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16917696 No.16917696 [Reply] [Original]

>Got his PhD at 39
Are there any other successful philosophers or fiction writers who started their careers late?

>> No.16917700


>> No.16917705


>> No.16917707

Murakami started writing in his 30s. Like him or not, he's undoubtedly a successful author of fiction who got a late start.

>> No.16917716

It doesn't matter what you think about his work, he's successful by every definition of the word. Every philosophy and sociology undergrad knows who he is.

>> No.16917718

>the idea of Simulacra and Simulation came to Baudrillard after discovering the game Sim City and enjoying it [39], this lead him to finally resume his PhD after moving out of his parent's house near the Seine
lmao Baudrillard was a neet

>> No.16917720

Every philosophy and sociology undergrad knows who Baudrillard is. Almost all of them are functionally retarded in one or multiple forms

>> No.16917723


>> No.16917726

I changed my mind Fraudrillard is based

>> No.16917738

Go outside

>> No.16917745

that's what philosophy undergrads should do

>> No.16917769

It says Sim City came out 8 years after s&s

>> No.16917778

he was a beta tester you dimwit

>> No.16917786

He's just like me

>> No.16917802

Most fiction writers don't have PhDs. A lot of them didn't study writing at all. Philosophers, that's a little different. But you don't need to go further than undergrad to have meaningful views, but to submit stuff to journals, you do need to have a graduate education. I don't see why age really matters.

>> No.16917804

Maxis was created 6 years after and either way it says he was a professor 3 years prior to s&s when he wrote his first book.

>> No.16917814

Yeah but he said in a interview that he had no idea what he was talking about prior to be a beta tester for Sim City.
>"Cette expérience m'a permis d'injecter du sens dans la parole qui a ce moment là de ma vie m'avait dépassé, j'étais devenu un vecteur de sens qui s'ignore, la pensée avait supplanté l'homme, comme le rêve supplante l'individu". in L'Humanité, 6 février 1987

>> No.16917818 [DELETED] 


>> No.16917821

Wtf did he write the book for then. Low ass bars to be a philosopher

>> No.16917822

Ig the answer is it's only too late if you haven't played simcity

>> No.16917827

He's the embodiment of "fake it, till you make it" and he made it (and I say this as a reader of Baudrillard).

>> No.16917831

That's fair I should probably say I have a strong bias against pomo, structuralism, existentialism of any sort etc. Plus any insight drawn from video games but that might be due more to just having grown up with them.

>> No.16917847

Baudrillard never played Sim City, he's baiting you.

>> No.16917872

t. never read Baudrillard
Read the aforementioned edition of L'Humanité to see for yourself. Also every time Baudrillard talks about urbanism and cities he makes a few subtle references.

>> No.16917877

You can google it. It has a lot of links pop up.

>> No.16917907

Same with DeLillo, he started in his 30s. Save for a short story in the Cornell University magazine in his mid-20s. Also, most writers produce their best shit at least after their 20s.

>> No.16917924

Yeah it's called the entire millennial generation.

>> No.16917929

We were waiting on x

>> No.16917932

>Can read Baudrillard, but still hasn't learned not to feed the trolls

>> No.16917937

we're too busy fucking anon

>> No.16917941

Well, what about a philosopher who started early but only became well known later in his life like Schopenhauer? Would that be the same?

>> No.16917960

None of which claim he ever played it

>> No.16918211

Houellebecq published his first book at 35 and his first novel at 38

>> No.16918223

Is Baudrillard a nihilist; what is his deal

>> No.16918241

He mostly wrote critiques of modern culture, consumerism, media and analysis of modern technology. Read Simulacra and Simulation and The Gulf War did Not Take Place, these are his major works.

>> No.16918251

>Read Simulacra and Simulation
Well, I just took a quick look at Simulacra, and the first person he quotes is -Ecclesiastes so I'm assuming he is a nihilist off the bat but I'll continue to read

>> No.16918365

Why did you use a fucking semicolon but no question mark?

>> No.16918387

>I don't see why age really matters.
I sacrificed a LOT to get my PhD at 27. What was the point if I can't even look down on people for getting theirs later?

>> No.16918395

>starting education seriously before your brain has developed

>> No.16918407

Every single fields medalist finished their PhDs before they were 25. Plenty of them went to university at 16 or earlier.

>> No.16918411

The mark of a true pataphysician, the kid is ready for Baudrillard.
Don't forget to read Janny.

>> No.16918412

And they contribute nothing except enlargening the field.

>> No.16918420

"Enlargening" isn't a word
And they all solved important problems in their respective fields.

>> No.16918421

Academia is a monkey game like chess. It just focuses on turbo-specialization as quick as possible. It's not concerned with growth.

>> No.16918425

>he never enlarged his penis
keking at you, small dick and small brain

>> No.16918436

It works fine. You're too consequentualist and can't understand what ppl mean outside a status quo system. Point is proven. For me enlargening would imply that it's worked on derivatively vs enlarging which is wholesale development. I'd probably use a different word but that you can't think enough, w your degree, to understand someone outside that taught framework is my point.
Nobody has solved shit lol

>> No.16918437
File: 383 KB, 592x552, 1602725501908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And they all solved important problems in their respective fields.
You're either a skilled fisherman or a bad larper

>> No.16918453

It is a word but yeah people mean what they say in the moment they say it https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/enlargening

>> No.16918457

>Got his PhD at 39
isn't that pretty standard?

>> No.16918463
File: 16 KB, 275x183, images (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As did Burroughs

>> No.16918464

Lmao. B-b-b-but what about my bullshit meaning?

>> No.16918472


>> No.16918485

>Every single fields medalist finished their PhDs before they were 25.
That could also be construed as a bias favoring the young

>> No.16918488
File: 18 KB, 220x340, nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bullshit meaning

>> No.16918520

Well you need to distinguish science fields from other fields .

>> No.16918522

>C'est au lycée Henri-IV à Paris qu'il prépare le concours d'entrée à l'École normale supérieure. Cependant, c'est durant cette préparation qu'il fait sa première rupture radicale, en tournant le dos au concours, pour aller s'établir comme ouvrier agricole, dans la région d'Arles.
hello, based?

>À son retour, il finit ses études supérieures à l'université des langues de la Sorbonne, et obtient le CAPES en allemand. Nommé successivement dans différents lycées en France, puis lecteur résident des universités en Allemagne et lecteur de littérature allemande aux éditions du Seuil, il traduit plusieurs ouvrages
All this before doing his phd

>> No.16918549

It's actually an established one and I didn't even need to look it up to use it. >>16918453
You can't understand people if you just assume they're just false. That's how you have crap like this happen https://youtu.be/vBrnBmUmVzI

Yeah there's still a lot to learn though my issue is more with the university and education system in general. I really think Philosophy (metaphysics) should be a core class.

>> No.16918659

Idk man sounds like a shitty way to go about being shitty about bothing

>> No.16918692

The cop or metaphysics?

>> No.16918708


>> No.16918749

been laughing at this for 5 minutses

>> No.16919222

>constantly making up quotes and sources in a baudrillard thread that people believe
Based Baudrillardian

>> No.16919283

Euhhh... franchement, en fait, je crois que based

>> No.16919308

it's a meta commentary on simulacra

>> No.16919344

wft I like him even more now

>> No.16919614

sim city 4 deluxe edition with the rush hour expansion was his favorite, by far

>> No.16919651

Graduated with a BA at 20

>> No.16919801
File: 161 KB, 1024x1257, Light_Succubus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look down on people for whatever reason you want, but don't kid yourself about how compelling it will be for someone who it doesn't favor.

>> No.16919816
File: 1.69 MB, 2127x2244, 993e61db57092c97cd557553afe00abd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The last chapter of s&s is on his nihilist beliefs.
Who knew hyperreality could provide this much wholesome fun?

>> No.16919847
File: 42 KB, 500x500, 6576429-img_0555.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hella based
>mfw the dream is alive