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16941840 No.16941840 [Reply] [Original]

The greatest poet in history was a Scot...
>Thou genial breeze forevermore unseen, Swaying thistles round Lora of Storms, Wandering through narrow glen of the wind, Why so suddenly forsake my ear?
>The call of hoary mountain streams is heard no more, Nor voice of harp from bushy cairn.
>Malvina of harp strings, come to thy Bard, The soul of they bard do thou restore; Restore, thou White-Hand, my soul unto me.
-Ossian, c.290AD

>> No.16941849
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That so?

>> No.16941862
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O rlly

>> No.16941919
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Didn’t realize Barack was a poet
>can’t beat tayswizz voice of every gen.ever

>> No.16941940
File: 283 KB, 681x800, Ossian._Den_gamle_blinde_skotske_barde_synger_til_harpen_sin_svanesang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*defeats the Greeks poetry*

>> No.16941948

macpherson is on par with schiller, byron, leopardi, baudelaire, etc , that is one step to the holy Heptad: Homer, Pindar, Lucretius, the Bard of "the Wanderer", Dante, Shakespeare and Goethe.

>> No.16941966

>Macpherson is the author
"He adds a striking confirmation by the celebrated antiquary Finn Magnussen, who proves that the religion of the Lochlanners, as described by Ossian, is a correct picture of the ancient religion of the Scandinavians, and that the real nature of that religion could not have been known to Macpherson, being unknown to modern scholars at the time. "

" But the annals of Tighernac, first published in 1825, agree entirely with Ossian. These Annals, written in the eleventh century were absolutely unknown in Macpherson's days. "

>> No.16941994

the style of the translation is kinda corny to me. is there anywhere i can hear the original, like i can with homer


>> No.16942005

Not really. After the attacks by people like Samuel Johnson it sort of just got forgotten by the mid 19th century.
There are Gaelic copies out there but they get no attention. Best you can do is ask a Scottish Gaelic speaker to read it for you.

>> No.16942018

I visited Fingal's Cave once as a kid.

>> No.16942063

Did you slip?

>> No.16942092
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>the Scottish schizo is back

>> No.16942097

no but i still wish i could live in the hebrides, but as far as i know you can only live there if you're a rich englishman or a convicted pedo they've settled away from the schools on the mainland

>> No.16942115

1. nobody, not even dr. johnson, ever said macpherson made up the raw material, the stories themselves, of the so called "ossian poems". this method of researching on the field (that is, asking the locals) was started by johnson himself. still, the lines, the poetic style, etc are originally written by macpherson, in english. he draws on homeric and old english models - entirely foreign to gaelic poetry - to make his poems sound archaic to 18rh century naive ears.
2. apart from the usual philological arguments that make all scholars agree on the authorship of the "ossian poems" i would like to point out the fact , which you most probably ignore, that we do have gaelic and welsh poetry in a striking uninterrupted continuity form the 7th century to the 18th century. we do have the the book of the dean lismore with another re-working of the ossianic folklore which is probably closer to the "original" than macpherson's poems.
3. macpherson is a great writer, in the preromantic tradition of thomson, grey, collins, young, etc. he had a decisive influence on all the later poetry until baudelaire.

>> No.16942125
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>> No.16942132

> convicted pedo they've settled away from the schools on the mainland

>> No.16942137

everyone back then agreed on macpheron's forgery. hume too.

>> No.16942145

>Ossian schizo is back having an imaginary argument about Irish oppression again
At least some things never change

>> No.16942150

Ossian poems were obviously written in Gaelic first.
He doesn't use anything homer like nor english. Please explain how
Dean linsmores book is written in themost corrupted dialect of gaelic and completely in a non gaelic style bearing no resemblence to high quality gaelic writing

>> No.16942157

>hume too
And most didn't, but even if they did they have no right since near none were fluent in Gaelic.

Whoah. The most anti-scottish man of the 19th century said that?! Crazy!

>> No.16942163

After they're out of prison but can't be settled in the towns they get kept up north, kinda like a mini-Siberia, it's a common joke about the Highlands. I assume it's the same elsewhere.

>> No.16942170

>Whoah. The most anti-scottish man of the 19th century said that?! Crazy!
Did you become a time traveller, Ossianschizo? Are you sending us messages of Irish oppression from the 19th Century AD directly, or are they trying to oppress you in the 3rd Century BC this time?

>> No.16942179

Think America sends them to Florida because Florida has a "when you're cured" release programme, along with stricter residency rules.

>> No.16942191

your reply is so dazed it really isn't worth an answer.
go back to the psych ward.

>> No.16942198

>t. Can't compare Ossian to Homer
Stop it or Ossianfag will think the Greeks are oppressing him too.

>> No.16942231

Ad hominem.
And learn what that word means.
>irish oppression
What? No one mentioned Ireland.
You're trying to use hume as evidence depsite him not being fluent in Gaelic and being incredibly anti scottish.
It isn't a common joke. I've never heard anyone say it nor does it happen.

>> No.16942237

Ah so no argument.
Please record the comment of claimed oppression in this thread.

>> No.16942263

>? No one mentioned Ireland.
People will call you schizo if you try to misrepresent reality, schizo.

>> No.16942278

Imagine if OP became a Buddhist, he'd be the most obnoxious poster in history.

>> No.16942289

Oh. So one other person jokingly mentioned Ireland so Ossian's poems are falsified.
You Norwegian or something?

>> No.16942292

Ossianfag is even worse at starting conversations than Popefag.

>> No.16942302

>he's never seen an autist on 4chan
There are plenty of them, basically any otaku is going to have some weird fan theory about Japanese culture or language which does not actually have anything to do with Japanese culture or language, but instead is just a fantasy from an autist who cannot handle external review or the idea that nips speak their own language better than a basement dweller who struggles to have conversations in their first language. This guy just happened to pick Scotland instead of animeland

>> No.16942321

I didn't even make the thread.

>> No.16942327

Your reputation obviously precedes you.

>> No.16942340

Don't know don't care. Your children will study ossian in the future or your grandchildren!

>> No.16942346

Yes, it can come straight after teaching Christianity through NGE classes.

>> No.16942353

Don't know whattin that is.

>> No.16942364

It's a Japanese classic in the style of Abrahamic lore.

>> No.16942400

A. A mentally rodent. Bye.

>> No.16942450
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the science is in.

>> No.16942502

Is that a list of controversiality?

>> No.16942521

It's not a list.

>> No.16942525
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>> No.16942579
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>> No.16942932

This is a huge improvement on the original.
Why can’t we discuss comfy Scots poetry instead of bitching about Macpherson constantly?

>> No.16942949

But ‘ossian cycle’ is an outright forgery.

>> No.16942965


t. Macoherson’s rebuttal to proof that ‘ossian’ is a fabrication.

Scotland is a calvinist country, they don’t have celtic soul like the 18th cebtury romanticists wish they did.