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16981797 No.16981797 [Reply] [Original]

Starting pic related. I've read Crying of Lot 49 and V., what should I expect? I know the memes.

>> No.16981819

If you've read through V. then making your way through Gravity's Rainbow should be no problem

>> No.16981824

A really good book

>> No.16981830

How was V., anon? I've only read The Crying of Lot 49 and it's next on my list

>> No.16982794

The writing is not as good but the subject matter is better.

>> No.16982802
File: 78 KB, 1200x1057, external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots and lots of sex.

>> No.16982818

Just read it, you'll love it!
V. is very strong. Some of his best writing in there. Very proto-GR

>> No.16982847

It's essentially a tripped out desperate last cry on behalf of the failed counterculture. Probably the best 20th century literature had to offer, no joke, memes aside.

>> No.16982850

I’ve ready Inherent Vice and The Crying of Lot 49. I thought IV was significantly better than Lot 49 because it didn’t drag at parts. What Pynchon book should I read next?

>> No.16982849
File: 24 KB, 300x400, Gravitys-Rainbow-by-Thomas-Pynchon-1st-Bantam-Edition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have two extra copies of Gravity's Rainbow hanging around, anyone want to buy them? One is pic related and the other is the Penguin paperback with the original cover. Both in "Good" condition

>> No.16982858

Just do V then GR. Not even Pynchon is keen on Lot 49.

>> No.16982867

Read V. next, but IMO 49 is better than IV. Or you can read Gravity's Rainbow. I'm a big V. fan so I always recommend starting at the beginning, but you can go straight into GR if you want, you'll be about as prepared as you can be

>> No.16982876

Yeah he's wrong though. It's great. I have the strong feeling that when he wrote the comment that he wasn't partial to it that he was just mad that he didn't expand upon his ideas for 600+ pages like he did in V. and Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.16983219

Can I just skip V and TCoL and just read GR and M&D?

>> No.16983253

Technically yeah, but V and 49 are such good books themselves, and it’s an immense thrill seeing how Pynchon evolves from them into GR. So I wouldn’t recommend it.

>> No.16983279

Fascinating, compelling, moving, frustrating, opaque, enlightening, upsetting, etc.

Read and enjoy without burdening yourself to understand it all. Read sympathetically and allow yourself to weep at unexpected appearances of harmonicas.

>> No.16983291

You can but you shouldn't

>> No.16983364

Yeah. V. and lot 49 are starters for GR. Everything he does in them is done better in GR

>> No.16983375

Agreed and that's saying something because V. and 49 are both fantastic

>> No.16983917

He wrote that in '84. He only had 3 books out at the time and I can see him liking GR and V. over it.

>> No.16984677

Yeah that's what I just fucking said

>> No.16985541

You said he had a strong feeling. I backed it up with fact

>> No.16985548

*You had a strong feeling

>> No.16985963

You can, but they are definitely good reads. If you've read difficult stuff (be it either more "pomo
stuff like IJ or something by Gaddis, some modernist stuff a la Ulysses, or just a longer more complex novel like maybe Moby Dick) then you don't need an intro into a difficult book. It's really only needed if you want to see Pynch's evolution as a writer, get used to his style, and some characters from V. show up I think in GR as mostly minor characters so you'll just miss that connection, though that isn't that big of a deal. If 49 and V. don't interest you then you can read GR and M&D and maybe go back if you like those enough, but they do serve as good testers I suppose for his later works. Bu' doo whateva mayn iss yo' laf.

>> No.16986232

If you go back and read the intro to Slow Learner, his "attack" on Lot 49 seems more like a sly comment than any kind of serious criticism, i.e., I think he was just joking when he said that

>> No.16986293
