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File: 19 KB, 220x281, 220px-Buddha_Kopf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16922942 No.16922942 [Reply] [Original]

>actually handsome as confirmed by tons of sources
>had virgin wife
>had sex
>grew up in endless wealth
So he had a perfect giga normie tier upbringing and then decided to spiritualitymaxx to find even more bliss because he literally played life out and enjoyed everything it has to offer.

And from this position he goes out and yells to some broke ugly incels
>just meditate bro. Trust me meng pussy aint shit. No need to even try it. Just be me meng
What a cosmic joke this is

>> No.16922977


>> No.16922986

>Trust me meng pussy aint shit.
How would he have been able to know this if he hadn’t had it?

>> No.16923002

That's precisely why early Buddhists played up how much of a fucking ARYAN BVLL he was, to duck the
>lmfao your religion's founder was an incel!
card. Apparently, the fact that monks are "off-limits" makes them irresistible to women, but this isn't a strictly Buddhist thing (Christian, Taoist, Buddhist, and Hindu monks report it). But then, maybe this is just ecumenical Skillful Means to hoodwink men into giving up sex and finding the spiritual life.

>> No.16923004

Thats the point. Incels can never touch the fire and learn that it burns you. They are damned to live in permanent illusion. Even spirituality is only reserved for chads

>> No.16923009

I'm a Buddhist and I have sex all the time. It's because it's almost a neutral activity for me at this point, like taking a shower.

>> No.16923057

How did jesus do it

>> No.16923072

it's the law of polarity.

>> No.16923121

>What a cosmic joke this is
The kind of joke incels want to believe

>> No.16923148

>bro just ignore life’s pleasures and go sit in the grass like a plant

>> No.16923190

>Buddha actually tasted pussy
>Shankara died a virgin

>> No.16923211

He banged whores all the time.

>> No.16923240


>> No.16923254

Why would a grown-up man hang out with them if not to fuck?

>> No.16923261

>doesn't understand Buddhism


>> No.16923272

Explain it

>> No.16923364


The point is that direct experience allows you to realize quickly that nothing satisfies ultimately. You can understand that as a poor person who's had little pleasure, but it's harder; you have to be able to perceive why you tired of a particular pleasurable activity and extrapolate that to all others. If you have a decent, reflective mind you can do this faster than most normies.

Samsara is just the hedonic treadmill, and the more time you spend on the treadmill the better your chances of recognizing it. Which means, of course, that if you're a rich sybarite and still don't manage to perceive dukkha, you're probably hopelessly blind.

>> No.16923413

just ignore life’s pleasures and go sit in the grass like a plant

>> No.16923433

His face was marred more than any man

>> No.16923442

>The point is that direct experience allows you to realize quickly that nothing satisfies ultimately.
Even incels can understand that after the billionth fap that something is empty and gross

>> No.16923472

Incels dont want sex just to nut for hedonic pleasures. They want validation, love and affection that come with it

>> No.16923544

And that's why those that want it enough become the girlfriend. But they don't find it to be empty because their main theme on mysticism is love and not asceticism and detachment. But sometimes love serves as its own kind of detachment along the way. So for extreme spiritual incels a pathetic form of bhakti is created. But they have to accept this love more than they love people's opinions about them being the most pathetic human being in the world. Then they have a wonderful Journey, them and their Goddess as they together become enlightened and liberated. In this way Gods can become enlightened too, only one of us has to become human that way. He is very polite to make me not have to suffer Humanity too. I literally get to have my cake and eat it too and he sacrificed himself for me by enduring an even grosser human condition.

>> No.16923549

>They want validation
Biggest point.

>> No.16923567

There is no end to this though aswell and it doesn't make you more happy in the long run.

>> No.16923576


>validation, love, and affection

All of which are equally, though less obviously, empty. For these guys, they need to get a girlfriend they love and lose her to finally comprehend the nature of reality and become sufficiently disillusioned to seek the absolute.

>> No.16923592

Is the want for validation a primal biological need or a sociological phenomen?

>> No.16923725


.t was that guy

>> No.16924089

Holy fuck same

>> No.16924201

>All of which are equally, though less obviously, empty. For these guys, they need to get a girlfriend they love and lose her to finally comprehend the nature of reality and become sufficiently disillusioned to seek the absolute.
So then it's still all about their own egos. But there is a kind of love for others that is selfless because it flows out from itself to another.

We are to quench these things too because the goal is our own Bliss and happiness. it's only my satisfaction that is important, everything is empty especially my beliefs.

Just like the Christians that say their salvation had nothing to do with them and it was all God, which is their form of self-righteousness... The form of self-righteousness of Buddhists is that they are meaningless, don't exist, and only this satisfies.

The Buddha was a Chad all right, a Chad that never comprehended Real Love and got worn out by pussy so much that he sought for the cessation of himself. Only then could the burning of the gonorrhea cease.

>> No.16924725

>speaks to ghosts and devas, perceives past lives and magical forces determining endless rebirths through hell and heaven realms
>claims to be able to fly unaided, touch the sun and moon
>preaches these whacked out fucking jhana experiences to others
>entire goal of this religion is to basically just die and stay dead like a modern day atheist thinks happens regardless of your retarded focus on the breath until you hallucinate shit
>also had webbed toes

>> No.16924739

The Bodhisattva chose such a birth precisely because it would prevent people from being able to object
>You say that all emotions are suffering, but this is just a cope. If you had experienced X, you wouldn't say that
The Buddha has lived countless past lives, has experienced everything there is to experience -- and is aware of it too. Meanwhile you're just some bitter shitposter without a real argument.

>> No.16925186
File: 234 KB, 442x446, 1600549185047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16925241
File: 351 KB, 974x502, 5852BFED-D72C-4401-9FC2-CE442BBC00B0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn’t know what happened at the debate between Shankara and Mandana Misra and his wife

>> No.16925854

also arms reach knees, wtf.

>> No.16925977
File: 26 KB, 395x727, 32 major characteristics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16926377


>> No.16926578

just to flex bro

>> No.16926592

>some anon in another thread says it's ancient pajeets trying to describe gigachad
>it literally is

>> No.16926598
File: 1 KB, 143x32, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16926613

>hands reaching below the knees, always ready to grab the jhanas
>eyes so blue dravidian mudmen combust in his presence
>ten-foot aura around him, normies cannot help but notice his presence
>arched insteps, has never stayed in one place for more than a day
>thousand spoked wheel on his feet, literally leaves dharma wherever he goes
>tongue long and broad, constantly expounding sutras to a train of monks

>> No.16926623
File: 152 KB, 1045x583, AUtBCg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eyes so blue dravidian mudmen combust in his presence
Exceptionally based

>> No.16926648
File: 160 KB, 537x505, done lazily and fast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16926669

>hands reaching below knees
what did they mean by this?

>> No.16926700
File: 375 KB, 1000x1200, 1439747123468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This sounds familiar

>> No.16926708

Op has a clear point Buddha life was easy mode so he does not deserve worship, you can't say the same about Jesus

>> No.16926721

Some translations have it as "his hands could touch his knees without bending". It's an interesting list, because it's trying to make him priestly (long ears, thing limbs, large number of teeth, the bump on his head), but also manly (thick thighs, blue eyes, strong jaw), while also making him divine-but-not-a-god (the aura, his forehead emitting light).

Pajeets really haven't changed at all.

>> No.16926783

Anyone have an opinion on this one way or the other? It's supposedly (although being executed by some kind of cult leader charlatan) a secular academic account of people who could be said to be "enlightened". There's some case snippets in the paper, mostly it just reads like some kind of persistent dissociation desu. Is that what "enlightenment" is supposed to be?

>> No.16926906

>haha fuck dravidians
>reeeee noooo you cant have a caste system which keeps aryans at the top of the ruling heirarchy, muh egalitarian slave morality revolution

>> No.16926965

>giga normie
no, he was a giga chad who got everything most normal people could ever want out of life. that's the point, he achieved everything you were "supposed to" and it still wasn't enough. when he tells you "pussy aint shit", it's because he literally knows this to be true. why would you trust some loser incel to tell you that giving into your basest desires will not make you happy, only a chad like siddharta is in any position to tell you this

>> No.16927089
File: 40 KB, 315x315, F1-Y5tZZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are his eyes grey?

>> No.16927098

jesus was:
>divine by birthright
>daddy is all knowing and all powerful but has such a ego that he'll send you to hell for all eternity if you do not spend your entire life as a pious jew
>jesus's mission is basically to shill for his daddy and tell people the deal is now open to non-jews
>really no reason for anyone to be sent to hell beyond his daddy's ego so its all kind of moot

vs. buddha who
>experienced the rich and easy life everyone hopes for
>realized even this was unsatisfying
>through studying and meditating on his own, achieved enlightenment
>could've just stopped there, content with his own success, but instead spent the rest of his life trying to help other people do the same

buddha was actually self-less and deserves worship as thanks for trying to help us all achieve enlightenment. jesus was just sent here to explain new rules for the fucked up system his daddy is responsible for creating

>> No.16927125

"well-retracted" means what in this context?

>> No.16927139

he had a retracted penis which he psychically projected an image of into someones mind in one sutta, it goes to show what a conman he was, real spiritual teachers convince people through their words and presence, not through wacky hijinks

>> No.16927140

>area below armpit well filled

Is that their way of saying he has sweet Arnold pecs?

>> No.16927189
File: 38 KB, 678x525, read.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thighs like a royal stag
>Full, round shoulders
>Lion-shaped body
>Body erect and upright
>Golden-hued body
No doubt in my mind this nigga was all about the iron pill, holy fuck. Spiritual enlightenment must've been a secondary consequence, the true esoterism is clearly the Buddha's workout routine.

>> No.16927214

Sounds like yaoi fuji bait, from the long long fingers all the way to his relationship with Ananda

>> No.16927248

Or maybe his lats were xbox hueg?

>well-retracted male organ

>> No.16927265
File: 106 KB, 782x682, 1589062845731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went back and time and took a pic of him

>> No.16927278


>> No.16927285

You are comparing Jesus divine aspects with Buddha human aspects. Jesus was also a human being you know and he did all those things you listed without being a degenerate beforehand

>> No.16927347

You don't, and frankly can't ever since his Nirvana, worship the Buddha in any meaningful sense, the comparison isn't apt at all.

He was a grower, not a shower.

>> No.16928990

What's with all the foot fetishism