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File: 33 KB, 1434x478, basedfoucault.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16969725 No.16969725 [Reply] [Original]

"Stop paying attention to racism and start paying attention to the real problem of increasing human capital." – Michel "Based" Foucault

>> No.16969740

Foucault really is a more political Nietzsche. I need to get into this nigga no homo

>> No.16969755


>> No.16969904

>noooo don't use advances in genetics to explain the actual behaviour of populations and better them nooo
>acting in this reasonable manner is actually serving Capital, don't you see that?

>> No.16969920

If you know Foucault you understand "formation, growth, accumulation and improvement of human capital" is what he aims at *criticizing* in his theory of biopower.

>> No.16969936

t. neolib shill

>> No.16969962

Wait, wait, wait, is Foucault this based?? Fuck i thought he's a homo that doesn't worth any read.

>> No.16969972

this, my brother just gave me some foucalt for my birthday and i wasn't going to read it because foucalt's a faggot but now i think i'll check it out

>> No.16969982

what does he mean by human capital? i don’t quite grasp the comparison here

>> No.16969987

>into the traditional terms of racism
What he really means is that he wants to play the fucking name game

>> No.16970004

You fool couldn't even parse meaning from a short passage. Here are the words it seems you can't interpret.

If, translate, traditional, implications, actuality.

>> No.16970022

>I need to get into this nigga
Foucault would've loved to take you up on that

>> No.16970046

Wage slavery?

>> No.16970113

human life reduced to a series of numbers to be expertly administrated by professional managers

>> No.16970123

>my brother just gave me some foucalt for my birthday

he fucked your ass?

>> No.16970158

okay thanks, that’s what I thought. so why are these people calling him based when he is obviously not advocating for the improvement of human capital? for anybody with a minimal understanding of foucault this should be rather obvious, no?

>> No.16970394

He's kind of onto something. What this makes me think of is the emergent phenomenon of "whiteness" as identity as opposed to going by your being say, Irish or Italian is something cultivated, at least in America, because in the colonial era, it wasn't uncommon for poor black people and poor caucasian people to work for the same elite, and the way to distract underlings from the ways in which they are all being fucked by the superrich owners of capital is to keep them pissed off at one another rather than their masters. This comes in the form of psychological wage, measures that give the poor whites a false sense of superiority over their black counterparts despite the fact that at the end of the day, they're both being fucked in the same way, black people were just the ones who knew it.

We can see this in the modern corporate world manifesting differently in the form of mandated diversity programs, which I think are a basically a covert form of union busting. They aren't disigned to make people of different ethnicities get along with one another, they're about covering the asses of higher ups in case of an incident and firing people who don't fall in line. They make white people walk on eggshells around their POC coworkers and emphasize feelings of otherness where it may not have been before. This creates a tension that makes it all the more difficult for workers to organize and cooperate towards what might be their best interest but not their employer's.

This is why I think all talks of inequality need to have a fundamental basis in class, extending to include race and not the other way around, because it gives all people a stake in the issue.

>> No.16970446
File: 455 KB, 542x540, D2wG3sbWsAAgilg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah all the pseuds blame him for critical theory because his name is recognizable but he hits some legitimately interesting points

>> No.16970460


>> No.16970485

since when is that a euphemism? christ man i'd love to beat the shit out of you

>> No.16970512

Why is Foucault a bird in the comic?

>> No.16970526

The comic was made separately, someone repurposed it to make a joke about how many times Foucault compares something to prisons

>> No.16970532

Yeah I am thinking he is based

>> No.16970595
File: 125 KB, 1076x749, union.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This creates a tension that makes it all the more difficult for workers to organize and cooperate towards what might be their best interest but not their employer's.

Corporations and elites know this very well and people from Aristotle to Putnam have noticed it too. Too bad many muricans are too brainwashed and treat immigrations and diversity like a religion. Love my local leftist party that cockblocks immigrant "reforms" (=flood the country with cheap workers) all the time.

>> No.16970616

What should I read by him to understand biopower? I have only read Madness and Civilization by him.

>> No.16970716

Any future state that does not offer gene therapy and rejuvenation therapy to the masses will be outcompeted by future states that do.

>> No.16971251

Bumping for an answer to this

>> No.16972592

>more political Nietzsche
Nietzsche was extremely political. Foucault is a gay Marxist tranny version of Nietzsche.

>> No.16973494

>to the masses
Probably unwise and not cost effective. You'd only need to empower 5-10% of a population to advance a state's competitive advantage assuming a pareto distribution of output

>> No.16973689

He's saying that instead of being racist, we should contemplate how all races are being exploited by the powerful as we suck penises and contract the AIDS virus.