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16943653 No.16943653 [Reply] [Original]

What are good books to learn more about the history of leftist thought? French Revolution, Marxism, Socialism/Communism, revolutions in Russia and China and other places, leftist art, etc.

>> No.16943663

I'm sure Hitler loved Marx

>> No.16943664


>> No.16943671

Marx reading list:

Value, Price, and Profit
Capital 1, 2, and 3 (yes you need to read all of them. 1 is not self-contained.)

Further Reading:
Michael Heinrich's Introduction (note: not an introduction)
Heinrich's 3-4(?) volume biography of Marx that he is still writing (vol 1 is out)
Love and Capital (another biography)
Isaak Illich Rubin's Essays on Marx's Theory of Value
Time, Labor, and Social Domination by Postone
Value by Diane Elson
Workers and Capital by Tronti
Law and Marxism by Pashukanis
Notebooks by Gramsci
The Principle of Hope by Bloch
Selected Writings by Benjamin
The Production of Space by Lefebvre
The Making of the English Working Class by Thompson (also read his essay on time.)
The Black Jacobins by C.L.R. James
Antiquity to Feudalism and Lineages of the Absolutist State by Perry Anderson
The Essential Lenin
The Essential Stalin
On Contradiction and On Practice by Mao
Dialectical Logic, Intelligent Materialism, and The Dialectics of the Abstract and the Concrete in Marx's Capital by Ilyenkov
Lenin and Philosophy and Other Essays, I and IS Apparatuses, and Philosophy of the Encounter by Althusser
H and CS by Lukacs
Marx: Towards the Centre of Possibility by Karatani
Eclipse by Gilles Dauve
What Was the USSR? Towards a Theory of the Deformation of Value Under State Capitalism by Aufheben
Reading Marx Politically by Cleaver
Marx's Inferno by William Clare Roberts
Moneybags Must Be So Lucky: On the Literary Structure of Capital by Robert Paul Wolff
In the Long Run We Are All Dead: Keynesianism, Political Economy, and Revolution by Geoff Mann
Crack Capitalism by John Holloway
The Origins of Capitalism as a Social System: The Prevalence of an Aleatory Encounter by John Milios
Critical Theory and the Critique of Political Economy: On Subversion and Negative Reason by Bonefeld
The 4 volumes of Open Marxism
There's No Such Thing as "The Economy": Essays on Capitalist Value by Samuel A. Chambers
Marx at the Millennium by Cyril Smith
Critiquing Capitalism Today: New Ways to Read Marx by Frederick Harry Pitts
The Dialectical Imagination by Martin Jay
Money and Totality by Moseley
The Constitution of Capital: Essays on Volume 1 of Marx's Capital by Bellofiore
The Origin of Capitalism: A Longer View by Ellen Meiksins Wood

>> No.16943672
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>> No.16943680
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>> No.16943710

Start with Rousseau and Adam Smith.

>> No.16943741

Pick one

>> No.16943790

literally all pseuds lmao

>> No.16943796



>> No.16943824

Kolakowski's Main Currents of Marxism covers the developments in Marxist thought all the way down to the Frankfurt School

The Dialectical Imagination is a good overview of the Frankfurt School

Left Hemisphere is an okay introduction to leftish pomo

Also read about how leftism was infiltrated, misled, and channeled into its modern day cul de sacs by certain people who were fighting a culture and propaganda war against the USSR in the 1960s. Remember it was in their best interests that leftists be crypto-bourgeois pussies constantly whining and crying about oppression but never actually doing anything or becoming communists.

>> No.16943830

avowed leftist hitler

>> No.16943846

Meltdown: Inside the Soviet Economy
Socialistic Fallacies
The Socialist Tradition: Moses to Lenin
Live Not by Lies: A Manual for Christian Dissidents
Dear America: Why I turned Against Communism.
Marxism Unmasked: From Delusion to Destruction
Requiem for Marx
The Illusion of the Epoch: Marxism-Leninism as a Philosophical Creed
El engaño populista
God Versus Socialism
Socialism: The Failed Idea that never Dies
My Disillusionment in Russia
The Great Terror: A Reassessment
The Passing of an Illusion: The Idea of Communism in the Twentieth Century
Marxism: Philosophy and Economics
Anti-Communist Minorities in the U.S.: Political Activism of Ethnic Refugees
The End of Socialism
The God That Failed
Economic Calculation in the Socialist Society
New Lies for Old: The Communist Strategy of Deception and Disinformation
The Socialist Temptation
Marx and Satan

>> No.16943890

Red Plenty: Inside the Fifties' Soviet Dream
Mao's Great Famine: The History Of China's Most Devastating Catastrophe, 1958-62The Open Society and Its Enemies - Volume Two: Hegel and Marx
Socialism: An Economic and Sociological Analysis
Hungry Ghosts: Mao's Secret Famine
Uncivil Society: 1989 and the Implosion of the Communist Establishment
Soviet Tragedy: A History of Socialism in Russia
Up from Communism: Conservative Odysseys in American Intellectual History

>> No.16943898

That dude is a literal neonazi. Imagine taking his word for who and who isn’t “psychotic”

>> No.16943916

wtf I love Kerry Bolton now

>> No.16943918

start with the frogs

>> No.16943940
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>God Versus Socialism
>Marx and Satan

>> No.16943946

>orange man bad
Haha many more far leftists have been "psychotic" than far rightists throughout history. Have you read the book? Bolton is a mediocre writer but the primary sources he quotes speak for themselves.

>> No.16943962

The Soviet Century by Lewin
Mao's China and After by Meisner
The Search for Modern China by Spence
Leninism Under Lenin by Liebman
Reconstructing Lenin an Intellectual Biography by Tamas Krausz
Lenin (Critical Lives) by Lars T. Lih
Deutscher's Trotsky biography trilogy
Deutscher's Stalin biography
Losurdo's Stalin biography
Liberalism: A Counter History by Losurdo
War and Revolution: Rethinking the Twentieth Century by Losurdo
Non-Violence: A History Beyond the Myth by Losurdo
Class Struggle: A Political and Philosophical History by Losurdo
Stalin by Martens
Everyday Stalinism: Ordinary Life in Extraordinary Times: Soviet Russia in the 1930s by Sheila Fitzpatrick
Revolution and Counterrevolution: Class Struggle in a Moscow Metal Factory by Kevin Murphy
October: The Story of the Russian Revolution by China Miéville
The Russian Revolution by Sheila Fitzpatrick
Ten Days that Shook the World by John Reed
What Was the USSR?: Towards a Theory of the Deformation of Value Under State Capitalism by Aufheben Collective
Afterlives of Chinese Communism: Political Concepts from Mao to Xi by Christian Sorace
Deng Xiaoping and the Transformation of China by Ezra F. Vogel
Origins of the Modern Chinese State by Philip A. Kuhn
Soviet Economic Development Since 1917 (Collected Works of Maurice Dobb) by Maurice Dobb
Love and Capital: Karl and Jenny Marx and the Birth of a Revolution
by Mary Gabriel
Karl Marx and the Birth of Modern Society: The Life of Marx and the Development of His Work by Michael Heinrich
All of these are only useful as toilet paper.

>> No.16943983

seething commie

>> No.16943989

The Rebel by Camus, unironically

>> No.16943995

Treatment of theists under socialist rule

>> No.16944014

When did I say anything about Trump? And yeah of course, neonazis in general are mediocre blockheads who have never produced a single beautiful or intellectual work. It's an ideology for crude dipshits that don't even understand what capitalism is (or how they are inadvertently serving it for that matter)

>> No.16944020

pseud spotted

>> No.16944104

literally none of your suggestions are obscure, do society a favor and kys

>> No.16944109

Actually Rousseau really might not be a bad place to start, because Marx's rejection of his premises in "the Legislator" is a sort of skeleton key to Marx.

>> No.16944119

>When did I say anything about Trump?
Kek you autist.
>And yeah of course, neonazis in general are mediocre blockheads who have never produced a single beautiful or intellectual work. It's an ideology for crude dipshits that don't even understand what capitalism is (or how they are inadvertently serving it for that matter)
>Orange man bad!
Seething commie

>> No.16944147

Based as fuck, got it in the mail the other day

>> No.16944702

read The Right to Be Greedy

>> No.16944752

Ok who cares? Are you a /mu/fag?