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16981119 No.16981119 [Reply] [Original]

What thinkers from the 21st century will be remembered as the greatest?

>> No.16981130

Who cares - thinkers < doers.

>> No.16981189


>> No.16981199


Unironically probably Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg

>> No.16981206

God I hope not

>> No.16982126

We are only 20 years into the 20th century, but I expect absolutely none. There wasn't any great thinkers in the 20th century either.

>> No.16982147


>> No.16982162


>> No.16982183

Scaruffi will be remembered as the supreme authority on rock music criticism

>> No.16982221

Have you guys heard of a book called '12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos?' It's by this really amazing guy called Dr Jordan B. Peterson. He's a Canadian psychologist who once taught at Harvard, so you know he's super smart.
He does lectures on YouTube all about the Bible and mythology, the power of stories, and what makes up our personality and shizzle. All stuff that would really interest you guys, I think. He's like a modern day Socrates, he's that good. No joke. He's also a major force in the war against SJW's (if you don't know who they are, then count yourself lucky. Type 'SJW' into YouTube but you best steel yourself XD). He's taking a break for the moment but he's got a new book out next year which I'm mad excited about.

Anyway, I think he's a real great intellectual in the 21st century and his book will live on forever desu. It's really helped me sort my life out and become a more active and responsible individual. It's like a self-help book straight from the Logos (or God, shall we say, heh). Check it out guys, and remember to clean your room ;) (that's a joke, you'll get it if you read the book aha).

>> No.16982251

Shut up

>> No.16982271


>> No.16982282
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Nick Land
"I wiped the blade against my jeans and walked into the bar. It was mid-afternoon, very hot and still. The bar was deserted. I ordered a whiskey. The barman looked at the blood and asked:



‘S’pose it’s time someone finished that hypocritical little punk, always bragging about his old man’s power…’

He smiled crookedly, insinuatingly, a slight nausea shuddered through me. I replied weakly:

‘It was kind of sick, he didn’t fight back or anything, just kept trying to touch me and shit, like one of those dogs that try to fuck your leg. Something in me snapped, the whingeing had ground me down too low. I really hated that sanctimonious little creep.’

‘So you snuffed him?’

‘Yeah, I’ve killed him, knifed the life out of him, once I started I got frenzied, it was an ecstasy, I never knew I could hate so much.’

I felt very calm, slightly light-headed. The whisky tasted good, vaporizing in my throat. We were silent for a few moments. The barman looked at me levelly, the edge of his eyes twitching slightly with anxiety:

There’ll be trouble though, don’tcha think?’

‘I don’t give a shit, the threats are all used up, I just don’t give a shit.’

‘You know what they say about his old man? Ruthless bastard they say. Cruel…’

‘I just hope I’ve hurt him, if he even exists.’

‘Woulden wanna cross him merself,’ he muttered.

I wanted to say ‘yeah, well that’s where we differ’, but the energy for it wasn’t there. The fan rotated languidly, casting spidery shadows across the room. We sat in silence a little longer. The barman broke first:

‘So God’s dead?’

‘If that’s who he was. That fucking kid lied all the time. I just hope it’s true this time.’

The barman worked at one of his teeth with his tongue, uneasily:

‘It’s kindova big crime though, isn’t it? You know how it is, when one of the cops goes down and everything’s dropped ’til they find the guy who did it. I mean, you’re not just breaking a law, your breaking LAW.’

I scraped my finger along my jeans, and suspended it over the bar, so that a thick clot of blood fell down into my whisky, and dissolved. I smiled:

‘Maybe it’s a big crime,’ I mused vaguely ‘but maybe it’s nothing at all…’ ‘…and we have killed him’ writes Nietzsche, but—destituted of community—I crave a little time with him on my own.

In perfect communion I lick the dagger foamed with God’s blood."

>> No.16983780

Unironically Zizek. His pop work is drivel but his more "serious" stuff is amazing.

>> No.16983798

Had to look up if its real. A /lit/ poster could ahve come up with it, but I mean it in a good way for once.

>> No.16983802

Plz god no

>> No.16983853
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Considering that we've been pretty much 20 years into this century, it's fair to say that:

- Nassim Taleb
- Derek Parfit

will be remembered as two of the most important thinkers of the first half of the century. This is definitely correct.

However, you need to take into consideration that, as Paul Skallas, points out, the monoculture is DYING. This means that there will be no such thing as the "official list" of thinkers anymore, but rather many varied traditions, each of which placing its own thinkers above the rest.
In a way, this is already happening.
For instance, I suspect that, for libertarians, Michael Huemer will eventually be considered one of the greatest political philosophers. Whether rightly or not, other people will probably ignore him.
For Spaniards, Bueno and Maestro will be considered among the most important thinkers. And again, most people will ignore them. But they will not care.
For left-wing anarchists, Noam Chomsky might become a cult figure. But again, others will also ignored them.

Parfit and Taleb are two thinkers that are too important to be ignored, and therefore everyone will take their work into account. They will be unaffected by the decentralization of culture.

Most other philosophers one could cite belong to the late 20th, not to the 21st century: Roger Scruton, John Searle, Peter Singer, Habermas, even Zizek.
Parfit and Taleb, however, published their main works in the last 20 years.

>> No.16983867

Mark isn't a thinker and has, strategically wise perhaps, not shared his thoughts.

At least Musk had some thoughts on technology and specifically the implications of AI.

>> No.16983872

I really wonde rhow he got himself into Harvard.I don't dislike what he preaches, but he is not a serious researcher.

>> No.16983886

>Nassim Taleb
Taleb is a dog-turd selling the self-evident to meme hungry biz retards. None of all these economics self-help books will be remembered in twenty years
It's either Land or Chairman Poo

>> No.16984430

>economics self-help books

I can tell you haven't read a single one of them from cover to cover. You haven't even read his tweets.
As for the "self-help" label, well, that's a very general one. Aristotle is also self-hep.

>> No.16984666

It's weird. I don't like him at all, and he's clueless when it comes to philosophy. but at the same time he doesn't seem like a conplete actual retatd to me. I think that if he took some time to develop and stopped focusing on shitty and embarrassing self-help books, he could put out something decent. dropping Jung is the first step though, which is unlikely to happen

>> No.16984680

Hello, Paul. How are things in the 4HL?

>> No.16984713

oh yeah, the guy who is only really known and cared about by losers on /mu/ is going to be remembered as the supreme authority on rock music criticism. sure. i can see that.

In all honesty though, I'm pretty sure no one cares or knows about Scaruffi outside of /mu/. He has a blog that he posts on every once in a while that looks like it hasn't been updated in ten years and he has one "famous" quote that is really now just a copypasta about the Beatles and I think that most people who post that quote don't even really know where it comes from. He's some Italian guy who thinks (and is, evidently, sadly, right about this) people think he's a genius or a god or something. Maybe he doesn't, I don't know. I don't even think he has bad taste, but I do think that in a few years even most of /mu/ won't care about him. Especially if he dies. He's old, you know, and there's been enough hoaxes about his death that has been pretty convincing. So I'd say in ten years time, dead or not, no one's going to really care.

But either way I don't think that by the time the 22nd century rolls around anyone is going to care about ANY rock music critic, be it Scaruffi, Christgau, Fantano, Otts, or whoever.

>> No.16984772

Extremely Lindy, incredibly 1KYAE

>> No.16985842
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