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File: 129 KB, 834x960, Linkola and Ted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16979364 No.16979364 [Reply] [Original]

Who will carry on their legacy once Ted dies?

>> No.16979371


>> No.16979420

Ted completed the system of Neo-Ludditism. Now it is up to us to see it is realized.

>> No.16979672


>> No.16979780

Forest Anon

>> No.16979783


>> No.16979795

Sean Goonan

>> No.16979975

Chad Haag

>> No.16980139

has ole ted said anything meaningful during his prison time? any good interviews or something?

>> No.16980148

no one, hopefully

>> No.16980168


>> No.16980203
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>> No.16980385

Remember that thread. Turns out the OP of that thread will be the new Ted.

>> No.16980550

Eco-fascism is a dead end. Read Bookchin instead

>> No.16980980

He's really not, he calls the whole thing counter-intuitive. He's more of a mix between Anarcho-Primitivist and Medievalist.

>> No.16980984

I read both of your shit books and they're utter shit.

>> No.16980994

we've had quints about Ted being Christ, lost the screencap unfortunately

>> No.16981037

Ted isn't an Eco-Fascist and he's also not an AnPrim.

>> No.16981045

he's neither. Kaczynski's philosophy is not concerned with the outcome of the anti-tech revolution. Whatever your ideal type of society is, it is not relevant, it's nothing more than juvenile musings, foolish ideals. One might even call them delusions. Kaczynski is preoccupied with the how-to, the rest is irrelevant.

>> No.16981053

Miss me with the gay shit, nothing more then slave moralism applied to technology. Techno-Futurist Fascism or bust.

>> No.16981105

Are there any guides to dropping out of society and living like ted (minus the bombing part of course). It seems that we stray further from god every day, I'm pretty fed up with everything.

>> No.16981107


>> No.16981133

>he needs a step by step tutorial from the internet on how to turn his computer off and walk into the woods
The absolute fucking state of tedLARPers

>> No.16981147

I'm a Ted shill and I just got back from a friends forest, we spent the day in the wild and ate deer we hunted last week for dinner.

You'll never know this feeling, urbanite.

this is the gayest homo shit I've ever read

>> No.16981211

stupid zoomers who heard about it from one of their jewtubers. They'll endlessly use their computers to make memes on why computers are bad. This is what every single political ideology has boiled down to.

>> No.16981219

How do I know you're a pathetic faggot? Stay in your concrete box urbanite.

>> No.16981226

he typed, after spending half a year locked in his house because of a global pandemic

>> No.16981253
File: 296 KB, 996x996, futurism_aeropittura_tato_flying_over_the_coliseum (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said Techno-Futurist Fascism, not tyrannical globalist Liberalism

>> No.16981392

how the fuck do u lose that screenshot u monster

>> No.16981393
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>> No.16981579
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>> No.16981581

Guess which one you'll be invariably living in

>> No.16981596

The same one as you. I offer a solution that isn't so laughably retarded that it worthless to even debate.

>> No.16981612

wtf linkola died?

>> No.16981621

How do you guys reconcile the correctness of Ted with the retarded futility of his actions? Yes we are going to be consumed by technology, no we cannot stop it.

>> No.16981631
File: 145 KB, 271x553, Screen Shot 2020-12-08 at 8.21.34 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Earlier this year

>> No.16981669


It's a fucking tragedy bros

>> No.16981712

He disavows the use of terrorism and is pretty lucid and clear about the motives of bombing campaign. He has written about the use of terrorism, in his letter addressed to ITS iirc.

>no we cannot stop it.
are you a medium?

>> No.16981713
File: 715 KB, 629x758, 1602024408178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't

>> No.16981816

>you watch the inside of your cell
>I’ll—— *dies*

>> No.16982395
File: 741 KB, 797x634, forstfellr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16982975


The Unabomber has been dead for about five years, the recent /lit/ interest in his person has been part of our ongoing campaign. We did him once the first time, so why not make use of his corpse again. t. alphabet soup guy

>> No.16982998

I have at least one, probably two incendiary anti-tech manifestoes in me.

>> No.16983823


>> No.16984173

log off

>> No.16984983

if dubs I kill myself

>> No.16985835
File: 70 KB, 960x907, fren apu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dubs and you don't!

>> No.16985839

Whoever Netflix makes a documentary about next.

>> No.16985852

Ted is gaining a lot of traction with young people online. I even see comments on tiktok referencing him and telling people to read his manifesto

>> No.16985863

>App controlled by the Chinese Community Party promotes anti-social terrorist

Yeah, it's gaining "traction" organically I'm sure.

>> No.16985894

Newfags to life only believe in things ironically.
They're anarcho-primitivists that stare at flashing screens for 12 hours a day.
They're communists that have not used a shovel, axe or scythe in their lives.
They are "trad" catholics that masturbate to cartoon pornography when mass is being held.
The modern boy is obsessed with aesthetics to the most shallow degree, the substance of a belief system is irrelevant, for he is only interested in the color of it's coat.

>> No.16986061

>muh freedoms is being taken away by the libtards
>zealots and theocratic goberments aren't much of a concern
Ted makes valid points but most of his bitching is rather limited to the leftists and the corporations rather than his freedom and wageslavery

>> No.16986086

John Jacobi

>> No.16986198

I love him

>> No.16986223

retards dont realised how easy dubs is

>> No.16986231
File: 304 KB, 512x512, Linkola.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16986233

I miss by a tiny bit but the point is, it's a slowish board u can time for dubs pretty easy meaning dubs have very little value

>> No.16986255
File: 1.22 MB, 1229x777, 1550602719472.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well done there at least


>> No.16986276
File: 204 KB, 527x942, 1603807422653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grab router
>put it in the sink
>leave water running for at least 2 minutes to make sure
>resist the temptation to call your ISP
There, you're free-er than 90% of humanity with this simple yet epik move
Next step is quitting your job and making a living off the land, but since most of us are too weak to even complete the first step, I doubt you'll reach this one. Godspeed either way

>> No.16986354
