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File: 83 KB, 907x558, Screenshot 2020-12-07 153431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16970359 No.16970359[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is art political?

>> No.16970368
File: 11 KB, 263x350, Adorno (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16970369

She's right

>> No.16970372

I don't know but since this femoid here said it's not I feel the need to say that it is and call her a retard.

>> No.16970374

what even is politics

>> No.16970386

People who think art is political tend to think the human spirit is also inherently political, so the argument is kind of pointless.

>> No.16970389

Define what you mean by "politics." What would make art "political?"

>> No.16970395

"Good" art can transcend politics, but the mere act of making art is inherently "political"
It all depends on definitions

>> No.16970400

Politics absorbs art

>> No.16970413

so is this foid telling poets like Baudelaire that his shit ain't art and it's ugly?

>> No.16970414

What a garbage opinion. Paradise Lost and The Divine Comedy were both political. This opinion is held by retards that don't read and have shallow insights on art. They hold this opinion because they are absorbed in the dumb "culture wars" of this time and don't give a shit about art. Muh beauty and muh human spirit are dumb platitudes and easy ways to identity people that don't know shit about art.

>> No.16970418

Everything is political in some respect or another, to pretend there's a corner of the world that is apolitical is to attempt to turn that corner into a target.
However, I think the point of her post was that using art to shill for a political party destroys the art, which is correct

>> No.16970423

This is the problem. The ugliness of statecraft and its economics are not conducive to the arts.
Actual politics, the business of the people, is culture and art itself.

So yes and no, Effina.

>> No.16970428

Art begins with her name

>> No.16970429

It is true that everything is political, but that doesn't mean that first world virtue signaling problems need to be the focus of everything.

You know what's also true, politics are fucking boring. Mundane and stupid.

>> No.16970437

In the modern world, *everything* is political. If I live in the middle of Idaho and have a potato patch that I use to feed my family, that's political because 'you have so much potato privilege that others don't have' etc.

That said, I generally find that art that has been created with the *intention to create political art* is not as good as art that is created for art's sake alone. YMMV though.

>> No.16970438

Most poets of the last 250 years absolutely obliterated

>> No.16970454

please drop the fucking plebbit spacing you fucking plebbitor

>> No.16970471

Based butterfly

>> No.16970486

Such art is propaganda, and not as pure. Good as that can be, I agree

>> No.16970489
File: 99 KB, 624x900, listen here noob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The political is not compatible with the artistic, because the former, in order to prove, has to be one-sided.
t. Tolstoy

>> No.16970491

Most of if not all of it is or definitely influenced by "Politics" directly or indirectly however hard you want to read it into the piece. (Generally why its one of the lazier "critiques") Many pieces truly transcend whatever explicit or implicit political themes it may have however

>> No.16970505

it can be political

art has to come from a place of credible objectivity
its an experiment with agents in some scene, explicating a truth about the world abstract or concrete, large or small
those agents have to behave credibly
that scene has to be rendered credibly
all the parts have to interact credibly

when an artist starts to use politic as a theme, it becomes incredibly easy for them to betray that objectivity
their ideological assumptions about the world betray the honesty of the experiment
they begin to shape the experiment in order to achieve or express whatever validates that ideology rather than truth

humans are pretty good at detecting this kinda bullshittery on the whole
if we werent we'd still be eating dirt

>> No.16970513

Be honest would you scissor with her

>> No.16970528

Art is the human creation of beauty, to give it an other, political motives is to degrade it.

>> No.16970533

oh my god she's so smart and pretty i want to donate my paycheck to her

>> No.16970548

Did Adorno say that?? Isn't he beloved in literature departments that say everything is political?

>> No.16970550

this flesh is now hers

>> No.16970564

To be political is human nature, to deny politics is to become a serf

>> No.16970579

Marx is also beloved by college students with dyed hair yet he never hesitated to call his rivals "Jewish niggers" and supported universal gun rights.

>> No.16970585

>Did Adorno say that?

>> No.16970594

No, she's ignorant. A belief that art shouldn't be political is a political belief. Trying not to put politics in art is a political act, one which is both impossible and displays the artist's politics for all to see.

>> No.16970611

This is correct. To keep literally all political motive out of a work is the same as
>"hey society, im apolitical. Fix yourself."
Which is inherently a statement of political belief

>> No.16970633
File: 66 KB, 330x498, Sistine_Chapel_ceiling_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most art prior to the modern era was commissioned by the church or nobility as propaganda glorifying them and their achievements, thus supporting their world view.

>> No.16970641
File: 137 KB, 400x400, 1606335548043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More interesting: Is politics art?

>> No.16970650

she's 50% right and 50% wrong but she makes me 100% horny

>> No.16970653
File: 280 KB, 1015x1200, i-8Le397-h2ZTgLM1iMegw_Marcel_Duchamp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, but this is.

>> No.16970657
File: 32 KB, 594x104, Capture d’écran 2020-12-07 à 22.08.39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16970661

this piece ended art. and dark ages of the art began once again.

>> No.16970667

If you hate that a urinal is art why don't you make art that isn't literal piss?

>> No.16970668

>is Julius Caesar overthrowing a rotten republic and crowning himself emperor art?
Maybe a little, it depends on who you ask
>is the current US Congress's standstill approach to any legislation that doesn't completely fuck over the not ultra rich art?
No. It's a bunch of hand-shaking and ass-ramming

>> No.16970674
File: 134 KB, 924x636, Screenshot 2020-12-07 161038.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a dumb whore

>> No.16970676

disgusting obsessed bugmen

>> No.16970678

Theatrics is also art

>> No.16970679

>It is true that everything is political

Nice tautology.

>> No.16970683
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>> No.16970691

It ended art, and that was a good thing.

>> No.16970701
File: 209 KB, 500x482, 1602361728193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all art is political and it always was
the problem is mainly how direct and brutish the propaganda is, if it's subtle then it's considered apolitical

>> No.16970710

BASED arthoe stating FACTS

>> No.16970712

>Everything is political in some respect or another
Fuck off

>> No.16970714
File: 90 KB, 550x793, 012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's right, but I don't care to hear it from a woman, and an Arab to boot. She should shut the fuck up and suck this cock.

>> No.16970724

I don’t watch the news, I don’t discuss politics, I barely even know why politics are, I know some laws that are relevant to me but I couldn’t even tell you who the vice president is or what the president even does except make laws or whatever. I literally sit in my parents basement painting all day and then occasionally come on here to laugh at funny pictures. How are my paintings political?

>> No.16970723

What the fuck are you on about.
Bugmen are people stupid enough to believe Avengers Endgame isn't at all political so they just consume whatever is put in front of them.
At least once you realize art is political you can consume with discretion.
Fuck you

>> No.16970728

Art is only political when its made by a brainlet for other brainlets.

>> No.16970731

A belief that art shouldn't be about my balls is a myballsical belief. Trying to not put my ball in art is a myballsical act, one which is both impossible and displays the artist's myballsics for all to see.

>> No.16970737

you are fucking repulsive

>> No.16970738

Well, T-man said business is art (the art of the deal) and he experimented with ...

... uhm ... pornstars? Sure, but I meant the other thing ...

Politics! See, both start with PO, so an easy mistake to make.

>> No.16970744

she looks like she fucks white guys

>> No.16970762
File: 1.36 MB, 2258x1678, 1458188482159-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Images are inherently political. They're all produced with the intent to influence other people in some way.

They're also objects within an immediate political context: who owns the thing? To whom is it displayed and for how long? Who decides its value? What do others say about what it means?

Only a fool thinks art isn't political. Doesn't matter whether you're talking about David or Piss Christ. The real question is whether the intent is good or malicious. If the intent is benign and abstract enough you don't perceive of it as politics. This person is conflating politics with obvious propaganda.

>> No.16970763

This is why the only logical solution for centrism is radical centrism. All bipartisan subhumans must be killed. Alas...the only way to be free from them is to become what we feared the most...politicians.
It's a dirty job.
But someone's got to do it.

>> No.16970773


>> No.16970783
File: 114 KB, 1024x844, F072D194-9572-438F-8A39-E1EEC18C3C0D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Edgar Allan Poe
>Oscar Wilde
>William Golding
>Alan Watts
Sure, why not

Young and naturally avoiding what is dreadful. A tad pretentious, but not a bad start.

You take yourself too seriously

>> No.16970784

Art that is political in the sense that it engages in the political battles of its time in a partisan, didactic way is not art, but propaganda. It is possible for propaganda to be beautiful and funny and all kinds of other things but propaganda is also a tool, and as such will easily wear out its use or become outdated or lose its impact or become socially unacceptable to wield or be destroyed by its enemies. This is particularly the case when propaganda tries to attack or humiliate a specific group or enemy of its time. In this sense, if you are an artist interested in your legacy, you would avoid creating a mere political arsenal in the shallow sense so that your work lives longer throughout the ages. You can certainly engage with politics in its broader meaning and deal with issues of power in relationships and in society, but if you want to wield your art for a political party or even an extreme political cause like fascism or communism or whatever - then you are a moron and deserve to run headlong into that abyss.

>> No.16970802

Jesus you pathetic, desperate and evil whore. To what lengths are you willing to stoop down to? You realize she won't read this and you'll never corrupt her with your old hag impurity? She's mine, you ugly bitch.