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File: 136 KB, 1200x1200, socrates-9488126-1-402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16939669 No.16939669 [Reply] [Original]

Are you working on knowing yourself?

Do you possess moderation?

Are you couragious?

Are you happy?

>> No.16939671

He's a philosopher not a life coach

>> No.16939705

You need to read what you just write

>> No.16939735

No to all, but I am far closer than I was prior to reading him.

To those who enjoy Socratic dialogues for their practical value I would recommend Xenophon's Socratic dialogues, especially the Memorabilia. His dialogues are quite funny as well.

>> No.16939745

>Are you working on knowing yourself?
I do know myself, but the only way to really know ones place in this world, and how great one can be which will result in who one is, not idly disconnected from reality as a boring question, is through welldoing, a body of creation and practice. Man knows himself through life.
>Do you possess moderation?
Yes, but there must be moderation on moderation too.
>Are you couragious?
Always. I would rather die than be a coward.
>Are you happy?
Ultimately, if you mean the "happiness" which goes beyond preference and opinion to affirmation or nothingness, then I am happy in that I affirm. But again, happiness is not something to be continually moderated "to be"; you'd be less than an animal to be happy after the death or suffering of one you love.

>> No.16939748

What is happiness?

>> No.16939754

I should also say, sometimes life is an unsalvageable tragedy. Where being courageous, or doing what is necessary does not salvage it, only make it tolerable.

>> No.16939765
File: 402 KB, 1399x1084, hegel 2021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Plato

>> No.16939766

Read Socratic doalogues and find out

>> No.16939772

Shouldn't the soviet union and communist manifesto be a bit further away, if there are two books between Hegel and Marx?

>> No.16939980


>> No.16940408

Yeah actually. I only started recently though and I'm doing a long slow read through in chunks without guidance. So far I really enjoy it but I'm sure I'll get confused eventually.