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16932391 No.16932391 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone dumb enough to still care abt the environment like me read this yet? thoughts?

>> No.16932411

Piss off, shill. The environment will save itself once the population tapers off and classical ruling hierarchies are reinstalled.

>> No.16932417

Earth will cleanse herself with fire

>> No.16932455

If you care about the environment I hope you're against electric cars in all nations that don't produce >75% of their electricity during all loads from non-carbon dioxide producing electricity such as hydro and nuclear and I hope you're strictly against solar in most circumstances such as how it's implemented in California.
The reason Californians feel so good about their solar is also the reason they experience so many brownouts and also why they pollute more than twice as much CO2 per capita compared to France who produce ~75% of their electricity from nuclear and are building new reactors. France will burn their old nuclear waste and gain a lot more usable energy from it while California, who refuse to build new reactor will have to find a way to dispose of their waste in another way.

>> No.16932529
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You have the right to prosper in your time. Humans are going to go extinct anyway. There is no real replacement for oil. Green energy is repackaged oil.

Drop the guilt.

>> No.16932793

Fission, fusion and hydro will save mankind, if mankind will let them.

>> No.16932812
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>> No.16932876

Christ I just wanted to talk about a book I read

>> No.16932881

I haven't read it, but if you're a nerd I would recommend Dennis Hartman's Global Physical Climatology. It's a hefty textbook that gets really comprehensive.

>> No.16932890

I haven't, but it's on my list now. Thoughts? Fuck the haters.

>> No.16932897

I'm sorry, anon. I haven't read that specific book. I just like posting brainlet wojaks. What's so special about it anyway? I might add it to my goodreads.

>> No.16932940

Where do you think you are?

>> No.16933001

>France will burn their old nuclear waste
Can you get rid of it or is burning it just better than storing it? Did they find a new technique to utilize the waste?

>> No.16933029
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I don't understand why the left can't get their collective head out of their collective ass in regards to nuclear power. The fact that the Green New Deal didn't include nuclear is astounding

Something like 80% of Americans, myself included, support the general idea of a Green New Deal (massive public works bill investing in renewable energy sources and repairing/replacing infrastructure.) Yet they still find a multitude of ways to fuck it up with a historically bad piece of legislation

>> No.16933036

You wanna save the environment? Become a national socialist that’s how.

>> No.16933076

>new technique
Breeder reactors are not new, but they are generally not built in the west because of the anti-nuclear sentiment.

The heat and radioactivity nuclear waste generates is the same heat and radioactivity that nuclear fuel generates, not using it is just waste.
All generation 4 and many generation 3+ reactors can get more than 1 and close to 2 orders of magnitude more energy from the same amount of fuel, but as I said the west is not building such reactors because the anti-nuclear sentiment has forced most countries to use old reactors from the 60:s.
ROSATOM are building such reactors now, in both Russia and France. Sadly, because the west has been hindered by themselves, Russia demand they will own at least 50% of any such reactors built outside of Russia.

>> No.16933243

OP here, I fucking hate how stupid people are when it comes to nuclear. I agree with you guys on this its ridiculous