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16899774 No.16899774 [Reply] [Original]

So, I'm genuinely curious of how much reading the Bible can affect my life. I doubt I'll start believing or something like that but I've always been meaning to read it as literature. But, since a lot of you guys recommend this to every guy struggling, is this really that helpful? I've been feeling like shit and I'm considering buying it for next year and read a little everyday

>> No.16899894

Depends. You seem shut off from the spiritual so focus on the allegorical. Dont just read it. Study it. Stop regularly and take notes. Ponder the meanings behind the stories and the reasons certain words were used. Theres tons of value in it if youre mature enough to take it seriously

>> No.16899907

If you haven’t already decided in advance that it’s going to help you it won’t do anything for you. You might even find it really boring and drop it immediately. So, no.

>> No.16899914

Depends on what you want to get out of it

>> No.16900159


>> No.16900167

Reading through it now. I just finished Leviticus, which can probably be skipped entirely. Probably start Numbers tomorrow.

>> No.16900173

Thank you so much!! I'll definitely do this, and I'm gonna try to leave all my judgements aside

>> No.16900193

How much are you reading everyday? Are you taking notes? Do you approach it as literature?

>> No.16900194

Don't get that version, get a real bible. Sample translations online to find the best one (I recommend RSV-2CE). Also, the book is not really the same as the religion, just read enough that you "get it" and start going to a nice church.

>> No.16900198

The "reading the Bible will save you" it's a Protestant meme, I doubt someone can instantaneously believe just by plainly reading the Bible. It can help you, of course, because it has immortal pearls of wisdom that can be useful to anybody. If you want to read it for its literary value, it is one of the greatest pieces of literature ever made. However, if your plan is to read it seeking some sort of "enlightenment", I would recommend you to look for a version with commentary.

>> No.16900205

I approach it as combination of literature and a historical document via metaphor. My goal is about 30 pages a day. Haven't really needed notes up to this point. Despite not ever reading the Bible I've known the vast majority of the stories via other media retellings. If I really wanted to, I guess I could take notes on family trees, but meh.

>> No.16900207

God on the cover is like they're eating the fruit even though I FUCKING told them not to.

>> No.16900215

>I want to understand what Christianity is all about
Read a catechism such as the CCC and the Synoptic Gospels
>I want to get the references other works of literature make to the bible
read the KJV, especially Psalms, Ecclesiastes, the Gospels, and Revelations
>I am interested in converting to Christianity
Before beginning get in contact with your local priests and attend Mass/Divine Liturgy a few times, ask about the things you have issues with in the Church, and see how Christians live. Read the whole Bible, but maybe start with the NT.

>> No.16900229

Not him, but what denomination would you recommend? Saying go to your local priest is like telling someone to buy an apple and leaving them in the produce section of the supermarket where there are 10 varieties of apples.

>> No.16900293

I read it over the course of a month while attending church. It was interesting. But ultimately, I found the history of the Catholic church to be very interesting and what Christianity and the Church have done for the world to be immense, but without any calling for me. I remain an apathetic agnostic.

Although I withheld from all sexual gratification for that month so the sex after that was especially righteous. Definitely not a waste of a month if for no other reason than this.

>> No.16900300

If you have experience with metaphysics and read it as such it's got more depth than almost any other metaphysics if not every. There's how to learn, how to act, what is existence etc. All the pieces to make a Christian math/x. Good secondary helps but I haven't deep-dove the Bible yet.

>> No.16900343


yes it can

>> No.16900511

Catholic or Orthodox

>> No.16900531

Greek Orthodox seems comfy. I'm easily swayed by architecture and the one near me is beautiful.

>> No.16900534

Not him, and not a particularly religious man, but I'll give my default recommendation which is to go check out any Catholic, Orthodox, or Anglican (Episcopal) church that's close to you, but if you want a smaller more locally-governed church then check out congregational churches

>> No.16900780

I always thought it was more like, “Hmm. Now who should I smite today...?”

>> No.16901131

That's not God, that's Geremia
>why is he on the cover for the bible
Idk ask the publisher

>> No.16901179

>maybe start with the NT.
This. I started to read with New Testament and now I'm reading Old Testament. And from my point of view Old Testament is really complicated.

I mean you have a lot of historically background information so I really recommended you to read IT with commentary or something, unless you have knowledge about that.

For sure I will have to reread in the future in order to understand the history of Israel better.

Wish you best and good luck

>> No.16901218

I've done quite a bit of thinking about The Tabernacle. I believe it has sociological significance and might be the most divine/perfect way to set up a principality or leadership amongst people.

>> No.16901219
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It's pretty kino, even if you're a proto-secular fag like yours truly. Big fan of the old testament discourses on wisdom, changed my perspective on life a whole lot. You may or may not end up taking the Jesus-pill at the end of it.

>> No.16901262

I think all Abrahamic religions completely miss the big picture, but the Bible is still an important text. Just because Christianity is nonsense doesn't mean the Bible isn't worth reading.

>> No.16901297

>Christianity is nonsense
Why do you think this? Surely a millions and thousand years strong tradition isn't just nonsense?

>> No.16901313

I'm thinking of buying Robert Alter's Hebrew Bible after Christmas. Is this a good choice?

>> No.16901318

>Surely a millions and thousand years strong tradition isn't just nonsense?

>> No.16901326

There's no idea in there that you likely haven't been exposed to already.
Anything can change your life if you become obsessed with it, just reading it likely isn't gonna change anything.

>> No.16901330

I don't have an argument against you, your bold assertion just piqued my interest. It seems like you'd need fairly good reason to think the entirety of a major religious system is pure bogus

>> No.16901349

Just because it's relatively old and has a lot of followers doesn't mean it's true.
The part of Christianity that isn't pure bogus is the belief in a divine truth that transcends all, that's about it. All the stuff it adds onto that, the prophets and symbols and revelations and laws, is mythology.

>> No.16901373

It's entertaining in an analytical sense but if anyone says that it changes you they are probably a very stupid person

>> No.16901396

I doubt anyone here actually goes to church. If you've been there, you'd know it's just a bunch of elderly people.

>> No.16902798
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Should I buy this one or the one that OP posted?

>> No.16902804

>I've always been meaning to read it
>I've been feeling like shit
Future Christian spotted.

>> No.16902806

It can change you, but not necessarily for the better

>> No.16903117

Leviticus is there so that you understand how certain things were done in Israel (up through Paul's time even) and so that you can understand that Jesus was the perfect sacrifice
Quite literally, you shouldn't skip stuff

>> No.16903142

People will recommend cath/orthodox because it's a meme
They don't care about beliefs. For them it is about ceremony and pomp (much like the pharasees), but then what do you expect from denominations that some say used to think commoners shouldn't be permissed to read the Bible
My advice is read the book. Yes, weird I know to say such a thing. Look up various sects, find out what they believe, see who agrees with you in your readings. Be sure to study closely and understand the context for each book. Especially important for the OT prophets

>> No.16903166

I started reading the New Testament (still on Matthew) and most of the parables seem ridiculously simplistic and the description of the miracles bore me and leave me unimpressed. I thought it would be written better and perhaps more complex and nuanced with its stories?
What am I doing wrong here?

>> No.16903167

pretty much how i got started

>> No.16903422

By reading it as fiction and not as a historical document as intended.

>> No.16904376

>ridiculously simplistic
Well, they were intended to be understood by common people. But if it the whole corpus of teachings were so easy to understand there wouldn't be thousands of denominations like it happens.

>> No.16904957

God can change your life, the Bible is just a tool or vehicle.

>> No.16904971

>follow people who follow what you agree with instead of what is the divinely ordained truth
don't listen to 20iq advice like this, you will have a temporary feeling of belonging and superiority followed by a lifetime (and possibly eternity) of depression and misery which will be entirely your own fault. There isn't necessarily just one way to live, of course, but indulging in your self and looking for your own interpretations and confirmation bias in those who agree with you is necessarily the wrong way to approach developing an understanding of any belief system.

>> No.16905005

It can most definitely change your life friend. When I was in a time of pride, and only cared about material things, the book of Ecclesiastes humbled me.

When I was in a time of despair, the book of Job taught me that God knows what is best, and loves me, and in the end, whether it takes years and years, or just a day, things will get better.

I'm an ex-Baptist, becoming a Catholic, and the words of the Holy Scripture have taught me well. May He bless you in all of your days friend, and may you find a ministry, with a good foundation with Christ, and experience the infinite, everlasting love, our Holy God has to offer.

>> No.16905582


>> No.16906517

what do you guys think about the NKJV as opposed to the original?

>> No.16907203

For the influence, it had and for its beautiful prose

>> No.16907910

iirc Richmond Lattimore decided to convert to Christianity while he was in the middle of doing his own translation of the New Testament from Greek. And he seemed like a smart guy.
So maybe

>> No.16908306
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OP, try the meditation exercise in my image before reading the KJV. You will enjoy your reading more if you are in the right place of mind.

As a primer for the KJV, the Bible has two Testaments the Old and the New. But, the Bible was originally published with the Apocrypha which were non-scriptural historical and literary texts that Christians found useful.

The Old Testament has four groups of texts. The first is the Pentateuch or the Giving of the Law of Moses: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy. The second is the history of Israel: Joshua thru Esther. The third are the books of wisdom Job thru Song of Solomon. The fourth is prophecy: The major prophets (including Lamentations) and the minor prophets.

The most important books in the Old Testament are the Pentateuch, Isaiah, and Daniel. The greatest literary treasure is the book of Job. Ecclesiastes was written for nihilists.

The New Testament opens with the fulfillment of the Law called the Gospels: Matthew, Madk, Luke, John. Then the history of the church: Acts. Then books of wisdom: all of the epistles before Revelations. Then the final book of Prophecy: Revelations.

The order I think you might enjoy reading the Bible is: The Pentateuch, the Gospel of John, then the epistles of John, ending in Revelations.

That's a good place to start.

After that, study what interests you.

>> No.16908368


Jesus Christ is real and He loves you.

Reasons why I can't wait for Him to return:


>> No.16908385

Sure, I just don't believe he was God.

>> No.16908389



>> No.16908410

I've read the Bible, it doesn't resonate with me at all, spiritually that is. I don't think the stories and laws it tells about are anything more than myths. The Christian conception of divinity just doesn't do anything for me, I can't manage to see it as anything else than narrow-minded.
>inb4 seek Christ
I had a phase during which I was genuinely interested in that faith, not anymore. To me, it is simply not true.

>> No.16908444


You have come to a false conclusion. It is true.

The question is, why do you believe what you believe to be true?

I think the answer is the authority that you trust.

Common ones are Scientists, Journalists, and Teachers. Very few people trust Politicians, for example.

But looking at all of these sources of authority, you must accept they are all human. Because they are human, they are liars, thieves, and scoundrels like the rest of us.

Ultimately, you must choose who you will take as your trusted authority. Man or God.

Before you give up on this thread, try the meditation exercise a few posts up.

I did, and I felt God strongly and continje to feel his love burning in my heart when I pray that prayer.

The KJV is a symphony. That prayer is a hearing test.
There is no point listening to music if you are deaf. But, it is the height of arrogance and ignorance to be deaf and deny the existence of music.

>> No.16908501

If you're intsrested in things which may change your mind about the truth of the bible, here are some:


>> No.16908537

>You have come to a false conclusion. It is true.
That's your opinion.
You're making a lot of assumptions. I think it's pointless to argue with you.

>> No.16908574

> that's your opinion.

No, it isn't. You are incorrect.

I spent ten years as an atheist because I didn't know of any evidence for God. When I found evidence for God I was forced to change me mind.

But, kindly fuck off. If you don't care about what's true and what isn't, I don't want to waste my time with you.

>> No.16908583

You dogmatic faggots are insufferable.
>If you don't care about what's true and what isn't
Precisely, I do, which is why I don't feel the need to convert to your laughably narrow-minded religion.
You fuck off, this is /lit/, not /theo/. Go preach elsewhere.

>> No.16908587

Bible changed my life personally although I went into it as a platonist already

I think the Jews really were chosen to fight evil and Christ really did awaken the divine essence in himself and try to save mankind. The book is imperfect because life is imperfect, but the message was still imprinted on the human soul and you can still see it if you read with an open mind.

>> No.16908597

After meditating for a long time, I came to the conclusion that the religion closest to the truth of existence was Buddhism

>> No.16908606
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>tfw I want to be Christian but scared of getting the wrong Bible version and going to hell

>> No.16908614

Hell only makes sense if it's self-inflicted, don't worry about it

>> No.16908630

I really didn't see much personal value in the Bible until studying pre modern Christianity. Coming into it with early Christian values (closest to modern day orthodox) in mind vs a vague idea of American protestant values helped give me background for more thoughtful interpretations. Having someone genuinely knowledgeable about Christianity to discuss the Bible with certainly helps too

>> No.16908635

>hey why don't you agree with me?
>"I just don't feel that your opinion is compelling"
>well you're wrong, fuck off, don't waste my time
christfags are amazing lmao

>> No.16908648
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Catholicism is the right one

>> No.16908659

Is there a specific Catholic Bible to get? Half the people here screech about KJV but other say that it's the worst, I feel so lost...

>> No.16908670

Orthodox Christians believe that hell is a relationship with God, so you should not mentally torture yourself while reading the Bible. But with that said, you should be thoughtful. Maybe try reading about basic Christian values beforehand so you have something to test your interpretations against. If you feel like one of your interpretations is really wrong, it probably is. Sometimes specific wording can obscure things, it is always helpful to check other translations online if you are having trouble with a passage. Also be careful about googling interpretations, there are a lot of really crazy (oftentimes literalist) ideas out there

>> No.16908696

Check which ones the Vatican approves of. Any of them is fine. I regret not getting a study bible as to better understand whats written

>> No.16908713

I'm going to order a Bible tonight, most likely. Thanks anons, I appreciate it.

>> No.16908733

Can I read the Bible as a heraclitist?

>> No.16908747

>But looking at all of these sources of authority, you must accept they are all human. Because they are human, they are liars, thieves, and scoundrels like the rest of us.
You do realize this applies to the writer of the Bible as well, right?

>> No.16908772

I would personally recommend the NRSV Bible which was recommended to me by an Orthodox Biblical scholar. He prefers other English translations for a few specific sections, but I do not remember exactly which ones. NRSV is good overall though. Good luck with your journey, starting the Bible is a big step

>> No.16908846

Anons, how can I have faith in the bible when YHWH was originally part of a pantheon of a hundred other gods in Canaanite religion? As soon as I start reading critically into the bible it feels like things start to fall apart (the flood myth being similar to Gilgamesh, two conflicting creation stories, the torah not written by Moses and instead Jews in exile). How can I trust in it and open my mind?

>> No.16908849

You're basically asking how to force yourself to accept something you know isn't true. Are you sure that's what you want?

>> No.16908913

I want to stop having crippling existential dread every single day of my life. Started at 10, now I'm 24. Can't talk to anybody or think for too long about my mortality or I break down. If this is what a godless life is like, I don't want it.

>> No.16908921

So your only two choices are to accept the god of the Bible, or to be a materialist atheist?

>> No.16908925

Same, I’m so tired of questioning the meaning of life, why were here, where we came from, etc. Reading A Confession by Tolstoy made me want to become religious so I could stop asking this stuff all the time, but it’s hard to actually believe

>> No.16908928

I'm genuinely asking this: can you give me another solution? A book, anything? What helps you cope with your death?

>> No.16908953

There are plenty of philosophies and traditions that deal with this subject. Why not start with Phaedo, if you're scared of mortality?
>What helps you cope with your death
I believe death is not the end. I've always believed this and never doubted it, and I've never felt the need to seek out any religious dogma to "confirm" this belief, in that sense I guess I'm lucky.

>> No.16908959

>questioning the meaning of life, why were here, where we came from
You will never know for sure. If it were to be revealed to you, it would be after your death.
As such, you have to rely on faith, but that doesn't imply you need to force yourself to believe in a dogma which does nothing for you. You won't relieve yourself of existential fear by desperately clinging to an ideology that does not fit you spiritually.

>> No.16908962
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The Bible is a magic Holy Book. Every word in it is true and magic.

>> No.16908971

With a starting stance like that, you'll give up before the Deuteronomy.

>> No.16908972


Hebrews 4:13, 16

Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do.
Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.

How about you meditate your way to God's throne room through Jesus Christ and tell him face to face, pussy.

>> No.16908974

>God's throne room
I came to the conclusion that there is no such thing. You're free to believe in it if it makes you feel better, though!

>> No.16908975

Can’t you just accept that life is trail and error, and that you’ll never have a perfect answer for everything?

>> No.16908977
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Guess you're going to burn in hell forever.

>> No.16908981


I met Jesus Christ in person. Have fun burning in hell forever.

>> No.16908983

lol mistranslated right from the start. People make so many excuses for this collection of middle eastern soap opera plots.

>> No.16908984

>Jesus loves you and died for you
>also you're going to be tortured for eternity if you don't think he was the incarnation of a canaanite deity
Pathetic. I won't be burning at all, because there's no guilt in my heart; no reason for me to subject myself to suffering. Hell does not exist.
You, however, are evil and misguided for wishing eternal suffering upon me. You'll be the one atoning for this.

>> No.16908991

>believe in me or you're gonna burn
Any religion that bases itself on fear is utter fucking garbage.

>> No.16908992

Yes, and I’m sure you’re the first one in history who claims that this meeting was for realsies this time

>> No.16908994

I’m not really even afraid of death desu. I just want to stop questioning things all the time. My life was so much simpler when I was religious, but 10+ years of questioning the meaning of life is really taking a toll on me. I know it’s a really immature thing to worry about but I can’t shake it

>> No.16908997

> Posts in a Bible thread
> how dare you believe it's not desert fairy tales

Come on.

>> No.16908999

I want to stop hurting as soon as possible. 14 years is too long. For a few of those years I tried tricking myself into becoming buddhist just for the reincarnation aspect, it's obviously not true. Every organized religion feels like it has problems that make me lack faith and personal religion just feels like a cope. I want to try becoming a Christian because it's the least sketchy one.

>> No.16909003

Have you looked into eastern philosophy? Midwits on here will tell you it's life-denying, but it's quite the opposite. If you're looking for meaning, it might help you let go.

>> No.16909004


Lol, ok retard.

>> No.16909010

>> how dare you believe it's not desert fairy tales
Who are you quoting?

>> No.16909015


First one to make the claim to "win" an internet argument.

I don't care if you believe me, and I know I don't "win" for saying it.

I am an eye witness to Jesus Christ. The Holy Bible is full of them. Keep your head in the sand.

>> No.16909019

>no argument
As expected from the eternal abrahamist brainlet. Enjoy deluding yourself for the sake of a false god. However, don't fear-monger and drag other people down with you into terror and submission.

>> No.16909024


Heaven is full, fuck off.

>> No.16909025
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>it's the least sketchy one.
Seriously though, you don't need to subscribe to a religion, what makes you think that?

>> No.16909030

You don't sound unhinged and incoherent at all
I think I'll convert now

>> No.16909031

>I want to try becoming a Christian because it's the least sketchy one.
It isn’t, trust me. Christianity, especially the modern hyper traditionalist version has a slew of problems, ranging from unrealistic life standards, to control of behavior and even your thoughts, right down into downright genocidal antisemitism.

Anyway, if you want my worldview, I’m an agnostic who follows mostly Karl Popper, and my ethics are just simple tit-for-tat. I think about death occasionally (mostly because I’ve been confronted with it many times in my life), but I have no illusion that I or anyone can understand it. I also don’t particularly care if people will call me a midwit for my views, because people are naturally argumentative and would call you a name anyway, so who cares.

>> No.16909034


Here is the argument. I saw Jesus Christ in person and talked with him. Other people did too. If many people have the same experience and witness miracles it's not a delusion. Therefore he's real.

Enjoy Hell.

>> No.16909038

I know you don't believe me and I don't care. I'm wasting time on 4chan.

I'm not trolling you. I met him. Cope harder.

>> No.16909041

>he thinks several people experiencing the same unverifiable delusions from wishful thinking constitutes proof of any kind
Low IQ post.
>Enjoy Hell
Why are you wishing eternal suffering and torment (not actually a thing, but whatever) onto your neighbor?

>> No.16909043

The idea of a lot of people believing the same thing makes me think it's more likely to be true, because it must be something that inherently clicks with people deep down. At least, that's what I hope is true.

>> No.16909045

You're free to believe you met Jesus, I'm not questioning your own experience.
However don't go around claiming your experience is objective truth, because that's retarded.

>> No.16909054

That doesn't seem like good reasoning. There are several other religions that are massively popular, but putting that aside, do you really think that an idea is more likely to be true the more people believe in it?
It's not Christianity that clicks with people, but spirituality.

>> No.16909058


I'm warning you of the consequences of your actions because I am reauired to.

Enjoy hell I've met the devil too. You really aren't going to like it down there. Can't say I didn't warn you.

>> No.16909064

And someone who performs dawah would warn you of yours. What does that tell you?

>> No.16909067


Eye witness testimony is good enough to pass death sentences. Enjoy hell. I know you don't believe in it. You will.

>> No.16909070

That's nice, but don't worry about me, I'll be fine.
You should read Eckhart, maybe it'll help you let go of that ridiculous fire and brimstone fear-mongering tactic that falls apart the instant you actually put any amount of rational thought into it.

>> No.16909072

It's pretty cope reasoning yeah. What do you do to cope with death?

>> No.16909077

You don't scare me, and neither does your nonexistent canaanite desert demon.
Jesus would probably be ashamed of how retarded and petty you are, by the way.

>> No.16909085


They're going to hell like you for not believing in Jesus Christ.

This conversation is funny. You're funny. I was you many years ago.

I love God's divine comedy.

Good night fools.

>> No.16909088

Absolute schizo lmao
Kill yourself

>> No.16909092


I have. His mindset will last ten or fifteen seconds before the excruciating pain of hell breaks him. Good thing he has an eternity of suffering to enjoy after that.

>> No.16909096

oooooo spooky
Shouldn't you be going to bed? Fuck off now, say hi to your faggot fear-mongering """god""" (formerly desert demon) for me

>> No.16909098


I'm not trying to scare you. I am required to speak the truth.

All who reject Jesus Christ decide

>> No.16909100

>They're going to hell like you for not believing in Jesus Christ.
And they will say the same thing about you for not believing in Muhammed
>muh I used to be just like you
That’s funny, I didn’t know you could read minds. I’m thinking of a number between 1 and 7 now, can you tell me which one?

>> No.16909104


To burn in hell. I know you don't believe. Your unbelief won't save you. You won't last ten seconds before the pain breaks you.

Jesus loves you. You did it to yourself.

>> No.16909108

>What do you do to cope with death?
I'm >>16908953, although I realize that doesn't help you.
However, if you've genuinely looked into various religions, and none of them have clicked so far, maybe it's time to admit that you're not going to find spiritual fulfillment through established traditions.
There's several books I found interesting regarding life and death, including Phaedo, the Book of the Dead and the Soul After Death, but I wasn't in the same position as you are (existential fear) so I don't know if you'll find them helpful assuming you haven't read them.

>> No.16909116

>You did it to yourself.
Indeed, because hell is a self-inflicted illusion, and shatters once you recognize it as such.

>> No.16909123

>believe in me or you'll burn forever and ever even if you're an otherwise good person
Explain to me how such an entity could ever be considered good, loving or forgiving.
Your semitic desert cult makes no sense, wake the fuck up

>> No.16909146


Easy. God is by definition a loving, perfect creator. However, he will not violate your free will.

You want to party in heaven with the angels? You choose Jesus Christ.

You want to burn in hell forever? You reject Jesus Christ. Not making a choice is an auto rejection. Not knowing about him or Christianity? That's an extra spicy rejection.

You did it to yourself, bub.

>> No.16909153

> Your semitic desert cult makes no sense, wake the fuck up

Neither do women, a d yet they exist.

I could list many things you don't understand that also exist. Your comprehension is not a requirement for existence dumby.

>> No.16909155

Why would a loving perfect creator create hell, and intentionally create a creature whom he knows, being omniscient, that they'll choose hell?
Sounds like he's a sadistic faggot actually, and not at all perfect, nor loving.
>Not knowing about him or Christianity? That's an extra spicy rejection.
Oh wait you're just baiting. I fell for it, you had me going there, nice job.

>> No.16909174

> Why would a loving perfect creator create hell, and intentionally create a creature whom he knows, being omniscient, that they'll choose hell?

He's playing the long game, being omniscient and all. If you'd bother to read the Bible, you'd know more about him.

Instead, you've invented a strawman of an infinite and incomprehensible being in your head that you mock and reject. You cannot know God outside of what he has revealed in his magic holy book.

Keep thinking you're better than God. I'm sure that'll work out well for you.

>> No.16909185

>He's playing the long game,
Holy cope
>bro it's all part of the plan man, you're gonna suffer forever for no reason but it's actually god's 16D chess as an absolutely benevolent and merciful being
You are fucking pathetic
>you're better than God
I'm not better than God, but I am better than your tantrum-throwing sadistic faggot of a "god"
Now shoo schizo, I'm tired of indulging your incoherent delusions

>> No.16909207


I've never been diagnosed with Schizophrenia, and outside of religious experiences I have never had any symptoms of Schizophrenia.

But wouldn't it be peculiar if I had it?

You see, I was an Atheist looking for truth from anyone who had something interesting to say. And one day I found a shizo who erefused to takr his medications who saw patterns everywhere. I stuck around to mock him becausr his patterns didn't exist and he was crazy. Until one day he showed me a pattern... and I haven't been able to unsee it. Everywhere I go and everything ai do I see the hand of God moving i this life. I've followed that hand and it led me to meet Jesus Christ in person.

If I am a scbizo, then Schizophrenia is a contractable mental disorder. Stick around and you might catch it too.

Or not, fuck off faggot.

>> No.16909208

Didn't read
Shoo schizo

>> No.16909222

>Until one day he showed me a pattern... and I haven't been able to unsee it.
What was it?

>> No.16909232

>I was an Atheist looking for truth
And there’s your problem, right there. We’ve known for centuries now that the very notion of ‘truth’ is far more complex than we think it is, even if we define it as absolute and infinite

>> No.16909233

>the very notion of ‘truth’ is far more complex than we think it is, even if we define it as absolute and infinite
Not him, could you elaborate?

>> No.16909249

>meister eckhart
This is edgy even by 4chan standards

>> No.16909258

>meister eckhart is in hell*

>> No.16909382

Sure, infinity has been proven to be far more elusive than we instinctively think it is, ever since the work of Georg Cantor. For instance, his diagonal argument showed that there isn’t just one infinity, but that there’s a whole range of infinities, which demonstrably differ in size, making the very concept of infinity a paradox. The same is true about a flawless, unchanged absolute, which, under the influence of time, fluctuates, and changes almost constantly, sometimes for the better, but most of the time for the worst. Absolute certainty, such as the one provided by math or logic, is also fairly dubious, relying heavily on which logic you use, which means that 1 + 1 will certainly not always equal 2

>> No.16909414

Does this imply that there is no such thing as an unchanging absolute and that process philosophy is right? What does that imply for religions?

>> No.16909421

God was ruling from the Tabernacle. He doesn't do that anymore so it wouldn't work. Christian monarchy is how he wants us to structure our nations now.

>> No.16909424

Yeah, perhaps if you only read the New testament. The old testament is typical vile Jewish bullshit.

>> No.16909426

Didn't Jesus say he came not to abolish the law of the prophets or whatever?

>> No.16909428

It's just the KJV. The notes and commentaries in that version are cancer though so don't read those. But the Bible itself in it is fine. The RSV2CE is very dry. I've read the entire thing. I'm reading the KJV now.

>> No.16909434

why are christshits so fucking beta and whiny?

>> No.16909442

What seems to be the matter? You seem to be upset.

>> No.16909458

I'm not the one going on about "typical vile jewish bullshit though"

>> No.16909467

Neither am I, that anon is retarded. But you seem to be an angry Jew, it's okay though, I'll let you vent your autism anonymously.

>> No.16909480

if struggling, start reading the book of psalms out loud everyday with intent is my best advice for anyone. the church has split them up in sections (kathismas) to recite during the week, so that you will have recited the entire psalter in a week.

recommended, cured my depression (no joke)

>> No.16909483

don't really need your permission goy but ok

>> No.16909547

I don't know. I have never read the bible.

I don't know. I'm not a Christian but the old testament is riddle with lies and Jewish cope because they never managed to achieve a superior culture compared to Egyptians or Babylonians. It's like reading Eliot Rodger's incel manifesto. OP should avoid reading it if he wants to become a noble and strong person.

>> No.16909660

>t. retard that thinks the OT is flattering for jews

>> No.16909691

Ofc it's flattering. The Jews wrote it. Why would they write something that doesn't flatter their "culture"?

>> No.16909751

So you've never read the Bible and yet think it's complimentary?
A majority of the history of Israel in the Old Testament is cyclical:
>Israel is at peace
>they disobey/turn to idolatory/sin in some way
>they cry out to God to deliver them
>God delivers them from oppression
>Israel is at peace
If anything, the cyclical narrative shows the folly of the nation. Perhaps you should read it before commenting.

>> No.16909780

>It's written by Jews
>Therefore it cannot be critical about Jews
Sound logic.

>> No.16910009

OT Narrative in a nutshell:
>The israelites are horrible sinners and they get what they’ve got coming for them
>One righteous person says ‘Good God, please have mercy upon my people according to YOUR greatness‘
>God shows mercy toward the bad israelites and deliver them
>israelites give no fucks for God’s mercy and start sinning again
>the story repeats

>/pol/tard who never read the bible: “OT IS FLATTERING TOWARDS THE JUICE DUURH”

>> No.16910340

>believe me or else you're gonna suffer in samsara forever

>> No.16910371

>n-no you can't just read it with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. You need the parish priesterino
Quiet zoomer. Go back to larping as a crusader

>> No.16910376

Reminder to thread-preachers and condemners of non-believers, Christ would call you hypocrites.
Reread the Sermon on the Mount.
Be humble, and aim to serve your fellow men in their spiritual journeys rather than act the vain hubristic braggart.
Reminder that the most righteous man in the OT is Job, a God-fearing gentile.

>> No.16910824

So basically the holy spirit literally tells different people different interpretations of the Bible resulting in different beliefs?

Depart from us with your demonic doctrines.

>> No.16911068

The bible written or spoken outside of its native language is heresy.
You would not wish to have everything you wrote translated by your enemies would you.
This has happend since the words were put to paper and everyone wants a new translation.
Then you need to know about the time and culture of the people who put to paper wisdom as in the best possible way they could have for that time.
Its such and undertaking that it would take a life time of study just so you had the ability to understand what was being said much less anything else.
Stil even threw heresy, corruption and savage translations some wisdom can manage to find its way to truth.
So its this truth that matters most if you have the talent to discover it.
Then, yes wisdom will always change your life.
As you can see farther by standing on the shoulders of giants.
If it helps, all wisdom is credited to God as God is the source of not only wisdom but thought and truth.

>> No.16911118

You're correct, but I don't think it's our duty to guide anyone. We can't help those who don't want or are aware they need help, nor would I trust some anon on the internet with this help or guidance.

>> No.16911140

That much of the promises of religion can never be delivered, no matter what you do

>> No.16911144

It is literally, and I mean literally, God’s word.

Watch this video first:

The find a King James Version of the Bible and read it. Start with the New Testament and then read the Old Testament.

If you want to get straight to the sections that pertain with happiness and life advice, Read Psalms, Proverbs and Ecclesiastes, and also the Epistles of Paul (Romans - Jude).

So much that you can know about life can only be learned by direct revelation from God or from going down that course in life yourself. You’ve got people who have lived a life of excess and as a result became jaded to the world (King Solomon), the book called “Ecclesiastes” deals a lot with general ennui that comes from the style of life that was only possible to live as a king back then.

>> No.16911161

Fret not friend, read the King James Version of the Bible.

>> No.16911162

It's inspired by God, it's not literally God's word. God's word is the Son.

>> No.16911172

Orthodox Study Bible is a must, forget the Protestant fetish for the KJV.

>> No.16911175

Did he have long hair?

>> No.16911191

You missed the part where Jesus died and rose again for you so you don’t have to go to hell

>> No.16911242

So because Jesus is the Word the Bible isn’t? That is illogical.

Matthew 22:29 KJV
[29] Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God.

So to you the Bible is not God’s word yet Jesus himself says it is the power of God. The Bible is literally God’s word, quit being a fool.

Also when the Bible quotes itself it calls itself “The Word of God”

Mark 7:10-13 KJV
[10] For Moses said, Honour thy father and thy mother; and, Whoso curseth father or mother, let him die the death: [11] But ye say, If a man shall say to his father or mother, It is Corban, that is to say, a gift, by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me; he shall be free. [12] And ye suffer him no more to do ought for his father or his mother; [13] Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye.

Honestly I’ve seen a lot of foolish arguments in my time, but saying the Bible is not the word of God because Jesus is the Word is perhaps among the most ridiculous.

>> No.16911357
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