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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 115 KB, 225x225, 7D9EF34E-1A3A-47F5-BA42-289400206B2F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16972010 No.16972010 [Reply] [Original]

Remember when this pop philosopher had /lit/ enthralled and half the posts here were about the loser? A great example this place is full of under-read pseuds that values creating charts more than actual reading.

>> No.16972016

>rips a huge, nasty fart all over your thread

>> No.16972022

> A great example this place is full of under-read pseuds that values creating charts more than actual reading.

motherfucker if you're going to posture as an intellectual how about not writing a sentence like this

>> No.16972034
File: 48 KB, 618x618, Jordan The Drag Queen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seethe harder neomarxist scum. The Big P is here to stay.

>> No.16972033

Don’t take the bait fag.

>> No.16972051

anyone got the greentext about how fucked the peterson family is? esp. the slutty daughter lmao

>> No.16972055

my room is much cleaner now

>> No.16972074

Dude flew to Russia to put himself in a medically induced coma to kick a benzo addiction. He couldn’t walk or talk for months after. JP is literally retarded now lol

>> No.16972114

no one has shilled for him you pseud

>> No.16972117

thats the simp that raised a whore daughter right?

>> No.16972122
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>> No.16972135

You're on a anonymous internet forum. I am currently looking at two advertisements that both contain 3d animated titties. What in the hell did you expect? You fucking mongoloid.

>> No.16972138

You either have been here for only 2020 or your willfully ignorant. 2017-2019 was non-stop JP shilling. Even better than food book reviews jacked off to the guy because his whole deal is to appeal to the autists here.

>> No.16972144
File: 36 KB, 712x533, 1586072869704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'member when he was only starting to get popular and all the crossboarders were asking what postmodernism is.

>> No.16972162
File: 51 KB, 413x243, d8b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jp sucks!! I love marxism and tranny porn btw. You ever heard of zizek?

>> No.16972181

Honestly really strange that a coup attempt on the meaning of the concept was attempted. Though it’s suitably absurd that a man child pop philosopher would attempt to redefine postmodernism to sell books.

>> No.16972190

there's a specific img/post/greentext that chronicles all that shit lol

>> No.16972197

Post it

>> No.16972213

He's a charlatan in some regards but I feel like people went too far in the other direction. When he doesn't stray from his wheelhouse, his advice is generally sound. It's only when he goes into politics and other culture war bullshit that he flounders and exposes his dormant retardation. It's a shame he didn't stick to self-help and psychology.

>> No.16972224

Yeah, I’ll be real and say his self help advice is reasonable. Simple yet effective. The fact that he went into far right politics painted a target on his back. Now that he’s literally brain damaged it doesn’t matter.

>> No.16972234
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>> No.16972269
File: 1.91 MB, 1080x1920, F0675790-B6C6-44BC-BB94-AF37A99829A4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16972286

Cum tribute her kek

>> No.16972377


>> No.16972394

The man’s a wreck, but I’ll always appreciate the fact that he was my gateway to serious literature and philosophy (which i bet is true for a lot of people)

>> No.16972395

I'd like to feed her some of my beef if you know what I mean

>> No.16972412

I don't, please elaborate

>> No.16972526


>> No.16972537

she only eats beef. beef is also a euphemism for "my dick"

I would like to feed her my dick. not for oral sex. I literally want her to eat my entire dick, and digest it, and excrete it

>> No.16972551

die late

>> No.16972584

legit hard right now

>> No.16972612

Next year is the reawakening.

>> No.16972636

it was /pol/

>> No.16972654

half the chan is /pol/ retard

>> No.16972685

>Remember when this pop philosopher had /lit/ enthralled and half the posts here were about the loser?
No, but I do remember lots of tourists arriving from /v/, /tv/ and reddit (somewhat of a tautology because both those boards are pure Reddit) coming here to talk about him because they thought watching a pseud’s lectures on YouTube were as good as actually reading.
Reminder that Peterson is a distractor trying to pretend that the degeneracy of modernity has nothing to do with humanism and liberalism by blaming an ideology that has been dead since the 1990s

>> No.16972689

nice job attempting to shuck the blame

>> No.16972705

despite claiming to hate reddit, 4chan nerds spend at least 10% of their time thinking about it

>> No.16972721

he's a talker, not a thinker. parrots talking points he read somewhere, and that made sense to him. not even worthy of mention in a bar discussion. guess it can be used to troll pseuds in 4chn

>> No.16972744

nu-4chan defines itself in relation to reddit.

>> No.16972745

reddit must enjoy all the rent free living /lit/ has allotted in their heads

>> No.16972760

>Reminder that Peterson is a distractor trying to pretend that the degeneracy of modernity has nothing to do with humanism and liberalism by blaming an ideology that has been dead since the 1990s
good point

>> No.16972845
File: 237 KB, 1080x1069, musashi-tate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao the daughter is so greasy. She's prescribed like 20+ medicines (including herpes pills) but claims she's cured all of them with an all meat diet. Her boyfriend Andrew Tate (could be broken up now, who knows) was an ex-mma fighter turned camgirl pimp who lived in Eastern Europe to take advantage of lax laws around grifting his retarded twitter PUA followers into buying him and his friends pump and dump bags. I used to follow him on twitter because it was a gold mine of content from his greasy friends, his retarded followers, and the stupid drama he got into as he said retarded shit.

>> No.16973671

im the one looking for it, retard