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16976208 No.16976208 [Reply] [Original]

Recommend me some historical fiction. Something in the vein of Joseph and His Brothers, Salammbo, The Temptation of St. Anthony, The Sot-Weed Factor, Mason & Dixon, Gravity's Rainbow, Blood Meridian, Quo Vadis, Augustus, Memoirs of Hadrian.

>> No.16976283

Myers, The Root and the Flower

>> No.16976512

The Egyptian

>> No.16976521

The Days of His Grace by Eyvind Johnson.

>> No.16976986

Read Hilary Mantel’s Cromwell trilogy.

>> No.16978065


>> No.16978244

All of Waltaris historical novels

>> No.16978250


>> No.16978343

Came in this thread to tell you this, amazing book. You could try Les Chouans by Balzac or Les Dieux ont soif by Anatole France (though I wouldn't personally recommend the later which I found very dull and uninspired)

>> No.16979213

How is Salammbo?

>> No.16979345

You might like Theophile Gautier's 'One of Cleopatra's Nights...'

>> No.16979351

The Bible.

*smirks athiestically*

>> No.16979358

Aubrey-Maturin series by Patrick O'Brian is the gold standard of historical fiction, IMO.

>> No.16979648

*tips fedora*
Well done, sir.

>> No.16980246

How do I into History? Is there a chart?

>> No.16980252

I mean, the Tanahk is basically historical fiction

>> No.16980274

War & Peace if you somehow haven't read it yet. Tolstoy's approach to history is really interesting

>> No.16980487

Death of Virgil

>> No.16980517

I once met an historian while dining in a library, he told me his opinion on Memoirs of Hadrian (quoting from another scholar who also read them): "Upon rereading, what seemed to you like marble will appear to have been lard."
He much preferred The Abyss, in his opinion she was much more successful with was she was trying to do, linguistically.

>> No.16980527

Broch's Death of Virgil is a must.

>> No.16981347
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The Black Arrow

>> No.16981376

who strikes a conversation with an historian while dining in a library? Are you a Dumas character?

>> No.16981387

>stop it guys stop it immediately

>> No.16981389

Nikos Kazantzakis' Saint Francis.

>> No.16981433

It was a restaurant with wine tasting that's inside a bookstore (I'm ESL and I often confuse library and bookstore, because in my language the work for bookstore is "librairie").

It's in the center of Paris but it's not that fancy really, just an average restaurant and a above-average bookstore rolled into one.

Since it is close to a lot of museaum, theater and archives room you see a lot of intellectual types working, reading, eating and drinking there.

I was eating in their small dining room at the back and some bald guy on the table next to mine was finishing a drink while hunched over a book. I could tell right away that he was a big reader, so I asked him how he made time to read a lot while having obligations. Turns out he is an historian (with a dash of anthropologist). Started his career as a student of Max Milner. We spent the night talking and went to another bar, was a nice experience.

Also it was about 1 a.m. That bookstore/restaurant closes late at night, which is a big plus for me.

>> No.16981459
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Mitchells best book IMO. Centers around the history of Dejima a dutch port in Japan and the only allowed source of outside contact with Japan for a long time.

>> No.16981479

I can't believe that no-one's mentioned Boleslaw Prus' The Pharaoh yet. It's one of his best books, and an excellent examination of the conflict between military leaders and political/religious ones. If my memory is correct, it was Joseph Stalin's favorite book, too.

Also, since OP liked Quo Vadis, he's probably like The Trilogy too (With Fire and Sword, The Deluge, and Pan Wolodyjowski). They're a bit hard to track down, especially in a good translation, but they're great fun. The Deluge's depiction of the Siege of Jasna Gora is absolutely sublime, and is one of my favorite parts of any adventure novel ever.

>> No.16982072
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The Wallace and Robert the Bruce by Nigel Tranter

>> No.16982195
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Stendhal's The Red and the Black and The Charterhouse of Parma are both excellent.

>> No.16982205

>Something in the vain of [list of books that have nothign to do with each other]

>> No.16982212

Robert Graves' I, Claudius, Claudius the God and King Jesus

>> No.16982225

>Recommend me some historical fiction.
>Gets historical fiction recommendations

>> No.16982468

Anything Byzantine?

>> No.16982478

>Stendhal's The Red and the Black

Which translation?

>> No.16982667

Burton Raffel or Catherine Slater

>> No.16983105

>actually names books he has read or he knows so people don't mention them

>> No.16983748
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The Decameron

>> No.16983810

Beautifully written. The whole book is tensed with an erotic electricity that goes perfectly with this story of war. It feels like a long preliminary of a greater thing to come.

>> No.16984068

What's the best translation?

>> No.16984074

No idea I'm French. I doubt many people will have compared the different translations, go for a company you trust or look at the pedigree of the translators

>> No.16984172

Count Belisarius too

>> No.16984403
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Reading Shogun right now. Its good. My favorite historical fiction is probably I, Claudius

>> No.16985195

Gore Vidal

>> No.16986201

Sounds based

>> No.16987429
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Master and Commander
Horatio Hornblower

>> No.16988019

Isn't that novel completely inaccessible?