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/lit/ - Literature

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16948654 No.16948654 [Reply] [Original]

how does one not waste their life?

Or better yet how are you not going to waste your life?

>> No.16948664

Sir, this is a literature board

>> No.16948665

A girlfriend solves nothing and is an impediment to virtue by attaching yourself to carnal and human affairs. You want happiness? Gain true freedom, agency and power. That means conquering your very self and rising above bad habits like masturbation, sexual thoughts and so on.

>> No.16948677

You are asking this on 4chan, so anyone who answers is necessarily unqualified to be giving advice on this question

>> No.16948688

This is the year for me. There's going to be some changes; I have a lot of plans in the works. I'm dropping out of college (quarantine has not been good to me) and I'm going to get another job soon, then I'll be taking a much needed holiday.
What I really want is adventure. I'm tired of just reading about it. Reading about people having great adventures just isn't cutting it.

>> No.16948702

I can’t even worry about >tfw no gf now because everything else in my life is so fucked. Either I get my shit together this year or I rope

>> No.16948704

Make it about literature then.
Maybe you can draw from something you read to answer his question

>> No.16948714

I was thinking about this today. Over the years, I’ve found that I’m happiest when I overcome some big, notable challenge. But it takes years of struggle to get there. I’ve never enjoyed the struggle for itself, but always pushed through to get to the challenge. I’m trying to learn to love the struggle. I’m also accepting that having people to confide in is one of the joys of life—company that feels natural, and never forced.

>> No.16948723
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>Existential woe
>Never troubles me. I love
>A rock and mountain
you find one and be happy
bottom text goes here

>> No.16948727

A gf is only fun if you already have a good life

>> No.16948868

>no matter what I do during the day cant help but feel like I wasted it when I go to bed
>don't know what the fuck my brain is telling me I should be doing with my time

>> No.16948885

See you're not wrong and I don't think any incel >tfw no gf guy would disagree with you. The problem though is how is anyone supposed to truly understand and agree with you if they don't experience life with a gf in the first place? The only way you can truly value your independence is by experiencing having a girl that you have to constantly give attention to and deal with. Otherwise it just becomes a fetishized archetype like what incels do.

>> No.16948905
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Hopefully, you consume a variety of unique experiences that are valuable. Try to build something, stuff. Impact or influence the world in a good way. Treat it like a resume. Oh wait, that's right, I did all this, that was fun.

>> No.16948936

what is a human life but a series of wasted minutes

>> No.16948966

Swap Stalin and Nicholas and Hitler and Mussolin and we're in something like agreement.

>> No.16948967

Actually gfs make men very happy and masturbation is not a sin.

>> No.16948972

we are nothing in life, we will be nothing in death.

>> No.16948976




>> No.16948982


>> No.16949397

Go for it litbro!

>> No.16949400

You should be enjoying it

>> No.16949449

>implying I can't have both
A true gf would be someone who pushes me forward, not pulls me down.
They'd be there for all my stupid ideas and I'd be there for hers.
We'd share virtues and ideas instead of dropping them.
We'd rough the bed up instead of having the bed grow moldy from the combined daily moisturizing of my tears upon the mattress.

>> No.16949451

Kill yourself retarded nigger

>> No.16949472

I think that's an ideal that will be high impossible to realise in current year, and holding that as your standard only serves to make you jaded and alienate yourself from what society has become

>> No.16949527

>Finding a soulmate is unrealistic and nigh impossible
Funny thing is, the only woman I ever loved said the same thing. But I wouldn't have said what I said if I was the type to cave in to despair. Ill die alone and unloved before I compromise and if need be, I'll change the world, burn it even if I must.

>> No.16949541

Yeah man, I only say that as I'm the same way as you, nor do I despair. I hope we make it bro

>> No.16949670
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If we don't make it, let's remake it bro. I can't say I have a silver tongue nor power and influence to make reality less of a clown world but letting a dream for something so simple die simply because people think otherwise has to he the lamest thing in the book.

>> No.16949711

Read a lot, stop watching TV and playing stupid videogames, write a lot, enjoy the small pleasures of life like a walk in the countryside or a glass of good liquor with some trusted friends, find a girl willing to fuck you and only you without stunting your growth by insisting on becoming your girlfriend or shit like that. Marry whenever you like, build things, destroy things and then die knowing that it could have actually gone really worse, after all

>> No.16950114

What did Mussolini even do wrong (except maybe side with Hitler)?

>> No.16950136

He made the trains be on schedule

>> No.16950137
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make a reading list for 2021 as if it was your last year in death row

>> No.16950423

How do I know if I'm being too much of a nice guy to my gf?

>> No.16951291

I've never understood why someone would want a gf, in fact they seem to be total and complete waste of time,
Why not wish for a wife instead?

>> No.16951298

I read to start un-frying my brain

>> No.16951314

It's like a girlfriend first who then become their wife. Not many people posting here are getting arranged marriages big brain

>> No.16951419
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>> No.16951452

>It's like a girlfriend first who then become their wife.

Yeah, but if that's the case why not just say wife? why differentiate the two concepts?
Why would someone want to spend time dating a woman they're not interested in eventually marrying, that's what I meant by not understanding >tfw no gf posters

>> No.16952188

Recluse poet in the style of the Chinese and Emily Dickinson, I have the creative gift but I need to escape waging, probs gonna use my scitzo state as a excuse for disability.

>> No.16952598

Literally buy land and live on it

>> No.16952614

Til all women are shit tier villains

>> No.16952619

t. boomer