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File: 328 KB, 388x601, eating animals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1694432 No.1694432 [Reply] [Original]

did you stop eating meat forever

>> No.1694435

i would never read a book by this shithead gimmick writer

>> No.1694441
File: 9 KB, 241x230, Cigerette and Beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then how do you know he's a shithead gimmick writer?

>> No.1694442

veganism is classist

>> No.1694446


it's like you've never been on the internert

>> No.1694450

Sadly, some people actually believe that.

>> No.1694454

>Implying it's not

Show me vegan communities in nations were people run the risk of starving to death on a daily basis.

>> No.1694457
File: 17 KB, 292x356, michael-dorn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this internet you speak of?

>> No.1694459
File: 103 KB, 750x563, umad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1694460
File: 36 KB, 981x1070, india_flag[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1694462

Veganism isn't classist, it's just fucking stupid. Human beings and other animals have been eating meat since the dawn of time. Meat is good for you. Hunting is essential for controlling the population of animals. Now, that isn't to say that the way livestock is raised isn't horrific, because it is, but that's a problem that needs reform. Our diets don't need reform. Vegetarianism, and by extension veganism, are emasculating and effeminate ideals vomited out by a decadent and hilariously liberal age of fucking ninnies. EAT MEAT

>> No.1694463

>Implying Wikipedia and Google are viable substitutes for judging an author's work instead of actually reading it.

It's like you've never read a book.

>> No.1694468


>> No.1694466

nobody has answered my question...

>> No.1694472

>Show me vegan communities in nations were people run the risk of starving to death on a daily basis.

What does that have to with its value, you dumb fuck? Show me space programs and quality health care in nations full of starving children.

>> No.1694474

fucking shithead womanizer asshole
fucking shithead bigot

i thought people that read books were intelligent

>> No.1694476
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>> No.1694477

all liberals seem to have to offer to debate these days are ad hominem sarcastic insults. it's a disturbing trend. this is coming from a vegetarian btw.

>> No.1694483


Why are we arguing about value? I thought we were discussing where or not veganism is a belief system suited only for the privileged.

Cool changing the subject, bro.

>> No.1694485

meanwhile excellent stuff being written in the academies laid aside in favor of entertainment and politics is middling populism.

>> No.1694486


>> No.1694493
File: 400 KB, 829x467, umad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1694508

I eat animals because they are tasty. But I appreciate vegans, because attempts to apply ethics to what I eat keep me entertained.

>> No.1694509

"Veganism is classist" was obviously put forth as an argument against veganism, which is retarded. It's no more "classist" than drinking clean water and not living in our own shit. Fucking Marxist scum, get the hell off my board.

>> No.1694513


I see that you're unwilling to discuss this intelligently or rationally. Pity.

>> No.1694515

>implying poor 3rd worldians can choose whether or not to live in their own shit and drink clean water
retarded reactionary detected

>> No.1694518

I stopped eating meat after reading The Jungle. Shit was utterly horrifying.

>> No.1694519
File: 43 KB, 442x274, newsweek_vegans_and_vegetarians.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come vegans always look like they're dying of AIDS?

>> No.1694522

Don't just dismiss Marxists outright. They can be almost as entertaining as vegans.

>> No.1694523


well yeah he is but this kind of paternalism is every bit as unwarranted

cool white man's burden, bro

>> No.1694524

not the guy who said veganism was classist - just had to respond to the moron who thinks the poor can choose their living conditions

>> No.1694529


It's has nothing to do with "burden", it's simply a matter of reality.

>> No.1694534


holy shit dude with the full sleeve was a soc prof at my school where'd you get this

>> No.1694563

I didn't say that at all. My point was that, while the poor may have little choice in their diet, it would still be ideal for them to drink clean water and to stop eating meat. If their situation makes that impossible, should we just accept sewage as the equal to clean water? Should we all become thieves if theft is necessary for certain people to live? No. The argument is retarded. Opposition to poverty is not "classist". I don't even know why I'm typing this, I guess it was an easy target.

BTW, I have socialist leanings, but the Marxist cocksuckers to be found in your average comparative lit course make me ashamed to admit it.

>> No.1694568


>should we just accept sewage as the equal to clean water?

hygiene is a social construct

>> No.1694574

Google image search of "vegans."

I should have googled "AIDS" and got a real victim. Hehe. Trollface.jpg

>> No.1694576

Dysentery isn't.

>> No.1694582


yes because our first world water supply is hygienic and free from such contami


>> No.1694584

Why everybody so mad?

I have read that book. I thought it was okay. But as a veganfag, I'd rather just read facts on the matter than some squishy sweater-wearing liberal's feelings about how he can't eat his grandmama's beef stew anymore because he's a vegan.

But why y'all care so hard if other people are vegan?

>> No.1694587

There is nothing worthy of passion, positive or negative, in their own lives.

>> No.1694590


You mean they don't have anything else to worry about, so they just make life harder on themselves?

>> No.1694591


Try googling "vegan straight edge". So many fatties. I don't get it.

>> No.1694595

a giant thing of five guys fries is perfectly vegan

>> No.1694599

hey guys i just saw a cool maxim magazine article linked on the penn & teller forum wanna check it out?

>> No.1694603


Also, oreos are vegan. Fatty love dem double-stuffed.