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/lit/ - Literature

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16937747 No.16937747 [Reply] [Original]

Magical Girls are not for lewd Edition


>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)




>Latest Sanderson (Rhythm of War):

>> No.16937765
File: 110 KB, 1000x667, star-fruit-cover-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When was the last time a used fantasy book surprised you in terms of its quality?

>> No.16937849

Fuck E William Brown. I want Daniel Black book 5 so bad.

>> No.16937855

Why you post the five finger fruit?

>> No.16937858

you guys don't exclusively read sf/f, right?

>> No.16937859

You deserve to suffer for feeling that way.

>> No.16937871

you don't exclusively fiction that's at least 120 years old right?

>> No.16937873

no. now will you answer my question?

>> No.16937901


>> No.16937906

not until I have assurance that you cretins read something other than airport fiction

>> No.16937909
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Just wanted to post a picture of myself

>> No.16937913
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I usually read a mix of mythology (which is basically light fantasy), noir, science fiction, fantasy, popculture, and classics
for example, this week I've read a bit of the following
>In Heaven, Everything is Fine
I had been reading Mahabharata and The Knight as well but I kinda sloughed them off for reasons unknown; I also finished Dune probably less than a week ago

>> No.16937927
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The eye of the world Is getting better and better, and I've also heard that the next books are even much better than the first one. Currently at page 453

>> No.16937931
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What's the most obscure fantasy book that you know of, anon?

>> No.16937949

there's a jungian fairy tale book that I was rec'd on /lit/ (but not here) that I can't find in pdf/mobi/epub/etc anywhere on the web
maybe one day I'll get worked up enough and actually order it used from Amazon for forty got damn dollars

>> No.16937951
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I also enjoy classic lit (how do we define this? Dostoyevsky, Faulker, that kinda stuff), some history, and western philosophy.

>> No.16938014
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Recommend me the most beautiful fantasy books ever.

>> No.16938218

No, but for fiction pretty much

>> No.16938271
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Anyone read this shit? The guy looks like a femboy.

>> No.16938375

Another Day, Another Dungeon probably. Thinking about making an audiobook version of it and then just emailing the author to see if he'll let me sell it

>> No.16938380

What's the deal with NK Jemison? Is she worth reading?

>> No.16938393

>Hugo winner
Not likely

>> No.16938710
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The writing good but I'm 2/3rds in and it is literally going nowhere.

>> No.16938718
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>he reads for plot

>> No.16938729

it goes somewhere, wolfe just writes like it seems like it isnt going anywhere. the second book is worse in terms of action, but the third is really good

>> No.16938730
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Is this good?

>> No.16938734

Yeah it takes a while to take off its Lord of the Rings campy start. Get ready for a lot of filler in some of the next books (especially later ones), though.

>> No.16938825

I really love that series. It's like a better more mature harry potter. Throughout the books you see the protagonist go from an 18 year old to a 40 year old and it's a great and realistic development. The only thing I didn't like were some parts of the ending for the first and third book, but overall I really enjoyed them. Good old fashioned fantasy. I want to reread them sometime. I've heard the tv show adaptation is bad but I've never seen it so I can't say confidently, I'd suggest staying away from it though. Also the middle section of the first book isn't great because it expresses early adulthood malaise, which I wasn't a fan of. Just as much bildungsroman as it is fantasy. Would recommend

>> No.16938854

I don't hate it, but I think it's more edgy than it is mature

>> No.16938917

it's furry shit

>> No.16938942
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Welp I'm balls deep into the finale of Rhythm. Some of this is silly like Taravangian STABBING Odium and becoming its new Vessel

Madoka was the best anime of last decade and Rebellion its best movie.

>> No.16938967

Sounds like the fox fucked your spirit out of your boipussy.

>> No.16939038

I like her, she reads like Le Guin. Broken Earth trilogy has some decent world building, but you def gotta be liberal to like it

Was a great read in highschool, helped figure out I was being a fuckin degen

>> No.16939161

>some if it is silly like (spoiler)
Did you not read Warbreaker?

>> No.16939182

Yeah I got that impression from the fifth season. Honestly I was fine with it until the transgender stuff came up, it felt really unnatural in the context of the story. Is it worth reading the other two books in the broken earth trilogy?

>> No.16939203

Yes but it was more the convenience of Tara being moved to a different realm where he could easily yank Nightblood out and stab Odium. Neat to finally see Nightblood stab a Shard but still

>> No.16939251

>Some of this is silly
did you not read the previous 3 books? dalinar unifies realms with different laws of physics and it doesn't cause the world to fucking end, the whole series is silly.

>> No.16939352

The books are uneven for me, some are better, some not.

>> No.16939477

Reminder that OP is a pedophile who won't stop putting his own Discord in the thread despite it being against the rules. For as long as this is allowed, I will be posting the superior alternative SFFG Discord:


It is very interesting that aeos became a janitor here so he could get away with promoting his Discord contrary to the rules.

>> No.16939503

/sffg/ I think I want to kill myself. It just doesn't feel like there's anything left

>> No.16939518

read the culture novels yet? they're excellent. at least do that before you go.

>> No.16939533

Oh c’mon. There’s always something left. There’s too much and the real trouble is the end comes too soon.
You’ve just got your head and body chemistry out of whack

>> No.16939552

I wish I could find a book to instill within myself the mental fortitude to drive past any pain and become an hero.

>> No.16939572

I'm not into scifi honestly, and I can't even enjoy fantasy anymore

I don't know at what point I lost the spirit of whimsy, but its absence has been aching ever since like a rotten abscess

>> No.16939580


how's your anthology game? short fiction generally punches harder

>> No.16939588

culture books are sci-fi but they're so far in the future that the tech is just tools for the story and part of the background setting. the actual stories themselves are deeper, a lot of the plot is in subtext, and his prose is excellent. except "matter" that one kinda fell flat, and the first book consider phlebas is somehow completely unlike all of the books that follow it and therefore a very poor intro to the series, but still worth reading as a sci-fi thriller. you could just skip to player of games, which is also probably his best, and use of weapons is the next book which is easily 2nd best.

if whimsy is what you want, try hitchhikers guide to the galaxy or the bobiverse novels, those were neat, though i guess this is all sci-fi.
oh, discworld novels, those are real good. night watch is excellent, there's a real complicated 'where do i start' jpg out there somewhere if you want to go deep. they're all pretty good, some are better than others, depends on if that particular avenue of satire resonates with you.

>> No.16939619

I think the last anthology I read was the one by Ken Liu that came out back around january or february. It was all the same and boring and depressing as hell, and this was an author whose works I used to love

haven't read hitchhiker's guide in over a decade. I remember loving those. Dirk gently on the other hand was another story, and discword just doesn't do it for me. I've read mort, the color of magic, going postal and equal rites and despite both loving his worldbuilding and comedic fantasy in general, it somehow just manages to make me more depressed every single time I read it.

>> No.16939629
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the pseud is STRONG with this one

>> No.16939639

>I think the last anthology I read was the one by Ken Liu that came out back around january or february. It was all the same and boring and depressing as hell, and this was an author whose works I used to love

Get some fucking exercise. I suggest rock climbing or maybe even just throwing ceramics. Get an e-bike if you're a hamplanet, they are dope as fuck.

>> No.16939665

Exclusively? No. Overwhelmingly? Yes. To the extent that non-sff books are less than 10% of my library.

>> No.16939677

Most people enjoy the first few books and only start to get tired around book 5. There is noticeable narrative bloat past book 3, I would say, but your enjoyment really depends on how much you like the characters at that point and how invested you are in the mysteries of the setting and outcome of the story.

>> No.16939788

Imagine not suffering from crippling burnout

>> No.16939891

It is pretty messed up that the op is doing that. It’s a bad discord anyway, run by a total piece of shit

>> No.16939894

Consider Phlebas - space muslims
Player of games - space yugioh

Are the other books this based?

>> No.16939915


yeah but save The Algebraist for last. It's not in the same universe but it's good enough to ruin the rest his stuff and the genre.

>> No.16939966
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How do I find good porn stories, especially with less-than-human characters? I don't care if one side is a normal human as long as the other side isn't just 'human with weird ears.' I want to see someone fuck a telepathic bug or a lizard dog or something.

Or if I try writing one, how graphic do the sex scenes normally get in smut stories?

>> No.16939995

Nah, I read the new Dresden Files and a few Gor books, but that's really it for sff so far this year. I was going to start Conan, but I've been on a boat kick lately instead.

>> No.16940016

Check the /tg/ smut index on 1d4chan for a lot of good stuff. The /aco/ /xeno/ thread also has some good content, especially "snekguy" who writes novel-length smut.

>> No.16940040
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I can't even finish this. I have got to put "asian-influenced setting" on my list of red flags, they're never any fucking good.

>> No.16940065
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I read this a long ass time ago and remember enjoying it, but my tastes have changed a lot since then, so it might be garbage.

>> No.16940072

I've got a buddy who swears by it, but his positive descriptor is how it's like Naruto, so I've never picked it up.

>> No.16940098

Thank you anon, I'll give it a try. I'm trying to write more and I feel like starting with coomer shit will help me refocus my efforts since I RP a lot anyway.

>> No.16940124

It was a while ago, so I really don't remember if that's accurate or not. I remember I read it around the same time of The Lives of Tao and I was just getting into Dresden Files around then too, if that helps you place my tastes.

>> No.16940133

Oh, and there's a visual novel called "Teraurge" which is pretty nice. You might want to check it out despite it not being purely text.

>> No.16940330

That's a major headcanon you got there

>> No.16940384

You're doing God's work, anon.


>> No.16940521

Do you know any website where I can download good quality audiobooks? These things cost a fortune.

>> No.16940633

Rhythm of War?
More like, Rhythm of Mental Illnesses

>> No.16940642
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The Book of Leviathan, Peter Blegvad

Pic unrelated

>> No.16940760

How do you prevent yourself from becoming a victim of your own success?
>Brandon Sanderson
I haven't figured that out yet. I've watched it happen to other authors, so if I figure it out, I'll tell you. It is something I worry about. Particularly with how the new J.K. Rowling screenplays feel like they're just missing the mark.
I feel like she needed someone to tell her when her bad ideas are bad.
>Brandon Sanderson
Yeah. Exactly. But, we'll see. Well hopefully Peter and Isaac and Kara and Karen will tell me when my bad ideas are bad.

>> No.16940784

/sffg/, my setting has a pokemon-like familiar system to it (yeah, cringe, I know) but for 3/4 of my main characters their familiars have no personalities and barely any role in the story. I'm trying to improve this by showing them actually playing a role in battles, but am I doing a disservice to the premise by leaving them more or less non-entities and only developing the bond between the MC and his familiar (as well as the strained bonds between two villains and their familiars)?

>> No.16940787

Shit I just bought this thinking I'd try the culture series after I thought the wasp factory was ok

>> No.16940797
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>start reading Malazan
>loving it, feel my enjoyment of fantasy returning as my eyes move over the pages
>chapter 2
>Tattersail introduced through her lust for BBC

>> No.16940825

You do understand the "action" happens in your own mind and literally every character can be a physically attractive white person if you want, right?
Or are you one of those people with no imagination?

>> No.16940869

*respectfully shits a giant dump on Rowling*

>> No.16941005

You really need to leave this place, it will consume your soul.

>> No.16941090
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>finally finish RoW
What the fuck was that supreme disappointment and letdown? I waited four years for this piece of shit?

>> No.16941109

I liked it. Probably better than Oathbringer.

>> No.16941183
File: 1.40 MB, 1920x1080, 3fEiBR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any good books set in winter or someplace with snow or ice? I've already read The Doomsday Book and The Bear and The Nightingale

>> No.16941204

Do therapy, you'll realise there's always a way out.

>> No.16941255

What a fucking Chad, doesn't hesitate to say Rowling's a shit.

>> No.16941482

Very cringe. Also it depends if your writing goal is to show the bond between mons and masters or just two characters that happen to take those roles.

>> No.16941508

No, there has literally never been a good book with snow in it.

>> No.16941543

Ice by Anna Kavan

>> No.16941554


>> No.16941561

What's the best self-published ssf you've ever read?

>> No.16941624

Erikson wants me to know Tattersail wanted a specifically black cock

>> No.16941639

No wonder Sanderson's books are so long if he fills them with shit like "I just feel so tired" over and over and over....

>> No.16941655


>> No.16941665

the left hand of darkness

>> No.16941694

Wheel of Time would be 1/10th of the size if everyone stopped licking their fucking lips.

>> No.16941728

Keeping humid lips is important, anon. Otherwise how is every character supposed to speak about who they wanna fuck?

>> No.16941779
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>> No.16941804


>> No.16942143

What is the best SF for stimulating imagination? I want to get lost in a different place.

>> No.16942164

Y'all pathetic negroes. Grow up. Read a proper book. Sanderson is not /lit/.

>> No.16942169

Fun things are fun.

>> No.16942174

Just get addicted to meth

>> No.16942180

Not fun

>> No.16942186

>implying you are not already addicted to shitty fantasy

>> No.16942197

joke's on you I only read sci-fi

>> No.16942202

>implying there's a difference between muh medieval spergs and muh spaceschip spergs

>> No.16942288

>Reading chinkshit in the first place

>> No.16942367

No thanks, reading is a way to turn my brain off before sleeping and scifi/fantasy is great for that.

>> No.16942611
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Slogging my way through the Crucible part
107 pages and 106 of them are trash. Can’t believe I had to slog my way through all that boring geology shit about the will they/won’t they terraform schlock. However it was all worth it for Russel’s quote about how it’s Man’s duty to inhabit the universe

>> No.16942913

I would if I could afford it.
I don't know how crackheads can sustain such an expensive habit.
I can barely afford all the books I want.

>> No.16942955

>I don't know how crackheads can sustain such an expensive habit.
Crime, prostitution, etc.

>> No.16943042

Prostitution has been hit hard with covid.
Most Crackwhores can't even feed themselves anymore, and are having to look into other sources of money, IE, Onlyfans, Camwhoring, Office Work.

>> No.16943072
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Fug. Did E William Brown get the coof? How will I get my Daniel Black fix?

>> No.16943088
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Your daily reminder /sffg/ posters are the only people on /lit/ who actually enjoy reading!

>> No.16943140
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Asian influenced settings are fine. Female authors are not.

Try pic related.

>> No.16943165

There are many reasons to read a book, entertainment is just one of them.

>> No.16943254

OP here, I just copied and pasted from last thread, make the next one if you care so much since there wasn't a thread for HOURS yesterday

>> No.16943269
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what's a good litRPG for starters?
not looking for something YA as fuck, though

>> No.16943294

LitRPG is by definition YA and by definition not good.

>> No.16943327

Wrong. I have never posted on shit, franchise, and faggotry general before and I enjoy reading.

>> No.16943376

I like Worth the Candle.

>> No.16943420

What the fuck is this just go read some damn manga

>> No.16943424
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Reading Ministry of the Future, gritty cli-fi that I heard claws toward optimism in the end. Really enjoying a lot of the different ideas explored in here. From anonymous decentralized acts of drone terrorism to ruin the airline industry, to convincing the world's central banks to adopt a new carbon coin currency, to trying to revive the original nature religions. I gotta recommend the audiobook in this case, it's got immersive cast and performances.

>> No.16943442

Sandersama has his own manga adaptation but he's no longer /sffg/

>> No.16943480

read Lyonesse

>> No.16943490

>go to sleep
>wake up to 50 new posts
>barely 5 books have been mentioned
This general is really going to shit huh? Maybe your little goldfish brains will forget about Sanderson and start talking about new shit.

>> No.16943646

algebraist was fucking miserable, one of his worst books, i forced myself to finish it and regretted doing so.

>> No.16943659

headcanon being what, the multiple realms having different laws of physics? it's literally stated in the books, did you not read them?

>> No.16943676

>>Brandon Sanderson
>Yeah. Exactly. But, we'll see. Well hopefully Peter and Isaac and Kara and Karen will tell me when my bad ideas are bad.

clearly they haven't or they have terrible opinions of what is good and bad.

it was worse than oathbringer which was already the worst in the series, i'd say it's irredeemable at this point but next book is szeth so who knows, maybe it'll do a hard 180.

>> No.16943815

why can't urban fantasy be of quality?

>> No.16943825

But you're posting here now, so you're only reinforcing his point.

>> No.16943835

Because it's all formulaic like the authors just need to check a list of tropes to include, even more so than the rest of sff since people seem to think urban fantasy can only be mystery/detective novels.

Be the change you want to see in the world.

>> No.16943851

kind of polluted by the dresden novels, if it doesn't take that pulpy style it's not going to sell.

>> No.16943854

>But you're posting here now
No I am not

>> No.16943957

Fuck yeah, and some manga.

>> No.16943999

then who was post?

>> No.16944042
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Piranesi was pretty good, but in retrospect it felt like 300 pages of "nothing happens". It's only in the penultimate chapter that any direct conflict arises, and the first third of the book doesn't really contribute much beyond setting tone/environment. The middle third is where the "mystery" is solved, but it's through journals and second-hand sources so it's just exposition.

>> No.16944051


>> No.16944085

The plot was the least interesting aspect, would have been better if it were cut entirely and it were just about an amnesiac exploring a labyrinth

>> No.16944272

Why would magically connecting magic realms nds reality?

>> No.16944274


The Iron Dragon's Daughter is kino af

>> No.16944378

>combine three realms, one of which has physical objects and time with another that has no physical objects or time
>physical objects and time just continue to exist no problemo
it's just shitty writing, but taking these books seriously enough to care about worldbuilding consistency over needing dalinar to do this perpendicularity thing for the sake of the plot is full autismo. these aren't serious books, they're a notch above YA level action fantasy with a massive overdose of mental health whinging.

>> No.16944379

It's not.

>> No.16944396
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of all cosmere, perpendicularities are what flared your 'tism?
wew lad

>> No.16944504

Holy shit you're autistic.

>> No.16944543


must suck to have such awful opinions

>> No.16944562
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What are some red flags that you can spot early with fantasy and science fiction books?

>> No.16944640

never post again

>> No.16944657

About half genre stuff, half "classics" or capital-L Literature.

>> No.16944695
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What should I read next?

>> No.16944704

Male authors

>> No.16944746

Must suck beeing a tourist retard who unironically uses the word kino in a literature board.
The book is barely readable with all that subverted for subversion's sake edgy shit.
>red flags
Retards describe the book as kino.

>> No.16944780

The Last Kingdom. Uhtred is a hilarious arsling.

>> No.16944796

The monochrome+red Stormlight covers are so bad!

>> No.16944837

The more made up words and worldbuilding in general that the author frontloads, the worse the book tends to be. A good author reveals things organically. Counterintuitvely, the more things are explained up front, the less real it feels.

>> No.16944851

Redpill me on R. Scott Bakker.

>> No.16944878

>you guys don’t have different priorities than me, right?
Get a load of this pseud. Go pretend to understand Kant somewhere else.

>> No.16944889

>Been stalling on my fantasy novel for months
>Take a bath
>Suddenly it clicks

Holy fuck, it was that easy. I should bath more often!

>> No.16944899

This. Rudy Rucker’s *ware series did this. He even used the equals sign multiple times.
>sebum = human skin oil
That’s literally in the first chapter of the second book in the series. I stopped reading after that chapter.

>> No.16944910

I know sebum isn’t a fictional word but it was still painful to read.

>> No.16944944
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>He even used the equals sign multiple times.

>> No.16944982

I'm reading the Brian Herbert Dune sequels and doing the "No!" copypasta envelope tally, but instead of "stretched his legs" its any Saturday morning cartoon villain cliche line, and I want to fucking die.

>> No.16945011
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>has the ability to write anything
>decides to write more medieval europe and tolkienshit

>> No.16945127

>know what sebum means because I have the world's oiliest face
Fuck all of you, I can't even read books to escape my pitiful existence without being REMINDED

>> No.16945153
File: 52 KB, 360x450, Hyperion_lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you really not enjoy this as a pure standalone novel without reading Fall of Hyperion? Is this a BOTNS situation?
I only ask because hyperion is the one that receives all the acclaim and ends up on all time greatest lists and not the rest. You would think it would be released as an omnibus if they are truly meant to be read together.

>> No.16945185

The narrative intent was to use the "pokemonesque" aspect to focus on how the different characters treat the people around them. For the MC, most of his problems stem from the fact that he's got a nasty combinations of high expectations for himself and low self-worth. his need to prove himself causes him to try to bear the whole weight of the world on his shoulders and refuse help even when he needs it. This is a problem because the characters are living in a situation where their cooperation is vital to their survival, and while the MC's role isn't glamorous it's potentially the most important role in the entire group and he's the only one capable of filling it. As a result of his outlook, he's the only one who doesn't have a familiar, but the plot is designed to break down his mentality. First by forcing him to form a connection with an intelligent and foul-tempered familiar who knows far more about surviving both the central conflict and the need to prove ones self than he does, and second with the revelation that his anomalous powers actually derived from a symbiotic familiar he didn't know he'd gained

In contrast, the villains were meant to represent contrasting philosophies. unlike the MC, the main villain is more of a demagogue who relies entirely on manipulating and controlling others to get what he wants. He's a character who has bonded to thousands of weak familiars to gain the aforementioned power boost that familiars grant and keeps them in line through lies and abuse. He's not someone who collaborates because it's necessary for survival, he's someone who exploits for the sake of his own personal glory

I guess that does answer the question that I don't need to focus too heavily on the bond between familiar and master, but I DO need to illustrate how that bond makes them better able to function in the setting

thanks anon

>> No.16945199

That and Ilium both seemed to be self contained stories that dont need sequels, but then Simmons went on to write them anyway for fun and profit. The originals felt like stories he had to tell, and the sequels were stories he could tell. Just seemed to have less gravitas or something. Not that I didn't immensely enjoy all the sequels, but they weren't the experience that Hyperion was.

Or maybe Im just full of shit, I dunno.

>> No.16945222

This is your monthly tax.
Give me (you)s and tell me what you are planning to read in December 2020?

>> No.16945233

(You)'ll never get a (you) from me.

>> No.16945295

Checked. I’m mostly reading an Arabic textbook trying to learn Arabic. I have a copy of Synners by Pat Cadigan coming in the mail. It should be here by next Friday so I have to pick up noodles before then. I like eating noodles when I read cyberpunk type of stuff, and soup with homemade bread when I read fantasy.

>> No.16945371

Is the novel better than the show?
I agree they suck shit but suit Blandersons style

Currently reading The Black Company, onto the third novel. Is it worth reading all ten?

>> No.16945438

>magical girls edition
What are some good/okay magical girl books?
Sabriel was kinda good but I don't have much other ideas.

>> No.16945717

>but his positive descriptor is how it's like Naruto
Literally the only similarity is that it draws from the same well of Japanese folklore about ninjas and ninjutsu that Naruto does. In all other respects it is nothing like it.

>> No.16945754

Yeah, but I'm going to do it right! I'm not going to be boring and derivative like all the others.

>> No.16945767

I don't have anything sff on my list. I'm finishing Pride and Prejudice now and then I'm going to read the next Aubrey/Maturin book. Got any recs? Some fantasy-themed seafaring adventure or likewise, a nice space opera (I liked the Lost Fleet series) would fit in, but I'm not against changing the pace entirely.

>> No.16945783
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>kinda good

>> No.16945808

Got another 10 chapters of 'The Eye of the World' to finish up. It's a well written slog, and I hear the other 14 books are worse.
I'm going to have to take a WoT break and will probably alternate series with 'Dresden Files'.

Also, I picked up 'The Pillars of the Earth' and 'Notre-dame de Paris', which I'll probably get around to toward the end of the month.

>> No.16945879

Has there any other Medieval Fantasy book that has the love of Christianity at its core like Tolkien's work? I never seem to see it when modern writers tackle the setting.

>> No.16945918
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good might be a bit of a stretch but I kinda enjoyed Anne McCaffrey stuff as a YA

>> No.16945921

first book is good, later books are fucking terrible. Author is obviously a massive basedbrain fag and it starts to really bleed through in the later books. It also goes from being a sort of edgy harry potter to some wannabe narnia nonsense that has little to do with the first book and is just really mediocre in general. Also its one of those books where the main character is just constantly out-competenced by random female characters to show how progressive the author is.

>> No.16945939
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>albino tiste andii

>> No.16945987

You are welcome to post something you would consider good in that department.
It's magical girl fantasy, "good" is only going to reach a certain level.

Well that looks interesting. I'll check it out thanks.

>> No.16946004
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>> No.16946007

I genuinely don't understand how anyone could think A Song of Ice and Fire has good worldbuilding.

>> No.16946011

For fantasy:
>world is just Europe with the names altered slightly
>main character is an "assassin"
>elves and dwarfs blandly copied from D&D or Tolkien with zero effort or elaboration
>most of the main cast are teenagers
>plot is a quest for a magic artifact (usually a sword)
>omniscient exposition characters that love sharing their 100% accurate knowledge of ancient legends and hoary prophecies to completely remove any sense of mystery in the setting
>author trying to write about things they clearly do not understand and did zero research on (e.g. feudal societies, battlefield tactics, metallurgy, medieval agriculture etc).
>author has a made up language that they insist on sprinkling into the text, but it's horribly inconsistent and clearly random gibberish

For scifi
>third person omniscient perspective so the author doesn't have to worry about writing believable human interaction
>cites at least one common piece of bunk pop science (e.g. "people only use 10% of their brains")
>author clearly has no idea how certain scientific theories or principles work and sees them as magic
>90% of the dialogue is from the main character speaking

>> No.16946035
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>most of the main cast are teenagers
This is the worst one. The apex red flag.

Probably why I grew out of YA before I was anything approaching A

>> No.16946037

I mean, Sabriel is above 'kinda good'.

>> No.16946052

I like to think I'm a pretty tolerant and open minded person when it comes to fantasy, but I just cannot deal with all-teen casts anymore. The worst is when somebody in their 20s is treated as "old", it's usually at that point I put down the book and never pick it up again.

>> No.16946054

do I just call my elves not elves to get all the autist tolkien-copier-sayers to fuck off?

>> No.16946063

How would that make them fuck off?

>> No.16946098

It might obfuscate it enough to get them to accidentally buy your book

Just make your own damn fantasy race with blackjack and hookers

>> No.16946107

yeah but no one has written dark fantasy that i like. the closest thing ive found is clark ashton smith. everyone else is all autistic magic systems. its like everyone either writes d & d campaigns, harry potter wizard schools, or gritty military grimdark shit

>> No.16946124

I want elves but I don't want to be called a hack, what do?

>> No.16946135

It's more about if you actually understand what you're doing with Elves or if you're just blindly copying Tolkien, or what you think Tolkien is. More than likely you're just blindly copying D&D elves and the people who copied them before you. Here's a special list of D&D elf cliches you can check against your work:
>skilled with bows, and pretty much only with bows in particular
>strongly associated with nature, especially forests, for no particular reason
>extremely long lived compared to humans, but not truly immortal
>known for woodland lore and nature magic
>isolationist and aloof
>slight, delicate looking frames
>beautiful in an androgynous sort of way
>really love the color green

If your elves have even passing resemblance to what I described above, you're guilty of copying D&D, which is a really shallow copy of Tolkien's elves that misses the mark on several points.

>> No.16946139

Give them a different name and don’t use every single elven stereotype

>> No.16946141

People will call you a hack anyway

Maybe you should break down why you want elves and make something that fits your interest and their place in the story/world better?

>> No.16946216

Acknowledge it?
I mean, if they really are Elf rip-offs

>> No.16946278

but what if I want elves to be elves in the D&D sense?
just like if I wanted classical vampires to be classical vampires
got damn it

>> No.16946290
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Any books where the hero saves a robot girl and they fall in love?

>> No.16946328

Then do it, who gives a fuck holy shit

>> No.16946366

If you're that in love with cliches then why care what people say about it?

>> No.16946368

Yeah, loads.

>> No.16946401

>the virgin putting elves in his setting
>the chad putting Numenorean-esque ubermensch in his setting

>> No.16946436
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Any other books like this? Human-centric heroic fantasy? Also are Gemmell's other books good?

>> No.16946465

They're hardly literary but yeah, they're fun.
Based on what I read on this general, Legend was kinda embarrassing for him (one of his earliest novels) so I'd venture he must have improved.

>> No.16946471


I really liked these. While I agree with both that it is generally a defensive move, it actually can be extremely offensive as well (especially as the chess board gets less and less crowded), as usually it opens up the rook's path and makes it more central (not in that specific move, but in later moves). So, it opens up options for the rook as well as hiding the king.

It is also interesting because if Jon is the King and Bran is the rook, then he quite literally protected Jon while warging Summer in the wildling incident when they were in the Queenscrown.

Also, since the castling can be offensive and defensive at the same time by releasing powers of the rook, it would fit very nicely with Bran as the "chained wolf" that gets released into the north after getting to BR and passing Jon on the way.

>> No.16946488

I think you are exactly right about Bran protecting Jon. Strange synchronicity, since I just had the same thought earlier today, after doing some research on the 'castling' manoeuvre :). If you think about it, the layout (without the pieces) of a chess board is a perfectly symmetrical square, so from the perspective of either player one may draw a line down the center of the board -- between the king and the queen -- which to my mind represents the Wall. That means everything to the left of that line is 'south' of the Wall; and everything to the right is 'north' of the Wall (fittingly, Queenscrown is located just south of the Wall, just like on the chessboard).
Recently, @LynnS pointed out the significance of Bran and Jon travelling in opposite directions to each other, with their trajectories crossing in real time at Queenscrown (we were trying to figure out the mechanics of the 'weirwood sapling dream' which is still infuriating us!) Anyway, applied to the chess board, Bran as rook starts out 'queenside' -- i.e. to the 'left' of that central line --cooped up in the furthest left corner representing Winterfell. I love your description of him as the caged and 'chained wolf', who is then released into the game, assuming increasing centrality in the action as he travels northwards -- i.e. towards the 'right' on the board -- and eventually becoming the 'winged wolf'!

>> No.16946498

@Black Crow was 100% correct in his 'heresy' stating that the 'real game' would not be played in the South, but North towards the Wall. In fact, according to my analogy, the Wall represents the central position in the game! Jon, moving in the opposite direction to Bran, crosses over the Wall, leaving his 'rook' behind 'kingside' north of the Wall -- i.e. Ghost...yes, the direwolves are the rooks (reflected in how in some chess sets the rooks are represented as wolfskin-clad beserkers...i.e. skinchangers!) Because he is without his rook, Jon is now in an exposed position, meaning Bran the rook who started the game furthest away from him must now leap into action to cover for Jon.
If you read the passage in question, Jon actually thinks when he sees the direwolf that it's Ghost who has 'leapt over the Wall', when in actual fact it's Bran who has figuratively leapt over the wall of Queenscrown (by skinchanging Summer while his human body remains at the top of the tower). In 'chess terms' the rook has moved three spaces to the right coming to occupy the space formally occupied by the queen, which is a way of leaping over a wall too. Best of all, this in turn then allows the king to leap over the rook, coming to land on the opposite side to safety -- which is exactly what Bran-as-Summer-rook in his queenside castling manoeuvre facilitates for Jon, finally bringing him conclusively to safety on the adjacent square formerly occupied by the bishop (I guess 'bishops' could represent Castle Black...maybe because of their monastic lifestyle!)

>> No.16946560

The worldbuilding is fine.
The autism behind the house sigils and their mottos is a nice touch of authenticity and lore. The world itself is sufficiently detailed and varied, even if the map looks retarded, there are legends of all kinds (the religious ones are not extremely detailed I guess, but that must be from Gurrms' lack of interest in faith). Nothing is too obviously spelled out and in this diversity, a lot is left unsaid.
The events in ASOIAF echo or are based on that "history" of yore. So that's fine. The main issue is that there's just too much dying and backstabbing going on to support any sort of civilization and one's left to wonder how current events will be told in the future.
If you cut a slice of the events in contemporary Westeros it would look like the most troubled period of history ever, and this is unsupported through lore except for the sake of drama and plot, meaning it's sort of weak in terms of tone and exposition. This might be an artifact of old history versus current events (the past being just as imperfect and chaotic, analyzed, sorted and rewritten by whoever saw fit).

And if the nature of this "song" is the same as all those songs and tales we've seen mentioned in the book, the multiple PoVs, the sheer length of it (5000 pages or so) makes it look like a weird experiment in Westeros storytelling.

>> No.16946566

This is more thematic/symbolism than worldbuilding.

>> No.16946609

Legend is great. It isn't eloquent but it's fun and has likable characters.

>> No.16946707

>brian herbert dune sequels
why would anyone ever read these
why hasn't there been a concerted effort to have all copies of these books destroyed

>> No.16946712

well you have a cliche race then. try not to make the characters and plot cliche

>> No.16946733

asoiaf is a deeply symbolistic tome, the most obvious being the association of house creatures with events, such as when eddard finds antlers in the direwolf's mouth in the first bran chapter that portends to discomfit to the stark house due to the baratheons, or the story in affc, in which an inn in the riverlands has a founding story of how it originally had a black dragon as their sign, which was washed away in floods and came back rusted, which could point to aegon being fake.
imo, asoiaf has a story in 3 layers: the first is the story that is presented to us as is through the filtered viewpoint of characters.
The second is the lore in the story itself, that combined with symbolism enriches the story further.
The third, and this is what i find intriguing about asoiaf is the usage of real-world iconography and beliefs to very subtly hint at the story's core, such as what i posted about castling of jon with bran. On the first read, it seems straightforward enough, but on analysing it as the good people at the forum did, and combined with the fact that grrm was an accomplished chess player, the story becomes all the more satisfying.
I do not know what other worldbuilding you require, the towns, trading, farming, river systems, associations of faith are well established in the books themselves.

>> No.16946747

gemmell's the best. all of his other books are good though the john shannow stuff is more of a fantasy/sci fi magic-focused kinda deal, a bit strange but worth reading. legend being his first novel is unfortunate as it's the climax of the druss the legend books and the timeline 1st book ends up being better because he improves as a writer.
highly recommend all of his stuff, the rome trilogy he did is really good if you're into that sorta thing, and the waylander books are all excellent. tales of the rigante is probably his best stuff after druss though.

there's nobody out there that writes heroic fiction like gemmell unfortunately, he was a unique writer.

>> No.16946773

I actually loved "King Beyond the Gate" even more. Tenaka is a very interesting character, especially the way he develops at the end of the book.

>> No.16946801

There's also a lot of good human on furry writing over on /trash/ in the right threads. Snekguy actually hangs out in the writing general too.

>> No.16946878

>to much of a bitch to get through the cucked shit to get to the obscene amounts of rape that takes place

>> No.16946888

None of the books you guys talk about ever makes the /lit/ top 100 outside of obligatory Tolkien and Book of the New Sun. Should /sffg/ make its own yearly "best of" chart?

>> No.16946901

It has actual depth. It's not just a laundry list of fancy place names or dumb "systems" like most garbage modern epic fantasy. It features an entire continent (Westeros) with no all encompassing mono-culture, counter-culture, and hybridization of traditions from other cultures. Not only that, but so much of that varied and detailed depth is communicated in a very natural and organic sort of way, through the showing of how those ideas and customs are acted out and how they impact the world, instead of just telling you how things are in a highly expository manner. There's loads of subtle details that help bring the world alive, with minor "sub-plots" happening in the world that, while not directly related to the main events, are clearly influenced by them. They're really easy to miss, and I definitely did on my first read, until I watched a couple autistic level analysis videos about the worldbuilding.

Unfortunately nowhere near as much effort was given to the rest of the world, like Essos.

>> No.16946911

There already was one like month or two ago. It was full of garbage. Partly because the retards doing were idiots and did stupid shit like using the dumbest voting system ever or had nominations up for like only two days, but mostly because this general has pretty shit taste. Like at least a third of the books were YA garbage like Sanderson.

>> No.16946930
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name two, NOW

>> No.16946965

What are some fantasy books that dabble in metaphysics?

>> No.16947042

Wizard Knight

>> No.16947047

The Dark Tower.

>> No.16947087

The Darkness that Comes Before

>> No.16947118

Based pick. Wish I'd thought of it.

>> No.16947192

One wonders if they actually liked him or they just added him because it's Guaranteed Replies

>> No.16947285

Coldfire Trilogy

>> No.16947409

>I'm reading the Brian Herbert Dune sequels
Do meth, it would be healthier.

>> No.16947438

Hey anon did you like it when the craazy robot dropped the baby our the window?

>> No.16947452
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I'm afraid we've been lied to.

>> No.16947454

What about human on feral?

>> No.16947495


robots can't be girls. they don't have sex chromosomes.

>> No.16947541

It's been so long but what was so heinous about that one specific act that inspired a holy jihad? Machines were probably doing a lot worse to people at that point

>> No.16947594

Yeah I fuckin loved it when David Lynch's idea about the Butlerian jihad became cannon. Love Dune being a Matrix sequel. I just started Sandworms but I bet Im gonna love it when Leto's Golden Path is "Make a bunch of space ships and kung fu women to beat up Skynet. Also invite back the entire original cast."

>> No.16947643

>Love Dune being a Matrix sequel.
This only makes me think about how the DUNC and Matrix 4 movies are going to be embarrassing for all involved.

Matrix 4 especially

>> No.16947649

you can, but the rest of the books are great besides the first half of the thrid book

>> No.16947654

Matrix 4?

>> No.16947684

do you gents prefer a "party" or a solo protagonist?

>> No.16947696

Yes, and last I checked it's still being written by the Wochowski Broth- Sibli- Sisters

It's going to be beautiful

>> No.16947710

Im silently optimistic about DUNC. I bet that if you take that, the 1984 version and the 00's miniseries, you'd have enough material to know every do and dont about making film.

>> No.16947811

Children of Time by Adrian Tchaikovsky, was better than expected.

>> No.16948092

>“Can I find you later today, maybe tomorrow?” Dalinar asked. “I want to help contain the fallout from this stunt.”
Where does the word fallout come from in Stormlight? Do they have nukes on Roshar?

>> No.16948130

They will soon

>> No.16948166

Human homeworld was destroyed with Surges so yes they eventually will.

>> No.16948267
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>reading the first part of the Hod King
damn, does my boy Senlin ever catch a break?

>> No.16948310

>Currently reading The Black Company, onto the third novel. Is it worth reading all ten?
I just finished them, I would say they are worth reading if you are invested enough in the characters to care what happens. The tone of the books does change somewhat and Croaker isn't the narrator for some of them so don't expect all 10 to feel similar to the first 3.

>> No.16948419
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Anyone read this? How is it compared to Inheritance?

>> No.16948460

I might read this out of sick curiosity now. Thanks.

>> No.16948502

>and I make all the rules because I'm in charge
Looks like people are still discussing Sanderson here. How upset are you? It's OK, this is a safe space, just be honest about your feelings.

>> No.16948507


>> No.16948547

>author trying to write about things they clearly do not understand and did zero research on (e.g. feudal societies, battlefield tactics, metallurgy, medieval agriculture etc).
Any particularly entertaining examples of this? I've been looking for some new comedy books lately

>> No.16948601

missing one for both:
>there are more made up nouns for things in the first few paragraphs than there are extant nouns

>> No.16948667

>He got Jasnah dicked

Yep, I think Sanderson is based.

>> No.16948678

I was honestly waiting for her to be gay since his gays are all side-characters who, as a result of being peripheral characters, are only notable for being gay

Twitter doesn't look kindly on all you passive-progressives

>> No.16948732

Here's a better question, what are some good /sffg/ stories featuring only a single protagonist who never groups up with anyone?
I can't really think of any.

>> No.16948743

>catchall excuse that Sanderson's books are translations of foreign languages and not transliterations
And all the birds are literally chickens.

>> No.16948752

That seems pretty upset, can't even use your words. Poor fella.

>> No.16948764

>Someone shitposts about manga
Fucking rent-free, holy shit

>> No.16948771




>> No.16948799

Don’t worry, he’s just going to make radiant a lesbian instead

>> No.16948833

>literally can't read the posts he's replying to
Tell your handler it's bedtime.

>> No.16948836

I was agreeing with him, calm down. If you get worked up before bed you'll have nightmares of a fat Morman again

>> No.16949126

>Jasnah is taking it from the clown now
Is Kaladin doomed to die a virgin?

>> No.16949146
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If I get worked up before bed, you'll have to be my handler, nawmean

>> No.16949150

Is there any actual /lit/ sci-fi/fantasy besides Tolkien and Gene Wolfe?

>> No.16949179

Ishar will save him.

>> No.16949183
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>> No.16949233

>Kal gets to fug Syl for 15 minutes before she dies for good
would it be worth it?

>> No.16949235

Or they could just go at it in Shadesmar

Don't tell me nobody tried it until now

>> No.16949258


>> No.16949300

I will never stop recommending Hyperion to people and I will always tell them to treat it as a standalone. Fall of Hyperion was one of the biggest disappointments I've read.

>> No.16949456

My last will and testament

>> No.16949502

Eyes of the Overworld comes to mind

>> No.16949611

They're just made of light, it's not the same.

>> No.16949820

I'm almost done with God Emperor of Dune, and so far it really fails to impress. I was told it was one of the best things Herbert has ever written, but I don't really see it.

I was expecting more of an emphasis on Leto's cruelty and tyranny, but Herbert almost seems to sweep that under the rug. He plays the sympathetic angle way too much, and it just doesn't work for a character I'm supposed to believe is a tyrant. One of my favorite chapters was the second one, where Siona and her rebel friends are being chased by large wolves. It's a good tone setter for the kind of empire Leto runs, and I think the book could have benefited from more chapters like that.

And who knows? Maybe the ending will leave me satisfied. We'll see.

>> No.16949836


>> No.16949867

Kill Urself My Man

>> No.16949888

why are we being raided by russians

>> No.16950017

Are there any long sci-fi cycles that don't go to shit by book 2?

>> No.16950039

Imagine caring what others read.

>> No.16950051

I've never heard of this genre, "used fantasy"?

>> No.16950290

Count to a Trillion -Series by prolific Catholic convert John C. Wright

>> No.16950295

>Catholic convert

>> No.16950320

any books based off of Gnosticism?

>> No.16950391

You can spot the exact moment between book 2 and 3 where he had an aneurism that reprogrammed his brain to Catholicism

>> No.16950428


>> No.16950435

Who is this hole?

>> No.16950476

>still butthurt

>> No.16950540

there are plenty
>mervyn peake
>m. john harrison
>iain banks
>le guin
as much as I think gene wolfe is amazing he is terrible overrated on /lit/ as being known as the only fantasy author of literary quality

>> No.16950544


>> No.16950557

what is it about? I can't even find a description

>> No.16950565

based on the poster probably guin

>> No.16950661
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"Read The Dying Earth" they said. "Read Lyonesse" they said. Ho boy, this Jack Vance guy is a real edgelord. I see it now. I gave him the benefit of the doubt when I read the The Dying Earth. But I was wrong.

So like I said before, every chapter in The Drying Earth has the threat of rape. And I'm not exaggerated. Literally. Every. Chapter. Some woman is being threatened with rape. I kept track.

But at the time, I thought "This book came out in 1950. It was a different time. The stories are very childlike and irreverent, it's not that big of a deal."
Now I'm reading Lyonesse. This book came out in 1983. So Jack Vance has had 33 whole years to grow as a person. Let's see what's he's written this time.
Right at the beginning, he gives us the lore of the world, and he opens up with a story about how some long ago lady got raped by a troll or something. I'm on audiobook, but I imagine if I was reading an actual book, this would be like page 2 or 3.

So again, every chapter after that, there is a threat of rape. Now, I didn't keep track of this book, so I don't know if it was literally every chapter, but it felt like it, because it happens so often. But then he finally does it. He finally tells a story about a girl who gets raped. And he tells the story like it's some nice short little fairytale. Hell, it's almost set up like a joke. I think he was trying to make it funny. It goes something like this:

A fairy girl almost gets raped by a troll, but inflicts magic on him that shrinks his dick. So he chains her to a post, and sets up a sign that says "you may have your way with me". The troll tells her that she can only escape after 3 men have used her. The first man to come along was a gentleman who tried to save her. But the lock couldn't be undone. Supposing they were magically linked to the 3 man deal, she begs the man to use her. He obliges as a gentleman.
The second was a farm boy. He can't read, but she tells him what the sign means and begs him to use her. He basically like "say less", and hops on the opportunity.
The third one is at night. Some some beast comes along and mounts senselessly, and then leaves.
And with that, she's freed.

9 months later, the fairy gives birth to a baby. But she doesn't want it. So she waits until the woodcutter's wife isn't looking, and exchanges her baby for another.
That's where I left off.

The book also has other edgy shit, like torture and suicides and bladdity blah. And none of it would be that bad normally. Except Jack Vance writes like a giddy child, telling his stories about wizard powers, and how to counter them with other wizard powers. He would be very whimsical normally. But the way he's so flippant about horrific things happening, totally kills the mood.

So yeah, sorry for the big post. But in summary, fuck Jack Vance. I need another book recommendation.

>> No.16950668

Sounds very based. I'll make sure to read Vance now.

>> No.16950710

life is a pendulum between rape and boredom

>> No.16950713

That feels like a weird way to put it. At what point does it stop being cliche and just become normal? Like if someone’s writing a book about the Napoleonic wars, you don’t call Britons a cliche race. Why does sff have a different standard?

>> No.16950739

cus people who pick up your napleonic war novel knows it's about the napoleon wars. When they pick up your fantasy books and you can use anything and you use elves - again - they can be dissapointed. Unless they want that, ofcourse, but if they're the kind that likes new stuff in their readings theyll stay away from cliches.

>> No.16950788
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No wait, I have more to say about Lyonesse. It's not just bad because of the edgy stuff. It's actually just plain poorly written. Jack Vance comes up with some good ideas here and there. But he ruins the pacing of a lot of stories by barreling though events. He'll sum up a hour or a day or a week or a month or a year of time within a single sentence. Just jolting to the next plot point without any flavor or savor.

He often changes PoV in the middle of scenes. First telling us what one character is thinking, then another, bouncing around to whatever PoV can help him contrive the drama he's attempting to set up.

His character motivations often make no sense. At one point, the Princess hates this prince character who is trying to win her affections. And it's set up as like this young woman who realizes that political marriages are wrong, and she doesn't want anything to do with romance. She says she's too young, and doesn't even have the desire for romance. She just wants to be left alone in her garden. Which is all very well and fine. Up until the point where *another* prince shows up in the waters of her garden. Someone tried to kill him in the previous chapter by throwing him overboard. He almost drowns, but somehow ends up at the princess's garden. She nurses him back to health. And within days. DAYS. LIKE 2 FUCKING DAYS. They're already in love. ok, I think there was like a week after they confessed their love. Like I said before, time moves fast in Jack Vance's world. So he might have mentioned more time passing, and I could have missed it. But I think it was around day 2 when the prince tried to flirt with her, and then about a week before they were fucking. And like a week after that, they're getting married.

So then after 9 months, the princess has a baby, and it gets taken from her by force. So she kills herself. All this shit Jack Vance sets up about her being this witty, strong willed defiant princess? Toss that shit out the fucking window. She just kills herself. And then somehow the story becomes about the prince trying to save his son.

Also, his world building consists of periodic info dumps, where he tosses names of people and places that you don't give a shit about at you.

Look at pic related, you just know he was Cosbying people in his time.

>> No.16950841


>> No.16950889

That's a classic.

>> No.16950961

Is Heretics of Dune and Chapterhouse Dune worth reading?

>> No.16951014
File: 464 KB, 1440x792, Aspect-Emperor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prince of Nothing semi-kinda maybe I guess.

>> No.16951138

Its probably the fact that you as the reader know he's a Haderach and he's doing all this out of compassion for humanity, and that his tyranny isn't the "Im ripping you out of your hovel to make engine ball bearings" type, and more like "You're gonna sit down, do jack shit, be comfortable and thank me for it". His whole plan is about making humanity utterly complacent and stagnant, which is why the aggressive factions with their own goals, like the Beegees and the Tleilaxu and the Great Houses, are trying to kill his ass. For the average inhabitant of this nightmare world, he's probably an upgrade from Muad'dib. That being said, I do remember him using the Fish Speakers and Punished Duncan to do some brutal shit, but I was pretty desensitized to ultraviolence in this setting after Muad'dib's jihad killed like 100 trillion in the last book. Also cant forget that the Worm can take over at any point and turn him into a 15 tonne triggered retard. Those parts were scary as shit.

Theyre not bad. Not as good as the first few but still enjoyable. Dont want to give too much away but I thought they closed out the series pretty well even without the unfortunately unwritten seventh book.

>> No.16951140
File: 166 KB, 884x263, rokujouma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last time I was here I talked about how a cute weeb girl I worked with was trying to get me to read pic related. I've read the first 3 novels, and they are surprisingly quick reads. I started volume 3 last night at around 8 and was finished just after midnight.

The magical girl Yurika is the best character in these books.

>> No.16951175

Get the fuck out

>> No.16951353

Has there even been a thread in which someone did not ask if the Dune sequels were worth reading?

>> No.16951360

Dune is arguably the most well-known scifi book of all time.

>> No.16951366

I'm not allergic to weeb stuff like some posters and like to talk about it, but at least make it stuff that's thread-related.

>> No.16951368

Stay here, anon.

>> No.16951394

>but at least make it stuff that's thread-related
How is it not thread related? It's got fantasy and sci-fi stuff in it.

>> No.16951434

It's not an actual genre work, though, is it? Anything Japanese gets a bad enough reception, so I think it would be better to stick to things that are clearly part of the genres that this thread exists for, rather than being loose about it and bringing in all kinds of shit like this.

>> No.16951469

I'll keep posting about it because it is sc-fi and fantasy. If people get butthurt about it that's not my problem.

>> No.16951486
File: 284 KB, 1080x1609, pg857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We only discuss on-topic Heavy Novels in this general.
How does /sffg/ manage to attract so many rampant newfags?

>> No.16951549

I see /sffg/ is sperging out over anime books again.

>> No.16951551

Should I grab a physical copy of Dune for the glossary?
Or is Ebook fine?

>> No.16951580

Are Aimians a result of breeding with spren?
What spren would be the best partners?

Only serious replies please because this is a serious general with no /a/ bookshit allowed.

>> No.16951588

What are you all's favorite fantasy/sci-fi audiobooks?

>> No.16951607


>> No.16951685


>> No.16951691

at least they are not reading philosophy

>> No.16951708

I got baited into readying dying earth by some anon here and I gave up after 50 pages. Probably the worst thing I got baited into reading by sffg. That or maybe the gossip girl version of the Arthur legend (can’t bother to remember the name)

>> No.16951723

Go back

>> No.16951760

but you still outsperg them

>> No.16951944

I liked the Eye of the World, then i really disliked the next two. Also, Snow Crash was pretty good, better than The Diamond Age. The First Law Trilogy Audiobooks are also good.

>> No.16952005

>haha I sure got him, how will he ever come back from this?!

>> No.16952006

It's a fairy tale in the chivalric tradition.
You went into it with the wrong expectations. There's no internal logic shit or magic systems or shit like that. Some characters are neutral tricksters, some are evil, some are good. They serve as Arthurian stereotypes and the novels are actually great in making a bittersweet story out of them.
>Except Jack Vance writes like a giddy child, telling his stories about wizard powers, and how to counter them with other wizard powers. He would be very whimsical normally.
That's the best thing about him.
>But the way he's so flippant about horrific things happening, totally kills the mood.
What are you, a woman?

>> No.16952030

>10 chapters left in 'The Eye of the World'
>nothing is happening
>no one is doing anything

How are they going to get to Tar Valon in such a short space in time, while it's taken over half the book for them to walk from Whitebridge to Caemlyn.
Please no rushed ending.

>> No.16952041

Just sit back for the ride, they don’t get there until the 12th book.

>> No.16952048

>How are they going to get to Tar Valon in such a short space in time

> Please no rushed ending.
> WoT
> rushed anything

>> No.16952064

I didnt even know there was a glossary, thought that was just one of the goofy things they did for the 1984 movie.

>> No.16952082

> Gods are evil, feed off of souls
> Material world is evil, surrounded by outer darkness
> The Absolute is incomprehensible to humanity in its remoteness, inverse prophets bringing word of Man to God
> An ascended spirit, an Architect of the soul, attempts to break free of prison-reality
Yes I am thinking Bakker's work can be read as Gnostic. I believe Nietzsche and Schopenhauer are large influences in his work as well. It's some of the most profoundly (obnoxiously?) pessimistic series I've ever read, and I've read several.

>> No.16952115

stop being hysteric or go back to t*mblr

>> No.16952123

There are entire books in WoT in which nothing happens.

>> No.16952131

>gets butthurt over a day-old shitpost
>starts screeching
>tells others to stop being hysteric

>> No.16952135

still being hysteric

>> No.16952146

2015 called, etc.

>> No.16952153

still being a nigger

>> No.16952157

sorry I don't know what's trendy anymore
still posting like a hysteric hole

>> No.16952160

still posting like a black tranny

>> No.16952165

where did this came from?
You may really be a hole so go back.

>> No.16952172


>> No.16952175

it's ok, this is not a place for femoids

>> No.16952180

Neck yourself

>> No.16952182

no I won't, this is not your safe space

>> No.16952189

You will never be a woman

>> No.16952196

Please fuck off, both of you.

>> No.16952197

I know, I don't want to be a hysteric sperg

>> No.16952202

You will never get the last word.
I can sit here all day.

>> No.16952208

I don't care as long as I can make a sperg waste his time it's fine.

>> No.16952216


>> No.16952234

after you

>> No.16952236

You know I am just doing this because I am addicted to /lit/ and want mr. janny to ban me, right? Retarded nigger.

>> No.16952245

you know, I don't care because as long as I make someone miles away butthurt and waste his time everything is fine.

>> No.16952249


>> No.16952290

At least you retards had the grace of waiting until the thread autosaged to produce this awful display of autism and teenage angst, but you sometimes do it in the middle of the thread (how friendless do you have to be to act in this embarrassing way).

>> No.16952309

what did you mean by this?
>you retards had the grace of waiting until the thread autosaged
that's what I was going for

>> No.16952319

I hate negroes

>> No.16952321

Me too

>> No.16952366


>> No.16952394

>that's what I was going for
The troubling fact is that you deliberately waited to pretend to be retarded, as if a retard had an On/Off switch with two entirely different modes, mutually exclusive, when the truth is that this retardation taints and is noticeable in this general's early or middle parts as well.

>> No.16952412

I did not wait for anything. Came here saw bump limit then proceeded.