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File: 292 KB, 900x600, Women of india general strike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16930413 No.16930413 [Reply] [Original]

Any good lit on the indian left?
How can we raise awareness and solidarity with our indian comrades in the general strike?

I know the Naxalite movement is important: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naxalite

I don't know much about this guy but i know he's an important naxalite: If anyone knows more it would be wonderful if you would provide context and recommend writings: https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/mazumdar/index.htm

I know even less about this guy, so a bit of context and lit rec from someone knowledgeable would be helpful: https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/mishra/index.htm

>> No.16930417

do they advocate for the usage of toilets?

>> No.16930423

I made this thread because i don't know much about it and is ready to learn

>> No.16930425

I love how one of the biggest strikes in the history is barely covered by our cringe capitalist dog media

>> No.16930427

Street shitters aren’t my “comrades” and I doubt they’re in any real way yours

>> No.16930435

Are the strikes why toilets aren’t being produced?

>> No.16930471

>hurrr duurrr toilets guys XDDD!!!!!!!
fuck off back to pol you rat

>> No.16930474

Some people don't have enough money to implement running water and toilets you fucktards,
>why are you poor? I just don't get it. Get a job!
in one way we could say that better labour rights would provide a higher standard of living and thus better toilets and sanitation for the indian people.

>> No.16930482

They probably advocating for white dicks to be imported. They have breading parties in india where indian women get impregnated by white foreign businessmen/travelers etc..

>> No.16930497

Why is there so little coverage on this?

>> No.16930502
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Something tells me that they don’t really care about the underlying causes of these issues.

>> No.16930507

Even if this was true your bringing it up in this way is pathological
Racism is just cumbrain ffs

>> No.16930521

Because the global bourgeoisie is shitting in their pants atm

>> No.16930537

revolutions and strikes tend to echoe trough world, the bugman populace shouldnt hear anything about it or else theyll start getting ideas

>> No.16930561

I don't get why India can't figure things out. All the Indians I've known have been remarkably intelligent.

>> No.16930583

You kind of answered your own question, all the intelligent Indians are in the West and not in India, where their intelligence is the most needed.

>> No.16930587

Yeah, but pointing out that there is an underlying cause and it's not just essentialist brainstatic of
>indians have poopoo in their brain
is enough to invoke some level of cognitive dissonance in them - i have hope for everyone, especially because many of these racists are stupid kids who will grow up at some point.

>> No.16930633
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It's almost like economies are larger historical structures and not just rational actors, really makes you wonder...

>> No.16930652

So you don't attribute the success of some countries to good policy? It just boils down to luck?

>> No.16930676

It is true

>> No.16930688

Jan Myrdal

>> No.16930728

Good policy that protects the citizens from exploitation especially extranational actors and if your country to exploit others your economy is even better, good natural resources or cheap access to them through international relations (its also important that you have access to your own recourses), powerful international relations that protects your country from foreign interferrence, strong social security that allows for entrepreneurship, etc.

>> No.16930732

We’ll all grow up and mellow out into liberals eventually
t. leftist

>> No.16930750

I'm turning more left with time desu
t. 23 yo

>> No.16930781

And he is a coping currycel.

>> No.16930862

Where can i find me some based lefty media?

>> No.16930876

It will continue
t. 26

>> No.16930890

Nordic, living in scandinavia, probably one of the most racially white people you can find, hell, I'm more white than Elisabeth Warren. Being racist is fucking cringe.

>> No.16930896

Here is a channel with a qt ebony art hoe that I would love to pump full with my seed:

>> No.16930909

>muh anglos

>> No.16930917

Giving her a sub

>> No.16930921

>this post
why are white people so cringe? It comes out in the way you write

>> No.16930930

It would be nice if you could share a bit about him and what you recommend by him.

>> No.16930948

I thought india was just different flavors of far right

>> No.16930972

It's just a generally awkward conversation to have
>No, I'm not indian but still fuck off with your racist bullshit
I don't want to talk about race, but some fuckers on this horse breeding website is obsessed with that shit - I would much rather talk about class.

>> No.16930982
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>> No.16930989

Then just stop being so sensitive, accept that people will make toilet jokes and talk about class.

>> No.16930999

The current government could probably be classified as ultra-nationalist and far right but I think there’s a lot of diversity of thought in the citizenry.

>> No.16931010

>nananaaa i don't want to talk about the empire that colonized the country this thread is about!
I'll recommend that you think about what intercepts most of the factors for a good economy in this post outlines >>16930728

>> No.16931015

I thought this was Canada for a second

>> No.16931027

Yeah, but you know... The thread needs bumps.

>> No.16931096

I was just baiting lol. I know indians have socialist tendencies, that are more cultural than politically influenced. im french and its similar here so your pic checks out I guess

>> No.16931106

Out of their element

>> No.16931124
File: 124 KB, 1200x676, insurrectionary canadianism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahaha then it would look more like this

>> No.16931263

He was (1927-2020) a Swedish Maoist that wrote, among other things, accounts of his various travels. Most famous perhaps a report from Mao's China. One of the last things he wrote was about his visit to the jungle camps of the Naxalites, called Red Star over India. I haven't read that particular one myself, but he tends to have quite a unique perspective.

>> No.16931266


>> No.16931296

Is he and the naxalites from your knowledge tankies or are they more pragmatic in their use of mao?

>> No.16931346


>> No.16931396

I can't speak of the naxalites, but he was mainly anti-imperialist. Pro-China, anti-Soviet. Though he was a bit of an edgelord and defended Pol Pot to his death. I read Myrdal for his literary merit and weird personality, not so much for his politics.

>> No.16931422

It would be really sad if there finally was a proletarian revolution in india and it then got co-opted by dengism and india went from being a capitalist colony to being a chinese colony

>> No.16931439


"Urban Naxals" by Vivek Agnohotri, Publisher: Garuda Prakashan
Naxalite Politics in India, by J. C. Johari, Institute of Constitutional and Parliamentary Studies, New Delhi, . Published by Research Publications, 1972.
The Naxalite Movement, by Biplab Dasgupta. 1974.
The Naxalite Movement: A Maoist Experiment, by Sankar Ghosh. Published by Firma K.L. Mukhopadhyay, 1975. ISBN 0-88386-568-8.
The Naxalite Movement in India: Origin and Failure of the Maoist Revolutionary Strategy in West Bengal, 1967–1971, by Sohail Jawaid. Published by Associated Pub. House, 1979.
In the Wake of Naxalbari: A History of the Naxalite Movement in India, by Sumanta Banerjee. Published by Subarnarekha, 1980.
Edward Duyker Tribal Guerrillas: The Santals of West Bengal and the Naxalite Movement, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 1987, p. 201, SBN 19 561938 2
The Naxalite Movement in India, by Prakash Singh. Published by Rupa, 1995. ISBN 81-7167-294-9.
V. R. Raghavan ed. The Naxal Threat : Causes, State Responses and Consequences, Publisher Vij Books India Pvt Ltd, ISBN 978-93-80177-77-9
Mary Tyler (1977). My Years in an Indian Prison. London: Victor Gollancz Ltd. OCLC 3273743.
Verghese, A. (2016). "British Rule and Tribal Revolts in India: The curious case of Bastar." Modern Asian Studies, 50(5), 1619-1644.

Status Paper on the Naxalite problem – South Asia Terrorism Portal
West Bengal, districts affected by Naxalite violence – South Asia Terrorism Portal
Articles and Research Reports on Naxalite Violence in India and Pakistan
"History of Naxalism". Hindustan Times. 15 December 2005. Archived from the original on 8 February 2011.

Singh, Prakash. The Naxalite Movement in India. New Delhi: Rupa & Co., 1999. p. 24.
"History of Naxalism". Hindustan Times. 15 December 2005. Archived from the original on 22 February 2018. Retrieved 2 March 2018.
Shashi Shekhar (21 May 2017). "50 years of Naxalbari: Fighting for the right cause in the wrong way". Hindustan Times. Archived from the original on 21 May 2017. Retrieved 2 March 2018.
"The Naxalbari Uprising". 30 years of Naxalbari. Archived from the original on 31 October 2010. Retrieved 2 March 2018.
Nadeem Ahmed. "Naxalite Ideology: Charu's Eight Documents". The Hindustan Times. Archived from the original on 21 December 2016. Retrieved 2 March 2018.
"Spring Thunder Over India". People's Daily. marxists.org. Retrieved 21 December 2016

>> No.16931468

Nice list, any particular recs on -and explanations of the list?

>> No.16931538

Anuradha Ghandy is a v good Marxist feminist writer, part of the CPI Maoist

>> No.16931568

book recs?

>> No.16931582

Urban Naxals - Vivek Agnihotri. Written by failed Bollywood director who coined the phrase Urban Naxals to activists who he deems as "invisible enemies of India"

>> No.16931601

Wait is it all anti-naxal? I hoped it was mixed...

>> No.16931612

she literally only has one that's widely available.

>> No.16931672

then it's easy to choose i would say

>> No.16931989

oh no i scared the racists away, i need some bumps folks...

>> No.16932382


>> No.16932393

Which country? Don't say Sweden or Norway

>> No.16932400


>> No.16932407

Based Dane/Pekka. Binland's fucking itself over tho.

>> No.16932428

Shut the fuck up b*ngali.

>> No.16932465

Much of the Indian communist movement in 2020 is a pure and utter larp, I have family who are “Kaamraides” that are named after Stalin and Trotsky and not in a million years would they collectivize their farms. It’s just a cool identity to them

>> No.16932491

Leftist movements in india is probably one of the last things that would ever concern me

>> No.16932557


>> No.16932836

Leftists (as in actual Marxists) have collapsed as a political force in India. Reduced to Kerala and some literally who states in the Northeast. They do their gay rallies and symbolic protests, but nobody pays any attention to their crap. Ruling party is far right in social policy but not very capitalistic in economic policy.

We have 'Socialist' right in the preamble of our Constitution, and a large portion of population is reliant on gibs. Even right now there's a big protest in the capital that daddy govt won't protect poor wittle farmers from but bad capitalists.

>> No.16932859

Hey, do you guys know why western leftists never seem to mention India when they praise or criticize countries that claim to be socialist?I've noticed that whenever they list socialist countries they'll mention China, Cuba, and Venezuela, but never India, which seems odd since it has socialism in it's constitution. Even if they didn't believe it is/was a good representation of socialism, they never seem to mention it as one of the currently or past failed ones.

>> No.16932887

India is far right and reactionary

>> No.16932899
File: 96 KB, 500x759, Anderson_-_Indian_Ideology-0a30d123fc606fc68a626516e59c7a08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a merciless critique of India

>> No.16933365
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>> No.16933553

i think you mean surrogacy
yeah poor women do that sometimes, they carry the child of vapid western whores so they can keep their figure or something

>> No.16933619

Myrdal was a propagandist, but probably a naive and credulous one. He couldn't speak Chinese and was led around a few potemkin villages by officials and then sent off to write his glowing reports.

>> No.16933644

Fucking hate commies. They have alot of power internet because social media. I want indian free of commies and fascists

>> No.16933699

Why not?
The upper classes cooperate between countries for their self-interest. Only when the poor do it is racial essentialism invoked as a hard barrier.

Corruption and brain drain. Same as Latin America.
In Africa you have corruption + brain drain + extreme tribalism + resources that mostly require existing capital to extract, hence attracting neocolonialism. Climate is a factor too, temperate countries tend to do better than very hot/cold ones.
Also keep in mind India has 1.2 billion people which means selection bias. They're not a race of super geniuses, the educated ones are the ones you meet.

>> No.16933709

Because it's extremely religious and has a caste system? It's arguably the most right wing country on earth besides Saudi Arabia.

>> No.16933765

>just be a cuck to the exploitative system bro! standing up for yourself and caring for the future of your nation is like cringe and not very redpilled!

>> No.16933800

how about stop concerning yourself with issues beyond your remit. the futute of the "nation" is a ruling class concern, yours is making sure latrines are spotless.

>> No.16933966

>the futute of the "nation" is a ruling class concern
you forgot the moment when ruling class fucks up and their heads roll

>> No.16933992

that only happens when the global ruling class want to replace the current bunch with new ones

>> No.16934003
File: 9 KB, 250x238, 1602588507066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16934036

>reddit meme
gtfo shitskin brainlet

>> No.16934090

It has to do with the western geopolitical globalism and propaganda. Even mentioning the threat that another superstate could infact adopt a system and succeed in it, a system which you demonized for as long as it existed, is existential hell, and would make globalism impossible. Other thing is that it does not resonate with populace that revolution are still possible and that there could be a way out of this financial nightmare and dying middle class in the west that does not require dismantling a nuclear power like Russia for resources or destroying another nuke power China for unipolar globalism

>> No.16934579
File: 887 KB, 1145x1133, 6c55bd289549da300bcb618d6a1213196d3e2629.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were the only ones capable to fix the indian curse

>> No.16934600

That's Africa

>> No.16934634
File: 14 KB, 220x293, 8AFEF1BE-F2BC-4171-9324-338A68F68287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is India’s greatest statesman since Krishnadevaraya
nothing personal kid

>> No.16934877

Sure, I'm not arguing with you. But if you would want to read a pro-Naxalite take by a Westerner, I'm guessing he's one of a few.

>> No.16934923

I know little of this subject but am also interested in learning so bump for interest.

One of the figures you didn't mention is B.R Ambedkar who is kind of marxist adjacent. In addition to being one of the founding fathers of the modern Indian state he wrote a lot, some of which touches on communism and such. Annihilation of Caste is his most famous work. The fact that we remember Gandhi (and a very sanitized version of Gandhi) rather than Ambedkar is a testament to the way progressive movement gets co-opted and incorporated by dominating systems.

If you want fiction Arundhati Roy is very good. She's from Kerala (homebase of the Naxalites) and that's where her first novel, The God of Small Things, is set. Book is not about communism or left wing theory as a whole but is definitely informed by that perspective and deals with them thematically. Also just a good read. Kind of similar to 100 years of solitude in the emphasis on a single family over a long period of time, generations, and a family home and surrounding town as location for most of the story.

>> No.16935081

Thanks for the recs

>> No.16935785
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>> No.16936141

>t. Enhedslisten voter
Please emigrate to Turkey

>> No.16936408


>> No.16936479

imagine believing this

>> No.16936520

Yeah, commies are pretty fucking stupid

>> No.16936545

>thinking third world countries adopting a system that was meant for western developed capitalist is an honest attempt at socialism
i smell burgers!

>> No.16936568

>i smell burgers!
Well, of course, because we actually are able to get food under capitalism, not communism

>> No.16936591

is your whole thinking about capitalism and socialism determined by reddit memes?

>> No.16936597

How are you an indian that supports communism; haven't you had enough famines pajeet

>> No.16936618

All the indian famines happened under white aryan capitalist rule.

>> No.16936619

India already has poverty and malnutrition; communism is unnecessary there

>> No.16936632

More famines would happen under communism. That's literally what its famous for....

>> No.16936643

But it didn't. Anyway socialism hasn't been tried in india.

>> No.16936656

Its been tried elsewhere and failed; you only need to use logic to see it would be pretty stupid in India

>> No.16936675

I happen to live in the most socialist country in the world. We have a 42% tax rate. And its great. This should be tried in india.

>> No.16936699

but does your country have FREEDOM and BURGERS?

>> No.16936713


>> No.16936723

High taxes, welfare isn't socialism though; that's just social democracy

>> No.16936733


>> No.16936736

It is socialism at least relatively compared to what america and India have. Where the 99% die and languish for the 1%

>> No.16936744

Kenysian economics isn't socialism sweetie

>> No.16936752

Ask every American, they'll call it socialism

>> No.16936765

huh? what do americans have to do with this lol, ask americans anything they'll give you the wrong answer

>> No.16936774

Americans do a great job of simplifying things.
If it causes social equality, its socialism.
If it causes social inequality l, its capitalism.

>> No.16936775

>ask americans anything they'll give you the wrong answer

>> No.16936776

your post bore me and now I'm going to smoke some hash

>> No.16936800

Shut the fuck up you fucking cringelord. Everyone knows you are either a larping Ranjeet or a sheltered commie faggot

>> No.16936811


>> No.16936940

Not even a burger or lolbertarian. I am actually supportive of socialism to some degree. You are stuck in 2010 meme stereotypes, you don't have to be a dumb burger redneck to realize communists should be fucking hanged for supporting a murderous, genocidal, inefficient ideology that has literally destroyed entire cultures and has reduced them to bleak, ugly, paralyzed hellholes.

Nor for hating Pajeets for being a bunch of arrogant retards that infest eveything