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/lit/ - Literature

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16904042 No.16904042 [Reply] [Original]

Are there good books which explain or elaborate on the different dialogues of Plato? I remember seeing some by Leo Strauss. Any recs?

>> No.16904049

>That girl
Literally me.

>> No.16904086

she's hot

>> No.16904092

I'd sniff her armpits after a long day of work

>> No.16904099

Complete works of Lloyd P. Gerson's (pbuh)

>> No.16904136

thanks. any others?

>> No.16904163


Can you imagine solving crimes with her on her archeological trip to Cairo? I mean, that could totally happen, right? Like, some stupid superstitious muslims get killed near a newly-uncovered tomb, and now they are refusing to dig any further and it might force her to cancel the dig early and come back empty-handed, and that would be so hard on the reputation she's work strenuously to maintain, being a pretty young girl in a man's domain. So it's up to you to gather all the clues, make the right inferences, be gentlemanly, and then gather all the cast in a single room for a big reveal of who is actually the murderer. Like, how could she not let me kiss her feet after that.

>> No.16904184

Taylor Lashae, you pathetic SIMPs.

>> No.16904192
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here u go man. i think u need this.

>> No.16904217
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I thank you all a thousand times.

>> No.16904230

God, Taylor Lashae is such a babe

>> No.16904382
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Thank you, but I already have a folder.

>> No.16905085

Great story idea thanks

>> No.16905093

I want her to hold me and tell me it will all be alright :)

>> No.16905362


>> No.16905374


>> No.16905414
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Damn /lit/ is thirsty.

>> No.16905438
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>> No.16905514
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>> No.16905782

What is she reading? The cover seems interesting

>> No.16905843


>> No.16905853

Will you marry me?

>> No.16905961
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Can't tell by the cover or spine, désolé!

>> No.16906148
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>> No.16906171

maybe check for articles on google scholar

>> No.16906208
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Damn, I feel called out.
How to unsimp yourself if you want to try out different types of girls but don't have the opportunity to do so. You either end up bitter or simping for art hoes on /lit/

>> No.16906231
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>You either end up bitter

Well, I for one refuse to be bitter.

>> No.16906256
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Making use of the disjunctive syllogism, I'll thus call you a simp.

>> No.16906446
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Wouldn't be much of a frog otherwise.

>> No.16906555

Sorry, it's wrong for two men to marry, even if one of them is a girl (male).

>> No.16906561

Her death was the most painful in all the nu wars films

>> No.16906594

Lloyd Gerson (Ancient Epistemology, Aristotle and Other Platonists, From Plato to Platonism)
John M Dillon

>> No.16906630

Hey anon, currently going through secondary lit for Plato myself rn. Most of these are available on library genesis:

Grube, G. 1980. Plato's Thought. Hackett
Kenny, A. 2007. Ancient Philosophy. OUP
Kraut, R (ed.). 1992. The Cambridge Companion to Plato. CUP
Mason, A. 2010. Plato. Acumen
Meinwald, C. 2016. Plato. London: Routledge

>> No.16906664
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>> No.16906687

Hey, Anon, hate the game, not the player.

>> No.16906696

Trips or no, then, that girl is not literally you.

>> No.16906707
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>> No.16906760

She's literally me in all the ways that matter.

>> No.16906769

Oh okay just a heads up you will never be a woman in all the ways that matter

>> No.16906836
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I highly doubt there are two creatures this perfect on earth. God doesn't love us that much.

>> No.16906846

Have sex, incel.

I can make you believe that I'm her.

>> No.16906878
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Please work on your humility.

>> No.16906882
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>> No.16906911


Much appreciated.

>> No.16906916

How much Walter Pater have you read?

>> No.16907064
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Stick to authors who don't dismiss anything in Plato and see his work as a unified whole. Here's my recommendation:

>Blondell (who has previously written under the name Mary Whitlock Blundell) has produced a fine study of Plato’s use of characterization, one that must be reckoned with — and will be read with pleasure — by all serious students of the dialogues. The central thought behind her book is that the divide between “literary” and “philosophical” readings of Plato’s works is artificial and unhelpful because a proper understanding of his philosophical concerns and his methods for expressing them require the integration of both approaches.


>> No.16907601

Marius and the Renaissance
Just DLed a Delphi collection on him. I’ve so many books to read, but I think I need to revisit some of his work again

>> No.16907708

In at least one big way that matters, you are not her.

>> No.16907809


>> No.16907939
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>> No.16908271

Some of Strauss's students (and their own students) have excellent commentaries, essays, and articles on Plato worth digging into, such as Seth Benardete, Stanley Rosen, Ronna Burger, Michael Davis, Alex Priou, Leon Craig, Robert Bartlett, and Christopher Bruell, among others.

Strauss's friend, Jacob Klein, wrote an interesting book on the Meno that still inspires dramatic readings of the dialogue, and his sorta-pupil Eva Brann has a nice collection of essays just on Plato.

Other dramatic readers like Ferrari, Griswold, Howland, Miller, and Plochman all have very thorough and interesting commentaries on a slew of dialogues.

Heidegger's lecture course on the Sophist and his readings of Theaetetus and the cave passage in the Republic, while unusual, are with grappling with, as are the hermeneutic readings of his student Gadamer. John Sallis, who operates a bit in their vein, has a collection, Being and Logos, worth looking at.

Some earlier scholars of Plato, like Friedlander and Jowett and Schliermacher, are all worth the read, even when you find yourself disagreeing with them.

Averroes' commentary on the Republic is pretty cool, and Al-Farabi's commentary on the Laws and summary of the Philosophy of Plato are fascinating.

>> No.16908279

Oh, and Debra Nails's Prosopography book, that shit's glorious as an autistic account of every historic personage that appears in the dialogues.

>> No.16908287

Political Platonism by Dugin is worth your time.

>> No.16908369

Just came to say this woman is perfection.

>> No.16908405

I agree

>> No.16908460

What's this aesthetic

>> No.16908827

Yes this woman is great, but she's no match for the girl at my work. It's incredible how an obsession with a girl has sparked so much creativity and inspiration. If only I can have the guts to leave my girlfriend.

>> No.16908833

Have sex.

>> No.16908845 [DELETED] 

>waaaaah he complimented a womaaaan
Have sex

>> No.16908848
File: 15 KB, 220x246, ficino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Proclus - Commentary on Timaeus
>Proclus - Theology of Plato
>Marsilio Ficino - Platonic Theology
Marsilio Ficino also has tons of commentaries spanning just about every dialogue, even if its just a two page essay.
Arthur Farndell has published collections of these commentaries
>Gardens of Philosophy (misc)
>When Philosophers Rule (Republic, Laws Epinomis)
>All Things Natural (Timaeus)
>Evermore and Shall Be So (Parmenides)
>On the Nature of Love (Symposium -- his most famous commentary)
Simplicicus also has a bunch of commentaries from memory
I'd highly recommend also reading Plotinus's Enneads if you're up for it but Ficino and Proclus are my goto guys

>> No.16908857


>> No.16908872


>> No.16908875


>> No.16908878

teach me mommy

>> No.16908883


>> No.16908889
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>> No.16908932


>> No.16908948

Have sex, creepy virgin loser.

>> No.16909907
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"Texas girl does French 60s upper bourgeoisie aesthetics"

>> No.16909962

Rent free.

>> No.16910072
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>> No.16910214

thanks anons

noted. thanks. how the hell do you know all this?

>> No.16910250

I respect your Christian values.

>> No.16910274

>noted. thanks. how the hell do you know all this?
Got really into Plato and Heidegger in college and downloaded a shitton of secondary lit from Scribd and bookzz to read for fun. Huge miss to hit ratio with Plato scholarship, unfortunately.

>> No.16911385

Let me guess, she's a tribe member?

>> No.16911413

Sounds more niggerish tbqh