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/lit/ - Literature

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16916188 No.16916188 [Reply] [Original]

Just finished this, not as difficult as it seems except for the last chapter which is very heavy on Hegel. Would recommend it, has some interesting ideas even if I didn’t agree with most of them.

>> No.16917692

share ONE of the interesting ideas. I dare you

>> No.16917714

That ideology works not in the level of ideas and thoughts, but in our actions, which are structured by fundamental phantasies that sustain our being. In this way, even knowing the truth about ideology people still follow it. I'm not the OP, but the whole idea of ideology being a fundamental structure of our reality instead of "bad and evil ideas" is interesting at least to me. Also, the idea that hysterical subjects are those who can refuse ideological interpellations.

>> No.16917735

Difficult is the Lacan stuff, not because it's so complex, but because Lacan is a bullshit merchant and you have to patiently wait for him to transfer everything into a redundant diagram and attach a Lacanian label to.


It's a handy variation of the old truism about modern political utopias working like faith. In that it shows how that shit can also work just as well without a pre-existing faith framework to copy (e.g. North Korea).

Maybe the best reason to read it is as a look at what came out of the decadent/collapsing Soviet Bloc period - it's Marxism in a hyper cynical self destructive mode and it's just interesting to see what sort of dissidents a self-decalred revolutionary political system produces.

>> No.16918272

Wow such an original idea. No one ever thought or wrote about that before

>> No.16918287

god you're a fucking dumbass

>> No.16918302

So he used the definition of culture for ideology and wrote 100000 words on the common sense functioning of culture, while quoting Hegel?

>> No.16918304

Not an argument

>> No.16918331
File: 15 KB, 490x625, 1603996737279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not an argument

>> No.16918338

Also not an argument

>> No.16918344
File: 62 KB, 500x500, 1603898330396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also not an argument

>> No.16918349

Stay wrong wojak poster

>> No.16918350

embarrassing retard who belongs on /tv/

>> No.16918370
File: 92 KB, 1200x1125, 1606825547822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stay wrong wojak poster
>embarrassing retard who belongs on /tv/

>> No.16918372

These are the people who read Zizek

>> No.16918432
File: 120 KB, 680x315, 1595424969022.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>These are the people who read Zizek
I haven't even read the book

>> No.16918440

These are the people who don't read

>> No.16918510

ok so it's garbage
intellectuals are a mistake

>> No.16918668

Why do people hate Zizek without reading him?

>> No.16918689

This is /lit/, what do you expect?

>> No.16918694
File: 32 KB, 578x605, 1592724070526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anonymous 12/01/20(Tue)11:17:42 No.16918370▶>>16918372
File: 1606825547822.png (92 KB, 1200x1125)
92 KB
>Stay wrong wojak poster
>embarrassing retard who belongs on /tv/
Anonymous 12/01/20(Tue)11:18:27 No.16918372▶>>16918432
These are the people who read Zizek
Anonymous 12/01/20(Tue)11:30:33 No.16918432▶>>16918440
File: 1595424969022.gif (120 KB, 680x315)
>These are the people who read Zizek
I haven't even read the book
Anonymous 12/01/20(Tue)11:32:15 No.16918440▶
These are the people who don't read
Anonymous 12/01/20(Tue)11:44:58 No.16918510▶
ok so it's garbage
intellectuals are a mistake
Anonymous 12/01/20(Tue)12:12:31 No.16918668▶
>>16916188 (OP)
Why do people hate Zizek without reading him?

>> No.16918732

True. Do people read here at all? Personally if the right kind of idiot hates a philosopher it just compels me to read them. This thought can be applied outward exponentially. I want to be the opposite of a 4chan shitposter that never reads, always comments, and gets his worldview from one-sided memes. I imagine many feel this way. How do we defeat Tribalism has Zizek written about that or any other philosophers hated by the all too common lit vacationer? Maybe a female? Maybe even a black female. Has Angela Davis written about tribalism and or the neckbeard lifestyle?

>> No.16919248

no, the part hes describing is only mentioned in the first chapter, many more ideas are developed in the book