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/lit/ - Literature

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16950827 No.16950827[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This board is the only lit/philosophy place I'm active on but tired of the vibe now. Are twitter and reddit any good? What does on there?

>> No.16950846

Idk. There are some good communities on discord

>> No.16950858

I don't know about Twitter but Reddit is awful for good discussions because of their good boy points system. The entire website is designed for hivemind thinking.

>> No.16950860

I don't know. As a 4channer I never visit those websites.

>> No.16950865

Dont know the guy but who wants to bet that 6/12 languages are some form of romance languages which are practically the same

>> No.16950901
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/r/philosophy and /r/askphilosophy is riddled with people who've only read Marx and the prerequisites for Marx. They show up on every mildly relevant thread to break balls about the Capital

>> No.16950904

They’re both terrible, but while twitter is more toxic, it’s easier to find likeminded people there

>> No.16950908

>Are twitter and reddit any good?
you'll be subconsciously brainwashed into being a self-regulating moralist through repeated exposure to their social norms.

>> No.16950919
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>tired of the vibe now
you sound like a fag

>> No.16950923

no you

>> No.16950929

Even in my best behavior those j*ws delete my posts

>> No.16950954

lol this retard just described classical, liberal education, the fact that he doesn't know it means he was full of shit from the start

>> No.16950959

Whatever flaws this place has twitter is assuredly worse. Reddit has major issues but there can be interesting discussion on smaller subreddits.

>> No.16950995

The problem with twitter and reddit is that a) there is no diversity of thought. I have read some great posts here about plotinus and aquinas and so on- nobody on reddit will bother reading them. Thier philosophy discussion is like an anglo an anglo undergrad wank chamber. b) they get most of their information from youtube videos which they regurgitate. You will rarely find unique insights. Better or worse and shitposting aside, you can have original and fruitful discussions here at times. Although the worst aspects of this place are bad, they are mostly down to reddit migrants. If you go to reddit or twitter it will be all the same vapid shit you see midwits post here

>> No.16951012

Dude, I'm pretty sure there will be some people on "R/philosophy" or whatever who can talk with you about aquinas. Not many people read him here either.

>> No.16951059

Open it up and look at the discussions on there bro. I am sure people there have talked about or read him, but the content of all their thought is cramped and dry.

>> No.16951106
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Even if you found good communities or sub reddits, the inherently fucked nature of social media would make the experience and value all the worse. If you don't like 4chan you're better off trolling the internet for some obscure ass forum. Something without an algorithm or ill defined rules.

>> No.16951107

Wherever you have a public forum with no barrier for entry, you'll have a small percentage of valuable content. Here you have to fish it out of a frogposting infested catalog, on reddit you'll probably have to scroll through hundreds of upboated platitudes. At least here it's egalitarian, you don't see midwits reward each other with more visibility, so /lit/ has that going for it.

>> No.16951108

There are some decent discord philosophy servers but like 4chan it's a drag when the entire population is either novices asking endless questions over and over again, pseuds who act out as idiots, and some effortful smart people who nevertheless tend to limit themselves to existing academic opinions and aren't more adventurous than that. Just make philosopher friends instead.