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16956772 No.16956772[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any books on how to control the cattle with psyops via mass media?

>> No.16956801
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Fuck Netflix

>> No.16956804

Start with behavioral economics like Nudge

>> No.16956817

What effect did Cuties have?

>> No.16956820
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>> No.16956829


>> No.16956838

imagine being that much of a brainwashed NPC, jesus christ. at least it's making the masses take up something intellectual for a change though

>> No.16956839

Ah yes, the incesdious psyop to make people play a game thats been beloved for centuries and tragically ignored the last few years.
What will Netflix manipulate people into doing next? Having harvest festivals? Playing Backgammon?

>> No.16956843


>> No.16956852

Excerpt from pedo anon in cuties thread, it's on whether "elites are trying to normalize pedophilia"

>I believe it is already happening, though.
Fat chance. You saw the outrage with cuties, and those were with 13 and 14 year old girls (which wouldn't even make it pedophilia) and cuties is not near the worse offender when it comes to media sexualization of young girls. It merely made more people aware of it and put the thought into peoples minds.
Soon, and it's already happening now people are giving shit to highschool seniors dating freshman and people are internalizing who they can and cannot be sexually attracted to unconsciously policing their own sexuality thus turning them into a neuorotic mess.
>YOU'RE NOT A PEDO, are you anon?
It's useful for the current establishment of elites that the average girl is able to fool around with her peers but not with someone older.
If a young girl is sexually attractive she'd either have to be on the pill (many teenage girls are) or risk getting pregnant. The pill itself already causes it's own hormonal issues and if the girl were to get pregnant she'd have no choice but to get an abortion as there is no way someone would want to be a parent today before they're out of highschool thus further normalizing the abortion phenomenon and further delaying motherhood until le meme career is achieved.

>> No.16956859

Not exactly what you're asking for but look at "The True Believer: Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements" by Eric Hoffer.
On the topic of your OP. It was certainly interesting timing of this woke chess series when chess got really popular on Twitch in the last 6 months. I know they do hold series in the bank until there are popularity triggers to capitalize.

>> No.16956862

That's good. Chess is based. All children should play it.

>> No.16956866

She's cute. On that maybe now I can stop being a pleb class H.

>> No.16956868

This. People googling an iconic game that's traditionally associated with smart people doesn't mean they've been mind controlled.

>> No.16956873

I want to know how to lose. It's been 3 years that I didn't sign and never would have

>> No.16956877


>> No.16956883

The popularity on twitch was probably promoted by their viral marketing team. remember when that marie kondo doucmentary or w/e was on netflix and we were subjected to daily marie kondo posts by spammers? same thing happened with kazcynski but since internet shutins like psycho edgelords some organic tedposting still continues

>> No.16956886

People are watching it because that argie larping as a britton is the lead character. A live action of Nabokov's The Defense wouldn't attract so many people.

>> No.16956893

It just shows how easily influenced people are by mass media. A lot of the covid hysteria is because the average pleb's whole knowledge of infectious disease is from some pandemic movie, same with global warming

>> No.16956895
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LARP is Life! Shall be the new battle hymn of the Normans. I gave up on Go when a computer won. Imagine thinking of Chess, forty years late. But it's so Instagrammable, guys!

>> No.16956900

Who profited off of Kaczynski recently?

>> No.16956901

Try reading Walter Lippmann's Public Opinion. The book was an inspiration in creating the CIA, and is very easy to understand.

>> No.16956906

Exactly. The fact that a computer beat humans at chess in the fucking 90s shows what a dumb game chess is. I have zero interest in that shit.

>> No.16956915

Based brainlet

>> No.16956919

That's my point dude. The edgy kids posting ted like they are doing something rebellious are just the sad organic echos of a since passed internet marketing blitz.

>> No.16956932

Sun Tzu and Clausewitz had a lot to say about controlling the masses. Pretty much anything on the polisci reading lists deals with this. Although, I must say, it's more of a challenge to do it *without mass media*. Whatever "mass media" even means... since, essentially, by definition a medium of news, popular culture, etc. is intended for and consumed by "the masses."

Behavioral economics could be useful, but it's really just a more sophisticated branch of psychology.

Go read Doctrines of Fascism or pretty much anything about the Third Reich. (Even though, if we're splitting hairs, true Nazis weren't really fascistic in their ideology)

>> No.16956954
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what's wrong with this seriously? i've been playing chess since i was a kid and i think it's great if the game becomes popular again, even if due to a netflix show. i'm all for another golden era of chess. the game deserves it.

>> No.16956958

>guy who posts frogs is some chess autist


>> No.16956980

>guy who cant appreciate apus is too dumb for chess

>> No.16957029

A) People aren't responding to the pandemic because of "mass media." They're responding to costly signals and social cues, as well as loss aversion and the fear of death.

If you came in on a horse and told people they're going to kill grandma if they don't fuckin' suck it, they'd probably suck it. Of course, they'd have to trust you, first. And "mass media" certainly helps with that. There's a lot of psychology involved in having someone on a screen in your home every day, talking to you about some very intimate things.

Nonetheless, "mass media" is a function of the problem.

We trust "the experts." Because they went to the far-away lands and perused the sacred texts and learned how to perform the sacred rites in order to appease the mysterious, invisible forces...

If shamans said to suck it, you'd suck it. Even if you didn't want to. Because everyone else was sucking it. You don't want to be the one not sucking it. Else you get banished. Or worse.


Netflix is a content aggregator. They don't really express any editorial stances.

And, for fuck's sake, the show was intended to RAIL AGAINST THE SEXUALIZATION OF CHILDREN. There were middle-aged teenage girls wearing clothing many reasonable people might object to. Nonetheless, in Arkansas and much of the south, those girls could get bedded down by pudgy bastards with three Glock 17s next to their bed as comfort animals.

You want to fight against pedophilia, start with that shit. Not calling every one a zionist shill on some obscure chatboard.


Marketing, political science, and economics all deal heavily with this subject.

It's not some simple thing.

What are you trying to influence "the masses" to do? And what "mass media" are you using?

I mean, there are many different "masses." And many different media.

Are you trying to convince people not to do something or to do something?

Over what period of time?

>> No.16957037

"Netflix effect" my ass. Disney's 101 Dalmatians made people buy more Dalmatians. Griffith's Birth of a Nation revided KKK. Goethe's Werther made people commit suicide*. But hurrrr muh netflix bad, only new things bad, only now people sheep, psyops everywhere, etc etc

*admittedly not true but nonetheless a very popular story

>> No.16957053
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which figures?

>> No.16957059
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>Netflix is a content aggregator. They don't really express any editorial stances.
>And, for fuck's sake, the show was intended to RAIL AGAINST THE SEXUALIZATION OF CHILDREN. There were middle-aged teenage girls wearing clothing many reasonable people might object to. Nonetheless, in Arkansas and much of the south, those girls could get bedded down by pudgy bastards with three Glock 17s next to their bed as comfort animals.
>You want to fight against pedophilia, start with that shit. Not calling every one a zionist shill on some obscure chatboard.
That movie was just meant to produce more hysteria. The overton window is constantly pushing against healthy relationships being "problematic" and you get shit like pic related.

>> No.16957073

Based retard

>> No.16957075
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Just imagine how gay it is making the Burger Youth.

>> No.16957080

You're missing the big picture. You're probably upset and defensive because you feel insecure when presented with the idea that you can be controlled but you can. We all can be controlled.

>> No.16957095

There's a book called Hooked that's popular among the Silicon Valley types. It's basically about how to get people addicted to your dumb app

>> No.16957111
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Why is Netflix so popular among women? Don't they see the obvious bullshit they put in their shows?

>> No.16957114

In others words, people react to what they see. This is leagues away from actual mind control, brain washing of what have you.

>> No.16957125

Seconding Lippmann. A very influential thinker.

>> No.16957143

There's a difference between "control" and "influence". A lot of things influence me, even Netflix that I've never actually seen installed on anyone's computer, but I go to /lit/ and despite everything happen to read about it. On the other hand, saying that Disney "controlled" people to the point of making them buy dogs is slightly moronic. Your "big picture" is really just the small picture but you're so obsessed with it that it seems like big picture. How about you stop with the retardation about Netflix "controlling" people into getting interested in chess through watching a fictional TV show, and bring up some cases where influence of public opinion and tendencies has actual harmful goals and deceitful methods.

>> No.16957164

I have been controlled since I was born. First by my parents, then by schools (and still my parents), then just by schools, and now by my bosses. Mass media is a mere dewdrop here. Watching TV three times last month made me go out with a mask couple times? Big deal when my upbringing and social conditioning made me accept doing something absurdly meaningless for 8 hours a day and feel validated for doing it.

Just screaming "control" doesn"t explain anything. There are degrees in everything, and a careful choice of words helps with understanding them.

>> No.16957179

Don't get to excited anon, the show may have attracted thousands of new payers, but fast forward a month or two (being optimistic) just a few will actually keep playing it, the overwhelming majority will quit as soon as the hype for the show dies or another thing appears.

>> No.16957190

They see it and they love it. Have you never consumed something because its retardedness was endearing or entertaining? Then what are you doing on 4chan?

My mother loves korean soap operas in Netflix. She finds very funny the way everyone is ridiculously well dressed and stereotypical in their expressions. Stupidity is fun as long as you're not the one being made fun of.

>> No.16957235

>watch akagi
>have no idea what the fuck is going on
>learn to play Riichi Mahjong so I can watch it properly
I understand where they're coming from
Never really liked chess that much though, once a game has people treating it like a sport it ceases to be entertaining

>> No.16957355

So you don't play any games with limited degrees of freedom? That'd be basically every turn based game in existence.

>> No.16957387

I don't play games that require 8 hours a day of practice and a library of 100s of treatises to reach a mediocre level only to be clobbered by a computer from 1996.

>> No.16957400

My youtube feed is now littered with videos of Chess streamers (who I sub to) playing against "Beth Harmon", whatever the fuck that means.
Retards are eating up the click bait but I ain't biting.

>> No.16957416

never gonna make it

>> No.16957423

make it at what? if i'm going to invest my energy into something i'd rather it be something that an antique computer can't already do with ease.

>> No.16957435

I made it to 1800 on lichess without knowing any theory

>> No.16957452
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I'm not super hopeful. But I'm always glad to see any kind of positive publicity for chess. I think there could be yet another renaissance awaiting chess though, with blitz and rapid becoming ever more popular. Classical has become slightly autistic and computer dominated, but shorter time control modes could revitalize the game. This netflix show could've given chess just the push it needed, you never know.

>> No.16957472

Did you beat Deep Blue?

>> No.16957496

the netflix effect is literally just the definition of a fad. the only psyop here is the idea that you're somehow on the ground level of some grand realization about 'the netflix effect'

>> No.16957497
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Not that anon but that's a dumb question. You can conceive of the fact that some people genuinely find chess to be fun and intellectually stimulating? You're extremely unlikely to be in the top 0.01% of any other possible game you could choose to learn anyway. There's no difference, the average player would get beaten by a GM or Deep Blue all the same.

>> No.16957518

The fact that it's so simple for computers shows it's not really that deep.

>> No.16957542

It is not solved strictly speaking. Also a human will have a very different approach than a computer, you can not brute force millions of endgames, you have to build mental models.

>> No.16957543

Not really, Go is considered far more complex than chess and yet computers can still dominate it. That's just the reality of closed system games. It's just logic, so it's pretty straightforward for modern day computers.

>> No.16957546

ah yes, of course, the great chessmaster conspiracy
it all makes perfect sense

>> No.16957551

>popular movie comes out
>people are exposed and therefore have a non-zero chance to be interested in its subject

You're a fucking retard.

>> No.16957560

>people trying to downplay the influence media has on mass psyche
imagine being so addicted to trash netflix dramas that you grasp at straws this desperately

>> No.16957566

>It's basically about how to get people addicted to your dumb app
This world deserves to be glassed with nuclear weapons.

>> No.16957571

You sound like a Redditor. Read Lippmann, Ellul, Moldbug, and Gramsci.

>> No.16957579

Nobody's trying to downplay anything, imbecile. You're just acting like this is a big secret when it's obvious.

>> No.16957584

>people saw chess then wanted to played chess
Truly groundbreaking, I'll never understand why so many geniuses labour in obscurity on this site.

>> No.16957588
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It's not even a good book, it just is framed the right way to make sales. It's full of survivorship bias like talking about how instagram is successful because it's addictive but ignoring that tumblr was very similar but orders of magnitude less successful. This is a much better book with more, uh, actionable information.

>> No.16957594

Seriously is this a troll effortpost larping as a clueless normie redditor? the deflection of a european immigrant rapefugee child fucking problem onto white american southerners is maybe the giveaway, like what is this a salon article lmfao.

>> No.16957605

Pretty misleading statements here.

Chess is still deep, we are still galaxies away from fully solving it in any meaningful fashion. It's just that computers have become vastly better at it than humans, but there is no telling how our computers would fare against an ideal, flawless chess algorithm (if there even is one). We just don't have a very systematic understand of the game yet, just plenty of heuristics and computers that are very good at fine-tuning heuristics.

In the case of chess a big leap was when computers started to become able to compute four moves away or more with great accuracy. At that point even grandmasters will blunder from time to time, and in the 90s, while computer were rarely as brilliant as grandmasters, they also did blunder much less. So it was pretty mechanical in a sense.

In the case of Go, it required the applying of several advanced algorithmic techniques together to break the human barrier, as well as several months of training on massive data.

Logic alone isn't enough (too many logical combination in such a game), you need solid visual pattern recognition and robust decision mechanics, as well as a high degree of adaptability and lots of experience (alphago typically has played more grandmaster level games against itself than there have been such games in the history of mankind).

All those are finer than logic, all are attempts at replicating human abilities to an extent, and all those were lacking from computers until pretty recently. None of them are really well-understood so far, it's really tinkering upon tinkering. How we came there is far from obvious or natural.

>> No.16957606

I don't know why you need conspiracy to explain why poor people leaving a war torn country are prone to crime.

>> No.16957610

I think it's just a good example of how mass media can subtly introduce ideas into collective psyche like they have with more relevant issues like acceptance of homosexuality or miscegenation or transexuality. That's a pretty obvious line to draw, so why are you guys sperging out so hard?

>> No.16957614
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Daily reminder that the GOAT player disavowed Chess and considered it to be fucking shit.

>> No.16957623

because people like to believe they can't be influenced

>> No.16957625

I don't think anyone contests that negroes and arabs behave like animals except wild eyed white shitlibs. What are you trying to say lol

>> No.16957633

This thread is controlling me. Please delete.

>> No.16957637

This is a much better answer than my own, I just tried to keep it simple for the brainlet.
Muh computers is such a pointless remark anyway, usually coming from non-chess players. Who cares if some computers can beat a GM, 99.99% of people (you and me included) play chess (or any other board game for that matter) for fun, not professionally.

>> No.16957638

The OP is talking about controlling cattle and psyops. If he wanted to avoid sperging out he should have avoided cringe facile language.

And, again, nothing subtle about it. It's all pretty obvious and the idea that chess = smart = tactician = learning to think like a head of state much predates the netflix show, if anything the show is banking on the implicit memes about the chess that are long embedded in our culture.

Acceptance of homosexuality would be the opposite, turning something not accepted into something acceptable.

So, badly chosen language of very badly chosen example, in both cases the OP can only blame himself, unless he was fishing for (you)s, in which he did have a good go at mind controlling us like the cattle we are.

>> No.16957639

It is. It's 2am and you're still giving ad impressions to 4channel.org.

>> No.16957641


>> No.16957642

>subtly introduce ideas
It's literally a show about chess, how is it subtly introducing chess?
>homosexuality or miscegenation or transexuality. That's a pretty obvious line to draw
>People wanting to play a fun board game on tv is literally the same as them wanting to cut their dick off

>> No.16957647

Agreed, most people will never even stand a chance to beat a midlevel professional, why be disappointed that they can't beat a superhuman algorithm? Chess is actually a good example of how human practices don't necessarily disappear when robots outperform humans. All you need is that they cost little and that humans enjoy them.

>> No.16957653

The guy just wanted to start a conversation about media manipulation, you guys are seriously just no-fun allowed assburgers and kill yourselves.

>> No.16957654

Just because the mail truck can go way faster than the pony express doesn't mean riding horses is a waste of time! well, for most people, it is.

>> No.16957657

We try to be no retard allowed, but it's a seriously uphill battle in here.

>> No.16957658

People who have sunk cost fallacied themselves into playing chess in 2020 tend to be like that.

>> No.16957659

That refugee crime haven't the slightest fucking thing to do with Netflix and that you only think they do because your an autistic shut-in prone to conspiratorial thoughts.

>> No.16957663

Is the book worth reading?

>> No.16957665

Chess is time-wasting shit for brainlets.

Nakamura's IQ is 102. Truly laughable.

>> No.16957666

Honestly I can't complain about this one. I've been playing chess for close to a decade now and it's nice to see my friends get into it. First after the whole POG Champs thing an old friend of mine from highschool reconnected with me over chess. Now after this show some friends from undergrad are playing with me online. I've seen nothing but positives from this. Even if they are just sheep I'm glad it brought them to such a great game. Also add me on chess.com: chesstrix99

>> No.16957673


>> No.16957675

>you guys are seriously just no-fun allowed assburgers and kill yourselves
Sorry I'm such a big meanie OP, I'll be more careful with your feelings next time. I promise.

>> No.16957677

The controversual Netflix show in question "Cuties" is about rapefugee immigrants imbecile, stop inserting your opinion into conversations and topics you have no clue about okay? very bad habit, shame.

>> No.16957690

Cuties came out last year, right? Lmao Definitely must have lead to the "rapefugee" problem that started in 2016.

>> No.16957694

Dumb nigger.

>> No.16957701

Then maybe he should have used a good example and not worded the OP like an idiot. We have enough retards reading subversion into every facet of life.

>> No.16957708

Uh no? What the fuck lmao? It's time for you to stop babbling

>> No.16957712

That actually looks really cool, thanks anon, glad I entered this dumpster of a thread

>> No.16957736

His accusations of prearrangement are really weird though. Basically claiming that the top players in the world match fixed by composing some incredibly beautiful games. Almost like he couldn't believe they had surpassed him.

>> No.16957750

See >>16957638
Lippmann, Ellul, Gramsci, Moldbug.

>> No.16957752

Anon you think Netflix has something to do with immigrants commiting crimes, somethings thats basically always happened. It's time for you to stop babbling and maybe like go outside for abit, might be good for you, you might realize that no one is conspiring to end your bloodline, your just unattractive.

>> No.16957759

Take your meds

>> No.16957776

>Anon you think Netflix has something to do with immigrants commiting crimes, somethings thats basically always happened
Nobody said that you fucking idiot, what the fuck ahahah

>> No.16957806

shill thread

>> No.16957819

Literally anything can influence us and that's not a bad thing. Say a character in a book is eating a sandwich and that made me want to make a similar sandwich, has this book tricked me? Or say I see a person on the street wearing a nice coat, and I think to myself that I would look good in a coat too, so I go and buy a coat. Am I a victim of a psyop now?

>> No.16957823

it's trivial. you just have to centralise everything, kill culture independent of commercial endeavours, and make the population irrecoverably retarded and childish. no need for psychological tricks (which are largely trendy pseudoscience anyway).

>> No.16957826

I mean you are if the guy is paid to wear and show off the coat in a certain way to advertise it.

>> No.16957856

My God, you're such a pedantic faggot.

>> No.16957869

i know this is b8 and shitposting, but nothing you do in this life matters until you do it well. ripping on people for arbitrary measures like IQ or height is simply a red herring to distract yourself from your own mediocrities

>> No.16957907

She’s supposed to be from Kentucky
The accent isn’t even close

>> No.16957916

If you’ve been out of high school for over 4 years you really have no reason to be dating high schoolers and I would seriously question your motives for doing so.
>inb4 they used to get married at 16 back before women had rights

>> No.16957923

Nobody thought this was abnormal 20 years ago faggot, you're either oversocialized brainwashed cattle, or a woman

>> No.16957931

What rights did woman gain? The right to toil away in a factory for 12 hours a day like the men did? LMAO.
Only slaves believe in the idea that labor will set you free.

>> No.16957935

It's not like women didn't toil in the 18th or 19th century.

>> No.16957938

no, he's right, and your little faux-blase snarkpost hammers in the point

>> No.16957944


>> No.16957945

Oh I'm sorry, are you a 40 year old man who can attest that all the 16 year olds were getting married back in your day? if not, how can you even feign to speak with such authority? and if you are, get off the chans you pathetic oldfag

>> No.16957953

labor does set you free, financially. we live in a world of money. why do you think so many battered housewives stick with their husbands? because the alternative is being homeless or dead

>> No.16957954

Yes and then they got the "right" to do even more of that and now have to choose between career and family while socially expected to have both.

>> No.16957956

>socially expected to have both
you have identified the problem

>> No.16957959

Where did I say married? I said twenty years ago no one thought it was weird if a highschool girl was dating a college kid. And no one would even think to accuse the man of pedophilia.

>> No.16957965

don't dodge the question of your age. it pertains to whether you're talking out of your ass

>> No.16957976

As a person who enjoys reading Guenon, Evola, Kaczynski et al and find much of what they say to be agreeable, sometimes I wonder if my developing tastes and morphing ideology is being directed by an unnameable people for nefarious purposes, or by a bunch of shitposters who don't give a fuck about what I believe and do.
>the idea that chess = smart = tactician = learning to think like a head of state much predates the netflix show, if anything the show is banking on the implicit memes about the chess that are long embedded in our culture.
This right here for the anons wondering how chess is becoming more popular. People prefer to think of themselves as smart, a good person, have free agency, not easily influenced or persuaded, and above propaganda. However, I think the influx of people getting into playing chess is incidental and not as a goal oriented maneuver by a small group of people to direct the masses to play chess.

>> No.16957977

Financial freedom is not freedom at all, rather you become a slave to money.
>why do you think so many battered housewives stick with their husbands?
Battered wife syndrome is a psychological rather than an economic phenomenon.
>because the alternative is being homeless or dead
Where? In fucking Bangladesh? Give me a break.

>> No.16957981

What does it matter? I can be lying to you. I'm a boomer.

>> No.16957994

They shouldn't work, the burden of being a woman is enough.

>> No.16958010

>financial freedom isnt freedom, you become a slave to money
It's called frugality, I work less than 20 hours per 168 hours in exchange for living in my own apartment, driving my own car, eating my own food. Such fucking slavery bro.

>> No.16958019

Oh yeah well that's probably nice. I can only speak from a wage slave perspective.
And most peoples' futures are in wage slavery.

>> No.16958037

I'm not trying to come off as some coder or bureaucrat. I've never had money. Right now i make $5 above minwage, i'm just saying it's possible to live cheaply in the unskilled labor market

>> No.16958056

I want something more and neither labor nor money will get me there

>> No.16958060
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>> No.16958062

The fact that you care so much about something arbitrary like age of consent proves anon's point that you are oversocialized cattle. The fact is, throughout history until relatively recently, nobody cared about the age of the girl so long as she hit puberty for the most part. Pedophilia as an act that is socially unacceptable and criminalized is a modern phenomenon. You are a sheep who takes the typical values of the present day for granted. Though I admit I NOPE the fuck out whenever I meditate on this topic for too long.

>> No.16958067
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I just want a loli wife

>> No.16958076


>> No.16958078

Where do you live that you can afford your own apartment on $12.50/hr working part-time? How big is the apartment, and are you receiving any gobs?

>> No.16958082


>actually Cuties was against pedophilia

/v/ is the tranny board resetera-kun*

T/L note: kun means male

>> No.16958084

Maybe he's in Jew York making 20 dollars an hour

>> No.16958094

>netflix effect
Or maybe the show is just good (I haven't watched it.) When AlphaGo beat Lee Sedol, the sales of Go boards increased a lot too. For it to be a "Netflix effect" it needs more data points.

>> No.16958160

The show is good imho. I really enjoyed it.

I don't what this thread is about to be honest. Truth is, first people get controlled via media, then people get controlled through reflecting given media, then people get controlled through accepting their lack of knowledge about given media. There is no real 'outside' of the control. The key is to change your narrative. Impose enjoyment on yourself. Control is a dumb narrative. It's reminiscnet of edgy teens and you should grow up and overcome this stupid selfdamaging waste of time.

>> No.16958180

Control is definitely happening and people who still consume mainstream news & media are all caught in it. It's fine to do it every now and then, but if you watch Neflix regularly, listen to modern music, read mainstream newspapers, etc., you need a proper detox or you'll lose touch with reality like most people you see on Twitter or Reddit already have.

>> No.16958189


Yesterday heard two cuties talking about chess and dating guys who had an interest in chess. One of them was Emma Roberts-lvl hot. Felt pretty gud
for my nerdy bros. Personally i’m trying to get my gf knocked up.

>> No.16958195

fuck off
deleuze and baudrillard

>> No.16958210

>Yesterday heard two cuties talking about chess and dating guys who had an interest in chess.
Imagine dating theses subhumans. They'll probably be listening to climate change podcasts out loud all day and ask you to join them to the local BLM protest and pray to Floyd after sex.

>> No.16958212

You're obviously intelligent but arguing with strawmen and typing like a huge faggot. Lurk more and try to emulate board culture better if you want people to actually absorb what you're saying without rejecting it off hand for being an eyesore.

>> No.16958224

>You're obviously intelligent
lol he's literally retarded