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File: 274 KB, 1000x750, influences.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16932501 No.16932501 [Reply] [Original]

Who are your philosophical influences?

Pic related

>> No.16932510
File: 844 KB, 892x892, fromagegirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

depends on the day

>> No.16932540

Being honest

The writers of the old testament
Peter J. Carroll

>> No.16932548

t. Dr. Malorkus

>> No.16932552

Schaub is a retard amongst retards

>> No.16932555

At least I read

>> No.16932559

do you?

>> No.16932565

Yes. Today I read Finite and Infinite Games because people on twitter were making fun of it. I cried a bit.

>> No.16932582

Sextus Empiricus
Dante Alighieri
David Hume
Bertrand Russell
F.A. Hayek
Karl Popper
T. S. Eliot
Roger Scruton
John Searle
Nassim Taleb

>> No.16932586

Um, on the intellectual level Wittgenstein, seneca, epictetus, thoreau, marx, but predominantly my real influences are the cultural hegemony of living in post coldwar North America and my parents

>> No.16932590

You forgot Thucydides

>> No.16932594

JR Bob Dobbs and the Devil.

>> No.16932596


>> No.16932617

To be honest, I haven't read him yet.
And yes, as you probably suspect, I did mistake Heraclitus for Herodotus (both of whom I have read).
"Freudian slip", as they say...

>> No.16932628
File: 491 KB, 1212x1225, Based 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16932634

is this like the james bond sister thing

>> No.16932665
File: 745 KB, 1256x1276, IMG_20201201_204450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16932676

the funniest part of this image is that you needed to be taught the importance of thinking

>> No.16932762


Oh fer shure b

>> No.16932799

Especially if you take it as being in chronological order desu.

>> No.16932808

all of these plus charls carroll

>> No.16932837

>He thinks the thought being taught in today's society is valuable
lol when you have shit shoveled towards you and people keep telling you it's gold you're going to value gold as much as shit, but once you discover real gold, how you value it will greatly change.

>> No.16932862

Based not dead inside poster.
What moved you about the book, it looks like fairly straightforward nonfiction?

>> No.16932867

There is only one person here who I do not know. Should I kill myself?

>> No.16932870

What am I missing, is this a dog whistle or something?

>> No.16933306
File: 197 KB, 900x722, 1562146282657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only recognize two of those people.

>> No.16933383

I'm not sure that Thucydides can be considered a philosopher.
Perhaps an historian with philosophical overtones.

>> No.16933389

You spend enough time on this part of the internet and you'll get to know these 'people'.
I might not know their names, but I know who all bar one are.

>> No.16933401

is that rene girard in the left hand corner?

>> No.16933406

Who's the black face guy?

>> No.16933434
File: 1.40 MB, 1000x750, known.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know those in the red plane. But who are the others?

>> No.16933606

haha is that brendan schaub?

>> No.16933643

clockwise they are
Dave Rubin - A "centrist" grifter
Brendan Schaub - only know he has the guest appearances on Joe Rogan
Hasan Piker - former The Young Turks presenter turned political twitch streamer who has the political knowledge and nuance of a commie on twitter
Vaush - Commie streamer who people forgive for being a creep cause he's a commie
Destiny - Political/Gamer streamer who probably has the most sound politics of anyone who talks politics on youtube/twitch and is a big neolib
David Pakman - A youtuber who does daily news/political commentary and is a socdem/demsoc

>> No.16933651

>Brendan Schaub - only know he has the guest appearances on Joe Rogan
meant to say he has the most guest appearances on Joe Rogan's Podcast

>> No.16933682

also should've said clockwise from the bottom left

>> No.16933693

It came across as very spiritual to me, just not in a mainstream monotheistic sense. I'm a pantheist or perhaps panentheist so the conjunction of philosophy with a possible metaphysics along those lines pressed some buttons. Also the text, while being to some extent quietist nonsense, can be understood as both providing justification for divine silence and countering fascist spirituality and philosophy by bracketing it within a lower scope than something more fluid and dynamic. In essence it seems to explain why this world is a hell world while allowing for the meaning-creation tools typically invoked in that context while nonetheless pointing the way to something higher. I'm going to be writing a book that incorporates some of these ideas over the next six months or so, maybe I'll be able to explain it better there.
No, I just thought I spotted "a type" but maybe I'm just imagining patterns in things.

>> No.16933756

Yang Zhu

>> No.16933774

We talm bout schlab?

>> No.16933852

Brain-dead moron who can't into biology or advanced economics

>> No.16933922
File: 1.03 MB, 1199x545, 1605434200356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one guy that worked at the gas station where I got my first job. I don't think he had a permanent living arrangement and so he'd stick around with me during the night shift and give me pretty solid life advice. He seemed well-read because I later found out he was a scholar of Heidegger and knew Western philosophy pretty well. He also quoted the Bhagavad Gita word-for-word often. He said he served in the Sultan of Oman's Armed Forces too but never really went into detail about it.

Anyway, he gave me my first blowjob one night and he was pretty good. He overdosed a month after I left that job.

>> No.16934031

That's it tbqh. Camus is more when I was a teen though

>> No.16934342


Yeah I'm thinking based

>> No.16934357

These days:
Comrade Ajith
Jose Maria Sison

Though previously a lot of the people in OPs image did influence me, so did many post-modernists, ultimately I ended up at Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, philosophically and politically.

>> No.16934377

marxists who don't believe in their own agency are so bizarre.

>> No.16934613

Based friend of Super Hans poster

>> No.16934770

Hunter Hunt-Hendrix

>> No.16934864

gay and michael penis pilled

>> No.16934872

Ehehehheeheheehh mike penis dude ehehhehehehhee

>> No.16934898

I'm just gonna do writers in general:
>La Rochefoucauld
>William Blake
>Ralph Waldo Emerson
>Algernon Charles Swinburne
Yes, I appropriated a lot of my taste from Nietzsche.