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16934783 No.16934783 [Reply] [Original]

will learning chess make me less retard?
what are some good books about chess?

>> No.16934798

chess has been a cesspit in which memorized optimal plays reign over gameplay and quick thinking since the development of chess ai.
i got to 2k rating simply by playing unorthodox openings and the amount of times i recieved a cookie-cutter opening in return was honestly disheartening.
fuck chess.

>> No.16934807

>cookie-cutter opening
what tf is that
>unorthodox openings
>i got to 2k rating
yeah sure you do.

>> No.16934811

No, it will probably make you more of a retard

>> No.16934820

Also consider shogi, xiangqi and go

>> No.16934825


>> No.16934829

>what is x?
>how to y?
>also you're larping
you'll fit right in.
>>16934820 gave you a good answer.

>> No.16934830

Getting good at chess stops at getting good at chess. It won't transfer skills to any other area of your life. You'll just get better at the problem solving required in chess. That comes with its own benefits i.e. enhanced cognitive ability but not in the way I think you mean.

>> No.16934831

what about chess960?

>> No.16934835

goodbye :D

>> No.16934853

had a lot of fun with it, but never developed a solid interest in it since noone i play with irl wants to play it.

>> No.16934912

Obligational chess thread intelligence test ( no engines or ill call jannies to clean your ass outta here, hell yeah) https://lichess.org/zIeR5oR2

>> No.16934920

960 chess is the only true chess. it is better and all the engine babies like magnus choke hard.

bullet chess is literal zoomer chess.

Classical chess is dead. The best players are just memorizing openings then doing lots of blunders.
Chess players are so autistic that every single conceivable scenario has been documented, analyzed, and solved. when you are a world class grandmaster or AI, it's a game of memorizing not thinking. I love chess but wtf is the point seriously? Oh and it doesn't increase your IQ or translate to real life practical skills. You have a better chance of getting that playing Monopoly, for real.

>> No.16934987


>> No.16934996

That is a really good encyclopedic observation, that reveals all the content the concept of "chess" has to offer. Person behind this post will not stop to surprise highest of brows with all the intricate ways into the patterns of the fabric that surround us.

>> No.16935008

just play some chess and keep playing if you like it

>> No.16935024

Will go have the same problems pointed out in >>16934830 ?

>> No.16935031

there are like 100 people in the world who can follow all those lines and even they can get surprised. absolutely retarded to dismiss classical chess because of how carlsen and caruana play against each other

>> No.16935070

also try suing the anon behind the post, it's what's hip in chess these days.
trash community which deserved the twitch treatment it recieved.

>> No.16935072

if pantheism is right, yes

if everybody else is right, no

>> No.16935074

what twitch treatment. genuinely no idea

>> No.16935089

It will make you less of a chess retard.

>> No.16935092

some dumb show about chess airs and every board is flooded with questions about chess
people are cattle

>> No.16935119
File: 1.16 MB, 694x1020, chessbooks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll dignify you with an actual response op. For the first 12 years of life I played chess, originally what started as a past-time with my dad developed into a job. This started when I beat my dad, which wasn't that much of a task, I just read some book online and (despite my age) i beat him. My dad took this as some sort of divine signal that I was the next in a long line of (mostly unsuccessful) child prodigies.

I mean, I enjoyed the game, but I mostly played for the same reason kids go to school everyday, it's just something you do. But the fact I wasn't any other bumbling retard in second grade meant that I was pushed beyond what a 7 year old should be, I was taken out of class competing in chess tournaments all over the country. I beat almost everybody (at the time) when I eventually got tired and quit, the consequence of missed school was inescapable. This is what fucked me, I was good at chess, but when I eventually plateaued at a FIDE rating of 2200 I was sent back to school. Thats right! school without social skills, I didn't even know how to fucking do arithmetic. I'm venting now but it helps in establishing my only point. Chess is about moving wood, the cultural facade of chess as an "intellectual game" is just that, a facade. It won't give you thinking skills, it won't make you better at math, it won't do anything except tell you what moves to make on a 64 square board with certain pieces. I went back to school as a retired child "prodigy" and suffered. Chess didn't help me and chess won't make you less of a retard.

I still have to leave you with something for reading this shit, so I've attached a list of chess books I feel are worth reading regardless of aims to improve. Some of them are specifically geared towards improvement e.g. Dvoretsky but a lot of them can be enjoyed for the sake of the game.

Play Go

>> No.16935121


1st game I played all right up until your skewer, but the 2nd game you destroyed me.

>> No.16935125

Agreed. And the show isn't even about chess. The game is basically just an ornament, all the drama that happens is unrelated to chess. The sport could have been switched with anything; badminton, boxing, etc., and would have been the same show.

>> No.16935155

Both games are blunder fairy tales, but in second one there were no queens after your blunder, which nullified all chances for untangle from cucked position unlike in first:/

>> No.16935161

There were always threads about chess everywhere. You just never noticed them until the show came out.

>> No.16935168

Can someone translate from pseudrian what >>16935070 said and what correct line of thinking was he following there ?!?

>> No.16935180

>will learning chess make me less retard
no, you will just be better at playing chess

learn math and read non-fiction books and you will be a smarter person

>> No.16935182
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Agreed, I haven't been playing chess for a long time so I'll use that as my excuse. I can see you've practiced your Sicilian.

>> No.16935184

Chess is the game of the upper middle class. True patricians play backgammon.

That said, if you are going to pursue chess, >>16934920 is absolutely right. Bobby Fisher saw the end of chess coming 50 years ago, and he was right about that. Chess 960 is the only somewhat widely adopted variant that allows you to get away from needing to memorize tens of thousands of board states and patterns so that you can instead play strategically.

>> No.16935207

>chess has been a cesspit in which memorized optimal plays reign over gameplay

retard detected.

>> No.16935245

Sicilian is the only thing that keeps my rating afloat for both white and black, it even earned me a win vs FIDE master and some 2000+ chess com peasants. My plan when getting rich is to make Sicilian only chess web page, invite all sicilian gamers from all ratings to an island. Kasparov 8 hour video series on Sicilian, is the most inspirational thing I saw/read about anything. Would recommend to anyone who needs motivation and reasons to live, even if they never played or plan to play chess, This series is an 8 hour brave heart speech with no analogues to it in history of human speech.

>> No.16935255

>chess is dead
>t. people who are not that much into chess
Neither am I but at least I know that modern top chess is largely influenced by engines such as stockfish, and lots of people thought that playing style was the endgame of chess, however it's all changing with alphazero who plays much much better than stockfish-like engines and with a totally different style.

>> No.16935261

If you're seriously asking that question, no.

>> No.16935297

>modern top chess is largely influenced by engines such as stockfish, and lots of people thought that playing style was the endgame of chess, however it's all changing with alphazero who plays much much better than stockfish-like engines and with a totally different style.
That may well be the case for the top 10 to 50 players in the world. I am not one of them. Twenty-five years ago I used to be able to enjoy competitive games without having memorized two encyclopedias of board states. Today I cannot. The soul and creativity of chess have all but disappeared at at mid-level competitive chess. Perhaps you enjoy playing against a computer (which is the play that the vast majority of competitive players ape). I do not.

>t. chess midwit who became tired of the slog that it turned into.

>> No.16935337

>however it's all changing with alphazero who plays much much better than stockfish-like engines and with a totally different style.
Are you sure? I just heard about the one test they did where stockfish was somewhat handicapped.

>> No.16935387
File: 68 KB, 1022x731, It's_All_So_Tiresome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Descriptive statement based on inductive reasoning with one sample, in which conclusion doesn't come from premise

>> No.16935401

Actually I'm not 100% sure that it's currently stronger than stockfish, only that it's plays quite interestingly

>> No.16935410

All data is a collection of anecdotes.

>> No.16935482

While your statement is infinitely deep and truly true, I wonder why have you decided to comment on one word taken out of context and not to the whole statement ? You could've commented on the grass in picture, or on asian mans hair. What is the thought process that lead to picking this particular word out of context instead of any other word/object...

>> No.16935529

You'll be good at playing chess and that's it.

>> No.16935556


No, but it may make you into a different type of retard.

>> No.16935772

>Kasparov 8 hour video
Can you link this

>> No.16935799

chess960 (or some other seismic rule change to traditional chess) is the only future for the hobby.

>> No.16935815

I'm just an IM but I think it has made me actually more retarded.

>> No.16935914

How to play Najdorf series is what you seek https://chessgod101.forumotion.net/t11337-chessbase-garry-kasparov
Heres a 2 minute video for you to take a peek

>> No.16935950

What? How is pantheism related to chess at all?

>> No.16935994



>> No.16936058
File: 79 KB, 1200x640, Quotation-William-Blake-To-see-a-world-in-a-grain-of-sand-And-2-88-38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chess, or some other glass bead game.
the hope, that by specializing in one particular microcosm one can gain general wisdom about oneself and the rest of the world seems especially tempting in chess.

>> No.16936088

>Play Go
does your description not fit on Go as well? or does the effects of getting better at it somehow translate beyond the game?

>> No.16936094

No but you might become a retard who's insanely good at Chess. That's what happened with Kasparov.

>> No.16936168

thank you anon

>> No.16936580

no it's too time consuming

>> No.16936615

Why are all these faggots complaining. Just play the game, how can it have changed much since when you remembered it In a better light?

Unless you're that involved that you feel every tiny change. Sweaty nerds

>> No.16936893

I wish people would learn to use the archive
I swear there's a BOOKS TO LEARN CHESS thread every other week

>> No.16936937


>> No.16937018

We get dummer after like 18 years old, stuff like chess and puzzles, can slow down us getting dummer. Keep playing, but don't expect to be a gm. Don't see a point in reading books about chess tough.

>> No.16937022

Ok, that's it then, /lit/ is done, we've probably had just about all threads we're ever gonna have. Let's wrap it up boys.

>> No.16937053
File: 45 KB, 800x458, 1606833538249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Study the games of Paul Morphy.

>> No.16937212

>people are cattle
how dare them find new interests in popular media! how did you come in contact with it? your dad bought it because it was marketed? school chess club? cattle.

>> No.16937327

He has a point, if people actually read the archives, we could progress from having the same conversations over and over again.

>> No.16937415

We could, but we will not

>> No.16937562

>chess has been a cesspit in which memorized optimal plays reign over gameplay and quick thinking since the development of chess ai.
I'm not really that skilled at fighting games but this literally sounds like those scrubs complaining about Tekken 7 and how it supposedly has no depth to its gameplay
>Tekken 7 (is) a cesspit in which memorized optimal combos reign over gameplay and quick thinking

>> No.16938064

The publicized test was done against Stockfish 8, so it's not particularly indicative of current conditions.

>> No.16938588
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no it fits go, I just think ending the post on that note was funny

>> No.16938813

no it only makes you a retard that can play chess.

>> No.16938832

Unironically yes.
I smoke weed everyday and unless I also play chess everyday I start feeling like I literally have Alzheimers.

>> No.16938848

demoralization agent
ive played chess for 25 years. at the amatuer level memorizing openings is a small part of the game. there are plenty of vids on yt saying how openings don't matter for skll level under 2000 elo. Nakamura did a segmented live stream got to 3000 elo without openings.

yes, chess will make u less retarded. but it won't make u alpha.

>> No.16938925

Chess was invented in India. As usual India is strong. India even has a special name for chess

>> No.16938999

I think it gives you critical thinking. You definitely have to think a few steps ahead and try to read what your opponent is trying to do, otherwise you'll get washed. My brother is a chad and is exceptionally good at chess since he learned how to play when he was still fat. I didn't take the time to learn and he bashes me in every time, even if I'm smarter.

>> No.16939008

No. If you have to practice to get better, it means you're overcoming your lack of raw talent and there's a limit to that.

>> No.16940019

This nigga fell for the queen's gambit media vortex


>> No.16940414
File: 266 KB, 1600x1080, Bobby-Fischer-1971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a game of ever-changing puzzles, which on paper sounds really exciting, but I got jaded and quit once I started playing with humans, because they play it in such a boring manner.
>Cheese everywhere
>everyone just memorizes openings
>or just uses an engine to get them an advantage in the opening
>play is very predictable. Players simply play very safe and try to get small advantages so they can slowly choke out their opponent. This is incredibly boring in comparison to watching engines play, which make very bold and aggressive plays that culminate into grand discoveries and victories.
Humans don't understand chess, nor do we have the processing power to play it. I feel there was a period before computers where humans did understand chess and played it beautifully, but engines came about and humans used them to suck the soul out of the game. Surprisingly though, today I actually enjoy engine matches much more than human games. The advanced engines play at such a high level of play that it's creative. It's modern human players that use engines to play stale, lifeless, documented and safe chess. Lastly, I actually like bullet chess despite what people have said in the thread about it. It forces humans to play chess properly, with their intuition. Chess should be a game of intuition, creativity, spontaneity, and culmination, not a boring by-the-book sequence of events.

>> No.16940425

My grandpa had the largest chess book collection on the east coast US. Had collectors as far away as Germany. Had this one beautiful chess book from 12th century France. He died but I never learned the game.

>> No.16940696

what happened to the collectikon

>> No.16940715

No, chess will not make you less retarded. Getting good at chess will make you good at chess. That's it.

Plenty of studies have shown that chess doesn't have far transfer of intelligence.

>> No.16940735

Would a change in standard time rules get you the type of chess you seek

>> No.16940918

nah, I remember browsing this site 2 months ago newfriend

>> No.16941056

What kind of changes do you have in mind? The slow methodological meta of remembering every engine line that results in endless draws until someone blunders is complete and utter cancer.

>> No.16941068

im a trash chess player but bobby fischer my best games is supposed to be a very good book for all levels.

>> No.16941418

You want to be more intelligent? What if I told you it's actually not that hard but /lit/ losers/pseuds would deny it?

Here's how:
HIIT cardio.
A clean diet (especially including eggs, blueberries, fish, nuts etc...)
Creatine (Vastly improves memory)
Some drugs (caffeine (esp. green tea, coffee), small doses of lsd/mushrooms, dark chocolate)
Environmental stimulation (eg. going for walking in nature, travel etc).

Some of the loser pseuds here will telling you anything other than reading will make you dumber.

>> No.16941480

Not any more than becoming really good at any other online competitive game.

>> No.16941955

We sold it to museums, collectors, and libraries.

>> No.16941965

>you'll fit right in.
fucking savage congrats

>> No.16942440
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>> No.16942518
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>> No.16942561

>will learning chess make me less retard?
A lot of stupid shit has been said ITT, but you need to know that learning chess will only make you better at chess. Don't expect it to make you smart in general, because the skill does not transfer to anything else.

>> No.16942580
File: 33 KB, 600x600, 1592085758534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm going to make another ebook thread

>> No.16942588

>will learning chess make me less retard?
No but it might make you slightly less shit at chess. No promises though.

>> No.16942931

what the problem again? i dont understand. why would people be cattle because of that? is everything done by many people cattle-behaviour? if anything many people getting into chess is a good thing

>> No.16942937

(You) and the other anons posting that picture=cattle

>> No.16943205
File: 38 KB, 334x499, Problems-Combinations-and-Games-by-Laszlo-Polgar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon you just confirm my theory, chess is more about memory than "strategy, imagination,....", i feel sorry for what your dad did to you, i believe he did that cuz he thought it would be the best for you.

by the way, thank you for the book, it would be a good read.

OP im currently reading this book, made by lazlo polgar, this will improve your game, also read russian chess book, even boby fisher had to learn russian in order to understand those books.

>> No.16943511


>> No.16943699

you really think more people will get into chess because of netflix? Fad will die out in few months just like these threads
you got me good

>> No.16943711

Why is everyone so obsessed with chess lately

>> No.16943756

This is a pretty retarded take anon.
>muh unorthodox opening makes me special
except it doesn't, if anything it gives you an advantage as you're still falling into 'memori[z]ed optimal play' by playing more or less the same thing over and over again, except your opponents aren't as used to playing against that as you. I can guarantee you quit and are angry about it because your rating plateaued once you came up against competent players because they knew how to punish your openings.

>> No.16943783

chess makes brainlets feel smart but its literally just memorizing what moves to make until you have to start thinking 20 moves ahead which is like ELO 3000

>> No.16944131

75% of people you play on chess.com try the queens gambit opening bullshit

>> No.16944143
File: 112 KB, 679x522, 383376FB-90EB-43C3-ACE8-66D09C52A725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When have chunks ever won anything at chess? DROPPED

>> No.16944234

it's a fucking game you do it to have a good time