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16968844 No.16968844 [Reply] [Original]

How does your library compare to former White House Press Secretary and Presidential Candidate Pat Buchanan's?


>> No.16968856

Got this in high ress?

>> No.16968877

God he should have been President

>> No.16969038

based Paleo Con

>> No.16969238

His thoughts on anglosaxon policies leading to world wars are quite interesting but his conclusion for american foreign policy, based on those thoughts, are totally wrong and shortsighted.

>> No.16969249

Yep. They'll never let anyone who should be

>> No.16969326

He was just a better educated Trump without the showmanship.

>> No.16970007

based Uncle Pat was the president we needed but didn't deserve.

>> No.16970039
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>tfw you realize pat lived long enough to see populism rise and become normalized in the united states

>> No.16970055

America First

>> No.16970066

Trump is more liberal on social issues I think

>> No.16970076

Retarded and completely ill informed take. The two men are only comparable in campaign promises they made.

>> No.16970815

I wish Sam Francis were still alive. He was very smart

>> No.16970859

Also Pat was serious about not being a shabbos goy for the Lobby and Trump shlorked them

>> No.16970863

Right wing pseud

>> No.16970868
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he's got nothing on Trump's library

>> No.16970871


>> No.16971021

Very cool, in case they get removed from youtube. It’s nice to listen to these addresses while playing one of the first two Halo games, it’s very cozy, like you’re transported back to 2001

>> No.16971185

Would rather Trump's knowledge than sleepy joes

>> No.16971283

>Buchanan on The McLaughlin Group on June 15 1990, asserted: "Capitol Hill is Israeli occupied territory"
Truly he should been, and thats why he would never have been allowed

>> No.16971977

Dumb Trump and Pat

>> No.16972006

Trump is literally a psyop

>> No.16972021
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I have been gently shilling his magnum opus here and was pleased to see other people have begun shilling it too. This is one of the most important books I have ever read.

>> No.16972038

Well it's the first time I've noticed. I'll give it a read, thank you

>> No.16972043

a bigger fraud there has never been. cannot even name a single fucking book.

>> No.16972044

>in case they get removed from youtube
bruh...where you been...

>> No.16972084

Have you read Burnham and/or Gottfried?

>> No.16972091

this thread made me wonder how well read trump is kek

>> No.16972113

it's common knowledge that trump is an imbecile that doesn't read his briefings and only watches TV to get his information. look here
he can't even name ONE book

>> No.16972233

Right here!


>> No.16972248

nobody asked migapede

>> No.16972264

“Two Corinthians”

>> No.16972289

You will never pass :(

>> No.16972909
File: 3.00 MB, 720x1280, abortion.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huge fan of both of them. I think Gottfried has a new book coming out soon, isn't it on Antifa or something?

>> No.16972920
File: 13 KB, 323x499, 31rpZfonR5L._SX321_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also for any fans of Burnham, I recommend Lebedoff's The New Elite and Djilas' The New Class. And Paul Piccone's selected writings.

>> No.16972974

Basically exactly my grandparent’s library

>> No.16973005


>> No.16973075

My library is nowhere near as based and I'm in awe of this mad lad.

Nothing alike. Trump was just larping as a watered-down Buchanan. One was a idealistic statesman. The other was a consummate grifter.

>> No.16973113

The day after 9/11 Pat wrote an editorial saying that the terrorists should be responded to as criminals and acting as if we were attacked by a state would give them credibility and turn the entire Arab world against us. Everything he predicted days after the attack came true

>> No.16973394

He probably suspected a gay op like .00001 seconds in while everyone else was still stunned

>> No.16973441

a lot better

>> No.16973447

Not a hard observation to make. But you're right, practically all public intellectuals were saying the opposite. In reality most knew what Pat knew and were just lying.

Saying "Bush is wrong" up to 2003 was like saying "nigger" today.

>> No.16974289

b um p

>> No.16974487


>> No.16974492 [DELETED] 

that guy's library is like 80% world war 2 shit.

>> No.16974518

if taken as ironic performance art, this is brilliant

>> No.16974767

I think that this is an interesting timesake. To watch him masterfully explain his views and the histories behind the books he owns and writes is fascinating to see. My entire library (save for a single large shelf) is packed away in storage until my living situation betters. Here is my library (minus my comics, zines, and a few rare books I have no need to enter into LT).

>> No.16975701

I don't mean to be harsh, but grow up so you can enjoy your life today

>> No.16975714


I do agree with you though, it is comfy. It's a shame even the way we talk has changed so rapidly over the past 20 years

>> No.16976043

Nah it’s not like I do that all day, I’ve just done it a few times in the past. Also, I’m able to post here, but I’m not 20 yet

>> No.16976481

Fair enough then mate, I do something similar sometimes too but with the oblivion soundtrack