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16923625 No.16923625 [Reply] [Original]

Virgin Holmes
>Client gives a long asinine story
>Holmes walks around a crime scene for five minutes
>The rest of the book is Holmes explaining what crime took place followed by the criminal explaining why they did it
>cucked by an American whore

Vs Chad Poirot
>presented with a crime
>investigates the scene
>interrogates witnesses and potential suspects
>establishes motives for half the characters involved
>complex fact pattern with a seemingly impossible resolution
>Poirot uses actual reasoning and not Mary Sue brain magic to unravel the case and force the culprit to incriminate themselves.
>no time for chasing thots

Does anyone actually think Holmes is the superior detective?

>> No.16923646
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I'm literally Sherlock Holmes but better. Inductivity is a viable means of investigation.

>> No.16923731

yeah the sherlock holmes stories are pretty bad.

>> No.16923771

The Thad Lupin just does the crimes. Checkmate detectards.

>> No.16924094

Philip Marlowe is way better than those two doofuses:
>Marlowe ask questions and if he doesn't like what he's hearing, he'll make a snarky remark about them
> he doesn't chase Dames, the Dames chases him
> mystery is so convoluted, its more about the characters than the plot
>isnt an autist like Sherlock nor does he have a stupid mustache like Poirot

>> No.16924107

Professor Augustus S. F. X. Van Dusen, Ph.D., LL.D., F.R.S., M.D., M.D.S. > Holmes