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/lit/ - Literature

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16978517 No.16978517 [Reply] [Original]

>Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up, she was shitting brown water. The more she drank the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew.
Look at this disgusting freak of a man, jerking himself off to writing about women shitting, obviously smelling like body odor and cheetos and trash. How anyone even approached this filthy freak to give him a book deal is beyond me.

>> No.16978531
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>> No.16978587

God I wish I was there, just out of site, crouched into the grass, close enough to smell the increasing foulness, close enough to feel a drop of splashing shit water on my cheek. I would watch without blinking. Then, when she had done her beautiful business, I would crawl closer and have my dinner.

>> No.16978641

What is the context of that paragraph?

>> No.16978694
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Does this board count as success? Then pic related.
Succeeded and became popular only among pseuds that do fishing in an empty swimming pool.

>> No.16978696

Are we sure it's Daenarys?

>> No.16978705

I see that snippet posted all the time and it is quite the sensual narrative of dysentery. Bravo, GRRM

>> No.16978722

>The more she drank the more she shat
Yes bravo truly high art

>> No.16978762

Considering anyone who is stupid enough to continue drinking what makes them shit (and obviously more dehydrated) for at least over a few hours, the focusing on that is hardly a high point of literature.

>> No.16978790

Yes, it’s Dany you retard

>> No.16978949

There is a genre that rely on foul things. This is considered to be realistic. Less clean, more dirty mundane description.

>> No.16979798

Funny you should ask; because the answer is NO. The Dany we follow in the POV is not the person we think she is. There is lots of evidence for this theory.

>> No.16979829

so whose asshole is shitting then?

>> No.16980140

Not a fan of Pynch?

>> No.16980476


>> No.16980812

I'd say he very much deserved it, as he was amongst the first to take a hard look at the rustiness of some of the widely accepted fantasy tropes that were starting to erode the genre, and came up with a few acceptable solutions.
He also completely deserves the hate and neglect he's receiving today for : 1) having strayed from his strenghs (the story eventually gives in to the very kind of fantasy he was supposed to renew) 2) being a lazy lardass who let 2 idiots ruins his work on tv, and not being able to finish it himself in due time

>> No.16980858


>> No.16980978

He'd be the first to agree

>> No.16980993

provide for me 3 superior instances of description of dysentery in novels.

>> No.16981024 [DELETED] 

No. You could write "I did a dysentery :(" and it would be better than "the more she drank the more she shat"

Which not to mention its totally inappropriate to talk about women doing stuff like that in books

>> No.16981031 [DELETED] 

Why is it inappropriate to talk about women shitting?

>> No.16981051 [DELETED] 

scatological literature will never evolve with conservative attitudes like this

>> No.16981135

You first OP

>> No.16981159 [DELETED] 

spare me the feminist spiel please

>> No.16981167 [DELETED] 

Why wouldn't it be you incel? Are you trying to demean women?

>> No.16981185 [DELETED] 

, said the woman hater with a fart fetish.

>> No.16981216 [DELETED] 

lmao you're the one sperging out over women shitting.

What, did you think women just kept all the shite inside like Kimmie Un?

>> No.16981229 [DELETED] 

I don't know what a Kimmie Un is and I don't want to know. You just can't stop typing "women shitting" huh? Could you make your weird fetish anymore obvious? If you actually respected women you wouldn't be humiliating them with all this talk.

>> No.16981254

Very based
I've written at least 15 extended shit stories here on /lit/ and have no plans on stopping because everyone loves them

>> No.16981348

Terrible, just terrible. How will our lads and lasses ever survive without shite to read about!?

>> No.16981434

Here this is what you like:

>> No.16981963

Secretly encodes information about US corporate leaders and potential future policies into his works.
Almost nobody notices, except maybe literal glow niggers whose task is to analyze literature etc. for this type of subtext.

>> No.16982684

Yeah if that was the entire sentence it'd be boring, but the next clause sounding similar gives it a somewhat rhythmic quality. You get a sense for the vicious cycle.

>Sneed's Feed
>Sneed's Feed AND SEED

>> No.16983592


Scalzi. Weird, constantly yelling at people, shits out books in 2 weeks and brags about it, flipped coin to decide what genre to write in.

>> No.16983596 [DELETED] 

>its totally inappropriate to talk about women doing stuff like that
fucking autistic backwards fascist

>> No.16983681 [DELETED] 

look at the incel's word vomit. dilate.

>> No.16983693 [DELETED] 

i'm not the fascist; you are for hating women and humiliating them with your fart and shit fetish. i would beat the shit out of you irl for your misogynistic, fascist psychopathy.

i punch nazis

>> No.16983731 [DELETED] 

gender distinctions and categorizations are fascist methods if you didn't know. Completely fits their usual playbook. Women are people and we all take a shit. That's what fascist hypocrites with their mythic concept of females don't get. Any attempt to set up rules of what is appropriate or not is by definition fascist. Social liberation is the most important thing we can push for to punch the poltards in the gut.

>> No.16983843 [DELETED] 

Wrong. I'm a woman and your fucking toxic masculinity bullshit makes me want to vomit. I am genuinely afraid reading you talking about violently enforcing your fetish like a psycho. Maybe have sex? Idk. Get help you virgin creep. Women aren't objects built to fart on you for pleasure

>> No.16983953 [DELETED] 

Lefties eat their own.

>> No.16983979 [DELETED] 

>Get help you virgin creep.
>I am genuinely afraid
Ah yes, the most effective strategy for proponing your perspective: name calling and emotional reasoning. If you are actually afraid (and not just acting hysterical for effect) you might want to take a deep breath and engage the part of your brain that does thinkies instead of feelies. The bad man on the internet can't hurt you, sweetheart.

>> No.16983999

Nobody deserves anything, anon. Nothing is due to you for putting effort in something.

>> No.16984001 [DELETED] 

american authors

sage /thread anglocide soon

>> No.16984046


Rent free.

>> No.16984148

my mummy has watched some of the show and likes these sorts of things but i'm hesitant to recommend the books to her. what should i do lit bros?

>> No.16984171 [DELETED] 

Ah yes the white male lecturing women about what categories of gender they are and aren't allowed to possess and how they should feel about... well, everything!

Get help. You aren't antifascist, and you aren't an ally. You are literally just white trash fascist scum, but worse because you believe you're one of the "good ones".

>> No.16984185

>Ah yes the white male lecturing women about what categories of gender they are and aren't allowed to possess and how they should feel about... well, everything!
No, I couldn't care less. Really. It doesn't affect me since I am a cisgendered male, so I do my best not to have any concrete opinions on it. My post was just addressing the way you're trying to interact with people.

By the way, I'm not a fascist, an antifascist, or any kind of 'ist. I am ism-agnostic. Since you asked, and all.

>> No.16984190

wasn't me. I decided not to answer.

>> No.16984200 [DELETED] 

Good. That's the first respectable thing you've done. Are you ready to apologize for telling women that they aren't allowed to have a gender identity and that if they do so they are "OMG LITERALLY HITLER"? Because that's what you said. Gender identity is fascist. So before you start stomping on the necks of vulnerable transgendered individuals for their "egregious fascist behavior" maybe you could recalibrate your /pol/ warped brain??

>> No.16984211

This thread sucks too. Why does everything always devolve into political shit flinging? Don't you guys get tired of screaming into the void?

>> No.16984216 [DELETED] 

Just wanted to drop in to say I love watching faggots like you get castrated by idpol over and over. And I love that you eat it up and apologize for it. This is why I go all in for people like Biden/Harris. Nothing gives me more pleasure than seeing tankies get their balls crushed.

>> No.16984219

I'm not the one who started flinging the term "fascist" around to talk about women having gas. That was the other toxic piece of shit. Maybe take it up with him.

>> No.16984263


>> No.16984268

did someone really do this before the thread got nuked? the absolute state of communist /lit/

>> No.16984358

yes up there with old english heroics

Hige sceal þē heardra / heorte þē cēnre
mōd sceal þē māre / þē ūre mægen lȳtlað

Hige shall the/that harder / heart the/that keener
mood shall the/that more / the/that our might littleth

Resolve shall be stronger / heart the keener
spirit shall be greater / as our strength wanes

>> No.16984387

Might wanna check the expiry date on your filter, bud

>> No.16984779

The Horror’s Call guy. He keeps shilling his books here and you faggots keep buying his books.

>> No.16984792

You reminded me of gulliver's travel, my boy jonathan that madman actually included taking a fucking crap and flooding the castle with piss to extinguish the fire into the plot (in more satirical manner, unlike george here), and it was good.

I really must read gulliver's travels again, given that I've actually only read liliput and it was a year and half ago and didn't have the same feeling I have for reading that I finally have now.

>> No.16985322
