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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 33 KB, 474x555, hitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16955032 No.16955032 [Reply] [Original]

Let's say, hypothetically, for the sake of the arguement, you meet the "next Hitler". And this "next Hitler" will be a dictator when he grows up. Not necessarily a nazi dictator, but a dictator. He will turn the democracy of a certain European nation into an absolute tyranny.
This badass is now 18.
What book will you recommend him?
You can not change his fate. He will become a dictator no matter what. But you can help shaping him as a person.

>> No.16955062


mein kampf pt. II a.k.a. my diary desu

>> No.16955080

I would use the nearest hardcover Bible to crack his little skull open.

>> No.16955084

ready player one

>> No.16955103

Mein Kampf

>> No.16955104
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I would become his friend so his heart doesn’t harden and his soul is not entirely overcome by hate.

>> No.16955106

Evola's Metaphysics of War, then hope for a European Hellenic Neo-Caliphate.

>> No.16955170

Add Heathen Imperialism and we're good to go.

>> No.16955241

My twisted world by Elliot Rodger

>> No.16955252

Men Among The Ruins

>> No.16955258

I'd give him Journey to the End of the Night so he kills himself before coming to power.

>> No.16955339

12 Rules to Life by Dr. Jordan Benis Peterson

>> No.16955358


>> No.16955373

Either Mein Kampf or this >>16955084

>> No.16955444

He will not bother children when they are skateboarding which will make him a pretty good dictator imo.

>> No.16955491

The Art of the Deal so that he turns into a bumbling incompetent fash

>> No.16955498

why would you want him to turn into a bumbling incompetent fash?

>> No.16955502
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>> No.16955564

The complete work of Plato and I will be his teacher (with all the stuff implicated in an athenian teacher-student relationship) and make the twink become a philosopher-king.

>> No.16956616
File: 35 KB, 334x500, On War.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next time, let the fucking generals do their job and don't push into Russia during winter. Retard.

>> No.16956640

I wanna be a cia backed third-world dictator
Those still a thing?

>> No.16956661

Hitler read about Napoleon's attempt and Napoleon read about Charles XIIs attempt while marching to Russia. NeoHitler would just find some dumb reason that this time will totally be different.

>> No.16956674
File: 12 KB, 264x378, The_Tao_of_Pooh(book)_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope this works...

>> No.16956694

Seneca. He was in the same position and did his best, who am I to try to do better?

>> No.16956698

>June is in winter
>He should have just listened to his generals
Back to /his/ shitwit

>> No.16956711

Have him read proust, learn some empathy

>> No.16956771

Retard, Hitler made military decisions that were better than his generals. Even his fuck ups have a lot of logic to them and I know you never read Clausewitz because if you did it would mean you have interest in military history which would mean you actually know the thought process behind Hitler's tactical decisions and just how competent he actually was.

>> No.16956783

One of the first things the dictator does when in power is legalize pederasty
The dictator orders you to commit suicide
The twink instead becomes a philosopher NEET and regular shitposter on /lit/, and quite possibly a tripfag.
He asks you for a small loan.
Cleaning your room will become a law.
Every single piece of media referenced in Ready Player One becomes banned during the regime. A bounty is put on Robert Zemeckis.

>> No.16956790
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>> No.16956808
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>> No.16956816


>> No.16956832
File: 2.94 MB, 740x700, 1575555646608.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decline of the West

>> No.16956847

The west is dead by your shitty politics now how do I lose i want to sleep

>> No.16956865
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>> No.16956872

There's more to life than happiness - especially for a future dictator - but if peace is what you want, I'd give you a copy of Winnie-the-Pooh.

>> No.16956916
File: 408 KB, 1000x629, hitler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It never was, fren

>> No.16957796

keked and checked

>> No.16957803

Explain what you mean

>> No.16957828

The Metaphysics of Morals

>> No.16957861

White Fragility

>> No.16957877

Uhhhhh i like diary of a wimpy kid

>> No.16958048

Protocols of the elders of zion

>> No.16958059

The Decline of the West.

>> No.16959091


>> No.16959475

Attack on Titan, all volumes.

>> No.16960047


>> No.16960259

White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo

>> No.16960409

>wants Hitler to build gas chambers for real

>> No.16960835

Stop doing this you schizo.

>> No.16961447

>Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
A dictator has much to learn from one of the greatest Emperors the world has seen

>> No.16961628

Gray Mirror for the Nihilistic Prince by Curtis Yarvin

>> No.16961871

"I'm Jewish": the Post.

>> No.16961899

Hop on Pop

>> No.16961932

the dark enlightenment by nick land

>> No.16962233

my grandfather was sephardic jew, if that makes you happy

>> No.16962734

Did it cross your mind to ask how I knew that?

>> No.16963540


When I first started reading this I thought it was a Shapiro copypasta.

>> No.16963567

I mean you probably call dozens of people jews every week, it's bound that one of them will be 1/4th jewish eventually. I won't bore you with the specifics though, math is Jewish magic after all.

>> No.16963843
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>> No.16963873

Read leviathan like 10 fucking times.
Find a Hobbes expert to talk about Hobbes with.
I mean "muh Machiavelli" too, but Leviathan definitely

>> No.16963887

You know Julius Caesar wrote a couple books right?
But also any ancient Roman account of Augustus Caesar. Proper emperors are experts in bureaucracy

>> No.16963902

i know this is goig to sound gay, but i screenshotted your post

>> No.16964259

Ready Player One was legitimately on the professional reading list for US Marines for years until tihs year. I still don't understand why.

>> No.16965565

Please expand :)

>> No.16965571

Gray Mirror by Curtis Yarvin

>> No.16965609

Why do I get the feeling that Moldbug himself posts on /lit/? I keep seeing Sam Hyde and /lit/ references in his work.

>> No.16965658

A compendium of Nietzsches work or maybe of Emerson’s. I want him to aim to be the greatest self realizing man the world has ever seen

>> No.16965986

The Bible obviously.

>> No.16966901

I've gotten banned for posting about historico-linguistics because it doesn't pertain to literature.

>> No.16967538

that is literally me

>> No.16967930

White Identity - Jared Taylor

>> No.16967948
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