" is as about as mysterious to me as "No, you cannot see what we're going to do with your money once you entrust it to us" - I'm not going to trust in the existence of God if he's as mysterious as you say.

>> No.16984913

Suffering is not inherently bad. Epicurus was a brainlet.

>> No.16984914

He never said life was supposed to be easy.

>> No.16984926

>We can't ever hope to understand God
you can understand god and come to the absence of evil as a conclusion.
as i said "mysterious ways" is for children. he works in plain sight actually.

>> No.16984934

Ah so evil doesn't exist

>> No.16984943

can abscence of something be called existence in itself?

>> No.16984960

Well the word absence suggests that you mean to say that evil exists in some sense but is absent from our reality, which is barely coherent because evil is an abstract concept. If you mean that evil in the abstract exists but is never manifested into evil actions in our reality, then this may as well be equivalent to "evil doesn't exist".

>> No.16984996

>can you refute this?
I can, but that’s because the God I know of isn’t some heeb sky deity barely above polytheism. Suffering has no bearing on the existence of the impersonal ultimate truth.

>> No.16985004

why would you even think you could comprehend the complexity of God's morality?

>> No.16985014


>> No.16985035
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According to Christian religion, nothing bad can really happen in this world as it is not of God in the first place.

The hard part is explaining away all the polytheism, the archaeological and geneological record and quite a few widely accepted scientific ideas.

>> No.16985036

Dunning - Krugerites.?

>> No.16985037

>Children get cancer
>Spend eternity in heaven
>Never experience emotional torments of life
>This isn't really good
Atheists believe all death is bad because they have this fundamental belief that if Christianity was true, God would be this perfection-obsessed narcissist who thinks no one is good enough except for Aunt Jeanie who hates fags with all her heart and votes straight R every year.

>> No.16985044

>God would be this perfection-obsessed narcissist who thinks no one is good enough except for Aunt Jeanie who hates fags with all her heart and votes straight R every year.

God sounds kinda based.

>> No.16985045
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>God works in mysterious ways, anon.... we cant understand God ;)

>> No.16985055

Your friend has a very pedestrian concept of god

>> No.16985056

>Not Visnu

>> No.16985058

>i dont like that god permits suffering therefore he can't exist

so tired of this brainlet objection. if god exists there is eternal life, death and suffering are irrelevant.

>> No.16985061

>not united in essence

>> No.16985063

Here is the real question: if God is omnipotent and omniscient, why does he require us to pray and worship him? If he requires and asks it of us, he is self-worshipping and selfish, and therefore not perfect. If there is a god, he is a sadist, who knows he has the power to destroy and recreate anything he so pleases. God, or divine deities in general, do not exist; their existence is equally as ridiculous and random as the Big Bang.
>enter heaven without doing anything
Uh, ok. Dying is not bad, it is necessary and a basic fact of life.
>t. atheist

>> No.16985070

he dropped out of uni 2 times. he is an aspiring game dev.
playing league counts as formation in the field,according to him.

>> No.16985085

>Why does he require us to pray and worship him
He doesn't. There's no place in the Bible where it says "You have to go to church every Sunday or you'll go to hell". The purpose of prayer is to build in yourself a personal relationship with God and feel that it's in your interests to behave justly. Similarly, worship is for the purpose of building humility and recognizing that you, as a person, have fallen short of perfection. But entry into heaven is not contingent on prayer
>Uh, ok. Dying is not bad, it is necessary
Then kill yourself.

>> No.16985089

>"You have to go to church every Sunday or you'll go to hell"
Jesus literally says this several times, dude.

>> No.16985090
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God likes watching rape and suffering
pretty sick guy

>> No.16985095


>> No.16985097

heaven is assimilation into god thus absolute perfection achieved, do you really need to do anything when you are perfected?heaven isnt some kind of brothel/bistro like some fatum mohammatum murmurers believe.
also you can argue that sacrements and rites are for those who does not possess intellect to understand god from his effects going higher(Spinoza/Hume).

>> No.16985106

insignificant take

>> No.16985114

>heaven is assimilation into god
prove it

>> No.16985115

>I am the Lord thy God
>Thou shalt have no other gods before Me
>Exodus 20:4-6

>> No.16985134

You only enter Heaven through virtue, faith, good acts, et cetera.
>you can argue that sacraments and rites are for those who does not possess intellect to understand god from his effects going higher
Even then, children still need to actually do works of faith and virtue. You can argue and say that they are exempt because they are children, but then who else is exempt?

>> No.16985152

Tell your friend to read the book of Job.

>> No.16985197

"What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence" - christcucks getting BTFO by the great Hitchens (PBUH)

>> No.16985219

imagine arguing over where the toothfairy gets their money from
christoids need to grow up

>> No.16985238

god is the global cause of existence understood by it's effects.
effects count as proof.

>> No.16985242

It's like mortal life is a test of faith and death is not final in the biblical canon.

>> No.16985248

no im the global cause, and you cant disprove otherwise

>> No.16985249

Most theologians I've heard asked what the biggest challenge to theism was answer that it's the problem of evil. So I guess you're the nigger IQ one because that's what's behind the question in OP.

>> No.16985251

Why do atheists assume Earth has to be some sort of fairytale land with no suffering if God exists? We’re not meant to stay here according to religion. This place isn’t heaven. People die everyday and harm one another another on Earth. It’s our job to reach heaven by being the best person we can be (depending on what type of religion you believe in).

>> No.16985268

>god is omnibenevolent
>>then why is everything fucked
>cause its the waiting room
>>why is there a waiting room and why does it suck
>you cant understand god

lame excuses

>> No.16985301

>then why is everything fucked
>why is there a waiting room and why does it suck
because God gave us free will and the majority of us willingly go against his teachings and turn to sin.

>> No.16985305

kek'd but kys.

>> No.16985313

>free will exists
>free will also gives kids cancer
i dont buy it

>> No.16985328

i got the same question when i visit a rekt thread in /b/

>> No.16985331

-evil never exists without producing a higher good.
-actuality has no intrinsic evil. actuality is good. evil isnt intrinsic.
-one thing can be considered evil to one and good to another. death as the end of human life can be considered as grim to humans but to worms who takes sustinence from your flesh for them it is a good thing. placing humans at the center of existence is absurd.
-you can understand god if you understand it'S effects.

>> No.16985337

Theres no reason to believe in a God

>> No.16985339

>free will also gives kids cancer
wrong take

>> No.16985341

The classic he's either all powerful but not good or all good but not all powerful. I tend to go with the second God is not all powerful or even if he is he purposefully restricts himself so that we can have free will and either choose to be with God (good) or not (evil). I don't see children getting cancer as evil but rather as a tragedy, evil needs someone to do it. And with tragedies what Socrates said "there is no such thing as tragedy except when we become unjust" so a child's death is not a tragedy either it is more so a tragedy to a child killer. Obviously doesn't mean we shouldn't be sad about it but it does mean if a child dies that nothing truly bad (bad asin being more distanced from God) really happened.

>> No.16985349

>The Catholic answer
God is merely taking those children by his side, nigger
>The Protestant answer
They probably deserved it for being bad children, nigger
>The Orthodox answer
None of you are free of sin, nigger
>The Mystic answer
God merely saved them from future suffering, I saw it in my dreams, nigger
>The Theologist answer
Read the bible, nigger
>The Stoic answer
Shit happens, get a grip and stop blaming the gods, they don't necessarily care about you, nigger
>The Qabalist answer
God gave you the chance to study medicine and/or fund research against cancer so stop bothering Him, nigger
>Aquinas' answer
You can't fathom God's plan so stop asking, nigger
>Spinoza's answer
It just works™, nigger

>> No.16985352

no listen to these unfalsifiable story-book excuses: blah blah blah adam and steve, blah blah blah the fall

>> No.16985357

every being desires perfection suited for itself.
most perfect tool of man is his intellect.
intellect is perfected when it understands the highest intelligible thing.
highest intelligible thing is god understood from it's effects(composite being to simple being to prime matter to prime mover to God).
intellect is perfected through undestanding od god.
thus man is perfected through undertsnading od god.

>> No.16985361

Then why did you bring it up in the first place? Try reading OP's question again.

>> No.16985363

satan is still an active factor

>> No.16985364

>It just works™
kek,why copyrighted?

>> No.16985373

>You can argue and say that they are exempt because they are children
I always believed baptized children were exempt. Isn't that cannon???

>> No.16985382

>-evil never exists without producing a higher good.
good never exists without producing a higher evil
look how easy making this baseless claims are
>-actuality has no intrinsic evil. actuality is good. evil isnt intrinsic.
actuality has no intrinsic good. actuality is evil. good isnt intrinsic
wow this is fun

you've misunderstood the problem if you think you can just shove pleasantries down as if they are facts

>wrong take
you said free will is the source of evil, that is a childishly simple attempt that you probably learned in sunday school because you're still a child who has no idea how evil reality is

>> No.16985393

>free will
>original sin

Pick one.

Actually pretty much the entirety of Christianity is logically incompatible with free will.

>> No.16985400

That's not a call to prayer you idiot, that just means you can't worship other gods.

>> No.16985418

>good never exists without producing a higher evil
what was your process that allowed you to say this?could not understand.
>actuality has no intrinsic good.
existence is good whenever it is actual(perfected)

>> No.16985419

>Tell your friend to read the book of Job.
I've already read Job. What should I get out of this besides IT IS I WHO GIVE THE ORDERS. YOU DIDN'T CREATE ANYTHING. YOU SHOULD OBEY ME. DON'T ASK QUESTIONS.

>> No.16985428
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Holy shit! Nigger seems to be the one thing all these answers have in common. Coincidence?

>> No.16985429

zap me 20 dollars then Lord.

>> No.16985433

God is beyond good and evil. Christcucks will never understand

>> No.16985445

Refuted by Scott Alexander

>> No.16985452

That’s Kalki, an avatar of Vishnu, brainlet. He will exterminate degenerates

>> No.16985458

>what was your process that allowed you to say this?could not understand.
same as yours
>existence is good whenever it is actual(perfected)
prove it

>> No.16985460

Yikes this isn't very good anon

>> No.16985463

>Medicine is good for health.
>men needs medicine to perfect his health
>men's health isnt perfected as long has he does not take medicine
>medicine is the cause of men's imperfect health.

>> No.16985468

he talked to both

>> No.16985475

>an omnipotent being created humans sick and ordered them to cure themselves
lol the more christcucks talk the funnier it gets

>> No.16985481

>same as yours
how does good produces a higher evil?
>prove it
-good is perfection
-something that isnt actual isnt perfected, because it does not exist.
-existence is good.

>> No.16985491

>how does good produces a higher evil?
-evil is perfection
-something that isnt actual isnt perfected, because it doesnt exist
-existence is evil

>> No.16985500

ok nigger time for you to shut the hell up.

>> No.16985506
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thats not very loving of you

>> No.16985537

Seething christnigger

>> No.16985542


>> No.16985543
File: 2.64 MB, 540x960, 1607532984817.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he talked to both

>> No.16985550

God sure has problems
>Aight Lot I'm finna purging Sodom and Gomorrah from all those filthy fucking degenerates
>But you're cool homie, just take your wife and daugthers and get away before I drop the bomb
>And make sure you ain't gonna look at it, eh?
>Aight girls, make sure you fuck your dad hard enough to get pregnant while I watch, here's the booze
>What? You're doing the same thing as those degenerate I just nuked did?
>It's fine when you do it, trust me

>Aight Abraham so here's the son you wanted
>*10 years later...*
>Yo Abraham, how's it going? You cut your son's foreskin like I told you?
>What do you mean "why you created us with that and then tell us to cut it off"? Shut the fuck up man
>And don't fucking forget, all of your descendants need to do it or I'm ripping the contract
>Fucking burn you in front of you
>And send you to hell
>Oh right, kill your son for me eh?
>Abraham, my nigga, don't ask questions, I gave you a son and I take it back when I want it
>We doing this?

>> No.16985556

Reddit post

>> No.16985568

Mad christfag

>> No.16985572
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>> No.16985579

"For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their deeds."

>> No.16985590

Nice Jewish fairytales, bro

>> No.16985593

What's wrong with Children getting Cancer and dying?

>> No.16985596

To my understanding, being baptised is an important step but if you're evil and immoral it negates it.
4 “You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below.
5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me,
6 but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.
>Exodus 20:4

Yeah, because God is jealous and does not want you worshipping other gods. Plus it implies that deities besides God exist.

>> No.16985597

it is not a fairytale anymore if it's valid.

>> No.16985602

christ loves watching kids die xD

>> No.16985603


>> No.16985607

Take your meds, Jeebus freak

>> No.16985620

>Plus it implies that deities besides God exist.
This is merely saying not to worship lesser beings as gods and to worship the one supreme God. Simple as

>> No.16985625

voices are back

>> No.16985629

What a sad view of things. Do you have meaning in your life?

>> No.16985634
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>What a sad view of things. Do you have meaning in your life?

>> No.16985636

>What a sad view of things

>> No.16985648
File: 183 KB, 1109x1169, Thomas_Hobbes_(portrait).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck me...
catholic church has no religious autority to begin with.
we need to replace it.