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16958380 No.16958380[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are unironic socialists/communists like irl?

>> No.16958382

picture butterfly

>> No.16958400

Sentimental fools

>> No.16958475
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>> No.16958482

Leftypol & please don't come back thanks

>> No.16958504

Insufferable and incapable of leaving the intellectual cul-de-sac they drove into... they just go around and around and around, blaming everything bad on capitalism and regurgitating Marxist word salad so that it forms a thick membrane between them and the world... enabling them to see class conflict and exploitation in everything.

>> No.16958513

>class conflict
It's race conflict now chud

>> No.16958535

there is no race conclict my friend, only racialized people suffering opression are poor people, police don't shoot at rich niggas

>> No.16958654


>> No.16958662

Unironic socialists/communists don't exist anymore since Cuba legalized normopathic behaviour aka gay marriage

>> No.16958663 [DELETED] 

That's because rich niggas mostly actually behave like people

>> No.16958671

They went extinct

>> No.16958700

my sister is one, or at least some flavor of idk and she can't go a week without screaming at the top of her lungs about one thing or another.

>> No.16958967
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>> No.16959008
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>> No.16959101

annoying unless working class/ well read

>> No.16959126


>> No.16959134

Old people who believe all them young people with their long hair and skinny jeans are huge faggots because they removed conscription.

>> No.16959150


>> No.16959341


Autistic and/or Catholic.

>> No.16959348


>> No.16959459


>> No.16959576

Completely normal people. Watch any Marxist-Leninist or Maoist on YouTube and I guarantee you they will be 100 times more well put together than right wingers.

>> No.16959585
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>> No.16959628

This. I have nothing but resentment and contempt for university socialists and online communists.
t. Union tradesman

>> No.16959634


>> No.16959692

>I have nothing but resentment and contempt for
>non union members and kids still learning

I wanted in a Union job

>> No.16959715

Pretty annoying. I live in Brazil, and ours are worse than the ones you get up North. I swear to God, they can't can't even say good-morning without an arrogant smirk.

>> No.16959828

functioning alcoholics

>> No.16959901

>I wanted in a Union job
But you’re not, are you?

>> No.16960021

In American, The real life socialists and communists are trying too hard to be Che Guevara or they're just plain autistic. If I find out someone is a Communist or Socialist I immediately make inductions that they probably watched My Little Pony in its entirety and if you could see their internet search history Femboys and Traps would probably be in there somewhere, I'd also imagine some searches for homemade explosives and automatic weapons.

>> No.16960134
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Pretty much the opposite of strung-out anxious woke liberals and uptight, pale, anemic fascists. They're cool and lighthearted with hearts full of human warmth and joi de vivre. They fuck a lot and don't worry a lot. They eat good food. They know how to cook and how to talk to kids. Everyone just lives their lives as normal, except they just have better lives on average, at least they used to until Gorbachev sold out the union. Just think of an average person but not having to slave for corporations 50 weeks a year for peasant wages, instead having 2-4 months off a year, free healthcare and schooling up to post doctorate level, a monthly check from the national company profits on top of your normal wages, and you can fire your boss if he's an asshole.

The thing is you never really meet any true communists these days unless you happen to meet an ex Yugoslavian or ex Soviet running around in the west. You won't find almost any real communists in the west. We are condemned to liberalism by the fact of our upbringings.

But just go to central or south America, Cuba, or Russia, meet some ex commies, and find out for yourself what they're like. Don't listen to children on an edgy image board for skinny white kids who don't have jobs or sex.

>> No.16960166
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>> No.16960173


>> No.16960184
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>Watch any Marxist-Leninist or Maoist on YouTube and I guarantee you they will be 100 times more well put together than right wingers

>> No.16960205

>They fuck a lot
>for skinny white kids who don't have jobs or sex
>muh sex sex sex

Why do leftoids always include this in their arguments as if it validates anything? Cringy.

>> No.16960223

Because if you can't have sex it's because nobody finds you attractive, which usually means there's something wrong with your personality. Normal people understand this and distrust incels for this reason

>> No.16960235

And what the fuck does that have to do with socialism?

>> No.16960236

>police don't shoot at rich niggas
They should

>> No.16960249

In my experience they do a lot of drugs and live greasy slimy lifestyles. Some are okay at organizing, putting together reading groups and such, but they are bad at ejecting losers who just showed up for a party and to bum free drugs. If they'd ditch the hippie lifestylism, and require excellence of members rather than inviting just anybody to show up, they would grow faster. All the truly dedicated people are drowned out and learn to "chill" and "hang back" more than is good for the solidarity and effectiveness of the movement. It's always more of a party than a Party, if you catch my drift.

However, small groups of dedicated communists, for whatever reason, attract autists and psychopaths who want their own personal vanguard NOW and want to be completely in charge of it, despite being an erratic weirdo or a tranny. They inevitably become depressing little egregors of half a dozen people or less, with lots of interpersonal drama.

I think that's a form of catharsis for many leftists, the drama. They like to recapitulate the great intellectual battles of the 20th century left in microcosm in their friend groups. So-and-so splits off because he's an anarchist, everyone shit-talks so-and-so, such-and-such and who-cares are "known" for their endless arguments over Luxembourg and Lenin. Somehow, every little commie group has the same microcosmic wars with itself. Poor substitute for actual praxis.

Also waaaay too many trannies, and too permissive of trannies in general. This adds to the general sliminess of the party/drugs vibe. Serious people don't want to be involved with slimy, greasy trannies, druggies, and weirdos. That last sentence is a good summary of the "unironic communists," actually.

That's not even going into the fake leftists. Those are just your typical rich, effeminate, shallowly cheerful college student types. They sometimes dabble in the communist groups, especially the women (who want to be taken seriously, and enjoy the free drugs).

>> No.16960273

Because socialists have sex

>> No.16960280

Like me:
Studied law
Somehow versed in philosophy
Work in education, social work, asylum ir criminal law
Accelerationist flavour (snrcek, williams, brassier, gramsci) merged with unorthodox leninism (luxemburg, zizek)
Only do antifa or antira work when absolutely necessary. Mostly co centrate poltical work on social media and organizing
Not married, no kids. Bitches be chasin

>> No.16960287

They all are physically deficient in some way. Usually very skinny to the point of being malnourished. They are usually well read, but have no sense of intuition whatsoever when it comes to human nature.

>> No.16960318

that, and also there is a bizarre amount of rape. the heads of these little groups usually have a bunch of skeletons in the closet regarding past and present sexual behaviors. however, they do not usually get taken to task for it because they (the little ringleaders) are usually vibrating with so much angry energy that they’re able to shout down any challengers using their various oppressions as a bludgeon. furthermore, politics are used as a stand-in for character so you’re subject to so many ideological purity tests THAT SOMEHOW MISS THE WHOLE DOZENS OF RAPES

>> No.16960320

So another richfag

>> No.16960343

Based as fuck what the hell

>> No.16960440


>> No.16960447

What does sexual success have to do with personality?

>> No.16960453

I want to beat this guy up something fierce.

>> No.16960472

I actually went to some meetings with my university's Marxist society, and disliked them a lot. Surprised me how many of them were secretly into Wilhelm Reich, secretly obsessed with the idea that "if everyone just fucks and lives the orgyporgy lifestyle, all political problems will be over!" Whether it's from Reich or from the post-war psychoanalysis version of the Frankfurt School, this was a very common view among the smartest Marxists I hung out with. I just don't think they understand that it's possible to not like this idea. If you ever say that you think life must be about more than orgyporgy, they naturally assume you only think that because you haven't had enough orgyporgy and you've become "pathological."

These people wouldn't be so offensive on their own, some of them are very thoughtful. The problem is that they're typically surrounded by other college Marxists of much worse varieties: the champagne socialist whose dad pays his or her rent, the obsessive materialist who doesn't even have subtlety about it, the lunatic communist cultist who could just as easily have been a fascist if their favorite color hadn't been red, the fairly stupid (if well meaning) DSA types whose political praxis is effectively "can't we all be nice? I want things to be nice.. Poor trannies.." and who wouldn't know how to distinguish Marxism from utopian socialism but who go along with the Marxist crowd because they have the higher prestige or something.

And surrounding all these people is an air of casual drug use, slacker lifestyle that I guess they think is "bohemian" but just comes across as dirty and grimy, drama, and paradoxically, college rich kid entitlement. The net result that I witnessed was that the smartest Marxists tended to have to erect barriers and defense mechanisms to be able to cope with being in the group. And they were also for that reason the most sympathetic to right-wing politics, if only because hanging out with a bunch of lazy histrionic thought-policing trannies for long enough makes it refreshing to talk about anything else once in a while.

>> No.16960609
File: 199 KB, 848x1200, 3092890 - Kakashi_Hatake Naruto maorenc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shadman saw cynical reviews video of him and using this video as a outlet drew his avatar. It took him roughly 50 minutes until he was done, the drawin was pure to pure he thought as he removed the pants suit and tie and replaced them with lingerie, revealing his genitalia, And grey nipples, he then added color to the GIF as Shadman grinned as cynical‘s avatar’s husky butt moved along with the animation he then drew his avatar pulling his pants down as his dick Penetrated cynical’s rectum as he made a ahegao face, the next panel shows cynical reviews covered in shadman’s avatar cum as he pulls his skeletal cum covered dick out of his rectum. Shadman grinned as he stared at the British husky wanker covered in his cum and he proceeded to fuck him for eternity.

>> No.16960630

Most normal people have sex, but any intelligent normal person will find it cringey if you brag about having sex.

>> No.16960707

No. I live in EU. So i didnt have to be rich to study law. My parents are actors at municpial theatres. They probably earned about 4-5 k € each before taxes. So nice middle class.

>> No.16960708

the ones i know are usually all greasy long haired hippies or gays

>> No.16960721


>> No.16960759

Mix of aesthetically focused people who just see it as a subculture and extremely academic people who can't accomplish anything because they lack the charisma necessary to win over working class people.

>> No.16960770


>> No.16960777

They're all trapped inside slightly different ideological sects and get nowhere because they refuse to reach out to people who don't already have the necessary ideological purity.

>> No.16960784

The petite bourgeoise are the fucking worst.

>> No.16960821
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Kek. He's not even the worst of them.

For Marxism, the age of tweed-wearing boomer academics is over. It's all spiteful mutants now.

>> No.16960833


>> No.16960846
File: 192 KB, 621x938, 1551550141952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another one.

>> No.16960851

The fact he’s dressed the same as the kid makes me kek everytime

>> No.16960880
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Another example. This thing is insanely popular on the "dissident" left.


And that's it, I think. Between these four I think you have two thirds of the entire YouTube-Marxist audience. The rest is long-tail no one's ever heard of.

Holy shit I never noticed. He even has infantile proportions.

>> No.16960892

obscenely hypocritical

>> No.16960908

>smartest Marxists
that ain't saying much as they are all bunched into the 100-115 IQ zone, exactly the ones fit for teaching jobs (i.e. too smart to submit but too dumb to take responsibility)

>> No.16960942

Why is he standing like that

>> No.16960951
File: 86 KB, 1024x759, tim pool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well yeah, Unruhe is the exception.

Neither of them are Marxist-Leninists or Communists, but sure. I think Vaush and Matt are way more normal and well put together than the average right winger.