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16976449 No.16976449 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best book(/literary work) to have come out of France?

>> No.16976496
File: 872 KB, 1588x1600, Celine à Meudon photo francois Pages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Céline's entire oeuvre, also Stendhal's and Flaubert's work.

>> No.16976523

Flaubert or Proust
Baudelaire or Mallarmé

>> No.16976640

The best ever literary work to come out of France is arguably In Search of Lost Time.

>> No.16976710

Mon journal desu

>> No.16976727


>> No.16976732
File: 409 KB, 1595x2378, MONJOURNAL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can confirm

>> No.16976744


>> No.16976872
File: 1.10 MB, 1200x1831, lossy-page1-1200px-Fantomas_1911_cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16976947
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>> No.16976991

What well known contemporary French author besides Houellebecq would you recommend? I guess I could just look up who won the latest Goncourt or something but I don't live in France or a French-speaking country so they're not easily available in our libraries here.

>> No.16977002

Bonnefoy and Jaccottet. If you're not a poetry-fag, Bonnefoy's essays are kino.

>> No.16977222

*Mon journal pêh
Pêh=pour être honnête= to be honest
Meme properly

>> No.16977252

>Baudelaire or Mallarmé
Incredible based
Meh, I prefer Corneille, both his language and his actual plays. Haven't read any plays written after the 17th century though :(

>> No.16977266

merci senpai

>> No.16977267

je vous remercie for the recs, have to stop reading 100+ year books at some point desu

>> No.16977272

but desu doesn't mean t b h, it's japanese

>> No.16977309

>I prefer Corneille
A perfectly valid choice. But Molière has this genius of rhythm that I have never found elsewhere. There are some very good plays written after the 17th century but I too know them less. I like Beaumarchais, Claudel, Beckett and Ionesco.

>> No.16977322


isnt he a meme of the masses in France?

>> No.16977378

This. His later books and pamphlets are the best things that Frenchies can offer.

>> No.16977382

>tfw his plays never really interested me but connaissances de l'est always gives me goosebumps

>> No.16977582

Yes but if we’re shitposting it in French then do it right

>> No.16977596
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De rien mon kop1

>> No.16977915

Yeah it's bizarre, he's both known for his meme polemics but also everyone reads him.