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16952733 No.16952733 [Reply] [Original]

I just finished Neuromancer...

Where else can I get my literary cyberpunk fix?

>> No.16952826

Read the rest of the trilogy

>> No.16952854
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>> No.16952884
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Not a book but I recommend this.

>> No.16952921

Don't. It's shit

>> No.16952935


>> No.16952936


>> No.16953031

Rest of the trilogy
Snow Crash
Burning Chrome
The atmosphere is alright. It's cyberpunk Plato's cave. To draw a parallel to Neuromance you flatline and you go to heaven (as if the Dixie construct's was Dixie's heaven, doing hacking shit which is what he enjoyed in life).
Still, kinda slow and the moronic MC trope is kinda wasted potential.

>> No.16953063

I know its not a book but watch Akira

>> No.16953108

void star is pretty good for a recent but typical cyberpunk

>> No.16953185

>Ready Player One

>> No.16953291

Is The Stars My Destination cyberpunk? I read it around 15 years ago and mostly just remember it as space travel.

>> No.16953344

no but it is a precursor. the demolished man fits the late stage capitalism more.

>> No.16953353

also that list seems like bait although has good picks

>> No.16953368

Disregard that post, I'm retarded.

>> No.16953378

kek and now we have book two to fill in that gap in the bottom right

>> No.16953379

Thoughts on Pat Cadigan? I like her story in Mirrorshades, but haven't read her longer works.

>> No.16953489

If you read Snow Crash be aware that's it's intentionally campy/a satire on cyberpunk otherwise you might close the book within the first two chapters.

>> No.16953520

Like thw others said, read the rest of the trilogy plus Burning Chrome. It's a short story collection with three stories set in the Sprawl universe.
After that I read Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep by Philip K. Dick. I wasn't impressed with Blade Runner, but the novel was decent. Totally different to Gibson though.
For a quick fix and something post-punk/transhumanism check out Greg Egan. From his website: https://www.gregegan.net/BORDER/Complete/Border.html

>> No.16953594

I always thought Gibson was the idea man, but kind of boring
Stephenson is solid, and fun
Accelerando is where it's at

>> No.16953608

When is snow crash starting to get good because i read like 70 pages when i decided not to go on with it.

>> No.16953616 [DELETED] 

Half of the stories in it aren't even cyberpunk, one of them is an excerpt from a novel, one of them you'll read if you get the Burning Chrome anthology anyway, and the pat cadigan one >>16953379 is just a short version of her novel Synners.

>> No.16953644

Half of the stories in it aren't even cyberpunk, one of them is an excerpt from a novel, two of them you'll read if you get the Burning Chrome anthology anyway, and the pat cadigan one >>16953379 is just a short version of her novel Synners.

>> No.16953776

based Rudy Rucker. fuck yes. i might add some PKD

>> No.16953812

graphic novels are books

>> No.16953837

It's 90% pastiche of cyberpunk with a solid core
If you don't get drawn in by the turn it up to 11 irony, we can't be friends
Or maybe you were just born too late

>> No.16953851

it's just the cyberpunk tags in my calibre collection
i'm not trying to curate some ultimate list or troll anyone, but it is funny when people sperg out over it

>> No.16953867

it says 'Cyberpunk Anthology' right there on the cover

>> No.16953883

there is literally nothing cyberpunk about anathem and Cryptonomicon m8.

>> No.16953916

I was born in 86. i just didnt like how he writes. I just wanted some good scifi shit. Read flashback before and SC just was no fun.

>> No.16953926

It's more like an adventure novel in space (just like Monte Cristo), I'd call it starpunk.
If you can't get into the proper frame of mind to appreciate it as satire, then it's probably not for you.
One common criticism is that it reads like fan fiction, a high schooler novel. It is fanfiction, but the same way Don Quixote is fanfiction of chivalric romances (with a ton more stuff going on), so is Snow Crash. The plot is fun and except for a couple infodumps, it's nicely paced. The over the top stuff, the references, the parodies. It's a fun book meant to be read for fun. Whereas Gibson introduced depth through the AI self awareness, Stephenson constructs this depth with the crash and language.
It's take or leave. Maybe some faggots get to it expecting something different, I went in blindly and I enjoyed it. Like so many other books with funny stuff (Canterbury Tales, DQ, Catch22), they're not for everyone.

>> No.16953932

Explain to me what's cyberpunk about Harry Houdini.

>> No.16953936

Burning chrome
At least post GITS next time

>> No.16953968

agreed on Anathem, not on Cryptonomicon
i've since fixed it

>> No.16953986

i ripped those pages out of my Cyberpunk Anthology ebook, sorry

>> No.16954004
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>> No.16954020
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>> No.16954039


> Ready Player One

Dismiss this list.

>> No.16954054

Ready Player One isn't cyberpunk?
i dismiss you because you're wrong

>> No.16954057
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No, pic related?

>> No.16954060

Learn what graphic novel means

>> No.16954075
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no way dude

>> No.16954092
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stopped reading there

>> No.16954216

Poor reading comprehension strikes again.
Even if there's an Akira book, manga or graphic novel, is it really that hard to understand the guy was talking about WATCHING the movie?

>> No.16954246

Rudy Rucker is areally great guy. He is the most intelligent and educated of the 'punks, and his ware-trilogy is really great, it's the most imaginative, out-there stuff before Accelerando.
Then he went clean, and now everyone treats him like their acid-casualty uncle, who can't quite make ends meet.

>> No.16954309

no it wasn't, i understood that
did you not understand that he doesn't seem to be aware that there IS an Akira book and i was letting him know in a humorous yet smartass way, as is the custom on 4channel, the vietnamese aspiring comediennes message board that we inhabit?

>> No.16954404

Maybe he does and considers cyberpunk a genre better experienced in an audiovisual medium.
Why would you call it a graphic novel when everyone knows it as a manga, anyway?

>> No.16954435

you're just an idiot bro

>> No.16954473

>the pat cadigan one >>16953379 (You) is just a short version of her novel Synners
That's my impression, but Synners is seven years later. Is it the same sort of feel, but longer? Does she maintain the quality throughout?

>> No.16954499

>Why would you call it a graphic novel when everyone knows it as a manga, anyway?
Graphic novel is already marketingese for "comic"

>> No.16954545

>Why would you call it a graphic novel when everyone knows it as a manga, anyway?
because i'm already using the redundant 'graphic novel' to refer to 'comic books'. i don't think i need to use the even more reduntanter term 'manga' to refer to Japanese graphic novels (comic books).

>> No.16954793

In my opinion, there isn't much worth venturing past Gibson in the cyberpunk subgenre.
Keep away from Gibson's late work. It's complete garbage.
The Sprawl and Bridge Trilogies are the masterpieces of cyberpunk.
There are some earlier Gibson short stories as well, see Burning Chrome.
Snowcrash is the only book worth venturing past Gibson in this subgenre.
I agree. I did not find anything remarkable in Mirrorshades outside of Gibson's works that I had already read.

>> No.16954835

Is Island in the Net worth a read? I do not see it discussed much

>> No.16954883

Fuck Bruce Sterling and fuck his cuck fetish.

>> No.16954976

I watched the first 2 episodes at one point but I didn't continue

>> No.16955025

I don't know lol, I'm not reading an entire novel by a woman

>> No.16955051

this is why I try to dodge any personal details about the author
even current Gibson is sad

>> No.16955053

The Fortunate Fall by Raphael Carter.

>> No.16955067

>personal details
I don't actually know anything about the guy, he just slots it into everything he writes by himself and everything he writes in collaboration.

>> No.16955074

I haven't read enough by him to notice
maybe one collaboration with Gibson long ago

>> No.16955087

What are you 12? To read cyberpunk, you should read PKD, Burroughs, Ballard. Gibson is the YA version of those authors, you will never get anything from cyberpunk without an intimate familiarity with them.
And you are seriously scared of women, niggers, and getting cucked? You should be more worried about getting laid, and what the man is going to do to your asshole if you ever dared to have an actual life in the real world.

>> No.16955093
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>i don't think i need to use the even more reduntanter term 'manga'
How is the appropriate and most accurate term (manga) redundant? How would it be redundant if you'd have used it in the first place?

Please pick up a dictionary or read a book. Maybe this alleged comedic form you've learned in the tapestry weaving forum is affecting your intellect.

>> No.16955108

Thanks for exposing that you have no idea what cyberpunk is.

>> No.16955114


>> No.16955132

PKD, Burroughs and Ballard are all arguably influences to the cyberpunk genre. Gibson is cyberpunk and perhaps cyberpunk as a genre is the YA version of the other realms of fiction you mentioned. I've read works from all of them

>> No.16955202
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You have shit-tier taste.
PKD is an especially awful rec. Quite possibly the worst that I have ever seen on /lit/.

>> No.16955226

bruh that book SUCKED lmao

>> No.16955269

>What are you 12?
Well, I did ask
Everything that is in Gibson, is in Burroughs and PKD, all Gibson did was use the terms cyberspace and AI.
The noir/punk themes are straight out of Burroughs, and the machine as person is from Dick.
Gibson made it PG, but he is the first to tell you to read more.

>> No.16955286

>machine as person is from Dick.

fuck. no.

>Gibson made it PG, but he is the first to tell you to read more.

Absolutely not.

>> No.16955299

Grow up.
The AI parts from Neuromancer are from UBIK and Androids
Gibson recommends that you read Dhalgren, so come back and shitpost at me once your recover from the meltdown

>> No.16955312


You don't understand.

>> No.16955313

>Everything that is in Gibson, is in Burroughs and PKD, all Gibson did was use the terms cyberspace and AI.
I disagree. While Gibson was heavily influenced by PKD/Burroughs he has his own style that I personally enjoy. Gibson's early works are written in a way where you feel like the setting is the plot and the characters are just there along for the ride. The level of detail is fantastic but abstract enough to be timeless for the most part

>> No.16955364

>You don't understand.
Oh, yes, clearly I'm the one who doesn't understand.
So why don't you enlighten me. With actual sentences?
Obviously their styles are different, and it's a matter of taste. I like all of Gibson's books, as well as the other's, and I always think of Gibson as similar to especially PKD, but there is a kind of more absurd humor in most of PKD, where in Gibson it's more gritty, I guess.
It was just meant as suggestions for further reading, but then you have people yelling hell no, so you can't not poke at them

>> No.16955381

Guys what's an actually good cyberpunk book. I'm not talking about snore-worthy classics like PKD, I'm talking real shit, GRRM style or Nick Land style edgy stuff

>> No.16955408

I've always enjoyed PKD's style as well but it is significantly different from Gibson.
They're proper suggestions for further reading. I would go as far as to encourage PKD and Burroughs as prereqs to Gibson or anything else in cyberpunk worth reading if the goal is to truly enjoy this area of fiction.

>> No.16955411


Gibson wasn't much influenced by earlier authors. He was part of a pretty close-knit talent group that popped up in the late 70's/early 80's. Gibson, Vinge, Swanwick, and a number of others were all doing the rounds at the same time.

>> No.16955417

>Gibson wasn't much influenced by earlier authors.
Gibson himself cites influences like Burroughs among others but his style is distinctly different, in my opinion

>> No.16955424

Takeshi Kovacs trilogy/Thin Air
Burning Chrome and the rest of the Sprawl Trilogy.
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

>> No.16955425

graphic novels are heckin cute and valid

>> No.16955450

>Gibson wasn't much influenced by earlier authors.
Read any interview with Gibson, he will recommend the pre-cyberpunk trio, Ballard, Burroughs, PKD, as well as many other sci-fi authors like Bester, Brenner, Delaney, and obviously Sterling.

>> No.16955468

>Guys what's an actually good cyberpunk book. I'm not talking about snore-worthy classics like PKD, I'm talking real shit, GRRM style or Nick Land style edgy stuff

Starfish by Peter Watts

>> No.16955485

Echopraxia has a great cyberpunk vibe going as well

>> No.16955486


If Gibson had any insight into his own career, he wouldn't be a one-hit wonder.

>> No.16955493


I enjoy that book tremendously, but not many people seem to click with it.

>> No.16955501

>he wouldn't be a one-hit wonder
And he isn't. All of his books have been well-received, and if you like one, you are likely to like the others

>> No.16955515

it would have been better if he stopped after the bridge trilogy. He wrote well when he was younger and in the scene. His latest work is trash

>> No.16955517


don't get disingenuous. you know what a "hit" is.

>> No.16955523
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>ignoring ma boi johnny mnemonic

>> No.16955706

>no hard wired
>read player one
the absolute state of this list. ready player one.... fucking christ

>> No.16955762

Thanks dud ordered it from the library

>> No.16955778

This is a cubist masterpiece

>> No.16956072

What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.16956493

The bridge trilogy was better than the sprawl trilogy so you could check that out, it starts with Virtual Light. Chia Pet McKenzie is one of my favorite characters from literature. She appears in the second book of the bridge trilogy, Idoru.
Philip K Dick wrote some good stuff like A Scanner Darkly and Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? The latter was the book Bladerunner was based on.
Some people say Snowcrash but I couldn’t finish it.
I liked Synners quite a bit. It’s full of cyberpunk gimmicks and slang but still manages to have interesting characters and a decent plot.
Rudy Rucker’s Ware series seems popular but I thought it was shit.
I haven’t read Trouble and Her Friends but would like to.

>> No.16956524

? You mean pizza ninjas wasn't serious?

>> No.16956564
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>Ready Player One

>> No.16956631

>don’t like things I don’t like
Ask me how I know you’re an only child.

>> No.16957879
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Since this is the Cyberpunk thread, and there's talk of all mediums, I might as well ask. Is GitS: SAC worth watching? Whatever anime I've tried, like Eva, Bebop, FMA03, Violet Evergarden, Memories, some movies, I've found them all "meh" at best. I've got some like the afformentioned GitS, LotGH, Ergo Proxy and some others to still go through, but I don't really feel compelled to do so. Will I get anything out of them or should I just delete them and don't look back? I'm not much into the style of it. I unironically enjoy MGS more for the story than
>muh wacky Japanezoo hoomor
I've consoooooomed a lot of series, movies, films and so on for the past few years, and I feel nothing after I'm done with them bar an emptiness and an embarassment that said time could've been spent n a skill or study, instead of a 70s B&W Hungarian drama...

>> No.16958011
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stand alone complex is pretty good, i think the original movie is superior though. i'd give it a chance if you like the movie.

while not exactly cyberpunk check out redline, it's pretty wacky but a really fun watch, the art is super good too

>> No.16958030

The first several episodes are a pleb filter.

>> No.16958061

The best ones are Texhnolyze and Serial Experiments Lain.
>>muh wacky Japanezoo hoomor
Neither of them have a single ounce of that.

>> No.16958069

I very much recommend "City Come A-Walkin’" which was called proto-Cyberpunk by Gibson himself. It’s got the complete Cyberpunk feeling, but with TVs and heavy machinery instead of computers. It’s great.

If you haven’t ever read them, also consider Raymond Chandlers hard-boiled detective novels. They take place during the Great Depression, so there is rusting oil facilities instead of cyber-anything, but the flair is quite similar. Case has been called the 21st century Marlowe, too.

Last + maybe least, I thought that the 1/7th of Hyperion that was Cyberpunk in style nailed it very well. The other 6/7th are in different styles, though.

>> No.16958086
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Horror punk

>> No.16958457
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I'd like to add the Ray Electromatic series if you like detective novels, of course not even close to Chandler's genius, but still very entertaining to read

>> No.16958468

It could be considered cyberpunk if it was being ironic, or at least critical of the mindless 80s nostalgia consumerism, but it's not.

>> No.16958518


I love Chandler. And I agree that there's a certain pulp-y, Tarantino-like moral ambiguity to his works. The sort one sees in cyberpunk.

>> No.16958529

I think in lainchan would help you with your problem OP

>> No.16958566

the rest of the sprawl trilogy, the bridge trilogy, the ware tetralogy, snow crash, diamond age.

>> No.16959059

the blue ant trilogy by gibson seems to be underrated on this board. it is absolutely his best novels

>> No.16959241

I haven't got around to them yet because after reading the sprawl and bridge trilogies I wanted to read other authors first. I really should get on those.

>> No.16959405

why do we need a word just to specify that they're japanese comic books?
do we need separate words for every country?

>> No.16959452

Remnants of the weeb culture this site was founded on. It's a meaningless distinction really, but I guess "manga" has a different connotation in people's mind then "comic book" or "graphic novel".

>> No.16959708

>oh no! a character having an extramarital affair!
I'm actually having a hard time thinking of other affairs in Bruce Sterling books besides Islands in the Net.
There is the prostitute scene in Differential Engine; there is the astronaut cheating on his husband in Red Star Winter Orbit; and unless you count the carbonari guy having sex with the cojoined twins in The Parthenopean Scalpel as cucking I cant think of anything else...

>> No.16959765


Serial Experiments Lain is in the canon, but you will probably hate it.

>> No.16959791
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I like the GITS movies better but SAC is definitely quality especially compared to seasonal anime. I mean the internet chatroom episode is a classic. definitely much more cyberpunk compared to the rest of those shows

>> No.16959809
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the classics of the genre

>> No.16959813
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>> No.16959820
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>ctrl f

fucking wew

Let's see, who have we missed so far aside from Charles Stross.

Pat Cadigan is great (Dervish Is Digital)
Michael Swanwick is of a slightly-different school, but in the same scene.
China Mieville writes weird enough stuff to make the cut
Hannu Rajaniemi does transhumanist stuff but with the emphasis more on how weird people can get while still being nominally human

Honorable Mention to Rob Reid's After On, which is the snowcrashiest book since snowcrash.

Oh yeah. And then there's Ada Fucking Palmer. Not cyberpunk, but... something.

Basically there is a lot of really strong not-cyberpunk fiction that is still adjacent to the genre.

>> No.16959924

Poor Stross, I dont know anyone more shellshocked by brexit than him.

He has been predicting the imminent fall of the UK (no food, no medicaments and riots on the streets) for four straight years.

>> No.16959939


Hard not to be a doomer when your dayjob is coming up with wildly imaginative scenarios which all result in the destruction of mankind.

>> No.16959979
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also poor Pat Cadigan. See the things she has to write to afford treatment for her terminal cancer...
I haven't read it, maybe is good

>> No.16960000


The manga was good. At least as good as GitS.
I enjoyed the movie, for that matter - I went in expecting to absolutely loath everything about it, but it kinda works as a package.

I bet Cadigan could bring it off with style.

>> No.16960027
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Dreams of Amputation and Ohle's Motorman are some underrated but genuinely high quality cyberpunk books, although they're more conceptual/surreal/poetic than the kind of story telling from the golden age sci fi most people think of when thinking of cyberpunk.
Dreams of Amputation is about an ex-military cop whose head is being stored in a warehouse somewhere, he uses it remotely but doesn't know where it is, in the meantime he does his best to stimulate emotions from a screen they put in its place, and he's got issues like his wife is so grief stricken with his "death" that she got addicted to sims, meanwhile he's hunting a gang of brutal serial killers. Side story about a smalltime gangster who kills and takes the place of a head honcho guy with a deeply degenerate harem of genetically modified whores.
Ohle's motorman is about a guy with paranoid schizophrenia, there may or may not only be one other person in the entire world and that other person is antagonizing him with an army of fake people who you only find out are fake after you pop them and the jelly comes out, he needs to leave the safety of his apartment and go on a journey because one of his hearts is starting to putter out.
Sean Kilpatrick's Thank You, Steel China is a book of cyberpunk poetry which I found to be very moving in that it kicked off a several month episode of major depression.

>> No.16960638

This shit is way too dark. I get that not everything has to be entertaining and uplifting but i stopped watching after 10 episodes because it was too depressing and i couldn't handle it.

>> No.16960667

GITS:SAC is more of a political cop serial with a cyberpunk backing than something that focuses on philosophy.
Its smartly written and overall very relevant even today.

>> No.16960682

It gets substantially darker by the end.

>> No.16960736

The Dervish House and River of Gods by Ian MacDonald are pretty good too

>> No.16960755


Reminds me of another guy I haven't read in a while: Jon Courtenay Grimwood.

>> No.16960761

Yeah, don't be a pussy. If you can get to the end it's probably the most blackpilled thing in existence.

>> No.16960787

>but the flair is quite similar

For me, much of the pleasure of reading Neuromancer is that he was obviously riffing on private-eye tropes, and I suppose Chandler in particular, albeit with tremendous creativity, style and wit.

>> No.16960869

How woke is Ada Palmer? From what I've read gender pronouns feature very prominently in her books. How bad is it?

>> No.16960957

she spends way more time dissecting enlightenment philosophy/ethics than gender pronouns in the Terra Ignota series

>> No.16960964

>How woke is Ada Palmer? From what I've read gender pronouns feature very prominently in her books. How bad is it?

It's hard to explain without spoiling anything.
She uses the wokespeach and whatnot as tools for worldbuilding; it's a means, not an agenda.

Really only starts getting good midway in to the second book, but the payoffs are worth it.

>> No.16961492

>Dreams of Amputation
damn, this sounds interesting
couldn't find it in ebook format at the usual places so I have to wait to actually read it

>> No.16961549

Someone called it trash in an older cyberpunk thread. I've been curious about it for a while so I'll have to wait until there's an ebook.

>> No.16963136


>> No.16963158

dead ass if i see u out here again nigga you catching these hands

>> No.16963239


>> No.16963273
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>> No.16963827
