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File: 538 KB, 960x3319, i-hate-men.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16919206 No.16919206 [Reply] [Original]

Has any French anon read "I Hate Men"? What's your opinion of it? Worth reading? pic related

>> No.16919231
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>> No.16919233

>Me, Men, I Hate Them
What the fuck is wrong with frogs?

>> No.16919245

>she's married
I don't know whether to fill pity for the fool or to mock him for digging his own grave.
Anyway, the publication of this book signifies one thing. Women don't matter. They are allowed to say whatever dumb shit comes across their minds because the general consensus is that they are harmless and that whatever manifestos or hate they spew will cause no harm to anyone. They are seen as children who tell their parents "I hate you!" when they are denied a prize.
I disagree with this notion; women as a collective wield significant power and can do a lot of evil with it, as well as a lot of good. The publication of this manuscript will probably be a trifle worthy of momentary attention. Unless she goes full S.C.U.M, at most she'll be a footnote in a Wikipedia article about misandry.

>> No.16919250 [DELETED] 
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What the fuck is wrong with men?

>> No.16919261
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A woman only wants a vapid life of fads & to keep men competing for her, with the euphemism of being a princess seduced by princes, only to end up in bed where she wants to talk dirty, to be fucked raw while squirting everywhere, joyfully exclaiming ''omg this never happened to me before'', succumbing to a convulsive orgasm, the highlight of her life, the legendary vaginal holy grail heard about during the regular sex gossip at the spa with her girl friends giggling in unison.
For years she dreamed it was HER TURN, yet for years she put up with subpar self-glorifying sexual partners hooked up from work, hobbies & bars, conveniently avoiding thinking her sex-based existence. She's not ready to accept it & keeps in the back of her mind a vague fantasy of merging the vaginal duality of the princess at day and whore at night: the state of a glorified Liberated Lady, all the time, where her cognitive dissonance would've no beginning & no end. No more hysteria, no more schizophrenia, pure non-duality. Diana would be proud of her enlightenment.
At this stage, women prefer to let the men do the first step, let them think they're in control & the stronger sex, as a bonus she doesn't view herself as a total slag & gets the harassment card if the orbiters are too repulsive. Men love this, falling hook, line and sinker.

Willy-nilly, the little minx ends up pregnant, it's what happen after years of bending over. She debates for a few days whether to keep it, whether to tell whoever she thinks fertilized her these last few weeks.
She fancies playing the helicopter mom, feeling like protecting & providing for a tiny kid, taking it in her arms & feel the heartbeats; exactly what men dream of doing to women.
Women love their kids, remain faithful to them. Women never love men & aren't faithful to men. They don't even need to anyway. Women practice love like a banker at JPMorgan performing a cost-benefit analysis.

Bored with the helicopter mom, plus the kids grew up, she longs for the golden years of her 20s when she was kind of a looker. Why not go for a tattoo or a makeover?
She's spreading them even wider, in secret or not, this time dropping the prudish act for she knows what she wants after all those experiences & with little effort on her side, she still gets various bulls eager to be at her doorsteps.
The menopause really kicks in & all her aging orbiters have only a semi hard-on from her when she's nude. She thinks about a breast lift, some bottox but she feels bittersweet as the end is near. She's open about the swinger sex. Her official provider accepts to be a cuckold & is happy to make her happy, to be here day after day for her & her kids.

Hardly any man looks, now that she's a young grandma, a bit jealous of her daughter relentlessly becoming what she was.
Grandma finally dies & everybody says she was a saint. The daughter hits the wall, the teen granddaughter bleeds and is active, it's her turn to embrace the cycle of the vaginal existence.

>> No.16919266
File: 258 KB, 1080x1012, 1602976169083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is wrong with men?

>> No.16919282

More divisiveness, what's new? She doesn't hate men, she has a husband.

>> No.16919293

Please don't call me whatever the thing in that picture is, I was just criticizing the Fr*nch language.

>> No.16919311

Good post. Reminded me of Celine desu.

>> No.16919312

Hating 50% of the population is insane, whether you are a man or a woman. You hate individuals; collectives are vague images to which you adhere characteristics found in a single person. Personalizing a whole gender, beyond the wildest generalizations that are not conductive to such strong emotions as hate or love is ridiculous.
I don't care about what she thinks of me, based on my gender. To her I am a ghost, and for some reason she thinks she knows me. I didn't know her an hour ago and so I cannot hate her. Neither can she, unless she has the mind of a lunatic.

>> No.16919321

Guys, imagine how Butterfly must feel. Imagine being a woman in your 50s. Men at least get an air of wisdom, women turn out to be either freakish nicotine-addicted hags or docile cookie grandmas.

>> No.16919324

Haha boring effort post. Women are neat.

>> No.16919335

Some of the wisest people I've ever met were docile cookie grandma's.
Butterfly will never be one though

>> No.16919364
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>Exclusive: Female and feminist voices aren't always welcome among men, says Pauline Harmange, author of I Hate Men
You can't make this shit up.

>> No.16919370
File: 41 KB, 800x892, korra_by_pieceofsoap_d91mzkj-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any other pics of Jennifer,36? I've seen the same post before on /lit/, but nobody posts the rest of her.

>> No.16919375

I do not hate men. I hate man.

>> No.16919376

I agree. I think it's fine to hate men and to hate women and to hate niggesr and breeders and fags and whites.

>> No.16919377

The true /lit/ mentality is neither hating men or women,but yourself

>> No.16919378
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>that hairline

>> No.16919396

Women can achieve one of the greatest, holiest states avaible to mankind, which is that of loving motherhood. That's how they can realize their spirit and become a personification of all that is good in the world.

>> No.16919415

You're too based for this shithole site, my friend.

>> No.16919459


>> No.16919469

>me, the men I the detest
French is truly the language of cro-magnons

>> No.16919471

Nothing, they invite authors like this on TV to make fun of them. French TV is intellectuals making fun of proles.
anglos mediatize them unironically kek.

>> No.16919476
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yeah but butterfly won't. She's a grumpy childless 46 yo lesbian who posts on an Azerbaijani soup making forum everyday

>> No.16919479

Kek, he isn't based at all.
>You hate individuals
Patently false. All of this condemnation of liking/disliking "groups" is extremely disingenuous and based on a claim of possessing an infinitely discriminating intellect. You always like/dislike characteristics (even if they are only past ones), and thus all the objects possessing them.
The insane subversion of this is precisely to like/dislike individuals as such, as in the mere object instantiation.

>> No.16919482
File: 130 KB, 652x841, 1606835984606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate men who listens to women

>> No.16919516

Life's too short, friend, and I haven't even read all of Nonnos of Panopolis, so I'm afraid not

Kekn anon was obviously making fun of the formulation, but interesting reaction desu

>> No.16919531

That's so deep, Harry

>> No.16919543
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>> No.16919569

i hate men who can't write or think

>> No.16919606

Have a (You)

>> No.16919607

>I seethe at people on 4chan
What the fuck is wrong with trannies?

>> No.16919616

Moi, les Africains, he les déteste

>> No.16919647

> Blahblahblah every women ever is just like this caricature I just came up with, which incidentally seems entirely harmless. Aren't all women just the worst?

>> No.16919663

Is that paperbackdreams?

>> No.16919668

Poor radfems. Transgender issues made them irrelevant, now all they can do is beg for attention! SAD!

>> No.16919694

Based trannies

>> No.16919696

>all women
>college educated women

>> No.16919700

Feminists deserve it for hating trannies.
Trans power!

>> No.16919710


>> No.16919755

i hate women

>> No.16919774

Wow, thanks anon! I needed (You) in my life

>> No.16919796


>> No.16920057

based, for every roast and tranny who replies to you being mad or pretending not to be mad you will receive good luck for one day

>> No.16920396

Tranny here. Why would I care what ciscum women think?

>> No.16920606

‘Oh me? Men: I hate ’em!’

>> No.16920971

damn youre cool

>> No.16922102

yea i'm thinking this is utterly based