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16906841 No.16906841[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What distinguishes schizos from philosophers?

>> No.16906852

Profound intelligence

>> No.16906855

philosophers have autism

>> No.16906859

Philosophers can into logic, so they can sort out and articulate their schizo visions coherently. Mere schizos can't do that.

>> No.16906867

Constantly throughout the day and day after day for days on end repetitive phrases get stuck in my consciousness like "poop comes out my butt how to put it back" demanding to be turned into speech and shared with others day after day I veto the proposal on grounds that no permutation of this phrase would be fit for sharing and I would get in trouble or be mocked for my ideas

>> No.16906876


Ergo if popular you're not autistic, just a philosopher. Also if everyone that reads you is delusional you're not wrong.

>> No.16906879

Schizos are curious and perceptive but have a barely functioning cognition and on top of that a mind where every faculty races or staggers horribly out of pace with the others.

All that above a deep seated escapist attitude.

>> No.16906893

Schizophrenics are the theologians

>> No.16906894
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>> No.16906899


>> No.16906922

we are all schizo

>> No.16906931

Their delusions are constrained to a small, mostly abstract and therefore unimpactful, section of their beliefs. Schizos are delusional about anything and/or everything.

>> No.16906949
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I really, really, really like this image. May I save it, good sir?

>> No.16907037


>> No.16907090

woah.. I mean woah that smell of the bugman brain.. phew jesus.. can we make a captcha for /lit/ that prevents all /scitards/ to go in after inevitably failing the test of coming up with prescriptive conclusion, from descriptive premises?? yuck schmuck duck cuck.. need to shower my brain with Hume, linguistics, modal logic, etc, after every little encounter I have with one

>> No.16907094

all philosophers are schizos to some extent desu

>> No.16907102

Yeah you seem stable and not deluded

>> No.16907230


>> No.16907265

I hate all the romanticism about schizophrenia. This is hell and I can barely function.

>> No.16907317

It’s being able to carefully read the texts of other philosophers and make intelligible comments on those texts.

Schizos either don’t read or get repetitively fixated on one source.

>> No.16907330

I thought they were a revolutionary tendency

>> No.16907387

Riding by a bus-stop one morning I noticed an agitated man confronting the billboard which had a big picture of a squirrel on it. He said as I approached, “The devil? The DEVIL!?” I had just enough time to try and assure him that it was just a squirrel. I hope he calmed down. America is a freak-show for not taking care of these people

:( wish I could help

>> No.16907396

Sounds like OCD to me.

>> No.16907410

>constantly pace around my house talking out loud, imagine giving a speech to a classroom or a crowd
>imagine having arguments where i create an opponent with counter arguments that I have to refute
>constantly repeating the same phrases in my head
>sometimes have voices that either praise me or criticize me for being narcissistic or stupid or a pseud
>can’t focus on one thing at a time to save my life
where am I headed anons

>> No.16907421

Nietzsche, who you presumably idolize, had high schizotypy. Stop the hypocrisy.

>> No.16907453

Schizophrenics hold on to their beliefs despite evidence to the contrary

>> No.16907464

Do you think any synchronicity is a conspiracy against you? Is one of your first instincts when something goes missing to assume someone or some group broke into your dwelling and stole it? Have you ever kicked out a window jumped out into your yard while brandishing a machete yelling "STOP IT! GET OUT OF HERE OR ILL FUCKING KILL YOU!" after hearing pebbles being thrown intermittently against windows in any room you go to no matter where you are for months?

>> No.16907474

a publisher

>> No.16907515

Philosophers have a point

>> No.16907518

1. Not an idol of mine, no.
2. How was he schizotypal?

>> No.16907651

ability to engage with academic philosophy and the philosophical canon

>> No.16907657


>> No.16907737

this. also schizos will sometimes read a variety of authors but they're always literal whos
compare someone who cites the likes of guenon, taleb, land, and moldbug with someone who cites macintyre, sloterdijk, huntington, and hegel

>> No.16908507


>> No.16908519

One are redpilled truthfinders the other work in universities.

>> No.16908526

But it is a symbol of reality and therefore it must be correctly interpreted. Not to mention you have immensely made me profit by what you said due to it being a funny.

>> No.16908547


Speak for yourself, to yourself. Schizo.

>> No.16908569

Schizos are too lost in obscure definitions that they may understand but others don't. This can somewhat happen to philosophers. But a worst fault of some philosophers is how utterly boring they are. I can't read kant just because of how fucking boring he is. Not everything is for everyone.

>> No.16908578

controlling your thoughts vs your thoughts controlling you

>> No.16908603

Good ideas.

>> No.16908633

That's a slippery slope anon.. Philosophers can be equally as reticent and solipsistic, and dare I say - dense. Of course, two different causes and to varying degrees, but the resulting stubbornness in holding on to these mutual, tightly-bound figments swirling around in the imagination is a shared phenomenon.

The fascination with schizophrenia blossoms from the 'out of the box' mentality involved in creativity. A common attribute of philosophers, writers, thinkers, and so on. However, all lines followed are not the same, and the schizophrenic's pathway would be tantamount to a scribbled and dotted line where no clear connection is discernible. A probability wave that goes nowhere and ends nowhere; simple lunges into the dark empty spaces of the world. An innate disassociation with what is real and what never was. A philosopher turns around and argues about the stones that were traveled over, demanding that the heel connected and slid to the toes in precisely this-or-that manner until the last sliver of light ducks under the horizon. Then, after going inside and warming his or her hands over the bubbling fireplace, sparks up another sparring match sputtering this's-and-that's about how the touchstone at the beginning of the trail changed in congruence with the light that was shed on it.

Both are misunderstood, or perhaps understood, but for different reasons.

>> No.16908638

what are your symptoms?

>> No.16908646

The most powerful are autistic schizos, case in point: Isaac Newton.

>> No.16908766

>trusting evidence
Baby’s first philosophy: On Empiricism

Let me know how that goes, faggot