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16952346 No.16952346 [Reply] [Original]

>read this
>realize I am literally Hitler

>> No.16952371

Uhhh based? When are you starting up the 4th Reich, anon? Do you need a Goebbels?

>> No.16952380

Nah you're just some loser on 4Chan. In World War II you'd probably be some Hanz Nobody dying of gangrene in a trench.

>> No.16952388

Kubizek's work is an important piece of history that defies the 'stinky Hitler' narrative.

>> No.16952392

OP needs to Goebble these nuts haha got him

>> No.16952408

That's not a nice thing to say, anon.

>> No.16952421

Hitler was an autistic loser while he lived on Vienna too

>> No.16952449

Nah bro Hitler literally ate mounds of shit that he paid prostitutes to spit on. Documented.

>> No.16952484

theres a difference between being autistic 4chan neet and and being a shut in with serious charisma and the confidence to put himself out there time and time again until he takes complete control of a powerful nation and win the hearts and minds of its people

these "Hitler is literally me" larpers are pathetic. most of them probably cant even leave moms basement to earn a paycheque let alone seize control of a government

>> No.16952502

Except it doesn't. He literally said in there Hitler never masturbated or brought anyone back to the apartment to fuck. These are major red flags of something being 100% wrong and fucked up with someone. Maybe if he would have just had a wank he wouldn't have been so hellbent to take over the fucking world. I'm so glad porn and relationships are normal and ok now so we will never have another Hitler again, at least in the west.

Someone famous once said that the reason there was war and violence was because there aren't enough orgasms in the world. they're right. There is nothing wrong with sex or masturbation.

>> No.16952511

nice b8

>> No.16952519

>He literally said in there Hitler never masturbated or brought anyone back to the apartment to fuck. These are major red flags of something being 100% wrong and fucked up with someone.


>> No.16952525

so you're a WW1 veteran and art school dropout with one ball? lel

>> No.16952542

>These are major red flags of something being 100% wrong and fucked up with someone.

>> No.16952595
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only things of women/sex I remember was a proposition from a prostitute, Kubizek saying Adolf was eyed by such women or some shit, and of course the classic tale of hittle's oneitis he watched cross a bridge all the time but never spoke to.

Now this, this is some funny shit. It reads a lot like projecting the worst inceldom psychiatrists can muster upon a person. Have a read of this, OP, and see how well you fit. That's all I'll say.

>> No.16952691

they're sex negative killjoys. whack off to porn all day and you'll be peaceful and non confrontational

>> No.16952692
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>hellbent to take over the fucking world

>> No.16952725

Then you have a shit memory

>He [Hitler] never masturbated, detested salacious jokes, and spoke about physical purity as though he believed in some higher law that demanded purity in men and women. A hermit by deliberate choice, Adolf despised homosexuals as much as he despised the women he sometimes encountered at the opera who indicated that they would welcome his advances” (p. 72, The Hitler I Knew, Kubizek).

>> No.16952782






>> No.16952998
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how many pages into which chapter is that? here's a fun little excerpt since you made me pull out the book u fuck, from my page 71.

>> No.16953014

>'stinky Hitler

what is the stinky hitler narrative

>> No.16953035

>neets who jerk off waste their lives on 4chan
>neets who don't jerk off take over europe

>> No.16953049
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>> No.16953097


The one where he was just a hateful bastard who wanted to kill everyone and everything for no particular reason. It's a total farce.

>> No.16953099

kek lol this ain't shit

>> No.16953120

Basically the "orange man likes getting pissed on etc. pp." narrative but for Hitler?

>> No.16953132

It is fascinating how liberals and leftists are obsessed with projecting their sexual pathologies onto others while also claiming they are noble in themselves. What's that all about? Why the obsession with sex and filth? Why do they see sex and filth as primary causes in the history of mankind?

>> No.16953134



>> No.16953268

In my experience, all the people I’ve known who are ultra-promiscuous have something wrong with them. They would always eventually open up to me about how unhappy they were with their life or relate some tale about childhood trauma. Every single time. This is a majority of people too which is fucking hilarious. “Normal” people are depressed husks trying to fill the void while abnormal people are in actuality more “normal.”

>> No.16953457
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>realize I am literally Hitler

I know exactly what you mean. I read that and he reminded me of 3 friends I had, and all of them were autistic. As a child, he's easy to relate to. The fact that he would obsess and start projects without ever finishing them. or how he would obsess over stefanie, with whom he basically never even spoke to, yet planned his whole life around.

one of the best books i've ever read.

>> No.16953472

Perhaps abuse deprivation (excuse deprivation) needs to be studied..

>> No.16953488

>wanting to be Goebbels
Goebbels was a gross rat, I want to be a drug-addicted former-Chad glutton who outlives everyone else like Goerring

>> No.16953495

they just skip that in. every time

>> No.16953514

I am sorry anon. Goebbels was extremely depressed and felt no motivation to do his best until his Fuhrer gave him a great cause to dedicate himself to, so that's why he's identical to a ton of men today. It's not really that anyone wants to "be" him, it's simply a matter of realism.

>> No.16953624

Do you think there is a general understanding among the intelligensia that cognitive dissonance can lead a certain subset of people to double down on something incorrect? Like for instance, if you make fun of Hitler, certain people might respond by empathizing with him?

>> No.16953653

ok incel

>> No.16954062
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Imagine how euphoric it must be to find a sense of purpose like that.

I'm not even being facetious.

>> No.16954122

OMG we have a Reddit tourist here.
He never wanted to conquer the world that's what they say to brainlets like you to make people in remote countries hate him as well.

>> No.16954156

>He never wanted to conquer the world

"This war will set us back many years in our building program. It is a tragedy. I did not become Chancellor of the Greater German Reich to fight wars." - Hitler, to Kubizek.

>> No.16955410

As a coomer, you are completely right to say those things, just as it is right for the sheep to fear the wolf, or the criminal, law enforcement.

>> No.16955593

I can imagine, anon. I think that's why he killed himself alongside Hitler rather than continuing on.

>> No.16955650

I really don’t trust any book by a literal who claiming intimate knowledge of a famous person.

>> No.16955881

>Someone famous once said that the reason there was war and violence was because there aren't enough orgasms in the world

I can almost guarantee a Jew said this

>> No.16955916

Are there any theories about Hitler being physically aroused by warmongering? I've read those kind of theories about Napoleon and they're always great fun

>> No.16955962

It's not that, but you would probably enjoy Irving's take on how Hitler saw himself and the war in the east when it started, in Hitler's War. He wanted to be at the front and see war heroes like teutonic knights and shit. It's less stinky hitler (using the thread phrase) than it sounds, but it is interesting.

>> No.16955985

Rectification : you are young Hitler. You won't age well.

>> No.16955994

Unlike you he was bankrolled by big industrialists. Ask the Koch brothers to fund you and see how you fare.

>> No.16956001

This is a dumb fucking meme and omly historically illiterate retards push this. Actually read about the base Nazis were trying to appeal to rather than just pushing stupid fucking memes.

>> No.16956005

Not him, and he's clearly trolling, but tb.h I'm not sure I could trust a young man that never masturbated unless he had a religious vocation (which Hitler hadn't). Being virgin is fine, we can't all score nor do we all want to. But never even having a little wank? Past age 20? As a nonreligious male? That's not someone I would spend a night alone with.

>> No.16956014

Or maybe he was just good at hiding he wanked. I don't think he ever not touched himself

>> No.16956019

Friendly reminder that Nazi doctrine was intensely natalistic and advocated procreation for all able aryan men. In fact polygamous relationships between aryans were encouraged and single mothers and illegitimate children were not shamed (as long as they were aryans). Hitler himself was married with children at the time of his death.

The all caps makes your post look like those of a deranged old lady in a fit of rage. Please stop doing this to yourself.

>> No.16956020
File: 512 KB, 713x662, 98F93AC6-E835-4D2B-A4CB-F32BD63D16AB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hitler never masturbated or brought anyone back to the apartment to fuck.
A literal Übermensch. Hitler has a better claim to divinity than Jesus for his attitude towards the Natural Order and animals. Based Hitler

>> No.16956029
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>> No.16956036

This is gold.

>He did not need music for his movements. I also intended to point out to him the harmony between music and bodily movements of which he did not seem to have any conception.
>In his depressed mood he hit on a crazy idea: he seriously contemplated kidnapping Stefanie.
>'And what are you both going to live on?' I asked prosaically. My question sobered him up a little and the audacious plan was abandoned.

Was Hitler the ultimate sperg?

>> No.16956049

>“Normal” people are depressed husks trying to fill the void
Abnormal people are also like that. Read Kierkegaard. Nobody is sane.

>> No.16956056

How old was Adolf here?

>> No.16956070

Pretty sure the skit that make fun of Hitler that you can see on TV often end up making him look somewhat sympathetic.
I remember once a French youtuber made fun of a semi-famous French thot on TV by superposing clips of the movie "The Fall" (about Hitler's last days) with the thot's TV interventions. In the process Hitler came out looking like a serious and reasonable figure by comparison.

>> No.16956073

Ironic given how much of his energy he spent provoking his neighbors. I mean what was he expecting?

>> No.16956087

It is a fact. You don't win a national campaign in a country like Germany without powerful industrial backing especially as a young party. And Hitler kept favoring big industrial groups after he came to power.

>Actually read about the base Nazis were trying to appeal to
Irrelevant to the point being made. Both democrats and republicans in the US try to appeal to different breeds of poorfags, it doesn't make them any less funded by rich people.

>> No.16956094

Probably. Being good at hiding your wank is a skill in itself I guess.

>> No.16956098

>It is a fact
Provide citation. Nazis were not successful untilbthe early 30s and even Hitler's victory wasn't by a very large margin.

>> No.16956111
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>you are young Hitler

You really mean it?

>> No.16956158

Found the kikes.

It was Wilhelm Reich, and yes. He was.

>> No.16956230
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somewhere around 16 since the chapter starts in the spring of 1905. Apparently the oneitis lasted more than 4 years.
And damn those fuckin officer chads, always stealin the hunnies!
But for real, the whole thing is immensely entertaining. I did a quick skim through it again, there's just so many levels of 4chan to the guy. I need to proper read it again, now that I'm not a 16 year old reading it for edge.

>> No.16956291

for the beginning, could not he be succesful with just support of his followers? Like a self-help guru selling something. Guy just does his oratory magic, spends his time leading a movement, and people pay him in hopes his promises can be manifested.
Of course at some point he needs a much higher level of financial backing, but for the level of success he found in democracy, I think just having loyal followers (and brownshirts) contributing, and maybe some random wealthy gentlemen of similar disposition, is enough.

>> No.16956576
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Just spent 45 min writing detailed citations and lost the post due to a fuck up with my computer mouse. Instead I made screenshots, which I should have done in the first place especially since the text formatting in my pdf doesn't allow for copy paste. Apologies for shoddy formatting, I'm no graphic designer.

Source is Who Financed Hitler: the Secret Funding of Hitler's rise to power, especially page 56-59 and 113-117.

>> No.16956595

Yes, there was a dimension of that as the beginning. But the machinery of a well-functioning party is very money-hungry, even in 1930 Germany were campaign were much less streamlined and massive than today's US presidential campaigns. Especially since the Nazis maintained their own militia which was sometimes equipped with military-grade weapons.
>but for the level of success he found in democracy, I think just having loyal followers (and brownshirts) contributing
Look at the screenshots of the post above. There were very wealthy people involved. Less relevant to the funding issues but there were also significant stealthy weapons transfer from an Army officers to the SA. Of course Hitler benefitted from the sales of his books and the donations of the rank-and-file party members, but the contribution of industrialists (including foreign ones, especially Ford) and White Russian aristocrats and billionaires were important.

>> No.16956607

>Except it doesn't. He literally said in there Hitler never masturbated or brought anyone back to the apartment to fuck

Maybe Hitler was actually based all along

>> No.16956618

This is solid pasta tier. The details of the lives of famous men are often uncannily amusing and similar to that of a 4chan autist. Same (to an extent) with Rousseau's Confession and Stendhal's Memoirs of Henry Brulard.

>> No.16956621

>you're mentally ill if you're not a coomer
it's literally the opposite and i'm tired of jews insisting otherwise while being socially conservative af themselves

though this is probably bait

>> No.16956647

(also can provide screenshot for the weapon transfer thing, and I omitted a mention of Henry Ford giving 40k dollars to the Nazi because this didn't seem to weight much given the scale of organizations involved. Note that this is only one quarter into the book, and that I haven't mentioned the usual IG Faben, Krupp and Thyssen).

>> No.16956760

Damn, very interesting. Fuckin money, man. Definitely gonna give that a read.

>> No.16956833

What percentage were jews?

>> No.16956946

Among the White Russians, probably 0% since they were mostly blue bloods and associates. Among the foreign industrialists, that's hard to say. Probably not that high a percentage, many people didn't take Hitler's antisemitism seriously at first, but it was enough to deter most. There's a paragraph in the first chapter about how a Nazi organizer has two Jewish arm dealers on the lookout to provide the SA with cheap equipment. So at least at low and middle level there were some Jews involved.

>> No.16957204
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Not a white russian, but I grew up with many in "little russia" of san francisco. They are an interesting bunch, calling someone a "zhid" (old-russian way of saying jew) or "mason" was the ultimate insult. Later on, I learned that many of their grandfathers fought in the war on Hitler's side.

I feel like after losing the revolution, they became very anti-semitic for natural reasons. The ones that settled in Germany and Yugoslavia were probably the more aristocratic, however, so they had more connections than the american ones.

They definitely had money, they had their own business here. Up until the 70s when there was a massive exodus of russian-speaking jews, you could come to a job and say you were Russian and you would be insta-hired. In fact, Clement street in Little russia used to be only russian shops owned by russians. They definitely had moolah, pic related is a cathedral that they built there in the 60s

>> No.16957394

Read the medical literature of the era, morons. Hitlers idol was a two bit mayor that was a physician and wrote scores of papers on the evils of masturbation. Any medical paper from the era strongly condemns masturbation, "onanism", and sexual perversions. And it's not like there was pornography around so if you're not getting titillated regularly and don't have a masturbation habit, it's pretty easily forgone. You're just smoothbrains projecting your own self perceived impossibility of such an effort.

>> No.16957427

Well it's not like twentieth century German doctors were primitive ignoramuses. They must have had good reasons. Why did they believe masturbation is harmful while modern medicine doesn't?

>> No.16957433
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not him but here is an example of anti sexual medical literature

>> No.16957444

Are you dense? That was the formula to make a Hitler, not aryan breeding stock. The reason 99.999% of men amount to nothing is because they can't retain their seed.

>> No.16957450

And yes, celebrities, youtubers, most academics, businessmen have amounted to nothing compared to the likes of Kant and Aquinas.

>> No.16957457

Interesting anecdotes, do you have more?
>I feel like after losing the revolution, they became very anti-semitic for natural reasons.
They were probably very antisemitic even before that, but the revolution certainly made things worse.

Moralfags condemning masturbation is a centuries old trends, I have yet to see evidence that it actually uproots the practice barring serious physical discipline. But that's beside the point, the question is at what age did Hitler discover that physician. If it's anywhere past 13, then I highly doubt he never masturbated.

>You're just smoothbrains projecting your own self perceived impossibility of such an effort.
Nothing to do with effort, I can stop masturbating without issue, but I can't erase the fact that I started doing it 15 years ago.

>> No.16957469 [DELETED] 

>I feel like after losing the revolution, they became very anti-semitic
Anti-semitism is a very old Russian cultural phenomenon that even the Bolsheviks couldn't eliminate.

>> No.16957477

Can you read? Hitler had mistesses, a wife and children in his adult life. None of the aryan dignitaries seriously advocated lifelong celibacy, several of them had more than one wife. The nazi elite was incentivized to procreate as much as the proles.

>> No.16957507

Or Bach (wait, he had 20 children), Confucius (no, he has one of the biggest genealogy ever written down), Genghis Khan (same), Saint Augustine (he was a coomer in his youth, and it's not clear he became entirely chaste later in life), Descartes, Hegel (actually both had a child), Dante (married with several children)...

>> No.16957514

well, I can tell you that they own a house in the Pacific Heights that is a "museum". It has stuff that they brought over from Russia during the revolution, including many firearms, uniforms, guns, and, of course, unexploded ordnance. It's all stored in a victorian wooden "painted lady".

I heard that. I feel like that's not the case anymore since the multi culti brainwashing that the soviets did.

>> No.16957529 [DELETED] 

>. I feel like that's not the case anymore since the multi culti brainwashing that the soviets did.
It wasn't the Soviets. The Soviets regularly used anti-Semitic rhetoric as part of their anti-Israeli foreign policy. And it increased after the death of Stalin where Jewish docs were blamed for killing him.

>> No.16957678

This book is definitely worth reading, it turns out Hitler wasn't at all how the media have portrayed him, he was just an autistic loser who got briefly lucky.

>> No.16957735

Sounds pretty awesome, the kind of things I wish I'd seen more in my life.

>> No.16957784


>> No.16957811

Convinced me to try my first nofap streak; thanks anon :')

>> No.16958220

vandalizing the american embassy is bold, respect

>> No.16958292

>sign says "burgers"
>american embassy

sensible chuckle

>> No.16958618


>realizing hitler would've been a potential school shooter today

We all knew this long ago. The important part is for you to start doing exercise and maybe land a 5-6/10 qt so people don't have to fear you taking out your failures on the rest of the world.

>> No.16958642

Bunkertranny cope seethe dilate
You’ll never be a women

>> No.16959167
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>some higher law

>> No.16959188

That's a big generalization you're making.
t. Literally Hitler

>> No.16959198

I like how you basically admit that masturbation distracts from your goals.

>> No.16960864


>> No.16960894

You write like a book report.

>> No.16960905
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>Dante (married with several children)

>> No.16960972

>When Dante was 12, he was promised in marriage to Gemma di Manetto Donati, daughter of Manetto Donati, member of the powerful Donati family.
>Years after his marriage to Gemma he claims to have met Beatrice again

Of course if you had read the Divine Comedy you'd remember Dante's self-insert mention that he too has children when meeting Ugolino in the 9th circle.

>> No.16961365

there was a scene when a milf was flirting with young hitler in vienna, and he gets all awkward and later on he says to his friend of the disdain he has for Frau Pohtifar

>> No.16961497

hitler delusion is entry level shizophrenisation of thought. I am the universe ama.

>> No.16961546
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Thank you. You just exonerated Hitler from the suspicion of hypocrisy or secret machinations against the German people.

National Socialism was a doctrine of uniting all classes within the nation for the common benefit, not engaging in the jewish folly of class warfare, which would weaken the nation and make it ripe for subversion and looting by the jew.

Which it has.

Interesting tale.

>> No.16962948

Agreed, I think he owes an apology

>> No.16962977

Exonerated is a strong word, but the claim he was funded by Jews is certainly exaggerated. He was however at the center of a web of massive industrial financing. That's mostly a problem for people who believe that rich = Jews.

>> No.16962999

If you weren't a jew, and you were an industrialist, and you wanted Germany to get its shit together and become a industrialized market you could operate in, Hitler would be a great investment.

>> No.16963017

This site is so easy to bait it's unbelievable.

>> No.16963906

Except masturbation was common back then, as well as degenerate sexual patterns & behaviors

>> No.16964111

> Be big spooky German industrialist
> No globalization in the early twentieth century
> Hitler forms a party
> He promises labor backed currency and autarky
> This, in the short term, means having the support of the state and overcoming multinational competitors on home soil
> water the NSDAP in Reichmarks
> Six years later, you can only produce what Hitler wants, how Hitler wants, when Hitler wants, where Hitler wants, charge the prices Hitler wants, and pay the wages Hitler wants
> Become a sort of public official, without the economic and employment security that being a public official brings
> be used by NEET's on a Hawaiian child trafficking imageboard as an example of how Hitler was pro-free market a century later

>> No.16964162

Hitler didn't even receive much funding from industrialists until the Nazis were already in government, most of the funding of the party was provided by party members and popular donations.

>> No.16964191

The NSDAP was also cult-like when collecting donations. The quantities of goods, labor and money the active militants were expected to donate is absurd by today's standards, imagine how harsh that would be in the context of the Weimar Republic.
If you don't have the funding other major parties have, and the man in charge has absolute determination to seize power, these measures become necessary.

>> No.16964417


Myrna Minkoff detected

>> No.16964424

what a minx!

>> No.16964489

Nobody itt said Hitler was pro-free market. In fact his systematic reliance on big preformed groups suggests the opposite.
Most people on any side of the political spectrum don't accuse Hitler of being pro-free market.

>> No.16964570

>That's not someone I would spend a night alone with.
What if that man is Immanuel Kant?