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File: 86 KB, 276x450, catcher-in-the-rye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1697575 No.1697575 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a generation novel for the 20-something basement dwelling geeks of the late 90's, set in the present, which tackles problems like foreveralone and being an outcast because you like computers?

pic mildly related

>> No.1697577


>> No.1697590

Please elaborate.

"The Perks of Being a Wallflower"?

>> No.1697592

The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao is a very good book, I've read it 6 times.

>> No.1697595

No there isn't

>> No.1697596

good luck with a good answer. everyone online are phonies

>> No.1697597


>> No.1697598

Thanks, this seems interesting. Though I've heard it's also very much a novel about the Dominican Republic...

>> No.1697600


Yeah, but the DR is badass, so everything went better than expected.

>> No.1697620
File: 57 KB, 288x443, Confederacy of Dunces.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.1697623

You haven't written it yet.

>> No.1697624

Actually it's more about being culturally and personally estranged. I.e. too intelligent for dominican immigrant culture, but also too "brown" or colored to be fully accepted into american culture. foreveraloneness and being alone come into play.

>> No.1697641
File: 49 KB, 300x345, gladitsover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Oscar plays DnD, reads fantasy books, watches anime, and has a failed love life.

>> No.1697659

Story of my life ;_;

>> No.1697851

EEEEE EEE EEEE and Hikikomori by Tao Lin

inb4 Tao Lin shitstorm.

>> No.1697858

'sup Tao

>> No.1697868


Nothing much. You?

>> No.1698010

Welcome to the NHK by Tatsuhiko Tatsimoto

Ignore the atrocious anime-styled cover art, it has nothing to do with the actual story in the book.

>> No.1698019


Well, I'm not Tao, and I was actually going to suggest him too. I've only read a couple of his short stories and some poetry. Hated it all, to be honest, but I'm not of that generation.

The book that did it for my generation was Generation X - Douglas Coupland. His Generation A may be something similar for the 21st century, but meh.

That Safran Foer cunt seems to define some kind of a section of some kind of society, but he's fucking shit as well, so I don't know if he's the Salinger of his times.

I fucking hate Salinger as well. Catcher in the Rye should be retititled A Few Days with Assburgers.

>> No.1698020
File: 147 KB, 600x600, cfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I watched the anime to this

>> No.1698028

>a few days with assburgers

this is actually a very good title for a novel, captures a kind of serious FOREVER ALONE feel but also conveys self-deprecation and a sort of offbeat humor

my brother has aspergers

maybe I will write this book

>> No.1698030


The book is shit but SGR was brilliant. The whole book is IRONIC.


Ditto. Everyone who browses 4chan for more than 3 hours a day should read this.

>> No.1698031


I want a cut. Just post my money to Anon, The Internet. It'll get to me.