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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 22 KB, 200x200, fren pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16956450 No.16956450 [Reply] [Original]

>friend gives you book
>says you'll love it
>10 pages in and it sucks
>don't want to read it
>don't want to give up and disappoint your fren
I hate when this happens

>> No.16956454
File: 106 KB, 859x1024, DE5F752C-B0C3-4DC8-BAB9-8EE489F7CEBD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't want to give up and disappoint your fren
Read a few summaries and look for a few quotes, then discuss it with your fren

>> No.16956459

>"I haven’t got around to reading it yet, I’m in the middle of _____, do you want it back?”
Stupid frogposter

>> No.16956461

I wouldn't lie to a friend though

>> No.16956472

>fren tells me to read Dune
>actually want to before movie comes out
>be slightly pissed that Amazonjews broke up the book into several parts instead of one book to grift
I distinctly remember it bring just one book

>> No.16956480

Go to a used bookstore and find a copy

>> No.16956481
File: 106 KB, 950x631, 54D4C41B-45EC-4350-89A4-6D0C99C6BC75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then read the book and post frogs

>> No.16956491
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Reading shit that sucks is a good way to condition your focus and patience

>> No.16956496

>fren pepe.jpg
His name is apu apustaja you fucking newfag

>> No.16956516

Had a friend once who had really good taste, but he also for some reason liked any pulp fantasy garbage as well, so this happened to me a lot

>> No.16956520

Happened to me with a Jim Butcher novel, forget what it was called, ended up not reading it

>> No.16956588

>having friends
that was your mistake right there OP

>> No.16956592

no need to be so rude, fren

>> No.16956608

Is it too long? I'd suggest finishing it, don't give up on it too soon anon

>> No.16956629

>friend gives you book
wew that sounds nice

>> No.16956686

10 pages is way too early to judge a book.

>> No.16956688
File: 123 KB, 319x310, CDCDD70E-8321-48F9-8DF7-8E139481E91D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ten pages? Apu, you have to read at least five chapters.
What’s the name of the book?

>> No.16956697

Butters, shouldn't you be calling him a wretched frogposter?

>> No.16956706

One page is sufficient to identify a shitty book

>> No.16956714

How did you change your shirt and get a teddy bear so quickly

>> No.16956720

10 pages into Interview With The Vampire and I new it was going to be shitty. I read until page 70 and regret every minute.

>> No.16956725
File: 467 KB, 1668x1494, F536D75E-8D4A-417C-8497-3F59518D6523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Apu is nice enough.
Is no one going to check my double dubs?

>> No.16956745
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Checked. Impressive. Very nice.

>> No.16956756

I read a Poppy Z Brite book (Dead Souls, was it?) that a friend recommended to me. Could only get two or three chapters in. Just wasn’t my scene. The movie of Interview with the Vampire was pretty good

Nice Donna. She really should try more short fiction

>> No.16956766

Have you read any Zadie Smith?

>> No.16956768


>> No.16956775
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>> No.16956812

you dont deserve to be checked

>> No.16956828

But... Jim Butcher is comfy, anon. :(

>> No.16956854
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>> No.16956875
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>> No.16957191

Some books you can just tell suck right away, Neil Gaiman is a prime example of this