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16921772 No.16921772[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any books about how capitalism destroys conservative values and nationalism and how it furthers globalization?

>> No.16921776

Francis, Leviathan and its Enemies

>> No.16921778

Uncle Ted

>> No.16921841

Globalization, destroying borders, destroying identity, technological progression, etc are good things about capitalism. If you think these are bad and these are your critiques of capitalism (these are aspects that are plain as day to see) you are shallow and a moron. What is bad about capitalism is its second nature and its reactionary tendencies. The technology that we get does not work towards worker-abolition but rather renders workers superfluous as it is not in the hands of the ruling class. It also helps repress the populations and strengthens the security state. There is also the alienation and the potentialities that it proposes but never fulfills and in fact actively pushes back against or else it would lead to its destruction.

Anyways if your critiques of capitalism is durrr no nationalism and durrr brown people and durrr no wheat field 100% virgin pure cottage core gf to have 10 babies with you are a dumb fuck.

>> No.16921846

go buy the hottest new gadget or something

>> No.16921851
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oi tranny i'll gas ya m8

>> No.16921874

kill yourself retard

>> No.16921888

Literally any serious right wing book

>> No.16921892


>> No.16921896

renders workers superfluous while still keeping them tied to the capitalist process*

>> No.16921902
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>> No.16921910

Any Traditionalist authors

>> No.16921920

>any male astrologists
i can crush you bitch boy

>> No.16922172


>> No.16922207
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That's incredible

Post more pics of "online communists" itt

>> No.16922223

Maybe if leftists dropped their cosmopolitan internationalism the actual proletariat would like them more

>> No.16922228
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Are you denying you're a tranny? You do agree that trannies are subhuman, right?

Avoiding the question will prove you're a tranny. Answer directly, or you are admitting it in the eyes of all posters.

>> No.16922232

>capitalism is reactionary
read marx

>> No.16922254

im a guy. i have nothing against trans people. you are obsessed.

>> No.16922257
File: 56 KB, 512x512, mgoybIU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like goth shit?
Like vampires?
Like hiphop/rap
Then listen to this amazing mixtape made by ELEVEN it is fire as fuck if you don't your mother will die in her sleep tonight thanks!

>> No.16922264


>> No.16922279

its second nature is, yes.

>> No.16922310

>i have nothing against trans people
Thanks, now no one will take you seriously ITT because it's obvious you are an outsider, and I don't have to reply to you anymore. Checkmate tranny.

>> No.16922319

whatever brainlet

>> No.16922373

Marx, Ellul, Francis(as the first post said), Spengler, Ted

>> No.16922400


>> No.16922403

Marx has nothing to do with that

>> No.16922436


>> No.16922440

shut up tranny

>> No.16922456

>as it is not in the hands of the working class
woops just saw that typo. fixed.

>> No.16922457

Yes he did. He just didn't think it was a bad thing. But he clearly outlines how capitalism destroyed tradition in Capital and the Communist Manifesto for example.

>> No.16922459

imagine being this much of a faggot

>> No.16922465

that's not what the focus of his critique is

>> No.16922466


No, because it doesnt.

>> No.16922473

I want to say t. brown person, but it's too articulate so t. jew
t. jew

>> No.16922485

Again you're ignoring my point, I never said he was critiquing it. Like I said he thought it was progressive and good and would lead to revolution but he very clearly shows how capitalism destroyed tradition. So unless you can disprove that don't bother replying.

>> No.16922502

based retard

>> No.16922534

>you share a board with people like this

>> No.16922549

>everyone i don't like is a tranny
Rent free.
"Conservatives" have never conserved anything.

>> No.16922552

Why do leftists still pretend to care about the working class? As long as they get their trans rights, feminism, and minority activism they’re perfectly content. Whenever a modern leftist talks about the “workers” it is very hollow and just empty rhetoric at this point

>> No.16922622
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Industrial Society and its Future. Though, not really about capitalism, it does lament Conservatives for taking part in the same system that amalgamates all ideology to subserve the technological system, i.e. the technological system is what has demolished past values in order to change the thinking to fit the system and its expansion; Conservatives lament the disappearing of these values BUT still uphold the technological system.

But don't think Conservatives are the only victims of this system. Think of self-proclaimed Leftists who wish to champion the worker, but lament workers who are not on-board with mass economic-migration: both lamenting the system's outcome but promoting its power. Etc. etc.

>> No.16923293

>The conservatives are fools: They whine about the decay of traditional values, yet they enthusiastically support technological progress and economic growth.

>> No.16923308


>> No.16923511


>> No.16923563

Im a leftist who actually goes to political meetups and shit and none of us want mass migration. All of us recognise that capitalism is leading to necessary amounts of mass migration well beyond what we could ever want because in pricing the local lower classes out of education and training exploitation turns from a specific game into a numbers game, and to squeeze the same amount of debt slavery/taxes/labour out of the lower classes the lower classes must be made larger exponentially. If conservatives would ditch exploitative capitalism and leftists recognised the issue as inherently conservative then we wouldn't need all these destructive supposedly anti-conservative bandaids down the line.

>> No.16923586

What movements are you part of? I am also a leftist who actually goes to meetups and shit, and even in the explicitly anti-idpol crowds there is still considerable resistance to criticizing immigration in any way. The party line is that workers are workers so we "shouldn't focus" on the question of unrestrained lumpenproletariat creation and union dilution by capitalists via immigration. That's the radical ones. The mainstream ones, the kinds who support the DSA or are at least fine with it, are actively pro-immigration and have all the usual radlib racemixing fetishes and whatnot.

>> No.16923590

>capitalism destroys conservative values and nationalism and furthers globalization
wtf i love capitalism now

>> No.16923742

You and Bezos both.

>> No.16923754

>capitalism has one identifiable locus of power
rightists are so retarded. more retarded than socdems. durrr joos are pulling the strings durrr. brain dead retards like this belong in camps.

>> No.16923759

Bezos is not Jewish and you constantly bringing up Jews is kind of suspicious

>> No.16923764

Are you the same tranny who posted the "put in rightists camps" things earlier and then deleted it? That was hours ago. You're having quite a night.

>> No.16923786
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"Store-risk metrics include average store compensation, average total store sales, and a "diversity index" that represents the racial and ethnic diversity of every store. Stores at higher risk of unionizing have lower diversity"

>> No.16923802

doesn't matter i didnt even know what his background was but that's irrelevant. rightists have this idea that there is a single locus of power and there is a group of people pulling the strings of the entire world. you can insert any group like "the liberal elite" or pedophiles or "globalists" or what ever but the basis of it comes from anti-semitism

>> No.16923820

I'm exactly the type of person you're talking about and I don't believe there is one locus of power. There are elite factions that oppose each other and also conspire/collaborate at times, including government members of US, China, Russia, etc. billionaires, the central banks, etc. And yes a lot of the bankers and billionaires are Jewish and Israel plays a role

>> No.16923855

Then you are retarded. More retarded than the socdems that believe billionaires could literally just save the planet but don't because they're just so evil. Capitalists aren't really in control, Capital is the organizing force and they're actions are limited by their relationship to Capital.

>> No.16923875

You lack the ability to think with nuance, there are both emergent, uncontrollable effects arising from the interplay of systems, and conscious strategies by various groups. Of course it is nice to abstract everything into this one element of the incredibly complex whole and pretend it causes everything else, then you don't really have to think much, and even more crucially you never risk getting in trouble by naming anyone specific.

>> No.16923988

Not at all you don't understand. Capital is all encompassing and IS the "incredibly complex whole." Capitalism is the spectre of accumulation which haunted all previous forms of human social structuring. This thinking is much more nuanced then muh joos. I am looking at our relations to Capital which is the whole I am not abstracting one thing. Muh joos thinking is what abstracts one thing and tries to identify a locus of power which is naive.

if your critique of capitalism is grounded in instability, unfair rent distribution, or struggles between sociological classes, you're to marx essentially utopian and advocating for the sort of socialism the schumpeters of the world found reconcilable with capitalism. A proper critique of capitalism is grounded in all human life becoming through its embedding in commodity relations merely an appendage of unthinking capital sitting over us and brooking no escape

>> No.16923992

Capitalism is a description of an economic form, it is not 'the whole' whatsoever, you guys just pretend that this one aspect of the economy determines the entire rest of society.

>> No.16924007

Are you literally incapable of typing the word Jews? Do you consider it a takedown to write like a baby

>> No.16924055

In this historically specific moment, yes it is. Efforts to find a locus of power usually just tries to personify the abstract character of capitalism.

>> No.16924065

There are multiple loci of power, why is this concept so hard for you. Not everything is just capitalism, it's so myopic a worldview

>> No.16924070

it's not myopic, capital is incredibly complex.

>> No.16924075
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>> No.16924097 [DELETED] 

tell me anon which "multiple loci of powers" do we need to hunt down and capitalism will just go away?

>> No.16924102

tell me anon which "multiple loci of powers" do we need to hunt down and capitalism will just go away? if you think about it for a bit, it's incredibly naive.

>> No.16924108

It appears incredibly complex to you because you have memed yourself into viewing everything else in society being somehow dependent on and conditioned by the existence of wage labour.

>> No.16924119

I said nothing about capitalism going away, I don't see it going away, if you mean the existence of wage labour, private property, etc. Some countries may become a bit more like China or even USSR, but private industry itself is not going to disappear, there is no reason for that happening.

>> No.16924131

This quote implies that they don't see how the support for technological progress and economic growth undermine their values.

>> No.16924145

What’s your definition of reactionary?

>> No.16924151

Why are leftists so obsessed with jews? No one ever mentions this stuff except for you and the occasional /pol/fags

>> No.16924213

lmao i see deluded rightists mention jews unironically everyday on this board. you are either a new fag or you are acting retarded on purpose.
Capital is more than wage labor you seem to be ignorant about its abstract character. I don't know what else to say other than to read Capital.

The Power that Foucault studied and traced through institutions really was just Capital itself. Capital pervades everything.

>> No.16924224
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>> No.16924230

Wait for my manifesto to come out. People who did write about this are Alain De Benoist, Pat Buchanan and pretty much every right winger before capitalism and conservatism became inseparable. For the most part of history, conservatives did not support capitalism, the right has a longer tradition of critiquing capitalism than the left does so if you're interested you could also read people associated with the catholic church who critiqued capitalism centuries ago. My critique of capitalism is that it alienates people and creates societal incentives (namely greed, egoism, materialism, hedonism, seeing your fellow countrymen as competitors) that are incompatible with social conservatism. Capitalism makes women work for soulless corporations instead of being mothers and homemakers, it makes people move around within nations (people move from rural to urban places) and between nations (cheap labor is imported to have more workers and more consumers and lower wages). Capitalism destroys borders and traditions and it replaces local family owned businesses with international corporations. You know how Lenin claimed that capitalism inevitably leads to war? I think the opposite is true, capitalism by necessity seeks to appease all peoples of the world and homogenize them, because this way capital can float easier. Language barriers, different currencies, racism, chauvinism, borders, tarrifs etc. Those are all barriers, hindrances and annoying obstacles in the eyes of a capitalist. Profit at any cost, even if you make profit by distrusting porn or getting your fellow countrymen addicted to drugs, how's that conservative? Conservatism and capitalism are in an unhappy marriage.

>> No.16924248

You are literally just replacing the word power with capital. Exceedingly tedious, when capital means something specific in economics, and capitalism is a specific economic form, not 'the totality of all power relations in a society'.

>> No.16924250

kill yourself
>Corporations BAD
>Capitalism is UNFAIR
>Capitalism cannot be contained and so it has to go GLOBAL
>Capitalism makes you GREEDY
>Capitalism wants to PROFIT
Wow such insight. 200 IQ take wow just wow. You are going to win a nobel prize. Rightists are really something else.
Do yourself a favor and read more instead. You have nothing worth saying.

>> No.16924263 [DELETED] 

You don't know what Capital is so you don't get the implications. You just think it's wage labor and the printer going brrrr.

>> No.16924269

You don't know what Capital is so you don't get the implications. You just think it's wage labor, a mean boss, (((them))) pulling the strings, and the printer going brrrr.

>> No.16924272


>> No.16924277

Stop equivocating between capital and capitalism. Capital still does not define everything because there are intangible social relations through which power flows that can't be reduced to money or property, but capitalism, the system of wage labor and private property is even further from defining everything since there are many other forces in society which manipulate capital, eg. central banks, taxation.

>> No.16924290

>there are intangible social relations through which power flows
which are all tied to capital ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
you are still not getting at what capital or capitalism is

>> No.16924308

Everything is tied to everything else through degrees. You can't pick one aspect of power structures in society and say it causes all the other aspects. The surplus value is not the only exploitation that matters, it is not the only unfair political situation, it is not the totality of power relations directly or indirectly.

Would you like to define capital or capitalism then, since you keep saying I don't get it, but you aren't offering any concrete definitions, you just keep saying it's 'everything', which is really not an explanation of anything.

>> No.16924346

I wouldn't say capitalism is unfair, a much more accurate term would be "irrational". Unrestricted capitalism is economic social darwinism. You have to invent new things and sell products, if you don't, your bank account goes to zero, and you freeze or starve to death and your unproductive genes have disappeared from the genepool. I have recently started working a working class job and this made me realize how much working class people are the backbone of a nation (and its not even that I only despise "the bourgeoisie", I also despise middle class people who don't work with their hands and comfortably sit at home all day, having their harmless middle class problems and ungratefully benefiting from working class people who build their houses and their gardens and grow the food they eat, but that's another topic). In that sense, capitalism is not "unfair", the overwhelming majority of human beings are just stupid, and capitalism due to its enlightenment influence assumes people are rational and individualism is good. That's why you have 18 year old girls who sell their used bathtubwater and become millionaires meanwhile people who work their asses off and build houses for a living live in shitty apartments. That's the irrationality of capitalism. I see it everyday. How's my critique different from Marx? Marxs main critique was the alienation and the exploitation, if Marx wanted people too stupid to read him remember just one thing he believed in, it would be that there is a conflict of interest between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat, a thing the bourgeoisie has always tried to deny. I just don't think a classless moneyless stateless society can exist and "there will one day be so much material abundance that the state will wither away" seems like a unrealistic fantasy to me.

>> No.16925436

This screams funkopop

>> No.16925452

Why are you leftoids so retarded? How much self-deluding does it take to at once believe that workers ought to be protected but also that unrestricted movement of labor shouldn't be criticized at all? At what point do you decide to conserve any shred of dignity you might have left, and decide to leave your leftoid groups?

>> No.16925455

literally any peak oil shit

>> No.16925480

>Any books
Nice try, now fuck off back to /pol/