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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 335 KB, 1304x1600, Edgar-Allan-Poe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16906071 No.16906071 [Reply] [Original]

How does his work compare with Lovecraft?

I've heard people here unironically call his work "comfy."

>> No.16906080
File: 253 KB, 1024x1374, 1024px-Charles_Marville,_Urinoir_à_1_stalle_fonte_et_maçonnerie,_Faubourg_Saint-Martin,_ca._1865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Far superior. Lovecraft is a joke that only /lit/ takes seriously. Poe is a world-renown author, highly influential and innovative.

>> No.16906081

Much more challenging than lovecraft

>> No.16906795

Why did Bloom dislike him bros?

>> No.16906809

Poe is boring.
Lovecraft is actually spooky

>> No.16907026

Poe's writing, on the whole, is more eloquent and realized as narratives, but often suffers on the side of arriving at the destination without clutter (much of this may simply be attributed as an artifact of the times he was publishing in).

Lovecraft has some incredible ideas, worldbuilding, and descriptions, but he often falters in depictions of realistic characters and carrying his stories as something more than a lithograph of horror.

I would personally consider Poe's work to be comfy, and Lovecraft's work to be interesting; if the comparison is to be made.

Above both of them, however, I must place Clark Ashton Smith, who embodies every quality of influence from both of them and surpasses it.

Then, of course, there's Robert E. Howard. Howard's great too, and he's just a boatload of fun.

>> No.16907045

If you have an internal voice remember to give it a US Baltimore accent rather than the default nondistinct british. Makes things much comfier.

>> No.16907057


>> No.16907326

his work is comfy if you find decrepit manor houses and the overpopulated streets of london comfy. far better than lovecraft. lovecraft was a horrible prose stylist and had no sense of subtlety.

i cannot even begin to imagine how smooth your brain must be to have such shit opinions.

this anon is absolutely correct. CAS is without peer.

>> No.16907359

>and the overpopulated streets of london

>> No.16907536
File: 7 KB, 443x474, 8F4820B1-D3E7-4A09-9EC7-14266F8DE0B7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cannot even begin to imagine how basedbrained you are.

>> No.16907547

there is nothing Lovecraft has written that comes any close at all to:
the cask of amontillado
the tell tale heart
the black cat

>> No.16907653

Who cares about what the world thinks

>> No.16907775

t. deletes his porn history so his mom doesn't see it.
Post your cock, who cares, right? Let's see your 3 inches of pale-brown turtler.

>> No.16907777


Bros... I wish I could have saved him

>> No.16907786
File: 38 KB, 472x472, 41253f44baf3e1a57b709a7d90d64b19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the quads

>> No.16907818

fuck, that was good

>> No.16907931
File: 118 KB, 890x852, 1588595275537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dread and suspense vs cosmic terror and destruction of the mind. Poe is a hammer, while Lovecraft is a knife.
Poe will trap you in a hopeless scenario and excruciatingly play it out to the bitter end. He's been called the "Master of Suspense." Think of it this way: Poe's protagonist is a mouse running a maze to escape a cat, but the only thing waiting beyond the exit is a mouse trap. While the cat could be anywhere in the maze (or chasing right behind), the trap is known plainly from the start and guarantees the outcome. In this way, Poe puts the reader on the edge of their seat from start to finish.
On the other hand, Lovecraft understood how to break the human mind by using our own rationality against us. Although, you have to be a bit more invested for his horror to work. The implications of events are the focus rather than characters' emotional responses, which is why Lovecraft focused so carefully on worldbuilding. Rationality, sanity and serenity become contradictory in a world of hostile unknowns permanently beyond our compression. Lovecraft's work demonstrates the horrifying effect of increasing exposure to the forbidden. In this world, to suffer a fate worse than death becomes a certainty.

>> No.16907985

>Elephant picture
Death is an Elephant by Robert Bloch is based.

>> No.16908255

You okay?

>> No.16908862


He never said he disliked him. He called him an 'abominable' writer and the stuff of nightmare. I'm not certain he was wrong. Poe is impenetrable, be that through praise or criticism. He's overwrought and unyielding. He's also perfectionately precise and apathetic. You can take him or leave him, but that doesn't change who he is -- a black, irregular rhythm echoing through the corridors; an indefatigable reassertion that life is a quick dream; an inimitable and repeatable prose that never impresses and never disappoints. He's an intractable enigma whose premises border on proper insanity and insanity of realism. I wouldn't wish Poe on anyone.

>> No.16909264

This was a bit much anon. He writes spooky stories. Also I like his novel the best I thought it was fun. I love anything about discovering lost worlds though.

>> No.16909913

I can't stand Poe's poetry nor find his short stories engaging whatsoever, yet I'm inclined to agree. The obsession with Lovecraft is proof that /lit/ is far away from being a serious literature board.

>> No.16909918

Why do horror fans who haven't lived tough lives think this is scary?

>> No.16910247

based schizo poster

>> No.16910256

>I've heard people here unironically call his work "comfy."
He is comfy, the level of precision in his prose which which he creates the atmosphere can only be compared with a handful of writers like Flaubert.