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File: 159 KB, 1200x900, getting-high-from-david-foster-wallaces-infinite-jest-1455900747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16969250 No.16969250 [Reply] [Original]

Why does this book have two page long sentences?

>> No.16969262

Due to the number of words in the sentences and the font size and the constraints of the size of the page. If you looked at it in a text document they would just be long sentences.

>> No.16969266

two page long sentences or two page long sentences?

>> No.16969371

Two page-long sentences or two-page-long sentences?

Punctuation matters.

>> No.16969383
File: 132 KB, 834x622, 49b9024f59443c6fea3cd7422533ed7d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because when you're an established author you no longer have to play by the rules.

>> No.16969389

two page long sentences

>> No.16969393

Wrong, because you don't become an established author until you stop playing by the rules.

>> No.16969394

It was his second novel? Is it fair to say he was already established - his first was written in college iirc

>> No.16969452

If you’ve ever smoked weed as a woman then you’re never going to have a happy marriage

>> No.16969462

Don't worry, I'll never be a woman.

>> No.16969479
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>> No.16969490

This desu. It's really quite a dichotomy.

>> No.16969502
File: 498 KB, 1972x1106, 1602975673703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is strangely powerful. Also very true.

>> No.16969532

yeah well lmao i don’t want to get married soooo. marriage is basically ownership of a woman by a man and like i’d rather die than be owned. i’d PREFER an unhappy marriage if i had to have one where the guy is like my bitch and my paypig and if the guy makes me mad i can snuff him out in pussy juice or w/e like die lol.

>> No.16969575

You will never be a woman

>> No.16969578

Stop posting this squidward-looking harlot.

>> No.16969588

ummmm nice try retardo i’m a girl

>> No.16969624

There are plenty of established authors who use conventional writing. Most of them, actually.

He had numerous short stories published, a collected book of short stories published, and a novel published before IJ came out. That's more "established" than anyone here or anyone whom you know personally.

It probably has something to do with the idea that the author is not writing unconventionally because he's an idiot who doesn't know better (which is often assumed to be the case with students, either correctly or incorrectly). It's sort of like how people point out how Picasso was quite capable of creating detailed and realistic paintings but instead decided to pursue Cubism and Surrealism, which appears technically less difficult to the observer.

On a personal level, I've been annoyed with the "dichotomy" you mention since, years ago, I was told by an English teacher that a title for an essay I wrote was too cryptic and abstract. I pointed out that a short story that he had recently assigned, written by an established author, had a rather cryptic and abstract title, to which he replied "She gets to be cryptic and abstract; you don't."

>> No.16969630

Good news: I don't think you have to worry about a man wanting to marry you.

>> No.16969637
File: 824 KB, 1000x750, 1606789428420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one book that no one really cared about and no one cares about now
>one short story collection that no one really cared about and no one cares about now

He wasn't established, at least not established enough to be arbitrarily allowed to break rules.

Oh btw, this is an 18+ website, so you shouldn't be on here if you're a high school sophomore. How do I know you're a sophomore? You posted some shitty meme that a fifteen year old would post on their instagram and you have a meme about high school English teachers on your computer (or more realistically phone), so you're either a 15 year old or some fag who can't move on from high school. Go write your Romeo and Juliet essay and fuck off.

>> No.16969656

I edit and write publications for a living. Have fun jacking off in your mom's basement and working your shitty retail job.

IJ isn't famous because Wallace broke conventions in a couple of sections in the book.

>> No.16969664

Stfu faggot

>> No.16969679

That’s... that’s not punctuation, anon.

>> No.16969694

Got it, thanks.

>> No.16969718

>I edit and write publications for a living
Guys, look! He writes and edits publications for a living! ZOMG EPIC :D

you either write shitty articles that no one cares about or write "top 12 reasons why IJ makes you a loser incel" articles. Sorry, hotshot, i wasn't aware we were dealing with the big leagues in this thread.

Also: I never once said IJ is famous because he broke a few conventions, and implore you to find the part of my post where I even make the faintest allusion to that.

>> No.16969724

A hyphen isn't punctuation? Really?

>> No.16969777

>i'd prefer to be unhappy
actual nonsense

>> No.16969802

“I don’t want to get married” is the biggest cope going on nowadays on behalf of young women. Women’s main sense of purpose is finding someone to marry them, the issue is this now conflicts with the unforeseen levels of attention they now require from dozens of men simultaneously. Basically you can’t win unless you’re not a raving narcissist. Doesn’t matter anyways though since their lives are still easy as shit, just completely meaningless

>> No.16969851

>Guys, look! He writes and edits publications for a living! ZOMG EPIC :D
>Sorry, hotshot, i wasn't aware we were dealing with the big leagues in this thread.

How are you enjoying your visit on 4chan?

>> No.16969862

Modern women are like a mysterious kung fu fighter who shows up at a legendary martial arts tournament, surrounded by rumors of a special new technique they alone have cultivated that makes them invulnerable to pain so they can become the ultimate warrior. Except when they start actually fighting the other fighters, it's clear that they do feel pain and they're just lying. With each fight you keep expecting them to admit they were lying and give up, or at least fight normally. But instead they keep swearing they have this superpower and they're invincible while they're getting smashed in the face.

Every time you argue with one of them about whether they're unhappy they keep going "hahaha you think I'm unhappy bitch? I'm addicted to weed and I haven't had an orgasm in three years how the fuck do you like that lil donnie?" They can't even follow their own script. The premise of the exchange is that they're going to banter with you and trade roastie vs. incel insults, but they start undermining their own position immediately by revealing weird sad information. "Oh yeah so I'm a slut huh?? Well that actually makes me very sad and did you know my dad raped me?" It always makes you go "What! Are you okay?," because you were expecting no holds barred attacks on your virginity and physical appearance.

It's like in an anime where the main character stabs a big scary guy in the gut with his sword and the big scary guy laughs and pulls the sword deeper into his gut because he's invincible, and the main character is like "n-nani?!" Except he's not really invincible and pulling the sword in just kills him and he dies. Roasties are the strangest opponent.

>> No.16969879

the hell's that supposed to mean, writer boy?

>> No.16969898
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>Guys, look!
>Sorry, hotshot
>I implore you
>faintest allusion

>> No.16969900

It's just sour grapes dude. Girls have been spoonfed the marriage fantasy since childhood, but young men don't want to marry women these days because they all act like whores, alimony laws are antiquated, and there isn't any benefit to being married. Women pretend to be unfazed by this, but they aren't. It never occurs to them to think that perhaps they are part of the problem, or that their old spinster teachers have led them astray by teaching them that in order to be happy they should behave more like men.

>> No.16969917

>he's so autistic and/or full of himself that he can't pick up on the smallest hint of facetiousness

>> No.16969941

Fuck I wish that book were me.

>> No.16969942

You write like a salty Gen Xer. You employ gaudy sarcasm as though its a humorous strength, but it just makes you seem out of place and insecure. I feel like I'm in the past, reading one of my older sister's AOL Instant Messenger conversations.

>> No.16969959
File: 38 KB, 542x543, fisa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a teenager. It is okay to sound like a bit of a faggot when you're a teenager. But you are receiving bad feedback for a reason. Consider lurking more and learning how not to sound like a faggot.

>> No.16969963

I think that poster is endearing desu

>> No.16969969

Good post.

>> No.16969979

look man, I don't know what to tell you. I was making fun of you for posting a shitty meme and pretending that being some writer for a shitty publication made you some sort of badass. I feel like I'm in the past, reading an autist's post on reddit. (also, what's there to be salty about?)

>> No.16970031

This. Gross degenerates

>> No.16970059

You write like an insufferable twitter faggot who thinks blue checks are authority figures. Go back.

>> No.16970073

>I think that poster is endearing desu

And I think you're samefagging

>> No.16970080


>> No.16970085

There are no rules against exceptionally long sentences. Length is not the determining factor in a run-on sentence.

>> No.16970102
File: 54 KB, 700x547, 1586723228979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can understand your suspicion, but I assure you, you are mistaken in your accusation.

>> No.16970120
File: 315 KB, 354x708, rs=w_555,m,cg_true (52).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Read DFW's article on prescriptivism vs descriptivism

>> No.16970239

Modern punctuation was invented so retarded Irishmen could understand based Latin and receive the glory of Christ
Punctuation is the 7th century equivalent of emojis

>> No.16970304

You were doing so good but you had to try to be funny, didn’t you?

>> No.16970937

I didn't mean rules in the sense that there's legislation barring you from employing long sentences. I meant in terms of stylistic convention.

>> No.16970978

There is neither a disregard for long sentences within the discourse community of the literature industry. Long sentences aren't dissuaded. I agree that writers can be rule breakers, both formally and conventionally; but long sentences aren't breaking any rules.

>> No.16971160

Kinda, but as for the revealing personal information bit, that’s because women permanently want to be viewed as victims. Usually they’ve made just as many victims as others have made them

>> No.16971181

Because the author was a tryhard.

>> No.16971240

My cousin smoked some pot from time to time in her twenties and her marriage is ridiculously happy. It permanently improved her mood and outlook. The marriage is healthy and stable and produced a child who is well cared for.

>> No.16971571

Why not? The sentence is merely a limitation imposed upon conveying a single thought.

>> No.16971603

Terrible piece of writing.

>> No.16972487

Sentences that last for two pages aren't particularly normal.

>> No.16972489

Can you guys give me a quick rundown? I already understand what prescriptivism and descriptivism are, but I'm not familiar with that essay.

>> No.16972499

this always bugged me. they tell us not to use run on sentences, while making us study dickens.

>> No.16972516

You have to first master the rules in order to break them. Picasso learned to paint traditionally before he started breaking the rules

>> No.16972531
File: 193 KB, 600x742, 1605122570109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw giving students McCarthy excerpts and telling them I don't care if they break rules as long as they do it well and their writing can be easily understood.

>> No.16972549

That's sort of what I was getting at.

>> No.16972594

I was referencing this post (>>16969624), which I also wrote in addition to the Spongebob one.

The idea that you need to know the rules before you can break the rules is an interesting one, and could probably be analyzed at length. I'm somewhat inclined to agree with it, because if you know the rules, you probably have enough experience to know what you're doing. At the same time, one could conceive of a situation where an artist could create something new and groundbreaking while not being particularly well versed in the convention of his art medium.

>> No.16972951

>tfw El otoño del patriarca by García Chadquez has a 70 page long sentence and it reads perfectly

>> No.16973133

Most outsider art is trash. You only hear of the rare gems, and even those are kinda trashy, only notable for their innovations.

Overwhelmingly when an author breaks the rules in their writing it's an exception that stands out.

>> No.16973388
File: 24 KB, 399x388, 1472153857242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>art hoe fringe
>dead gaze
>mottled skin
>gollum grip
I've had enough bros

>> No.16973423

what are the sentences?

>> No.16973466

I was referring to the part of the essay where he says if you want to be taken seriously, you need to be proficient in Standard Written English (SWE). You need to demonstrate this ability to use SWE well to be respected, and then after you've gained that respect you can bend the rules of the language.

>> No.16973827

Yeah, it's pretty nasty.

>> No.16973933

>It's like in an anime where the main character stabs a big scary guy in the gut with his sword and the big scary guy laughs and pulls the sword deeper into his gut because he's invincible, and the main character is like "n-nani?!" Except he's not really invincible and pulling the sword in just kills him and he dies.

Is there an anime that something like this happens?

>> No.16974615

how to start with dfw?

>> No.16974644

>reddit spacing
>funny doggo pic XD
>writes a full paragraph to put an anonymous user in their place
tourists are pathetic. stop posting.

>> No.16974659

Holy based.

>> No.16974715

>She gets to be cryptic and abstract; you don't.
Yeah, you wanna know how I can tell your prof didn't give a shit (about you, and your trajectory)?

>> No.16974725

Tell me about it in 30 years.

>> No.16974727

No one cares about your spoiled mischling nephew.

>> No.16974729

It's fair to base classroom evaluations based on the premise the student you're grading probably isn't a linguistic phenom. They're just a kid who's probably using the "artistic license" thing as an excuse for writing sloppy shit. And I think if the teacher is half decent they would know if the kid really just was remarkable- there would be a lot of context for a teacher to bend the rules in that type of scenario. In the mean time, the kids should submit assignments with complete, non run-on sentences.

>> No.16974736

I should add that this is not a jab. Such is academia, even in STEM. Very few spots, very many applicants.
If you're not one of a professor's golden eggs, you might have to look for other ways of getting in, if you want to.