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File: 67 KB, 800x970, dumb bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16910989 No.16910989[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what a retard

>> No.16910996

Who’s the handsome lad

>> No.16911016

Literally me

>> No.16911019


>> No.16911235

Show feet

>> No.16911240

Essentially the philosophical version of a wild child found in the forest.

>> No.16911247

Oh, is that a picture of you, OP?

>> No.16911433
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>preaches about what is "right" vs what is "wrong," yet denies the existence of God, and thus has no supreme absolute authority on which to base her retarded morals
Liberals and free market whores and women are the scum of the earth.

>> No.16911454

> If not for something that arbitrarily exists for the sole reason of negating the premises of nihilism, then nihilism
Abductive reasoning is amazing

>> No.16911456

>Talks about the smallest amount of personal responsibility

>> No.16911480

The doomed passenger train scene is unironically her equivalent of the wrath of God at Sodom and Gomorrah: i.e., she takes on the role of God and determines that there is not even one righteous person on the train, and then kills them all. It's somewhat ridiculous.

>> No.16911510

Most of Atlas Shrugged is ridiculous. Imagine you being at a party, and Pink Floyd is playing in the background, when suddenly some hispanic copper magnate starts a two hour rant on the utility of money.

If you told me that Ayn Rand was actually a secret KGB agent, I would probably believe you

>> No.16911517
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I am not a leftist you you putrid redditor.

>> No.16911519

> Imagine you being at a party, and Pink Floyd is playing in the background, when suddenly some hispanic copper magnate starts a two hour rant on the utility of money.
I would go to a lot more parties if they were like this.

>> No.16911531
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>> No.16911558

>I would go to a lot more parties if they were like this.
You sound like a dumb queer.

>> No.16911582
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Show me where you get your objective morality then you redditing materialist fruitcake. If there is no God, then everything is relativele and your stupid morality means nothing to me.

>> No.16911610

Got it in one, good work
There is no objective morality. Game theory imposes predictable consequences on certain behaviors though. Nothing is true, everything is permitted =/= nothing has consequences.

>> No.16911623
File: 849 KB, 1334x750, EdxeabqWoAAnqSU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Libertarians are hippies - humans don't know what's objective, so they need to be told what is REALLY objective by other humans. BTW government is bad"

>> No.16911646
File: 288 KB, 1440x960, 1604339762025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is no objective morality.
You want to believe this. You tell yourself that it's true (what is "truth" by the way if there is no God, retard?). You tell yourself everything is subjective and relative so that you can justify being a homosexual and a tranny. You know deep down that it is wrong, but you desperately try to convince yourself that your perverse fetishes are ok.

>> No.16911661

Truth might not exist depending on how you relate it to metaphysics, but facts exist and are sufficient for my purposes. Subjectivity =/= relativity, btw. Your idea of objectivity for instance is just everything in relation to God.

>> No.16911709

are you an American?

>> No.16911738
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>facts exist
Oh they do? How do you know? How do you determine what is a fact?
Logic? Where does that come from?
Empirical evidence? How can you trust it?
>sufficient for my purposes
As in being a homosexual? Is that what you mean?

>> No.16911744
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No, and I am very thankful and proud to not be a repulsive mutt goblin.

>> No.16911754

Everything I've ever perceived has been embedded in a certain faculty of innate reason. Even my blatantly incorrect and nonsensical perceptions (such as during psychotic experiences) have had such a kernel. I trust because these things define the boundaries of my existence. What is apart from evidence has no part of me, just as death is not here when we are here and only here when we are not here.

>> No.16911756

>Nothing is true, everything is permitted =/= nothing has consequences.
Wow is that true?

>> No.16911775

Find out for yourself. Maybe you'll spiral off into another reality which matches your preconceptions.

>> No.16911780

kek, and you write like a christfag mutt /pol/tard anyway

>> No.16911797
File: 192 KB, 362x507, 1602779669537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rand was born Alisa Zinovyevna Rosenbaum (Russian: Aлиca Зинoвьeвнa Poзeнбayм) on February 2, 1905, to a Russian-Jewish bourgeois family living in Saint Petersburg.[12] She was the eldest of three daughters of Zinovy Zakharovich Rosenbaum and Anna Borisovna (née Kaplan). Her father was an upwardly mobile pharmacist and her mother was socially ambitious and religiously observant.[13]

>> No.16911798


Weak, how old are you?

>> No.16911808
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>the "atheist" finally admits he's just a gnostic retard

>> No.16911810

What's weak about it? All observations are theory-embedded, and all theories are reality embedded. Either there are intrinsic limits to our possible theories or reality is ontologically pluralistic. I'm 32.

>> No.16911816

Heterodox interpretation of historical gnosticism probably derived from pseudo-gnostic schizophrenic pop fiction writers

>> No.16911826

Hahahahaha God I love this board

>> No.16911836
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>he denies the Logos
oh no
oh no no no
dear me

>> No.16911898
File: 3.86 MB, 4032x2148, 1605525278618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gnosticism, free masonry, Luciferianism, Talmudism, Crowleyanism, etc., are all basically the same new age trash. They aren't actually new but it is where the new age fruitcakes come from. Jordan Peterson is an example of these kinds of pseuds.

>> No.16911916

Who's worse, the person who derives their spirituality from trash, or the person who derives their spirituality as the complement of the perceived average spirituality derived from trash? You're literally the effluent of the people you despise.

>> No.16911927

Also the Kabbalah and other Jew crap

>> No.16911947

lol, how far up your own ass you are, "christian"?

>> No.16912044

>supreme absolute authority on which to base her retarded morals
You are equally retarded if you think God constitutes a solid base for morals

>> No.16912074
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You are the """free market conservative""" version of this.

>> No.16912080

What's the poster blocked by his head?

>> No.16912106
File: 82 KB, 960x940, 1604457923426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jewish bourgeois family
Literally ever time

>> No.16912111

Where do you even get any of this gay tranny shit from? It wasn't even relevant to the conversion. Are you gay? Why are so obsessed with fags?

>> No.16912217

Why do Jewish women always look like goblins when they get older

>> No.16912262

Tell me what is wrong with the 12 Commandments.

>> No.16912293

All those perceptions are persistent hallucinations thought. Just say things are practical and stop talking about any "Truth" if you don't believe in objectivity. There is no relative objectivity. Bitch.

>> No.16912300

Mechanical objectivity is real. Logic is the best example of mechanical objectivity. It has no "foundations" but it works the same way every time.

>> No.16912328
File: 376 KB, 768x576, 1591019494154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prove it. And you can't use logic in your proof because if you deny the supreme absolute authority then you have no basis on which to claim logic is real.

>> No.16912337


>> No.16912345

nuh uh

>> No.16912354

Mechanical objectivity? We don't even know what "energy" is lmao we just know. It's used to do "work". Face it anon. Humans don't know a damn thing about anything. All of our natural laws can change. We don't know if reality is stable just because it's been stable for the small amount of time we've been looking at it. We don't know shit. Logic is practical. Stop treating it like the de facto "Truth." It's not it. Doesn't science itself show that uncertainty lies underneath everything? To have logic, you have to make one leap of faith. No system can ever prove itself to be true.

>> No.16912358

Lmao you literally have nothing to say because no system can prove itself.

>> No.16912381

It's a bridge I'll cross when I find it. Meanwhile, logic has nothing to do with positive scientific or ontological claims.

Is spouting nonsense because he believes logic is contingent upon reality. How could it be? The very concept of an unreality to compare reality to is an arbitrary device to frame talking about reality in certain ways. It doesn't matter to logic if the world is real, or a dream, or fruitcake. Logic is not substance dependent.

>> No.16912394


>> No.16912415

It's a bridge youll never find. Looks at Godel's Incompleteness Theorem. Logic is a system made up or discovered that is practically but can never been proven to be truth. i.e. you're just like the fags you make fun of. Not that I hold your lack of self awareness against you.

>> No.16912450


>> No.16912456

I meant that in regards to all natural laws spontaneously changing. The state of the current contention is this:

> All observations are theory embedded
> All theory is reality embedded
> "LMAO but what even is reality logic btfo"
It doesn't matter what reality "is" in the context of this discussion. That's completely irrelevant to the first two claims.

>> No.16912466
File: 7 KB, 268x188, lol retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Not a retard LOLbertarian

>> No.16912481

>blah blah blah logic ain't substance my bro, blah blah blah
Where does your metaphysics come from? Where does your definition of "reality" or "dream" come from?

>> No.16912484

I don't need one

>> No.16912504
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>haha I don't need it
Then don't start running your stupid mouth about natural laws and logic and reality.

>> No.16912526

>All observations are theory embedded
What's a theory

>> No.16912532

Right. So it's practical. Your system of logic is practical but it is not tantamount to "Truth". There is no such thing as truth in world devoid of "God". Are you talking about logic from the point of view of philosophers? Don't philosophers view moral relativism with disgust? They feel the God argument to be weak but they also dislike moral relativism. I don't understand them.

>> No.16912553

If you believe ontology is unknowable because there's no way to prove that logic maps to it that's fine. That's different from saying that objective reality doesn't exist though. You would be agnostic about objective reality. And that would be silly, because the alternative is just solipsism, which is essentially proposing yourself as an uncaused cause.

I don't understand how people think the default progression is from problems of objectivity -> God rather than to solipsism. It's disrespectful to the both the history and the process of philosophy.

>> No.16912572

This is silly. We both know Münchhausen's trilemma. We both also know what a theory is.

>> No.16912595

Nuh uh

>> No.16912606
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>If you believe ontology is unknowable because there's no way to prove that logic maps to it that's fine. That's different from saying that objective reality doesn't exist though.
I never said that. I have been saying the opposite of that this whole time.
The denial of God is in itself logically incoherent, but if you want to deny God and be consistent enough to follow this to its logical conclusion, then you become a solipsist, and even then, you can't even know that you are objectively real or what you are.

>> No.16912615

>Münchhausen's trilemma
Prove it.

>> No.16912623

Godfaggotry is still essentially abductive and thus not "proof" in a way that's equivalent to the sense of "proof" these people want to invoke; an equivocation.

> If conditions x, y, z don't hold then there's no possibility of foundational knowledge
> Therefore I assume something exists, somewhere, somehow, that fulfills conditions x, y, z
> I now have a foundation
Not really

>> No.16912633

Nice anon. Gottem.

>> No.16912657

There is no possibility of foundational knowledge. Not in any human system. There will always be a leap of faith. Humans are welcome to waste their time looking for an answer that doesn't exist. It's whatever.

>> No.16912664

I find your faith in particular tasteless, impractical, and excessive

>> No.16912733

>an answer that doesn't exist.
How do you know that there is no answer?

>> No.16912754

And then of course, that in itself becomes the answer, which is a contradiction. The denial of God leads to a lot of contradictions and baseless assumptions. All atheists are hypocrites.

>> No.16912796

Yeah it works the same way every time so far in the tiny amount of time we've been using it. Don't you guys profess to believe in billions of years of time elapsing? Is it so hard to believe that the laws of natural change over time and maybe even retconn themselves? Would that really be inconceivable? Whew lad. Ideology is a bitch.

>> No.16912811

Nature yes, logic no.

>> No.16912817

I'm not the atheist anon. You might have misunderstood me. But on that note. Isn't God a paradox?

>> No.16912822

I'm glad I got you seething. I find my faith to be the exact opposite of what it makes you feel.

>> No.16912839

My answer is faith. Don't be an asshole. Try to be good and enjoy your time here. Listen to your conscious. Don't fucking diddle little kids like the charlatans in organized religion. Why is not being a piece of shit, such a high standard.

>> No.16912846

In a hundred years or so it will have the same sort of existence as the faiths that preceded it. Smoke 'em while you can.

>> No.16912848

Are you a marxist too? Lmao >>16912846
Lmao 10

>> No.16912857

I am not.

>> No.16912864

A hundred years? Who gives a shit. I really don't give a shit. I'm not afraid of obscurity. My point is, you don't know anything anon. Neither do your little heroes. No one knows anything, and those who tell you they do, are lying.

>> No.16912874

You don't know that they don't know

>> No.16912907

I have my own personal faith anon. It has similarities to Catholcism but I'm sure they would consider me a heretic. I'm sure my faith will die when I'm dead and that's fine. I'm cool with death.

>> No.16912909
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How is Ayn Rand anything more than a discount Nietzsche for braindead Americans? Can women come up with literally anything on their own? Are they capable of thought at all? They are all frauds.

>> No.16912921

They don't have any magical powers. They are not shit. Just like every other human.

>> No.16913057
File: 24 KB, 333x499, pondering cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sure seem to know a lot for someone who says that no one knows anything.

>> No.16913845


>> No.16913871

>all these idiots defending and praising a mediocre, unoriginal thinker just because she was a woman
When did this board turn into reddit?

>> No.16914327

Knowing you know nothing is one of the only things you can know. Did you not start with the greeks? Dafaq

>> No.16914340

Also, I wish I had my own place so I could get a car.

>> No.16914371

>Knowing you know nothing is one of the only things you can know.
This is a contradiction.

>> No.16914704
