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16982459 No.16982459 [Reply] [Original]





The time has come to prepare /lit/'s top 100 list for 2020. On the above link, you can nominate up to 10 books to be included on the list.

NOTE - We will be scoring this a bit differently this year. In the interests of making a more interesting and idiosyncratic list, we will allow you to vote *multiple times* for a single book, so that if you choose you can give more weight to one book than another. You essentially have ten 'points' to spend; you can nominate 10 books with one 'point' each, or one book with all ten 'points', or anything in between.

The link provides spaces for you to list 10 books. You can nominate up to 10 books, but you do not need to nominate that many. Each space is worth 1 point. If you would like one of your nominations to be weighted more heavily than others, simply include it multiple times in your responses.

Please submit your nominations in the form of "TITLE - AUTHOR'S LAST NAME" e.g. "Hamlet - Shakespeare" or "Moby Dick - Melville" or "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire - Gibbon". Obvious troll responses (i.e. "How to Suck Cock - OP") will be weeded out, but replies that are merely racist or not politically correct (i.e. "Bronze Age Mindset - BAP" or "Mein Kampf - Hitler") will not, as they are still representative of the culture of /lit/, regardless of how distasteful any individual anon might find them. Books that are part of a series (i.e. any single play of the Orestseia, any single novel of the Aubrey-Maturin series, etc) will count as a vote for the entire series as single work unless you indicate otherwise.

This poll will close on December 25th (Merry Christmas!). Happy holidays to all!

>> No.16982472

Prior thread here - >>16964706

I'll give updated standings/rankings tomorrow morning, but for now see last set of standings here ->>16973169

>> No.16982570

>Mein Kampf - 1048
Good lord that shitposting schizo has a lot of time on his hands

>> No.16982587

I thought you were going to do one/two week checkpoints

>> No.16982589

I wonder if he will stop at 1488

>> No.16982666

Gay niggers from outer space

>> No.16982672

Think of it this way, as long as he is shitposting he isnt shooting up a school

>> No.16982702

Mein Kampf isn't lit. There should be better criteria for what's lit like getting all thread counts or mentions of books over the last year. The only time mein kampong is posted, which is rarely, is some cunt trying to be belligerent and ignorant.

>> No.16982719

Democracy is shit and is unrelated to /lit/ please just get thread or post counts

>> No.16982886

Top 100 should be curated by the OP, leaving submissions alone and not editing anything is retarded

>> No.16982895

I think webscraping warosu for thread or post counts of authors is much easier and more /lit/ related

>> No.16982907

Nice to see Leibowitz is on the list, even if it is a little low.

>> No.16982925

>1048 votes for Mein Kampf
This shit obviously got brigaded

>> No.16982933
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>> No.16984407

Updated count. So far we have 724 submissions, with 110 books that have crossed the 11 point threshold. They are listed below along with their point total. Note that I'm considering consolidating entries for poets and ancient authors as well.

Mein Kampf - Hitler - 1080
The Bible - 190
Moby Dick - Melville -167
The Brothers Karamazov - Dostoevsky - 88
The Brothers Karamazov - Dostoevsky - 88
Crime and Punishment - Dostoevsky - 81
The Iliad - Homer - 70
Lolita - Nabokov - 57
Don Quixote - Cervantes - 56
Pedro Páramo - Rulfo - 54
Stoner - Williams - 50
Industrial Society and its Future - Kaczynski - 47
The Stranger - Camus - 47
War and Peace - Tolstoy - 47
The Master and Margarita - Bulgakov - 43
Infinite Jest - Wallace - 39
Blood Meridian - McCarthy - 38
Ficciones - Borges - 36
The Quran - 35
Anna Karenina - Tolstoy - 34
The Lord of the Rings - Tolkien - 34
Ulysses - Joyce - 34
In search of lost time - Proust - 33
Being and Time - Heidegger - 32
Hamlet - Shakespeare - 32
Notes from Underground - Dostoevsky - 32
The History of Charles XII - Voltaire - 32
Republic - Plato - 31
The Odyssey - Homer - 31
Modernity and Cultural Decline - Woodley, Feltham & Sarraf - 30
One Hundred Years of Solitude - Márquez - 30
1984 - Orwell - 28
Catch 22 - Heller - 27
Satantango - Krasznahorkai - 27
The Book of Disquiet - Pessoa - 26
Ubu roi - Jarry - 26
JR - Gaddis - 25
The Divine Comedy - Dante - 25
Brave New World - Huxley - 23
The Catcher In The Rye - Salinger - 23
The Count of Monte Cristo - Dumas - 23
The Making of Americans - Stein - 23
Les Miserables - Hugo - 22
Tao Te Ching - Lao Tzu - 21
American Psycho - Ellis - 20
Extinction - Bernhard - 20
Journey to the End of the Night - Céline - 20
The Trial - Kafka - 20
Critique of Pure Reason - Kant - 19
On the Heights of Despair - Cioran - 18
Story of the Eye - Bataille - 18
Take Five - Mano - 18
Bronze Age Mindset - BAP - 17
Gravity's Rainbow - Pynchon - 17
A Confederacy of Dunces - Toole - 16
Slaughterhouse-Five - Vonnegut - 16
The Changing Light at Sandover by James Merrill - 16
The Metamorphosis - Kafka - 16
The Posthumous Memoirs of Bras Cubas - de Assis - 16
The Tartar Steppe - Buzzati - 16
To the Lighthouse - Woolf - 16
Buddenbrooks - Mann - 15
Das Kapital - Marx - 15
Madame Bovary - Flaubert - 15
The Elementary Particles - Houellebecq - 15
The Idiot - Dostoevsky - 15
The Trilogy - Beckett - 15
V. - pynchon - 15
House of Leaves - Danielewski - 14
No Longer Human - Dazai - 14
The Reign of Quantity and the Signs of the Times - Guenon -14
The Unconsoled - Ishiguro - 14
Thus Spoke Zarathustra - Nietzsche - 14
Bhagavad Gita - 13
Demons - Dostoevsky - 13
Faust - Goethe - 13
Foucault's Pendulum - Eco - 13
Raise High The Roof Beam, Carpenters - Salinger - 13
Steppenwolf - Hesse - 13
The Golden Bowl - James - 13
The Major Works - Browne - 13
The Opposing shore - Gracq - 13
The Passion According to G.H. - Lispector - 13
The Portrait of a Lady - James - 13
Voss - White - 13


>> No.16984414

...CTD (also, sorry for listing Brothers Karamazov twice)

Antifragile - Taleb - 12
Confidence Man - Melville - 12
Dubliners - Joyce - 12
London Bridge - Celine - 12
Metamorphoses - Ovid - 12
Paradise lost - Milton - 12
The Ethics - Spinoza - 12
The Fountainhead - Rand - 12
White Fragility - DiAngelo - 12
Zhuangzi - Zhuangzi - 12
2666 - Bolaño - 11
A Canticle for Leibowitz - Miller - 11
Blindsight - Watts - 11
Darconville's Cat - Theroux - 11
Invisible Cities - Calvino - 11
Letters from a Stoic - Seneca - 11
Phenomenology of Perception - Merleau-Ponty - 11
Process and Reality - Whitehead - 11
Salammbô - Flaubert - 11
Technological Slavery - Kaczynski - 11
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - Twain - 11
The Death of Ivan Ilyich - Tolstoy - 11
The Secret History - Tartt - 11
Trifles for a Massacre - Celine - 11
White Identity - Taylor - 11

>> No.16984420

I worked out a system where I can quickly tell if anons have changed their selections, so that shouldn't be a problem going forward.

>> No.16984447

This isn't lit unless you do this by post count. It's just a pol fag spreading propaganda

>> No.16984527

It just gets worse every year

>> No.16984641

As several have asked for it in prior threads, if you want to see the raw data as it comes in, and then how it is validated/reconciled, you should be able to see on the following link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19A8gVk9ElugTBCJTzZrswrfjZsmloPh9kAkS4NZJhT8/

>> No.16984695

Fuck off nazi gtf back to pol

>> No.16984703

I've been here for 8 or 9 years, anon. FWIW, I'm not a nazi and I only visit /pol/ once in a blue moon.

>> No.16984707

we really should just outsource this whole project to reddit. It's not like the books they pick will be any different.

>> No.16984788

Idgaf what you think you do, democracy isn't lit, politics aren't lit and mein kampf isn't lit. I've gone back a day on just op posts and found no references to it but instead perhaps 50 works with the Bible leading at 4

>> No.16984795

Waldun is more lit than mein kampf

>> No.16984805

If we're going by the past day
1. Bible
2. Faust/jest/aquinas/Shakespeare/plato

>> No.16984814

The power of Mein Kampf to make people seethe and sperg out is incredible. Both the /pol/tards trolling the submissions and the 'OMG YOU NAZI FILTIER IT OUT NOW' crowd are reacting so strongly to something that should (if we were all saner people) be looked at as a tired meme and met with an eyeroll at most.

Anyways, the real crime is that Nael's "Tiger" is nowhere to be found on this list.

>> No.16984826

That's because The Tiger is but one poem in a collection. Other classics include robot haiku and the one about falling leaves.

>> No.16984840

While "Tiger" is a modern masterpiece, it's no book.

>> No.16984859

Should I enter "They're Singing a Song in their Rocket" or "You Will Be Able to Say a Thousand Words" ?

>> No.16984865

No I'm saying that waldun is more referenced than mein kampf. You're the sperg

>> No.16984899

OP is a /pol/ insider, who would have guessed?

>> No.16984910

Official and fuck off

>> No.16984951

That's supposed to be a list of books anons have read only in 2020, not of all books.

>> No.16984952

>ctrl + f
>the learned disguise
>phrase not found

what the FUCK

>> No.16984957

I honestly didn't think these top 100s could get worse than the time jeresulum was memed to the top...but my god they have. shame on you

>> No.16984964

Can't differentiate the two choices in either poll. This one is just shitposting.

>> No.16984968

>have to log in to complete the form

>> No.16985451

Learn to read idiot

>> No.16985639

>Mein Kampf - Hitler - 1080
>Industrial Society and its Future - Kaczynski
>Modernity and Cultural Decline - Woodley, Feltham & Sarraf - 30
>Bronze Age Mindset - BAP - 17
>The Reign of Quantity and the Signs of the Times - Guenon -14
>Antifragile - Taleb - 12
>The Fountainhead - Rand - 12
>White Fragility - DiAngelo - 12
>Technological Slavery - Kaczynski - 11
>White Identity - Taylor - 11
These are books that are to be filtered out in the making of the chart. After this garbage is taken out the chart will look pretty good.

>> No.16985690

Op, just to be clear Seymour An Introduction and Raise High the Roof Beam Carpenters are the same book, I think some were entered under both.
Also Guignol's Band 2 and London Bridge are the same book.

White Idenity is not a meme book, it just has a meme title. It's not what you think it is at all. Also, Kaczynski should genuinely remain, he's had unique ideas that have inspired many people on /lit/ and an interesting voice in ecofascism. The Fountainhead is 'good' too, politics aside, although the Vidor film is much better.

That being said, I would have voted for none of these.

>> No.16985728

>leaves in das kapital
Imagine my shock

>> No.16985743

Jared Taylor is a white supremacist. All the books I listed should be filtered out.
Capital is one of the greatest critiques ever written and has intellectual merit. If you want to take that out then all the philosophy should be taken out as well, which I am also fine with.

>> No.16985763

I remember being 14 and saying "I like Mein Kampf" was funny. Guess I'm too old for this place.

>> No.16985854

>Jared Taylor is a white supremacist. All the books I listed should be filtered out.
stop reading wikipedia and rational wiki and read his fucking book retard. At least read his comments on things you brainwashed toad.

>Capital is one of the greatest critiques ever written and has intellectual merit. If you want to take that out then all the philosophy should be taken out as well, which I am also fine with.
He wasn't writing for trannies like you now go and kys faggot. I also doubt you've ever read it, nobody gives a shit what you want removed you termite lodged in my asshole.

>> No.16985927

It's /pol/tard schlock. People like you represent the downfall of this place
>Durrr durrr you're a tranny
There we go, his audience is /pol/tards. Just as I thought.

>> No.16985933

Can someone tell me what's so great about Moby Dick?

>> No.16986003

Hey OP, this multiple vote spamming system still isn't the approach I would have taken, but thank you for following up on making the sheet public. With any luck it will cut down on all the autistic bitching.

>> No.16986009

You're a screeching drone spewing 'wahhhh poltard' because I don't like the same over-socialized sacred texts as you and everyone else.
I also said I did not and would not vote for him, but he's not just a /pol/ meme. You know absolutely nothing about him, and his first book (aside from the Japan one) was surprisingly well-written, I was skeptical as well, and I didn't read all of White Identity, but it's just a continuation of Paved With Good Intentions, which was very well-written and formulated. Please tell me why mundane Camus or Orwell is more 'profound' than Jared Taylor, when they represent midwit ideas any retard could understand, and why The Trial and Metamorphosis are better than The Castle and we shouldn't remove those 2 and put The Castle and one of his better short story collections, like A Country Doctor. Also, tell me why Dostoevsky's 5 major novels are included, but not The Adolscent or The Gambler, aside from reffering to arbitrary lists and consensuses. My point is you fundamenally cannot think for yourself and have to rely on impresions and the opinions of others. Like I said, you are a tranny who refuses to even engage with Taylor, as you would defecate all over your room at the sheer mention that your infantile neo-liberal 'utopia' is a joke.

>> No.16986018

Have you read it?
It's hard to explain fully why it's so great in such short space. The problem people make is they love Moby Dick, and don't read his other books. Pierre is just as good, and Clarel is his best work.

>> No.16986021

>a book isnt lit

Ok seething brainlet

>> No.16986098

I won't participate in your shitty voting until you exclude all non-fiction, biographical and religious books from eligibility as genre choices. If not, kys ASAP for sabotaging this board, faggot.

>> No.16986109 [DELETED] 

>Exclude Boswell
>Exclude Bible
>Exclude half of the Greeks


>> No.16986132

Fuck off nigger, non fiction books were always allowed on these

>> No.16986166

If removing Capital gets the rest removed, please do

>> No.16986450
File: 418 KB, 1819x1181, 1606119035484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mein Kampf keeps the redditors away,hopefully it comes out nr 1
It will show lefty pol that they influenced literally nobody
Lolita nr 2
Quaran somewhere next to lolita would be cool,not christian but it's going to appear on reddit if quaran is over the bible and atract more bugmen.
At least 3 anti-semitic authors should be there
Esoteric/occult jew authors are alright,will make atheist angrier
And a shit load of methaphisical shit redditors and and lefy pol denies


This is bait frens,don't trust these goblins,I like looking weirdly at transexuals in public because it makes them feel uncomfortable and sometimes scared,I fapped to a picture of trannie suicide statistics twice in my life and I will do it again

Look at all the ugly goblins in pic related frens,don't be like them,I am posting all my /lit/ related redpills into these threads once I finish fucking my twink.

>> No.16986492

What happened to this list? It was in the previous thread, why has it been altered?
1. Moby-Dick - Herman Melville
2. Crime & Punishment - Fyodor Dostoevsky
3. The Iliad - Homer
4. War & Peace - Leo Tolstoy
5. Collected Works - John Keats
6. Ulysses - James Joyce
7. Stoner - John Edward Williams
8. Gravity's Rainbow - Thomas Pynchon
9. The Bible
10. Dubliners - James Joyce
11. The Brothers Karamazov - Fyodor Dostoevsky
12. The Republic - Plato
13. A Hero of Our Time - Mikhail Lermontov
14. The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha - Miguel de Cervantes
15. Cannery Row - John Steinbeck
16. Blood Meridian - Cormac McCarthy
17. Anna Karenina - Leo Tolstoy
18. A Farewell to Arms - Ernest Hemingway
19. The Stranger - Albert Camus
20. Notes From Underground - Fyodor Dostoevsky
21. The Dialogues - Plato
22. Lolita - Vladimir Nabokov
23. Essays - Ralph Waldo Emerson
24. Walden - Henry David Thoreau
25. JR - William Gaddis
26. The Grapes of Wrath - John Steinbeck
27. The Decline of the West - Oswald Spengler
28. Technological Society - Jacques Ellul
29. The Old Man and the Sea - Ernest Hemingway
30. No Longer Human - Osamu Dazai
31.The Count of Monte Cristo - Alexandre Dumas
32. Infinite Jest - David Foster Wallace
33. The Catcher in the Rye - J.D. Salinger
34. Journey to the End of the Night - Louis-Ferdinand Celine
35. Dune - Frank Herbert
36. The Odyssey - Homer
37. The Recognitions - William Gaddis
38. Mason & Dixon - Thomas Pynchon
39. One Hundred Years of Solitude - Gabriel Garcia Marquez
40. Brave New World - Aldous Huxley
41. The Myth of Sisyphus - Albert Camus
42. Ubik - Philip K. Dick
43. The Good Soldier Svejk - Jaroslav Hasek
44. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire - Gibbon
45. The Lord of the Rings - J.R.R. Tolkien
46. Hamlet - William Shakespeare
47. A Canticle for Leibowitz - Walter M. Miller Jr.
48. The Opposing Shore - Julien Gracq
49. Anti-Oedipus - Gilles Deleuze
50. Fanged Noumena - Nick Land
51. Fathers & Sons - Ivan Turgenev
52. The Reign of Quantity and the Signs of the Times - Rene Guenon
53. Oblomov - Ivan Goncharov
54. American Psycho - Bret Easton Ellis
55. East of Eden - John Steinbeck
56. The Man Who Was Thursday - G.K. Chesterton
57. Song of Hiawatha - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
58. The Wealth of Nations - Adam Smith
59. The Aeneid - Virgil
60. The Sorrows of Young Werther - Goethe
61. Frankenstein - Mary Shelley
62. The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With the Sea - Yukio Mishima
63. Pale Fire - Vladimir Nabokov
Cont. in next post ---->

>> No.16986498

63. The Divine Comedy - Dante Alighieri
64. The Epic of Gilgamesh
65. The Plague - Albert Camus
66. Hunger - Knut Hamsun
67. Augustus - John Edward Williams
68. Macbeth - William Shakespeare
69. The Learned Disguise - Waldun
70. The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman - Laurence Sterne
71. On the Road - Jack Kerouac
72. The Bhagavad Gita
73. The Trial - Franz Kafka
74. Les Fleurs du Mal - Charles Baudelaire
75. Swann's Way - Marcel Proust
76. One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
77. Fear and Trembling - Soren Kierkegaard
78. Meditations - Marcus Aurelius
79. Critique of Pure Reason - Immanuel Kant
80. The Cossacks - Leo Tolstoy
81. Molloy - Samuel Beckett
82. The Heart of Darkness - Joseph Conrad
83. The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald
84. The Idiot - Fyodor Dostoevsky
85. Wuthering Heights - Emily Bronte
86. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - Mark Twain
87. Fragments - Heraclite
88. Agape Agape - William Gaddis
89. Fantomas - Marcel Allain & Pierre Souvestre
90. My Friends - Emmanuel Bove
91. The Last Grain Race - Eric Newby
92. The Luminaries - Eleanor Catton
93. Dead Souls - Nikolai Gogol
94. All Quiet on the Western Front - Erich Marie Remarque
95. A Glastonbury Romance - John Cowper Powys
96. A Gray House - Mariam Petrosyan
97. A Little Life - Hanya Yanagihara
98. Beyond Good and Evil - Friedrich Nietzsche
99. Manual - Epictetus
100. Secret History - Donna Tart
This list seems a lot better than the current one

>> No.16986558

>This list seems a lot better than the current one
Ok Waldun

>> No.16986570

Different lists. That one is a 'favorite book that you read in 2020' list. This one is the typical '/lit/'s top 100 list,' albeit with a radically different scoring system than usual.

>> No.16986610
File: 905 KB, 777x2777, 1593543488558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey anon,I have something for you,I don't like over-posting this but this is a golden oportunity,I will say my opinions on liberalism and the respective panel of the comic as I go,and you can't stop me
This is only the introduction into the paranormal,into the occult.
Please read every single author found in these comics,they are not propaganda and some are apolitical

Now let's talk about the state of modern society
>Trannies are tolerated
Why should I or you tolerate them?
What moral argument is there to tolerate them?
Because society is fucking weak
Because it costs money not to,masses wil get angry
The lgbt movement is a farce,they added a + because they really don't see you as being worth more.
Pride flags and Lgbt are made to serve corporate interests,Karl Marx would lose his shit if he saw you being fucking proud of
>oh you see this?
> it's lesbian gay bisexual and transexual
>I am in the +,I am insert *mentall illness*
Watch some Zizek videos on this,the Bri-ish imperialists you hate so much categorized irrelevant tribes like this,he is a actual marxist hegelian
>oh so we have OKCB
>meaning oga bungas,kangs,chunga bungas,and bababuis
>oh you aren't one of these?
>ok then we will add + to represent your entire people
Consumerism is making men and women weaker,dumber and more bitchy than ever before,the mentality of any single nation has not improved
More on this later

>> No.16986682

That’s not the actual one

>> No.16986723

>The Reign of Quantity and the Signs of the Times - Guenon

>> No.16987226

people getting this upset by people trolling with mein kempf feels like im back in 2008 again

>> No.16987316

Nice to see The Confidence Man getting some votes.

>> No.16987435

Vote for this list, then (they're not the same): >>16986073

>> No.16987783

I just had an idea to make this list properly. The poll should have 101 questions to it. The first 100 questions are the names of the 100 books from last year followed by yes or no, and the 101st question is the option to nominate a new book. The OP would look at the yeses and nos for each of the old books and reorder them and filter some out while adding in new books that people nominate. This idea has some merits, but giving people the option to give their random ass book that no one else has read 10 votes was foolish

>> No.16987803

This is an interesting idea, and in general I like the concept. I would worry about it really limiting the opportunity for changes in the list, however. Also, we'll need to keep in mind that with a 101 question survey, many anons will start but not finish it, so we'd have to have some idea of what to do with the half-completed forms we would get. Still though, it's something to think about for future years. Thanks anon!

>> No.16988451


>> No.16989285

fake list

>> No.16989913

Keep it up and ignore the whiners.

>> No.16989933

That's you. Fuck your non-lit list

>> No.16989956

Well, I'm not a fan of this scoring system and Mein Kampf being number 1 by a margin of like 900 votes but thanks for running it OP. It wasn't a bad idea to switch it up but I think we should stick with tradition next year.

>> No.16990814


>> No.16991030

>with 110 books that have crossed the 11 point threshold. T
do you suppose there would be a good "second round" to deide the lower tier books? Maybe a voting only based on the books that got 11 -15 votes?

>> No.16991094

Can someone make a list of books that currently only have 1 point?

I think that would be a good reading list because it would be the books you never heard of from people who are taking this seriously.

>> No.16991129
File: 924 KB, 1222x3222, 1593564475472.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Part 2 electric boogaloo
Anon stopped posting it so I will
Here is some actual science,if the CIA saying remote viewing,and spiritual practices from different cultures are real wasn't already enough,here is even more
Once again,for the new fags that actually put the effort into reading rather than larping is demagogues on /lit/ and /pol/,don't overpost this comics,you are a fag,the occult is meant to be somewhat hidden,as the masons say,their practices are out in the open.
>he mentioned evola fascist scumm
Yes,he is very valid,a great philosopher
Evola had deals withing the nazi regime giving him acces to masonic documents,from masons.
As for his theories,no man was ever 100% correct about everything,he still holds great wisdom,and other less political occultists admited this.
Hermeticism and the jewish kabbala might sound weird for someone that,atleast on a general scale, ''doesn't like jews'' but these magical traditions have even made great advancements in science,Newton was very very interested in ancient alchemy for example,and there are demonic beings mentioned in the ars goetia specifically described as ''gives knowledge of geometry and liberal sciences''.

Most of the scientific comunity the atheists praise so much,is not atheistic,we can get examples like Stephen Hawkings and many others,your left-wing politicians aren't atheists either,Biden is a devout catholic isn't he,things like Bohemian grove were very real and not disproved to this day,these people might not literally worhship ''muh satan'' like conservacucks would say,but they did worship something the public had no idea about,and the people there weren't regular joes either.

Organized religion troughout history have been used to fulfill personal or political goals,hence why I would rather not consider myself christian,pegan,or support any new age bullshit.
This doesn't mean the gods themselves,or any mythical being is ''fake'',the wisdom of the stories of old is loaded into our subconscious,and affects our lives even if we don't know it.

Modern science and especially psychology is weak and very much invalid,as they declare anything that isn't liberal,friendly,and egalitarian as pseudoscience,and ''this contradicts the Laws of physics so it's fake,wdym it workes consistently?it can't,so fake).
Scientism might sound like a karen,flat earther term,but I don't think those people should be taken seriously.

Reincarnation is also very probably real,you action in this life will have consequences,certain more abstract afterlifes might be real too.

>> No.16991135

God you're retarded stfu and go back to pol

>> No.16991138

Blindsight - Watts

Get it back on the fucking list, brain/lit/s!

>> No.16991169
File: 157 KB, 680x478, 093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of grammar mistakes at the beginning but otherwise great post
>Scientism might sound like a karen,flat earther term,but I don't think those people should be taken seriously.
Great take,I feel like people seeing scientism in the comic puts a lot of people off
Bro is this the Hylic I keep hearing about,hopefully hylics aren't real but idk

>> No.16991184

that anon,I think flat earthers(atleast when they started) where the work of some secret society,probably the cia since they spend a lot of time here(proven a while ago with screencaps I don't have,not talking about bullshit Q)
Things like essential oils also seem like just a much dumber and literal version of alchemy,but I honestly didn't delve that deep into alchemy yet.

>> No.16991194

Since I didn't specify,flat earthers were made to be as stupid as possible,they were made to make people who criticize modern science look like idiots

>> No.16991238

You're worse than a hylic you moron, you stated sociological truths over material.

>> No.16991252

You can't beat me in a debate so stfu you clowns. Y'all get some balls, and read, and come back w ur nazi race shit. I'll still be here I'll still beat your ass. You can put as much handicaps as you want on me, fundamentally I'll beat the shit out of yall's group.

>> No.16991320

Y'all stay tf away or I'll fuck your shit up again. I have enough cockroaches to deal w. Y'all put handicaps on me don't give me an opening.

>> No.16991491

It is a book, a piece of literature, that provides insight into the mind of an important historical personality. It is well known and very controversial. It absolutely deserves a high place on the top list.

>> No.16991496

It's not important at all. It's not written well and it's not good literature in any sense. It's just political garbage that belongs w the rest of the overwritten blog posts.

>> No.16991547

literature doesnt need to be good to be literature. did you enjoy the crucible? no? well it's still lit

>> No.16991560

You sound like the liberal to me but ig reading political books do that to you. Yes the idea is to talk about good literature. It follows in every board and subreddit culture etc. In pol you talk about best political crap as filtered through a cultural interpretation of politics, in this case nazism. It's not good literature, you answered your own question now fuck off back to pol you illiterate ascientific illogical ignorant mob fuck.

>> No.16991561

it's a book nobody reads that the author disliked and that is strictly inferior as a source of insight into his positions compared to his speeches. even in actual nazi germany it was only popular as a decorative object. if the entire contents of that book were replaced with some lorem ipsum nobody would have noticed.

>> No.16991603

Nice blog retard

>> No.16991635

The name calling is pretty pathetic. I dont even read political books, and rarely do I go on /pol/, I'm merely pointing out that you are not the authority on what is and is not literature. I never once said Mein Kampf was good literature, I said it was literature. I didn't add an adjective or a qualifier. I did not ask "my own" question, nor answer it. I suggest you open some intro to reading comprehension videos since you obviously struggle with reading, maybe listening may be better suited to help you.

>> No.16991649

You stated everything that everything that is literature is lit which is cleary not the case. If you're saying everything that is literature is literature then you're saying nothing informative. Necessarily by physical restraints we cannot talk about every book on any board. There are more restraints past that particularly literature which attracts trolls who don't speak about literature. I understood you more than you did you.

>> No.16991656

If anything you're making my God damned case that you aren't lit and neither is this book you're defending

>> No.16991684

Doesn't matter
Mein Kampf needs to be number 1 to keep redditors away,like you,kill yourself

>> No.16991711

You're the liberal faggot here

>> No.16991762
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As far as I'm concerned pic related is the last canon top 100.

>> No.16991790

Ahhh yes, the good times

>> No.16991828


>> No.16991838

2018's list was a solid list

>> No.16991944

>some crypto-gay American
>"I swear this is not a French novel"
>"I swear this is not a French novel again"
>book no one here read
>book no one here understood or even truly appreciated
>baby first experimental book, but only read because of the subject
>third-rate novel
>CIA psy-op
>"hmmm I guess I'll skip the catalog of ship"
>"I got memed into reading this long overrated book so I'll say it's good"
>"dude it's a western, but it's also a book, so it's patrician"
>"i read on wikipedia that this was the first novel, so it must be good"
>baby first existential crisis
>a play is not supposed to be read faggot
>"yeah I read this so I could understand Ulysses" (still not understood Ulysses)
>"nah I don't speak Italian, I'm not Christian, and I don't know shit about the Troubadours or the Italian history, but this is like one of the best book ever"
>these Russian dudes sure liked to write French novels
>maybe you should just learn French faggot
>book no one here read
>zoomer attention span tier
>"I read like twelve books in my life, gotta vote for them"
>book voted in the list by Americans who thinks they are Irish because their great-great-grandfather almost starved to death because of muh potatoes
>"this is literally me lol" no it's satire faggot
>another proof that the anglos can only rip off the continent in a bad way
>baby first philosophy book
>"I'm lonely too, I liked this book"
>reddit-tier humour
>"Faust 1 was good, I'll just pretend I understood Faust 2" no you didn't
>pomo shit
>"society is just like a trial dude" stop the weed
>sci-fi faggotry
>book people bought because it was on some doomer chart but never read
>book about autism, it fits
>one of the worst French writer of the 19th century above the geniuses
>book people only read because of Celine's views
>marvel-tier shitty american novel
>proof that the board is browsed mainly by high-schoolers
>worst dialogue of Plato
>high-schooler shit
and it goes on like that until the end of the list
Newsflash faggot: it was always shitty.

>> No.16992070

That's you pol faggots after getting the carpet pulled out from under you about not being able to found race in science, literally your only raison d'etre

>> No.16992159
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Part 3
Ow fuck it I'm tired I'm just posting the last few,I think the racial soul part is ultimately true,but I don't think europeans are the perfect balance between spirituality and materialism as the comic says,look at how fucked they are now.
Racial supremacy is icky considering reincarnation might be real,so I can't support it
Allowing people in the old world to racemix,and stay in their countries is retarded
>uhh but multiculturalism and diversity have brung about a greater understanding between peoples,and technological development
Literally didn't,Japan is a perfect example,it doesn't have to imigrate to spread it's culure(anime and real) and technology,Japan isn't multicultural either.
You don't need to have open borders to allow ideas to spread,you can still have international prestigious schools,but people that aren't genetically part of the nation they want to settle in should never be allowed,under no circumstance
Japan has a massive population so having shit birthrates.for the moment isn't that bad

Superpowers like the US have almost total control over the world,and no superpower is eternal,all shall fall,the beacon of light,freedom,and democracy,and all that liberals love,shall fall eventually too,pax romana wasn't eternal either.
In this sense,trying to defend democracy is retarded,it has won,and it is about to die,like literally anything humanity worshipped
I also really like Spenglers ideas on democracy,money and media.

>> No.16992176
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Part 4

>> No.16992185
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Part 5

>> No.16992194

Fucking actually based. Brother.

>> No.16992230

maybe I should stop using this board after all these years

>> No.16992489

>you pol faggots
literally wrote my undergrad capstone on Elison's Invisible Man
nice try tho

>> No.16992777

You will never be a real woman.

>> No.16993409

Time to shine and give Iliad x10 boost

>> No.16993427

Well then you're just retarded at best but you're also saying it should be number one because no reason

>> No.16993541

this new voting system is so fucking retarded. please ban mein kampf: nothing wrong with it tho, just it was spammed to the top, just like that idiot who spammed process and reality a couple of years ago

>> No.16993616
File: 30 KB, 960x960, 1588246674484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Finnegans Wake not on the chart
>Some /pol/tard racist white supremacist crap made the chart
>Mein Kampf number 1
What a disaster. And we have another lazy host this year that won't filter that junk and put those children in their place. When it comes to literature I believe in elitism and higher standards. This board has gone to shit because it has no standards anymore and this chart and the 2019 one are proof of that. If you are not going to stomp on these children and put them in their place don't volunteer to make the chart fucking retard. You are only enabling their retardation on this board.

>> No.16993637

hard agree

>> No.16993655

>>Finnegans Wake not on the chart
Kek this. Notice you can tell the decline of this board when Finnegans Wake goes lower and lower every year.

>> No.16994054

no you fucking mongoloid, I havent once said it should be number one. I have only said it should not be automatically excluded. jesus fuck, you are dense.

>> No.16994114

We need a Guenon book in this top.

>> No.16994117

Learn to take a joke faggot boomer

>> No.16994127

Are you retarded? What is wrong with Guenon? He was against all political parties.

>> No.16994139

Well by reality it should be excluded unless we destroy the top 90% of literature.

>> No.16994143


>> No.16994220

That's the poll I organised. Nice.

>> No.16994232

no one will read your shit. cope.

>> No.16994541

Agree. Being able to vote 10 times for one book is a shit rule too. Why do kids always have to "innovate" and "mix things up"?

>> No.16994711

>People like you represent the downfall of this place
you're literally attempting to suppress thought because you dont like it. people like you actually represent the downfall of lit both as a board and as an idea.

>> No.16994830

censorship is good. retards shouldn't have a say in things.

>> No.16994863

>he says on 4chan, the site most known for its lack of regulations.

>> No.16994962

this might be the shittiest take I've seen all year

>> No.16994992

absolutely correct, if every /pol/ tourist went back to where they came from /lit/ would be a far better board

>> No.16995015

I don't see anyone from /pol/ here, just shitposters that think spamming Mein Kampf is funny.

>> No.16995025

Based retard

>> No.16995029

Learn sincerity, zoomer.

>> No.16995055
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A reminder of how far we've come

>> No.16995070
File: 66 KB, 638x647, Canyounot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Sees 'To The Lighthouse'
> Regrets not voting for that.

>> No.16995074

It's a good compromise, since internet moderators inevitably turn into egomaniacs and trannies. The reason it works most of the time is because we can shit on the retards, and because we don't have a voting system agreeing retards can hide behind.
When you make a poll like this, this kind of system doesn't work, and so you need a fundamentally different approach.

>> No.16995082

Genuinely uplifting.

>> No.16995151

they can take buttercunt with them

>> No.16995972

You can edit your form anon

>> No.16997418

thanks anon

>> No.16997512

Seethe harder

>> No.16997690

>the bible
Is this a joke

>> No.16997704

Anybody who doesn't recognize the Bible's influence on literature all over the world should stop posting. The only thing even halfway comparable is the works of Shakespeare, but those have really only been widely influential on english language literature, whereas the bible goes beyond that.

>> No.16997732

cant tell which one is more r*ddit

>> No.16997737

The irony is rich with you

>> No.16998201

why are there so many meme books in here and why didn't you filter them?

>> No.16998211

>the bible
you don't need to believe in god to appreciate some good stories in there and there is a reason people say "biblical proportions"

>> No.16998214

Both are infinitely superior to Camus and similar

>> No.16998288

Gosh leftypol trannies really want to stage a takeover here lol.

>> No.16998307

Why do you think they're from leftypol, they unironically believe in their delusion