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File: 57 KB, 600x602, 352B207D-77C4-4C9B-AEBB-1823F76D445F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16932600 No.16932600 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else remember that super cringy “sophisticated badass” style of writing that dominated the internet from like 2011-2015? I still get nauseous remembering it.

>> No.16932603

Bullshido.net still exists

>> No.16932610


>> No.16932612

I had to stop reading Cracked because of this shit

>> No.16932615

le gentleman


>> No.16932627
File: 24 KB, 600x480, C9B69E66-4D86-4E0D-AE9C-250681311FBF.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take your upvote and get out you magnificent bastard

>> No.16932663

i'm more irritated that "imitating hipster runoff" survived tumblr and his vernacular became so commonplace among people my age who don't know what i'm talking about

>> No.16932685

nah shut up man i love the angry wise guy trope!!

People act like wisdom is having a bad beard and some shitty clothes and using your wisdom to act like some apathetic retard.

>> No.16932758


>> No.16932766


>> No.16932776

can someone giva an example

>> No.16932779

Yeah although I think it comes from earlier more like 2008-2012. I think 2013 is when it started dying off at least on 4chan.

>> No.16932780

can you guys post more examples because I feel like I almost get it.

>> No.16932788
File: 492 KB, 937x545, fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i could be wrong but these come to mind

>> No.16932789

I think it's imitating an old style of masculinity in a tongue in cheek way

>> No.16932809

old style of masculinity wasn't verbose or LARPy tho

>> No.16932823

Yes it was you tard

>> No.16932825


>> No.16932826

DAE Totally Badass Presidents?

>> No.16932831
File: 68 KB, 1000x500, ron_swanson_bacon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Parks and Recreation Ruined a Whole Generation of Men
This show coincided with the Art of Manliness and lumbersexuals and led to a lot of reddit-type faggots with well-groomed beards squealing about bacon and pretending to like scotch

I wonder what happened to them, you don't really see that stuff anymore. Maybe they're all excessively woke now instead

>> No.16932834

have you read any pre-20th century anglo lit at all?

>> No.16932843


>> No.16932850

>Maybe they're all excessively woke now instead
Probably 50/50 between that and others who became cheap cynics that are shitposting here right now

>> No.16932866
File: 702 KB, 1190x932, manliness_starterpack_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This pretty much encapsulates it. Probably peaked around 2010-2012, I'd say

>> No.16932877

what if i actually like scotch tho, damn, just writing the word makes me want to pour a laphroaig

>> No.16932882

I think it just petered out because they all realized it was cringe worthy behavior and learned how to be 'manly' in a more genuine way. You still see some dads that have the lumberjack vibe but it became uncool with young people about 5 or 6 years ago.

Nah, they'd probably post on reddit and that's not an insult. Reddit is the lesser of two evils. 4chan's demographic is way more in the 14-23 year old range than people want to admit. Most of the people who I'v met from 4chan are in their early to mid 20s and stopped browsing the boards years ago. Most of us are too young to have been a part of 'hipster' bullshittery.

>> No.16932883

I try not to

>> No.16932885

Not quite sophisticated, but this sort of vernacular


>Look at this shit. You can read it ... that is, if you can read, motherfucker. It makes sense. It has motherfucking hierarchy. It's using HTML5 tags so you and your bitch-ass browser know what the fuck's in this fucking site. That's semantics, motherfucker.

Excessive, gratuitous profanity, delivered in the tone of a Ron Swanson type selling you on the qualities of a beard oil.

>> No.16932889

You probably like a lot of beverages you never feel the need to specifically talk about a lot

>> No.16932892

I get it now, thanks. Pretty dopey looking trend.

>> No.16932902

and now I definitely get it.

>> No.16932914

That shit started a lot earlier than 2011

maddox.xmission.com being an early exemplar

>> No.16932918
File: 277 KB, 1280x1024, 1606026074860.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots of old EPIC 4chan screencaps used to type like this

>> No.16932923
File: 73 KB, 1545x422, cringe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a good example

>> No.16932933

It verges on it, but I don't think it's nearly obnoxious enough.

>> No.16932935
File: 258 KB, 2362x1772, B8ACC012-1644-4716-8EA2-E52BE1603EEB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Us iPhone posters are sitting back in our recliners, on private jets, posting to 4chan as we watch our stocks grow unfathomably large on 80 inch TVs, sipping only the finest ambrosia, and laughing as we drop napalm over the streets of Macon, Georgia from our wooden interior Boeing 747s. We type with one finger, slowly savoring every character typed like a delicious piece of steak, fine-cooked to perfection. TL;DR buy an iPhone

>> No.16932936

Yeah I agree. It's only very mildly infected. I remember when practically every screencapped 4chan post had this "you magnificent bastard" tier shit in it but I'm struggling to find examples.

>> No.16932948
File: 692 KB, 1190x932, 1606978886473-lit__01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16932950
File: 333 KB, 1200x1200, manly_gifts_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was weird because there's nothing inherently cringey about scotch, cigars, woodworking, beards, fine suits, etc. That stuff is "manly"; a lot of men have always liked those things and probably always will

I think a lot of participants in that trend chose to associate themselves with those things in order to become or at least appear more traditionally masculine, without realize that simply buying "manly" products does not a man make. The obvious inauthenticity, combined with fact that advertising one's supposed manliness for online attention is really sort of innately feminine behavior, makes the whole trend pretty embarrassing in retrospect

Probably a great time for beard oil salesmen though

>> No.16932964

>beard oil salesmen

>> No.16932982

It’s still around, just extremely gay now.
They kept the beards but moved on from jerking off over Teddy Roosevelt to calling people “shit-eating fucknozzles” for being Nazis.

>> No.16932985

The beards are the one part that hasn’t gone away tho

>> No.16932988

>seething lefty

>> No.16933005

Very well put.

>> No.16933012

Mad Men had a bigger impact.

>> No.16933022

It’s still like this on reddit. Honestly I’m glad my account got suspended I cant fucking stand the users on all the popular subs.

>> No.16933026

Not when it comes to this.
Nobody watched Mad Men, it was all Parks and Rec, How I Met Your Mother, Breaking Bad.
Then Game of Thrones took over, Marvel and Star Wars cultural rot really set in, and the 2010’s were locked in as a lost decade.

>> No.16933033

>entire generation ruined 'cause jews made some flicks

>> No.16933034

You hate to see it.

>> No.16933049

Not only did nobody watch Mad Men until it’s 5th season but Mad Men didn’t hit that kind of Ron Swanson aesthetic at all.
I don’t think he really knows what we’re describing

>> No.16933051

>driving a manual BAD

>> No.16933057

Commodified identity. It’s utterly repulsive to think I have to live among the last man.

>> No.16933104

The TV show Vikings has ruined historical depiction of fashion forever and damaged men's fashion irl. Particularly hair and tattoos.

>> No.16933128
File: 141 KB, 1703x640, vikings bishop heahmund.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I photoshopped Heahmund, Bishop of Sherborne from the Vikings TV show to be more historically accurate. We know virtually nothing about the real Heahmund, other then a brief mention in the Anglo Saxon chronicle. Here we read of the battle of Merton (871) “...and there was much slaughter on either hand; but the Danes became masters of the field; and there was slain Bishop Heahmund, with many other good men” The first thing I had to fix was the hair. Heahmund would have had his hair shorn into a tonsure. All the clergy- not just monks- wore the tonsure in this period. This was the outward sign of being a member of the clergy. So unfortunately the spikey hair had to go.

>Heahmund is wearing some sort of of fantasy leather tunic. I’ve updated this to the typical wool garments of the period. I’ve used a beautiful Trewhiddle style brooch typical of the 9th century. I’ve also given him an Anglo Saxon Crucifix based on the find from the Gravesend Hoard.

>Wearing secular clothes actually is not an inaccuracy. When not performing church duties or services, they seem to have often wore secular dress, as you can see most famously on the Bayeux tapestry. Heahmund in "Vikings" carries a sword that is completely wrong for the period. It looks more like a product of the 14th century then any 9th century sword. Instead I’ve replaced it with a sword based on the beautiful Gilling Sword. A typical high status English sword of the late 9th century. I’ve given the sword a scabbard, so that he’s not in danger of getting finger marks on the polished blade. I was partly inspired by a 9th century image of a warrior in a cloak and sheathed sword, in very much this pose from a church in Mals, Italy.
>However the bigger question here, is would a bishop be using a sword at all? While Heathmund died in the battle, don’t actually know if Heahmund was fighting himself. Or if he was just one of the Bishops and Priests that accompanied the secular leaders on campaign to administer the sacraments and support to the warriors. The question of warrior-priests in this period is quite difficult to answer. Around the time Heahmund was alive, Pope Nicholas I forbade priests from even killing in self defence against pagans. And advised that if they killed they should consider giving up their office.

>> No.16933133
File: 489 KB, 1777x1160, vikings bishop heahmund additional.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But in contrast to this we do read of Anglo-Saxon bishops leading armies and arranging the defence of settlements. But it’s unclear if they were actually using weapons themselves. Perhaps the best evidence is a description of Bishop Leofgar’s campaign into Wales, "taking up sword and shield." This could however just be figurative, meaning he was just leading and organising the military action. On his death Bishop Theodred of London (d960) left his lord four horses, two of his best swords, four shield and four spears. And Archbishop Aelfric (d.1005) left his lord “...sixty helmets and sixty coats of mail”
>While this evidence proved bishops could own weapons we’re still left wondering if this was equipment they would use personally. Perhaps the most famous example of Warrior priest is Bishop Odo. But while Odo does appear on the Bayaux tapestry in armour and on horseback. He is never depicted with a sword or shield or spear or actually engaging in the fighting. He is never depicted with weapons, only a simple baton or mace of office.

>I think it is valid interpretation to believe that bishops were fighting. And that the frantic decrees of church leaders represented a real concern that they were doing so. Although it’s easy to take this interpretation too far and it’s important to be cautious. The evidence for armed priests in this period is patchy. There is no really hard evidence that I am aware of that Bishops and priests were fighting with weapons on the battlefield.

>The last thing I needed to change was the background. I’ve changed the 13th century style flat topped kite shields in the background, into typical round 9th century Anglo Saxon shields.

>> No.16933139

That’s nothing compared to what Bob’s Burgers did to Halloween costumes

>> No.16933149


>> No.16933161

This type of fags is never nationalist

>> No.16933162

Just look at Assassin's Creed Valhalla or any historical TV show since or the cringy LARPy viking 'folk' music shit, the men who enjoy and emulate these, the weak neopagan 'faith' types that has nothing to do with historical beliefs and societies, etc.

>> No.16933166

yeah. generic liberal (hasn't thought about it, conformism) or some shit like libertarian.

>> No.16933177

Are those types really all that common irl though? Most I've ever seen is some pagan larper on 4chin

>> No.16933179

>The obvious inauthenticity, combined with fact that advertising one's supposed manliness for online attention is really sort of innately feminine behavior, makes the whole trend pretty embarrassing in retrospect
couldnt have worded it any better. it's the same with the recent influx of le tradwife larperinas, who think publicly hating on "clubbing and promiscuity" makes them a based trad female while it's essentially an equally desperate form of attentionwhoring.

>> No.16933180

oh yea the show 'barbarians' too

yes incredibly look at male fashion and the views on those youtube videos, the popularity of all this ahistorical media heritage LARPing capital colonisation.

>> No.16933192

Interesting, I suppose I've checked out completely in regard to current trends

>> No.16933220

The whole "buy yourself an identity/personality" phenomenon started in the early 20th century soon after the industrial revolution took off and began to expand the ranks of the middle class, and was most conspicuous & overt in men's and women's magazines for the duration of it. But it began to take on an almost cosplay/larp aspect in the 21st as the middle class began to die out and shrink in earnest, making it more specifically about keeping up the appearance of expensive tastes than actually acquiring them through regular use. And to whatever degree bringing home the bacon in quantities big enough to start a family without also becoming an absolute 80-hour work-week cuck to one's corporate masters is a masculine aptitude (Which it most certainly is, especially when one compares mesomorph tradies & such to skinny manlet retail fags such as myself, or to endomorph incel fatties planted in front of screens from adolescence onward) class connotations of masculinity are also taking on the same emphasis on display over custom--particularly in the "style to which I have become accustomed" sense of the term. As for parodies of 19th century patrician dialects & pretensions, hardly anyone under 30 has had enough exposure to those, whether through period BBC programming or literature of the period, for it to register at all.

>> No.16933227

The one on the right looks so much more interesting. Really a shame how things are greebled up and homogenized due to not giving a shit.

>> No.16933239
File: 200 KB, 645x513, 1562539878748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this could be an essay, or an opinion article at least. very interesting theme. you could see clearly what types of identities were being marketed and sold since 50s onwards, but i didnt realise how early it actually started.

>> No.16933254

i think so-called fanservice is faulty. of course there's a niche genre(?) of brutal realism where actors have life-accurate, not sugarcoated appearances, but mass audience would rather look at watered down romanticized cuties - unnecessarily "sexy" women and inaccurately handsome men like in pic.

>> No.16933260

god, hipster runoff was great
miss u carles <3

>> No.16933277

Women hands made this image

>> No.16933278

there is a big enough market for authenticity, especially historical. the real reason is the showrunners don't care and have a bunch of old outfits and equipment that everyone loans and reuses in the industry. this is why full sets of armour are so hodgepodge in film.

>> No.16933288

wait till you learn about dark academia

>> No.16933292

cody wilson
bald MMA/pro wrestling enthusiast

I raead that shit voraciously when I was 14-16. John dies in the end and This book contains spiders were surprisingly good books for YA-schlock

>> No.16933294

>there is a big enough market for authenticity, especially historical
but it's not the people who will buy merch and whatever side bullshit regular movies make extra cash on. art is getting more and more gross revenue oriented

>> No.16933343

they also darken the colour palette for some reason for all historical stuff especially medieval, perpetually dirty and muddy and torn.

>> No.16933371

You know, there’s a name for this kind of stuff

It’s called cringe

>> No.16933385
File: 486 KB, 991x807, 4015AC15-5D68-43AA-A652-AAA1E752D3F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are pickup artists a subcategory of this type of dude?

>> No.16933391

Part of the reason is that CGI tends to look less fake when it's closer to greyscale and/or darker. Expensively made historical films made before CGI usually did the opposite, in everything from all those gaudy biblical epics of the 50s to Kubrick's Barry Lyndon. One of my favorite exceptions to that is The Lion In Winter, which at the time of its release prompted critical bitching about its excesses of grubby medieval realism.

>> No.16933400


>> No.16933403

Oh I just assumed it went along with like the supposed 'realism' aesthetic especially military realism. Blood and mud. Much like videogames have done.

>> No.16933420

They were already ruined, they just looked for something to save themselves.

>> No.16933424

>Art of Manliness

It's more virtuous than most right now. You think the generation of men growing up on twitter is any better?

>> No.16933426

Fuck off r e ddit fag

>> No.16933438

That's literally ghetto vernacular

>> No.16933443

Explain how you aren't the last man

>> No.16933458

Breaking bad is decent, there's nothing else to it apart from nerdy man makes le epic druggggss. But it's still ok

The rest are shit tier

>> No.16933465

>endomorph incel fatties planted in front of screens from adolescence onward

Nigga just go to the gym, eat healthily and get a girlfriend if you're like this. Work to earn money and spend your free time virtuously

>> No.16933489
File: 825 KB, 476x9300, 97E92583-0643-40E5-A817-487321D647A1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16933504

yeah thats it, posted on int constantly. a decade ago this used to be 4chan humor too

>> No.16934899

just remembered the whole pickup artist craze. they even had one of those 'gurus' on a late night show where he tried to flirt with another famous guest (female) and periodically explained to the audience the technique he was using without any irony then seamlessly deployed another technique

seems like everybody just collectively realised it was a grift and it went away overnight. funny how that sort of thing works

>> No.16936365

It doesn't come off as ghetto vernacular to me but I guess that's because I can't really see ghetto denizens as people who don't use the n-word at every opportunity.

>> No.16936465

Cast iron, of course

>> No.16936509

We’ll probably look back on the mannerisms that are common here today and cringe as well. The acceleration of self awareness right now is insane.

>> No.16936571

Driving a manual isn't manly, it's just that driving an automatic means you must be retarded.

>> No.16936792

The cross looks really cool, what's that thing in the middle of it some colored stone or?

>> No.16936832

Nevermind i found it, apparently it's marbled glass.

>> No.16936846

The boomer/zoomer/wojak shit is already cringe. I remember 5 years ago the whole cult of Kek was super prominent where people were acting like it was a pseudo religion

>> No.16936847

>a bunch of jars
Anglos have no right to talk about cooking
the only reason why you managed to infect other countries with your food is because you're great at war
you are shit at cooking
we literally have to eat your shit at gunpoint

>> No.16936873

Lol my memories of dumb shit on stumbleupon are coming back

>> No.16936895
File: 25 KB, 735x414, Based_Department_Thumbnail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>advertising one's supposed manliness for online attention is really sort of innately feminine behavior

It's for you, man.

>> No.16936936

I hate this "manly" shit. I hate how everything has to be overplayed, overdone, overstated, yes having a beard makes you look older, yes woodworking or anything that requires some elbow grease is inherently manly because it takes work and men usually are the ones who do the effort, the productification of the inherent manliness of doing manly things is ironically the greatest source of faggotry among men in these dreadful times of deceit and play-pretend. I have more respect and I will deem more manly a fucking ballet dancer who pirouettes in unabashed flamboyancy than a fucking faggot wearing a combed mustache and a plaid shirt pretending that he's manly while he's planing wood. Manliness comes from being casual about things, just like femininity is about composure and grace, not swiveling your ass like a stupid slut. These men are disgusting and I hate them.

>> No.16936939

Automatic-driving, White Claw-drinking, cheap shit buying hands assembled this post.

>> No.16936976

He's talking about it because it's relevant to the conversation at hand, you dope

>> No.16937006

The eye opener for me was when I was in high school and Nirvana was huge as fuck, so you had branded stores sell you oversized, uncool and worn-out looking shit at a premium price. I remember I wanted to buy regular blue jeans and there were none, you could only buy the ones that looked like they'd been worn for 10 years. I used to be into this stuff like the average teenager and realizing this made me feel like a cuck.
Overall I am very glad of reading this or >>16932950 because it means I am not insane and this whole commodification of identity thing is actually happening.

>> No.16937064

I have always thought of people here more as last men than basedboys and guys like OP described. It is something like being aware of the emptiness of modern life and giving up vs. Not even feeling the desire for anything higher in the first place, being able to fully sustain yourself with pointless posturing and art made for children without ever realizing that anything is amiss.

>> No.16937085

They are worse, but the fact that masculinity is something so unintegrated into our psyche that it is literally something that can be commodified is pretty fucking pathetic.

>> No.16937096

>Manliness comes from being casual about things, just like femininity is about composure and grace
Says who?

>> No.16937122


>> No.16937153

Baryshnikov is 100x more manly than all these lumbersexual basedboys.

>> No.16937192

Pretty sure you're wrong about that

>> No.16937216

Sincerity and authenticity are inherent traits of masculinity. This is why it's generally perceived as manly to act like an untamed gorilla. The men who were manly in the past and had combed mustache were not combing their mustache out of desire to be manly, they were doing that to look civilized and proper. Masculinity had nothing to do with the way those men accessorized.
It's just as retarded as saying that doing the dishes is inherently feminine. It's not. It's just that it's associated with housewives.

>> No.16937226

>Sincerity and authenticity are inherent traits of masculinity
How do you know this?

>> No.16937230

whomst says?

>> No.16937287

Would you say that confidence is masculine? A man who needs to plan out his masculinity isn't confident about it. Would you say that ruggedness is masculine? Men whose masculinity depends on a prim and proper image of it are not rugged. The men in the past who worse the combed mustache surely didn't obsess about their mustache being uncombed at a certain time of the day. They were prim and proper but their masculinity did not depend on them being prim and proper. If you have ever worn a suit for a formal event, you know there's a difference between wearing a suit and making your evening about the fact you're wearing a suit.
What I am saying is that all these "manly" things were traditionally accessories. The mustache, the suit, the cigar were accessories of the manly man. Now those accessories are the manly man. And this is not because of the accessories but because of the problem anon highlighted above that buying a product is now what makes people's personality. You can see it everywhere, people are increasingly associating the products they buy with the personality they wish others to perceive of them. And as someone else also pointed out this has been around since the 30s or so, but nowadays it's been honed to absolute perfection and people went completely insane about it.

>> No.16937322

Because I am a man, and I am not bogged down in self-aware doubt and anxiety as you are.

>> No.16937340

Another example of this is the EDC meme. I've seen a lot of women post their new makeup box or other trinkets they bought on Facebook (women are traditionally raised to be much better consumers than men because an image-based identity goes hand in hand with accessorizing) and now you see men do the same thing except with guns, knives, tactical pens whatever the fuck that means, etc. the format is the same, they just display "manly" things.

>> No.16937414

Nationalism is liberalism though. Nationalism is entirely an 18th century invention that stemmed from the french revolution that posits that all countrymen are equal.

>> No.16937416

You somehow made this shit even gayer

>> No.16937435
File: 38 KB, 600x800, FF068ACA-FEEC-4497-BB33-DCA8D6895C6A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16937600


>> No.16937607

>The acceleration of self awareness right now is insane.

This could be an entire fucking book series

>> No.16937741

OP masturbates to that pic

>> No.16937773

I have no doubts about myself, but any time someone talks about what the inherent traits of masculinity or femininity are, or human nature, or anything like that, I think skepticism is the best approach. Nobody can ever explain WHY, they only give "I know it because I know it" responses like yours

>> No.16937782


>> No.16937803

Every Day Carry. Stuff you have in your pockets, like phone, wallet, keys and so on. Some people take it way to far and carry a bunch of ridiculous shit because it makes them feel manly.

>> No.16937811

the type of men derided in that pic are crypto-onionss

>> No.16937826

Oh ok, like software developera carrying pocket knives and shit like that

>> No.16937870

Exactly. Good example.

>> No.16937907

Based beyond belief. Having a personality centered around what you purchase, no matter what it is, is peak retard. Be your own person, what you buy doesn’t define you.

>> No.16938026

Yes they are just inverse soibois who channel their retarded consumerist identity crisis into being faux-manly and sophisticated instead of gay

>> No.16938302

The fact that you don't know it is a profound statement with respect to the undeveloped self-image that you currently have.

>> No.16938308

>I think skepticism is the best approach
I think intuition is the best approach.

>> No.16938316

That may be so, but even the sum of the things depicted in that image is not inherently onions. It's rather the intentional accumulation of those things, a carefully tailored, curated self-image, that is best described as being onions.

>> No.16938350

You can talk all the shit you want, it's not gonna rattle me. Why are you so resistant to explaining what masculinity is, and why it is those things?

My intuition tells me that anyone who makes definitive statements about the nature of man or woman is either a grifter or a chump

>> No.16938524

Maddox started it years ago, it's just been exaggerated since then.

>> No.16938584

And my intuition that anyone who is skeptical of the nature of a man or a woman is either a nerd or a queer.
Rather be a grifter/chump than nerd/queer, because the former nicely settles in my conception of masculinity, which I’m uncritical of.

>> No.16938901
File: 11 KB, 300x364, 1478823711326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really struck a chord with all the self help self improvement sluts on /lit/ who read to be more sophisticated and enlightened.

>>16932866 (checked)
Anon what were you thinking posting such a thing in this overly sensitive place like that?

>> No.16939075

Based on all the seething replies it looks like you hit too close to home lmao

>> No.16939300

Yeah it is bizarre. I even notice it in middle aged people at this point. Post-irony forced sincerity just seems like another level of self awareness tangled in a web with our collective memory of the way things were and not the actual sentiment behind real sincerity. I thought the outcome of nihilism might at least be interesting or intense in some way, but instead it is just reality becoming less real to us.

>> No.16939433

I check 2 of these (wood, you can buy etc.) and honestly if there's one thing about this meme is that it at least sparked some interest in DIY
The image is missing straight razors btw

>> No.16939806


>> No.16939860
File: 45 KB, 499x287, 510040_1385452028832_500_287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Driving manual is pretty retarded since modern automatic transmissions either outperform or perform the same as manual ones.

I get though, I guess it feels kinda cool it shift gears.

>> No.16940025

yah, thats a little based.

>> No.16940043

ddo you know what? I still really got the same feeling from that pewb clipper/bodycare company that has advertised on yt for like the last 10 months with that blond guy with a beard as a spokesman. felt a good 7 years out of date with that kind of humour. Think its called manscapped?

>> No.16940143

so like hollywood understanding of swearing and americans writing greentexts on here?

>> No.16940177

it's because it's more fundamental, biological, and the social behaviour that arises from that. you can't give lower-level concrete examples and it is hard to define it exactly but we all know there is a difference and in that basic qualities which the contingent, social masculine and feminine rest atop.

>> No.16940401

>Why coconut oil?
>Because I CAN.
This is the only panel I hate of my own free will. It inspires great amounts of annoyance when people assume that I'm judging them for minute things, especially when they're not actually offputting or taboo. The most worthless defense ever made.
The rest is fine even if it reminds me a little of those cartoon walmart tee shirts that I never liked.

>> No.16940416


>> No.16940430

That bottom E-Card snippet is based though.

>> No.16940458

desu "regular blue jeans," especially straight cut dark wash, still to this day look lame af. They're either "the nerdy teen" or "construction worker dad"

>> No.16940672

construction worker dads are based

>> No.16940782

I have lived through a time where people wore low cut pants so low that you could see a good chunk of their underwear, of which they bought expensive brands exclusively to show off.
Plain jeans look fine, including straight cut dark wash.

>> No.16940975

Idk how rampant this is in the US, but here in Italy, there's so much beard larp that beards mean nothing anymore. I see a slightly overweight 20+ yo guy with a beard, I know literally everything about him. I wonder what their clean-shaven dads think of them.

>> No.16942006

The key is to pepper your 1500 word blog post with deracinated ghetto vulgarity so that everybody knows you're a tough steak-eating man even though you work in an office and have strong preferences on male grooming products. Because it's manly to discriminate when it comes to the things you spend your hard-earned money on. It's -motherfucking- manly.

>> No.16942075

>It doesn't come off as ghetto vernacular to me
as an ESL I have always read that kind of phrasing in a Samuel L. Jackson's voice
He's right, it only sounds white because today's ebonics is literal monkey sounds

>> No.16942193

You know damn well that's not what the term "nationalism" is used to refer to.

To be fair, coconut oil is the single worst oil you can possibly consume. The only way you can use an unhealthier oil is if you cook with used motor oil or something.

Reminds me of Castizo's who grew up in New England tactically dropping in Spanish words to make sure you're aware that they're BIPOC or "ethnic" purely in instances where the reader, who only speaks English, will not be confused.

>> No.16942572

Based, those replies are all seething cucks

>> No.16942803

>A nerd is a person seen as overly intellectual, obsessive, introverted or lacking social skills.
What's wrong with this?

>> No.16942864

A fucking leaf

>> No.16943558

Why don’t you have doubts about yourself? You have doubts about everything else apparently and everything else exists to you purely in your mind. You go through life waiting for a man in a white coat to tell you what is true and false, you might as well be in an asylum.

>> No.16943745

reminds me of those convoluted look grids people on /fa/ make

>> No.16943770

nobody here drives automatic, people pass driving test driving manuals, don't even know anyone driving automatics
manuals are also more economic if you know how to use them (also I prefer to have control over RPM), don't know about performance I'm not a racist

>> No.16944094

>To be fair, coconut oil is the single worst oil you can possibly consume. The only way you can use an unhealthier oil is if you cook with used motor oil or something.
Man what the fuck are you talking about. Virgin coconut oil is one of the very best oils you can eat, next to good olive oil or good butter.

>> No.16944320

Almost all autos that aren't slushbox are shit for street cars.

>> No.16944470

Automatics only work well if you have high horsepower or high torque (as in hybrids/electics). If you own a normal car it's just annoying as fuck. An automatic can't downshift in anticipation of an upcoming hill or to engine brake. It doesn't know if I'm trying to save fuel, still warming my engie, or merging on a motorway, all of which require different shifting patterns.

These problems can mostly be done away with if your engine is powerful enough, which is why automatics solely exist in luxury cars and hybrids (and in America, since you basically draw your license from a cereal box, so Americans have no idea of how to drive a car. Which is also why American cars are forced to be so overpowered, which makes the fuel consumption go through the roof, which makes America get bogged down in pointless foreign wars to secure oil supply, but I digress).

TL;DR Automatics are only good for people who live in big cities or can't drive, i.e. women and fags.

>> No.16944501

In before butter is the second worst oil you can possibly consume

>> No.16944512

This is the most anti-Anglo post on the internet. You may not have known it, but now that you are aware, please delete this slander against Ur-English peoples. Thank you and have a most majestic day.

>> No.16944655

Can't be any worse than the "bitter asshole obsessed with politics" we have now

>> No.16945034

Accurate. I have made a good deal of money selling beard oil. Which I spent on Port and first edition books.

>> No.16945159

Isn't that just people dressing preppy and circlejerking about poetry? Does anyone think its some sort of movement?

>> No.16945175

>a decade ago this used to be 4chan humor
No. This is proto authentic 4chan humor, from the first three or so 4chan years. 2003 to 2006 you had protochan, from 2007 to 2012 you had genuine 4chan, and from 12 forward you have zombie wopepechan.

>> No.16945204
File: 8 KB, 223x226, soyjack12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No. This is proto authentic 4chan humor, from the first three or so 4chan years. 2003 to 2006 you had protochan, from 2007 to 2012 you had genuine 4chan, and from 12 forward you have zombie wopepechan.

>> No.16945238

If you live in the US and don't creat a pistol than you ain't it bro

>> No.16945241

Can you provide an example?

>> No.16945310

This. Wtf is OP talking about ‘dominated’? like it’s done and over with.

>> No.16945315

Imagine thinking that beards and drinking scotch is bad because some non genuine losers try to do it to fit in If I want to have a beard, I will damn well have beard. If I want to have some scotch, I will have the damn scotch.

>> No.16945325


>> No.16945343

Yes, that is what you are doing

>> No.16945365

You should read the thread more attentively. No one said beards or scotch are objectionable. The criticism was aimed at people who have beards and drink scotch to look manly, because that's what the internet tells them men do.

>> No.16945375

>know damn well that's not what the term "nationalism" is used to refer to.

Actually, that anon is right. Nationalism is a product of the fallout from the French Revolutionary Wars.

>> No.16945521

Isn't it obvious what I am referring to? Everything is joyless cultural war shit 14/7 now

>> No.16945545

Gee billy, your corporate overlord lets you stop shitposting about the culture wars after a 14 hour shift?

>> No.16945610

It's in the nature of fashions and trends for what was once cool and in style to fall out of favor and look goofy and cringeworthy in retrospect. That's as true of manners of dress as it is speaking. In the 18th century men of distinction would wear powdered wigs and tights. Everything that was once in will at some time be out.

Contemporary writing styles seem to be characterized by an excessive, cloying breeziness, a conversational, blasé, self-consciously "accessible" post-ironic tone that sees everything desaturated by absurdity and unreality.

What people are really responding to negatively is the lack of confidence and authenticity in these styles. It's as if they fold to an external pressure and lower themselves to the poor standards of the time rather than challenge the standard.

>> No.16945635
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Due to the reigning climate of cultural marxism and sjw censorship a book like this has to be circulated as underground samizdat.

>> No.16945641
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>> No.16945645

kek nice catch

>> No.16945711

You mean that stuff?
Yes it was pretty pathetic. I enjoyed the videos above back then, now I feel ashamed watching them. Back then it was awesome and awkward, today it's based and cringe.
I think that the "sophisticated badass” style was a followup of the rise of social media and the nerd scene becoming mainstream. Back when most of the young people in North America and Europe in their teens to early thirties thought that being active on Facebook was important.
What was the point of this thread, op?

>> No.16945712

the bearded bacon brewpub types are going to BLM protests to get social virtue cred and losing money on robinhood

>> No.16945769

In the post industrial world the human race has become almost completely detached from any sort of solid material or biological reality. The pill and pornography detached human sexuality from reproduction, critical teories of gender and race. melded with law and economics, a partial marxism where its always somebodys surplus that is illegitimately being expropriated, the law being about partitioning sums of money. Gender is a social construct but trannies are somehow born the wrong gender is the real himge, the paradoxical inversion that sustains the whole edifice. If they werent placed on a pedestal the whole thing would collapse because everyone would realize they are already transexual and posthuman totally syntetic organisms.

>> No.16945826

>non genuine
It's called "disingenuous", ESL-kun

>> No.16945845

Look up Cargo Cult

>> No.16946143

Saturated fat is demonized to an unfair extent. It is what we evolved to get calories from. If you eat shitloads of sugar and don’t exercise, it will have negative effects, but you shouldn’t be doing that shit in the first place.

>> No.16947106

exurb1a never grew out of it, but maybe thats okay. its just millenial culture i guess

>> No.16947113

You better believe I fucking remember it! I remember it so fucking hard, dude! Fuck yeah!

>> No.16947463

it's called Phenomenology of Spirit

>> No.16947617

i don't remember it, can someone post an article or some shit resembling that style?

>> No.16947653

I remember this. Besides the annoying writing style, it spawned half a dozen spin-off websites that made incremental "improvements" to the web-design (like adding a central column) until it was a low-contrast modern mess.

>> No.16947706

It's a bit cringe but at least back then we still had fun.

>> No.16947716

It's already bad. Half the posts are just based or cringe etc. Overall the quality is much lower than in the past.

>> No.16947719

I noticed this especially when people were talking about cooking.
>Saute those motherfucking hallots real good, yeah. Then take the lamb chops and slap those bitches into a 350 degree oven and cook those bitches until they reach an internal temperature of at least 145 degrees. Food safety, motherfucker.

>> No.16947743
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I hate them so much.

>> No.16947747

Insecure men who think cooking without using a lot of swears and "manly ingredients" will turn them into a sissy.

>> No.16947769
File: 22 KB, 282x178, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a possibly retarded theory that is still worth bringing up. We all know the philosophical divide between rationalism and empiricism: The idea that our knowledge of the world comes from either the faculty of reason or the faculty of sense. In myself though I notice a lot of my ideas don't relate directly to either of these forms, but are these weird manufactured ideas related to things already in existence. In such a world we live in now where interpretations of life through media (symbols) have more immediacy than real life, these symbols are given more weight to man now than either real sense experience, or rational thought processes. If the truth of the symbol comes into conflict with either of these two, often the symbol will win through abstract justification. In this way, man is totally separated off from the reality of both lived experience and reasoned experience. He lives in a world that is categorized, abstract, with a web of interconnected symbols that instructs him on how to interpret every one of his emotions and observations until it eclipses even his own individuality.

>> No.16947815

>Contemporary writing styles seem to be characterized by an excessive, cloying breeziness, a conversational, blasé, self-consciously "accessible" post-ironic tone that sees everything desaturated by absurdity and unreality.
So that's why I hate contemporary writing so much.

>> No.16947877

Right now, half the posts are cringe, half are based. A year from now, that ratio will be .75 cringe and .25 based. Eventually, we will reach a point in time where everything is cringe and nothing is based. Paradoxically, the distinction will cease to exist at this point.

>> No.16948062

>Contemporary writing styles seem to be characterized by an excessive, cloying breeziness, a conversational, blasé, self-consciously "accessible" post-ironic tone that sees everything desaturated by absurdity and unreality.
Could you give an example? The thing that immediately springs to mind is the infinite variations of "...and that's a good thing"/"...and that's okay," but I don't read the articles. What does the actual writing sound like?

>> No.16948137

Modern life is no different than any life if your life is empty make something if it. If you haven't struggled and seen some shit thank your lucky stars.

>> No.16948158

Way off the mark.

>> No.16948199

>a laphroaig
Thank you for reminding me this exists anon. I'll try to drink a bottle with my friends once lockdown is over.

>> No.16948230

>The whole "buy yourself an identity/personality"
For those interested, The last psychiatrist used to write a lot about these things. He hasn't posted on his blog since 2014 and probabyl won't again, but it's still a remnant of /lit/-core culture that's worth paying a visit to.

>> No.16949566

I’m laughing at you anon

>> No.16949572

heaps of infographics/guides from boards like /fit/ used to use it too

>> No.16949935

The numerical ratio of based vs. cringe may change, but the quantitative ratio will remain constant. If 50% of the posts are based, they cannot be very based. If 50% of the posts are cringe, they cannot be very cringe. As the amount of cringe posts increase, the distribution of cringe will remain constant: cringe is normalized, so it's inherently less cringe. On the other hand, that single based post will be unfathomably based because it meets a large amount of attrition, so much that nobody at all will be around to say "based" except the poster himself, who will be so based he will simply know he is based. That's the Übermensch.

>> No.16950601

I feel like we're forgetting the whole fact that "based" stemmed from /mu/ with Lil B, and most people saying "based" on other boards were /mu/ posters moving elsewhere on occasion. I guess "kino" from /tv/ would be a newer analog, except "kino" is more clearly film-related versus "based" which, without awareness of Basedgod, could seemingly mean anything. We have newfags who are too new to know "Wonton Soup," for example.

>> No.16950897

Nobody thinks about black people when they say based.

>> No.16951937


>> No.16951952

Now its replaced by crusaderlarper who thinks posting plastic army men is cool and anti-narative

>> No.16952007

Zero XP song when.

Anyway this shit is fucking lame. Thanks for bringing it up.

>> No.16952068

It's a type of commodified Hemingway. Moustaches and things that might be simulacra of "manliness" (TM) but no hint of depth of spirit or actual humanity.

It's been around long enough that these guys are having kids now, thinking they are some great inspiration for the next generation, but actually they will be raising people with no concept of anything beyond that which can be bought from Kickstarter.

>> No.16952265


The Kek stuff was always incredibly embarrassing. That was just shut-in teenagers and boomers brought over from r/the_donald.

>> No.16952324


Trenchant commentary of the highest calibre

>> No.16952339



>> No.16952534

No, kek was organic meme that was later adopted by reddit, which proceeded to kill it. Mainly because outsiders really didn't understand it. Kek was born when people found synchronicities between old egyptian deity/religion and imageboard culture, so saying it came from reddit is absurd.

>> No.16952567

zoomers find this shit cringy but not their twitternigspeak and obsession with blacks and trannies

>> No.16952785

It will get intense when people give up all pretences of anything really mattering. Lots more people being openly misanthropic but simultaneously more people not caring either. Although our programming may never truly allow that, but as we get closer it will get weird, like having a bunch of people on acid at the same time.

>> No.16952812

People with no social skills are annoying to those who know what they are doing. They create awkward situations which is just frustrating to most people beyond high school.

>> No.16952833

Do whatever you want, just don’t brag or posture in any way about it. If you don’t post on social media you can literally do whatever you want without criticism.

>> No.16952880

>muh based and cringe
What an obnoxious way of looking at things

>> No.16952881

Based has been co opted to mean the antithesis of cringe. It no longer matters where it came from or what the original context was.

>> No.16952893

It was also people worshipping absurdity, which is almost certainly the most appropriate deity for the current culture.

>> No.16953316


>> No.16954052
File: 222 KB, 800x600, 1572814411302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry nigga, wojak will never die because he is us

>> No.16954083
File: 960 KB, 2098x2560, 91Jun5ks-AL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the PERFECT example of this. My ex actually gifted me this shit for my birthday.

>> No.16954552

>posting an example of the style OP is talking about

>> No.16954571


>> No.16955554

it wasn't tongue in cheek

>> No.16955595

what even was stumbleupon

>> No.16955609

Based and cringe is the fundamental duality between good and evil, action and reaction, yin and yang. A cringe man's based is a based man's cringe, and so.

>> No.16955631

Boomer/zoomer and wojack are like 5 years apart

>> No.16956992

>still had fun
you're right. i remember being a kid and having something to look up (or forward?) to in 2 AM chili. as phony as it was, it felt genuine at the time. this is no longer the case for the youth of today.

>> No.16957015 [DELETED] 

Speak for yourself, trolling /pol/tards has been great fun for the last few months.

>> No.16957083

The actual inception of a thing that gains a cultural foothold is rarely “cringe”. People who don’t understand, but can tell there is some energy associated with it latch on and the pretension of their larping is cringe and also the way that all memes die.

>> No.16957103 [DELETED] 


>> No.16957340

This. Above all else.

>> No.16958893


>> No.16958990

I miss those days. DFW was right, irony for irony’s sake is fucking useless and it destroys everything.

>> No.16959034

Irony is the scariest social weapon there is. It's like a magic wand. Is someone saying uncomfortable truths? Turn him into a meme. Have you made a horrible blunder? Turn it into a meme, if you are the first to laugh about it, it won't register as a blunder any longer. Be a proud degenerate and embrace mockery, never be serious about anything and you'll be virtually invulnerable. Be openly ridiculous and you'll be a popular entertainer.
Just look at >>16958686 this is the perfect example of how irony hollows everything out.

>> No.16959052
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>zoomers come across something old that is vaguely ironic or surrealist
>zomg this is 2019 humour!!

>> No.16959442
File: 182 KB, 619x767, motherfucking screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah that's pretty bad

>> No.16959549

Its not the first biker armor ''history'' show/movie/game out there ,but yeah , fuck that show.

>> No.16959656

I think the source of this kind of speech is pro wrestling and toy ads

>> No.16960070

At first I thought you meant people who started every post with "Bonjour" and ended everypost with "t. 150 IQ Anon".

>> No.16960238

Well they sure as hell ain't feminine!

>> No.16960662

Isnt this just some contemporary version of the warrior poet/ hoplite philosopher but way more annoying and forced?

>> No.16960728


>> No.16961009

>Cast iron, of course
i wanna cast iron at the dickhead that wrote that guide, if you know what i mean

>> No.16961119

I don't understand your post

>> No.16961735
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>> No.16963040

They've literally become soibois, why do you think they all have beards? Some of them are still around doing this shit though.